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山东发现侏罗纪恐龙足迹化石   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
山东是中国著名恐龙之乡,产有许多恐龙骨骼化石,如白垩纪著名的青岛龙和山东龙等.相比之下,恐龙足迹化石发现稀少,公开报道的仅有白垩纪的两个产地[1,2].2002年,笔者在野外地质调查时,在蒙阴县常路西南(图1)三台组发现了恐龙足迹化石,这是山东省境内侏罗纪恐龙足迹化石的首次发现.  相似文献   

The position of the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary is established for the first time in Charente-Maritime, northwestern Aquitaine (France), on the basis of ammonite occurrences and the δ13C isotope curve, corresponding to Oceanic Anoxic Event 2, that straddles the boundary. The earliest Turonian ammonites recognised are a monospecific occurrence of the early early Turonian pseudotissotiine Bageites bakui Zaborski, 1998, previously known only from northern Nigeria. Newly collected material and well-preserved specimens from existing collections supplement previous records, and include species of Placenticeras, Morrowites, Kamerunoceras, Romaniceras (Romaniceras), Spathites (Jeanrogericeras), Mammites, Fagesia, Neoptychites, Choffaticeras (Leoniceras), Collignoniceras and Lecointriceras. These confirm the presence of the upper lower Turonian nodosoides Zone and the lower middle Turonian turoniense and kallesi zones/subzones of authors.  相似文献   

层硅铈钛矿是一种罕见又多变的矿物,因而至今未见详细报导。笔者在赛马碱性岩体的铀、钍、铌、稀土巨型综合矿床中获得了各种成因的新鲜矿样,作了系统的研究,指出该矿物为单斜晶系、具类似2M型白云母结构的层状钛硅酸盐。  相似文献   

Members of the ammonite family Stephanoceratidae from the Middle Jurassic, Lower Bajocian, Laeviuscula to Humphriesianum zones of South West England are revised. These comprise faunas resulting from periodic migrations and possibly hybridization. The taxonomic positions of Teloceras Mascke, 1907, Kumatostephanus Buckman, 1922, Gibbistephanus Buckman, 1928 and Pseudoteloceras Pavia and Fernández-López, 2016 are considered in the light of new research. A new subfamily Kumatostephaninae is erected and hypotheses are presented regarding the evolution of some Early Bajocian stephanoceratids. Pseudoteloceras digbyi sp. nov. represents the earliest ‘Teloceras-like’ morphology from the late Sauzei Zone. Refinement is made of the scheme of faunal horizons for the Lower Bajocian.  相似文献   

环境矿物学:矿物学在环境科学研究中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
矿物学在环境科学中的应用将是21世纪矿物学研究的一个主要方面。 作者所在实验室曾做过的一些环境矿物学研究的实例有:核废料的处置,矿物表面性质的研究,对有毒金属的还原和固定作用的微生物效应,大气烟尘微粒的研究,矿物表面阳离子的本征吸附常数之理论计算,等等。矿物-水-微生物体系在分子级别上之相互作用的定量研究,对于理解低温地球化学和生物地球化学过程将是重要的。  相似文献   

月海玄武岩的矿物组成反映了岩浆源区的化学成分以及岩石形成时的物理和化学环境,对月球热演化研究以及月球资源的开发利用都具有重要意义。本文选择延展范围长的冷海为研究区,基于月球矿物成像光谱仪(Moon Mineralogy Mapper,简称M3)数据研究其矿物的空间变化特征。综合利用光谱、地形、元素等多源遥感数据将冷海划分为25个地质单元。提取169条新鲜坑光谱曲线,获取吸收中心波长、波段面积比等光谱参数。通过光谱吸收特征分析,获得冷海玄武岩铁镁质矿物变化特征。东部冷海地层较老,铁镁质矿物主要为单斜辉石,辉石钙含量较月球样品单斜辉石钙偏低,与澄海以及雨海老的地层矿物组成类似。西部冷海和露湾的地质单元较为年轻,富含橄榄石。风暴洋和雨海年轻玄武岩的矿物也富含橄榄石。这种富含橄榄石、大面积分布的玄武岩反映了月球晚期热演化的独特性。尽管地理上冷海为一个独立的月海,其东西部玄武岩矿物组成的差异以及与其同位置周围月海矿物组成的类似性反映了冷海玄武岩源区与周围月海具有联系。  相似文献   

田黄宝石的矿物学研究   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
我国名贵的田黄宝石,经X-射线衍射分析、红外光谱分析、差热分析及电子显微镜等研究,证实为一种罕见的珍珠石。田黄按宝石状态划分为三种:1.田黄冻,矿物成分主要为珍珠石,有时可见到一点伊利石。2.田黄石,是珍珠石与地开石成不同比例的混合物。3.银裹金,是纯白色半透明的地开石包裹着金黄色的冻状珍珠石。 这种宝石极为罕见难得,仅在我国寿山的坂田砾石层中偶然发现。文中探讨了寻找原生田黄的标志。  相似文献   

