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DNA barcoding provides accurate identification of zooplankton species through all life stages. Single-gene-targeted metagenomic analysis based on DNA barcode databases can facilitate longterm monitoring of zooplankton communities. With the help of the available zooplankton databases, the zooplankton community of the Changjiang (Yangtze) River estuary was studied using a single-gene-targeted metagenomic method to estimate the species richness of this community. A total of 856 mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (cox1) gene sequences were determined. The environmental barcodes were clustered into 70 molecular operational taxonomic units (MOTUs). Forty-two MOTUs matched barcoded marine organisms with more than 90% similarity and were assigned to either the species (similarity>96%) or genus level (similarity<96%). Sibling species could also be distinguished. Many species that were overlooked by morphological methods were identified by molecular methods, especially gelatinous zooplankton and merozooplankton that were likely sampled at different life history phases. Zooplankton community structures differed significantly among all of the samples. The MOTU spatial distributions were influenced by the ecological habits of the corresponding species. In conclusion, single-gene-targeted metagenomic analysis is a useful tool for zooplankton studies, with which specimens from all life history stages can be identified quickly and effectively with a comprehensive database.  相似文献   

Chinese sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis) is the flagship species of the Changjiang River. The migration route of this species is blocked by the first dam, the Gezhou Dam, and its reproduction is affected by the Three Gorges Dam (TGD), one of the largest dams in the world. We studied the impact of the impoundment of the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR) since 2003 on the spawning stock and the natural reproduction of the Chinese sturgeon by using our monitoring data from 1997 to 2013. Results indicate that TGR impoundment has delayed the first spawning dates of the fish from middle-late October to late November, decreased the amount of spawning activities from twice to only once each year, and significantly reduced egg production. In particular, the fish did not demonstrate any spawning activities in 2013. Therefore, TGR impoundment significantly affects the natural reproduction of the fish downstream of the TGD. The spawning stock size of the fish is also predicted to further decrease in the future, which will lead to a risk of population extinction. Ecological regulations must be imposed on decreasing the water temperature to 20°C before mid-October and increasing water discharge downstream of the TGD in October to induce spawning of the Chinese sturgeon.  相似文献   

Chinese sturgeon(Acipenser sinensis) is the flagship species of the Changjiang River.The migration route of this species is blocked by the first dam,the Gezhou Dam,and its reproduction is affected by the Three Gorges Dam(TGD),one of the largest dams in the world.We studied the impact of the impoundment of the Three Gorges Reservoir(TGR) since 2003 on the spawning stock and the natural reproduction of the Chinese sturgeon by using our monitoring data from 1997 to 2013.Results indicate that TGR impoundment has delayed the first spawning dates of the fish from middle-late October to late November,decreased the amount of spawning activities from twice to only once each year,and significantly reduced egg production.In particular,the fish did not demonstrate any spawning activities in 2013.Therefore,TGR impoundment significantly affects the natural reproduction of the fish downstream of the TGD.The spawning stock size of the fish is also predicted to further decrease in the future,which will lead to a risk of population extinction.Ecological regulations must be imposed on decreasing the water temperature to 20℃before mid-October and increasing water discharge downstream of the TGD in October to induce spawning of the Chinese sturgeon.  相似文献   

Silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix), bighead carp (Aristichthys nobilis), grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella), and black carp (Mylopharyngodon piceus) are the four major Chinese carps and are commercially important aquaculture species in China. Reproduction of these carp has declined since the construction of the Three Gorges Dam (TGD) due to an altered water flow and thermal regime in the Changjiang (Yangtze) River. However, details of the changes in reproduction of the four species are not well understood. To assess the impact of the TGD on reproduction of the four carp, we investigated their eggs and larvae at Yidu City, which is 80 km below the TGD, during 2005–2012. We examined diff erences in larval abundance of the four species in the Jianli section (350 km downstream of the TGD) before (1997–2002) and after (2003–2012) construction of the TGD. Based on these observations, the first spawning date of the four species was delayed a mean of about 25 days after the dam was constructed. Mean egg abundance in the Yidu section of the river was 249 million and mean larval abundance was 464 million, which were significant decreases since the 1980s. Moreover, larval abundance in the Jianli section after the dam was constructed was significantly lower than that before construction (ANCOVA, P<0.05). The observed larval abundance accounted for only 24.66% of the predicted value in 2003 when the dam was first inundated. The present spawning grounds between the TGD and Yidu section of the river are very similar to those described in the 1980s, and some spawning grounds exist upstream of the TGD. Large free-flowing stretches upstream of the TGD and the creation of artificially flooded downstream reaches are needed to stimulate spawning and eff ectively conserve these four major Chinese carps species.  相似文献   

A cruise was undertaken from 3rd to 8th November 2004 in Changjiang (Yangtze) River Estuary and its adjacent waters to investigate the spatial biomass distribution and size composition of phytoplankton. Chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) concentration ranged 0.42-1.17 μg L^-1 and 0.41-10.43 μg L^-1 inside and outside the river mouth, with the mean value 0.73 μg L^-1 and 1.86 μg L^-1, respectively. Compared with the Chl-a concentration in summer of 2004, the mean value was much lower inside, and a little higher outside the river mouth. The maximal Chl-a was 10.43 μg L^-1 at station 18 (122.67°E, 31.25°N), and the region of high Chl-a concentration was observed in the central survey area between 122.5°E and 123.0°E. In the stations located east of 122.5°E, Chl-a concentration was generally high in the upper layers above 5 m due to water stratification. In the survey area, the average Chl-a in sizes of 〉20 μm and 〈20 μm was 0.28 μg L^-1 and 1.40 μg L^-1, respectively. High Chl-a concentration of 〈20 μm size-fraction indicated that the nanophytoplankton and picophytoplankton contributed the most to the biomass of phytoplankton. Skeletonema costatum, Prorocentrum micans and Scrippsiella trochoidea were the dominant species in surface water. The spatial distribution of cell abundance of phytoplankton was patchy and did not agree well with that of Chl-a, as the cell abundance could not distinguish the differences in shape and size of phytoplankton cells. Nitrate and silicate behaved conservatively, but the former could probably be the limitation factor to algal biomass at offshore stations. The distribution of phosphate scattered considerably, and its relation to the phytoplankton biomass was complicated.  相似文献   

Eutrophication has emerged as a key environmental problem in Chinese coastal waters, especially in the Changjiang (Yangtze) River estuary. In this area, large nutrient inputs result in frequent harmful algal blooms and serious hypoxia in bottom waters. Four cruises were made in the estuary in 2006 to assess the concentration and distribution of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) and phosphorus (DIP). The concentration of DIN decreased gradually in a linear relationship with salinity from the river mouth to ...  相似文献   

The impoundment of the Three Gorges Dam(TGD)has altered downstream hydrological characteristics and sediment discharge,and it has caused ecological impacts,such as changes in chlorophyll-a(Chl-a)in estuaries and coastal oceans.To investigate the TGD's influence on Chl-a's interannual and seasonal variations in the Changjiang Estuary and the adjacent coastal East China Sea,a physical-biogeochemical model was developed with numerical experiments covering a decade,including TGD's preperiod(pre-TGD,1999–2003)and post-period(post-TGD,2004–2008).The modeling results demonstrate an annual increase in the regional average Chl-a from pre-to post-TGD,with the largest increase reaching up to 20.8%in spring in the nearshore region beyond the Changjiang mouth.The spatial variations in Chl-a are high,with the largest variation being observed around the 20–40 m isobaths.The increase in Chl-a is influenced by improved light and nutrient conditions,which is attributed to dam construction and fertilization by human activities.A decline in nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer usage ratio along the Changjiang River watershed after the TGD's impoundment is another factor that influences the Chl-a's variation.The modeling results also show severe NO3 and PO4 imbalances with a larger N/P ratio during the post-TGD period,especially in regions with large Chl-a increases.Moreover,the greater increase in the usage of phosphorus fertilizer than nitrogen fertilizer influences Chl-a's variation and has potential promotion effects on the outbreak of harmful algal bloom events.  相似文献   