Perylene occurs in sediments throughout the world, especially lake sediments. It has been proposed to originate from 4,9-dihydroxyperylene-3,10-quinone contained in the sclerotium of Cenococcum geophilum, a rhizobium present in the catchment areas of the lakes. Although fresh sclerotia consist mainly of Al2O3, fossilized sclerotia in sediments from Lake Biwa, Japan, contain remarkable amounts of perylene and retain their structure without Al. We focussed on the silicon that maintains the structure of the sclerotia and have identified its origin. Microscopic observation and elemental analysis showed that the segment is mostly clear and contains 2 atom% Si, together with 83 atom% C and 15 atom% O. Furthermore, X-ray diffractometry revealed an absence of crystallinity. We conclude that the silicon in the fossil segment of sclerotia is present in a quartz glass-like amorphous form, plays an important role in maintaining the structure of the sclerotium and was present in the original sclerotium rather than being taken up during diagenesis. This fact may be one of the reasons why perylene is well preserved in sediments for long periods.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(11):1042-1050
Minerals of the stibnite-antimonselite series, in close association with tiemannite, clausthalite, kullerudite, Se-bearing stibioluzonite, native gold, quartz, and barite, were discovered in Cambrian stratabound gold deposits at La'erma and Qiongmo, western Qinling, China. Based on S/(S + Se) ratios of microprobe analyses, the binary stibnite-antimonselite system is divided into four series: stibnite, Se-stibnite, S-antimonselite, and antimonselite. Micro-hardness of the stibnite series (Sb = 58.47 to 72.99 wt%, S = 11.86 to 28.76, and Se = 0.00 to 29.12) and the antimonselite series (Sb = 48.94 to 59.13 wt%, Se = 29.20 to 46.86, S = 1.99 to 11.43) is 101.26 and 103 kg/mm2, respectively. Representative reflectivities of the four series are (470 nm) Rg'= 42.62 to 47.62%, Rp' = 30.83 to 40.55%; (550 nm) Rg' = 41.84 to 46.75%, Rp'= 31.48 to 38.85%; (590 nm) Rg' = 42.25 to 46.63%, Rp' = 30.73 to 39.46%; (650 nm) Rg' = 43.30 to 46.48%, Rp' = 30.01 to 41.56%. Cell parameters obtained from two stibnite samples (containing 3 to 5% Se) are a = 1.1209 to 1.1212 nm, b = 1.1299 to 1.1303 nm, c = 0.3847 to 0.3849 nm; and those of S-antimonselite and antimonselite are a = 1.1591 to 1.1593 nm, b = 1.1724 to 1.1747 nm, and c = 0.3941 to 0.3984 nm.  相似文献   

药用矿物学探讨   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
近二十年来,由于多学科人士积极参与矿物药的研究,逐渐促进了一门新的应用学科-药用矿物学的产生。药用矿物学所研究的内容涉及到矿物药资源,矿物药成分,矿物药化学成分,矿物药物性,结构、炮制、古籍考证等诸多方面,药用矿物学是一门秀有发展前景的新兴学科。  相似文献   

Shell aragonite from ammonites collected in the Upper Cretaceous of West Greenland was investigated by means of macroscopic/microscopic visual evaluation, analyses of calcite/aragonite ratios, carbon and oxygen isotopic compositions and Sr and Mg concentrations of shell carbonate and of amino acid compositions of organic matrices. The results are: (1) Material visually classified as well preserved may have suffered diagenetic modifications of mineralogical and chemical composition. (2) Of the chemical and mineralogical parameters studied, amino acid composition, calcite/aragonite ratios and magnesium concentrations were found to be most sensitive to post-depositional modifications, while oxygen isotope composition and strontium concentrations showed detectable diagenetic modifications only after more pronounced alterations. (3) Based on the Mg/Ca ratios and calcite concentrations of the shell aragonite, a diagenetic classification has been proposed grouping the material into well preserved, moderately preserved and poorly preserved. (4) The chemical and mineralogical composition of the best preserved material suggests that the Upper Cretaceous ammonites had a shell composition similar to that of modern Nautilus and other aragonite-shelled molluscs.  相似文献   

It has been over 40 years since scientists and engineers attempted to automate optical microscope and scanning electron microscope (SEM) to measure the mineral liberation characteristics of ores in order to predict their flotation responses. As early as 1963, the first optical instrument equipped with a video camera to analyse grain structure of a sample was produced by Metals Research Instrument Corporation (Image Analysis Company Ltd., 1970), which introduced Quantimet 720, a fully digital image analysis system, in 1969. Remarkably, Quantimet system is still widely used today.  相似文献   