Spatial distributions and seasonal variations of picoplankton (i.e. Synechococcus spp., Prochlorococcus spp., picoeukaryotes and heterotrophic bacteria) and viruses in the Changjiang estuary have been reported in the past. However, short-term variations (e.g. at a tidal timescale) of these organisms and their regulating factors remain unclear. We determined the time-series of fluctuations of picoplankton and viruses with tide simultaneously in flow cytometry in the Changjiang estuary during a cruise in June 2006, in which a tidal model based rectangle equation was applied. The results indicate that high cell abundances of picoplankton and viruses occurred during flood tide and low cell abundances during ebb tide. The period of the surface cell abundance variations was about 13 h, suggesting the surface cell abundances in the Changjiang estuary were largely regulated by tide. However, cell abundances in middle and bottom waters varied in different periods due to influences of tidal induced physical forces such as resuspension and stratification. Therefore, tidal action is an important factor for the diel variations of picoplankton and viruses in the Changjiang estuary.  相似文献   

Spatial distributions and seasonal variations of picoplankton (i.e. Synechococcus spp., Prochlorococcus spp., picoeukaryotes and heterotrophic bacteria) and viruses in the Changjiang estuary have been reported in the past. However, short-term variations (e.g. at a tidal timescale) of these organisms and their regulating factors remain unclear. We determined the time-series of fluctuations of picoplankton and viruses with tide simultaneously in flow cytometry in the Changjiang estuary during a cruise in June 2006, in which a tidal model based rectangle equation was applied. The results indicate that high cell abundances of picoplankton and viruses occurred during flood tide and low cell abundances during ebb tide. The period of the surface cell abundance variations was about 13 h, suggesting the surface cell abundances in the Changjiang estuary were largely regulated by tide. However, cell abundances in middle and bottom waters varied in different periods due to influences of tidal induced physical forces such as resuspension and stratification. Therefore, tidal action is an important factor for the diel variations of picoplankton and viruses in the Changjiang estuary.  相似文献   

With the implementation of the GEOTRACES program, the biogeochemical cycle and distribution of tellurium (Te) in marine environments are becoming increasing environmental concerns. In this study, the concentration of dissolved Te in the Changjiang (Yangtze) River estuary and nearby waters was determined in May 2009 by hydride-generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry to elucidate the abundance, dominant species, distribution, and relationship with environmental factors. Results show that: (1) dissolved Te was low owing to its low abundance in the Earth's crust, high insolubility in water, and strong affinity to particulate matter; (2) Te(IV) and Te(VI) predominated in surface water. Te(VI) was the dominant species in bottom water, and Te(IV) was the minor species; (3) Horizontally, resulting from low phytoplankton metabolism and the weak reduction from Te(VI) to Te(IV) in the shore, Te(IV) was concentrated in the central zone instead of the coastal region. However, Te(VI) was abundant near the mouth of the Changjiang River where the Changjiang water is diluted and in the area to the south where the Taiwan Warm Current invaded. In the adsorption-desorption process, Te(IV) was negatively related to suspended paniculate matter (SPM), indicating that it was adsorbed by particulate matter. While for Te(VI), the positive correlation with SPM suggested that it was desorbed from the solid phase. In the estuary, dissolved Te had a negative correlation to salinity. However, it deviated from the dilution line in high-salinity regions due to the invasion of the Taiwan Warm Current and the mineralization of organic matter. The relationship between Te(IV) and SPM nutrients indicated that it was more bioavailable and more related to phosphorus than to nitrogen. Progress in the field is slow and more research is needed to quantify the input of Te to the estuary and evaluate the biochemical role of organisms.  相似文献   

A generalized finite difference scheme is presented for the solution of two-dimensioned tidal current equations (averaged over the depth of water). This method has been used to simulate the tidal currents in the Changjiang River estuary, with computed results being in good agreement with the field observations. The two-dimensional domain consists of triangular elements with acute angles. First- and second-order partial derivatives are defined at nodal points. In addition, the basic tidal current equations contain an extra term to account for horizontal eddy viscosity. The method has the great advantage of allowing a wide flexibility in configuration simulation, thereby exhibiting the capability to arbitrarily subdivide the region of interest as well as to provide a more accurate boundary shape, and what is more, it offers savings in computing costs. This paper was published in Chinese in the Ocean. et Limn. Sinica.16(1):18–27, 1985  相似文献   