The Oxfordian Stage of West Siberia contains Boreal ammonites Cardioceratidae. The authors’ bank of paleontological data includes ~ 500 definitions of Cardioceratinae, permitting a considerable refinement of the official Oxfordian regional zonal scale. The lower substage is divided into the Cardioceras (Scarburgiceras) obliteratum, C. (S.) scarburgense, and C. (S.) gloriosum Zones instead of beds with C. (S.) spp., whereas the C. (Cardioceras) percaelatum and C. (C.) cordatum Zones are recognized instead of beds with C. (C.) spp. We have found new ammonites typical of the Middle Oxfordian C. (Subvertebriceras) densiplicatum and C. (Miticardioceras) tenuiserratum Zones. The first of these zones is divided into two subzones. The Upper Oxfordian includes the Amoeboceras glosense and A. serratum Zones instead of beds with A. spp., and the A. regulare Zone and beds with A. rosenkrantzi are recognized instead of the A. ex gr. regulare Zone. The genus Ringsteadia (Aulacostephanidae) is observed only in the northwestern part of the region, along the eastern slope of the North Urals; therefore, two upper units of the biostratigraphic scale correspond to beds with Ringsteadia marstonensis.In the Oxfordian, West Siberia and northern Siberia belonged to the North Siberian province of the Arctic realm. Only in the latest Oxfordian did the northwestern West Siberian basin become part of the Boreal-Atlantic realm, as evidenced by the distribution of Ringsteadia on the eastern slope of the Cis-Polar Urals.  相似文献   

Based on ammonites, Upper Kimmeridgian sediments are first established in the Crimean Mountains. The Kimmeridgian-Tithonian boundary recognizable in a continuous section is placed inside the Dvuyakomaya Formation of uniform largely clayey sediments. Assemblages of Kimmeridgian ammonites Lingulaticeras cf. procurvum (Ziegler), Pseudowaagenia gemmellariana Oloriz, Euvirgalithacoceras cf. tantalus (Herbich), Subplanites sp.) and Tithonian forms (?Lingulaticeras efimovi (Rogov), Phylloceras consaguineum Gemmellaro, Oloriziceras cf. schneidi Tavera, and Paraulacosphinctes cf. transitorius (Oppel) are described. A new biostratigraphic scheme proposed for the upper Tithonian-Berriasian of the Crimean Mountains includes the following new biostratigraphic units: the Euvirgalithacoceras cf. tantalus Beds of the upper Kimmeridgian, ?Lingulaticeras efimovi Beds of the lower Tithonian, and Oloriziceras cf. schneidi and Paraulacosphinctes cf. transitorius beds of the upper Tithonian. The middle Tithonian is proposed to consist of the fallauxi and semiforme (presumably) zones. The ammonities found determine the early Kimmeridgian-Berriasian age of the Dvuyakornaya Formation that is most likely in tectonic contact with the underlying Khutoran Formation.  相似文献   

The methods of deriving Fe O and Ti O_2 contents from the Clementine spacecraft data were discussed,and an approach was developed to derive the content from the measurements using the Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M~3) instrument on Chandrayaan-1.The density of lunar bedrock was then modeled on the basis of the derived Fe O and Ti O_2 abundances.The Fe O and Ti O_2 abundances derived from the M~3 data were compared with the previous results of the Clementine data and were in good agreement.The Fe O abundance data also agreed well with the Lunar Prospector data,which were used as an independent source.The previous Clementine and newly M~3 derived abundances were compared with the laboratory measured Fe O and Ti O_2 contents in the Apollo and Luna returned samples.The Clementine derived Fe O content was systematically 1%–2%lower than the laboratory measurements in all the returned samples.The M~3 derived content agreed well with the returned Apollo samples and was within±2.8%of the laboratory measurements.The Clementine derived Ti O_2abundance was systematically 0.1%–4%higher than the laboratory measurements of the returned samples.The M~3 derived Ti O_2 agreed well (±0.6%) with the laboratory measurements of the returned samples,except for samples with high Ti O_2content.However,these results should be carefully interpreted because the error range requires verification.No error analysis was provided with the previous Clementine derived contents.  相似文献   

New attention has been given to the resources of rare earth minerals over the last years. The natural shortage of these elements in the Earth’s crust and trade restrictions recently imposed by China, motivated the Brazilian Government to encourage new projects by inserting the exploitation of rare earths in the National Mining Plan, which deals with industry strategic issues in the country, helping to reduce current importation. The incentives can be in the choice of future targets for mineral exploration and for the development of laboratory studies and pilot scale processing tests.  相似文献   

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