The diversity, community structure and seasonal variation in demersal nekton off the Changjiang (Yangtze) River estuary was evaluated using monthly trawl survey data, collected between December 2008 and November 2009. A total of 95 species (56 teleosts, 11 cephalopods, and 28 decapod crustaceans) from 69 genera, 49 families and 15 orders were collected. These species could be classified into six groups on the basis of temporal distribution patterns. The resident crab Ovalipes punctatus dominated the community, both in number and biomass. A clear seasonal succession was observed in the species composition. Cluster analysis revealed three primary seasonal groups corresponding to the samples collected in winter-spring, late spring-summer and late summer-autumn. The highest biomass and lowest diversity were observed in summer, while the lowest biomass and highest diversity in winter. The abundance-biomass comparison curves and community composition suggested that the investigated community was moderately disturbed. The results suggest that reduction in fishing pressure and in the degree of seasonal hypoxia are essential for sustainable resource management off the Changjiang River estuary.  相似文献   

Investigations from August, 1985 to July , 1986 showed that the high concentration area of PO4-P , SiO3-Si and NO3-N gradually reduced with the reduction of the area of the Changjiang River diluted water from summer, autumn to winter , and that the seasonal distributions and variations of the nutrients concentrations were mainly controlled by the river flow and were also related to the growth and decline of phytoplankton . The conservation of SiO3-Si and NO3-N in the estuary in the flood season was poorer than that in the dry season .. The behaviour of PO4-P in the estuary shows that aside from -biological removal, buffering of PCU-P is possible in the estuary . The highest monthly average concentrations and annual average concentrations in the river mouth were respectively 0.88 and 0.57 umol/L for PO4-P,191.5 and 96.2 umol/L for SiO3-Si, and 81.6 and 58.6 umol/L for NOs-N . The Changjiang's annual transports of PO4-P , SiO3-Si and NO3-N to the sea were about 1.4×104tons , 204.4×104 tons and 63.6×104  相似文献   

The integrated methodology for the assessment of estuarine trophic status (ASSETS), which was extended and refined from the United States National Estuarine Eutrophication Assessment (NEEA), is a multi-parameter assessment system and has been widely used in eutrophication assessment in estuarine and coastal waters. The ASSETS was applied to evaluate the trophic status of the Changjiang (Yangtze) River estuary, one of the largest estuaries in the world. The following main results were obtained: (i) The estuarine export potential is "moderate susceptibility" due to the "moderate" dilution potential and "moderate" flushing potential; (ii) The overall human influence (OHI) index classified the impact of nutrients in the system as "high" due to the high level of nutrient discharge by the river which channels anthropogenic impacts in the catchments to the estuarine system; (iii) The overall eutrophic condition (OEC) in the estuary was classified into the "high" category due to frequent occurrence of nuisance and toxic algal blooms in the mixing and seawater zones; (iv) Since the nutrient loadings (e.g., DIN) in the river is expected to continue to increase in the near future following the population increase and rapid economic growth throughout the drainage basin, the nutrient-related symptoms in the estuary are likely to substantially worsen, which leads to the "worsen high" category for the definition of future outlook (DFO). The combinations of the three components (i.e., OHI, OEC, and DFO) lead to an overall grade as "bad" for the trophic status in the Changjiang River estuary.  相似文献   

1引言举世瞩目的三峡大坝已经完成了截流工作,这项工程的建设给这一地区的地质地貌带来很大变化。为了确保三峡工程的顺利进行,对该地区进行长期的形变监测是很必要的。在早期的研究中,许多单位围绕三峡工程地壳稳定性问题,应用了遥感、物探、地震等手段进行了多学科...  相似文献   

An improved 3-D ECOM-si model was used to study the impact of seasonal tide variation on saltwater intrusion into the Changjiang River estuary, especially at the bifurcation of the North Branch (NB) and the South Branch (SB). The study assumes that the river discharge and wind are constant. The model successfully reproduced the saltwater intrusion. During spring tide, there is water and salt spillover (WSO and SSO) from the NB into the SB, and tidally averaged (net) water and salt fluxes are 985 m3/s and 24.8 ton/s, respectively. During neap tide, the WSO disappears and its net water flux is 122 m3/s. Meanwhile, the SSO continues, with net salt flux of 1.01 ton/s, much smaller than during spring tide. Because the tidal range during spring tide is smaller in June than in March, overall saltwater intrusion is weaker in June than in March during that tidal period. However, the WSO and SSO still exist in June. Net water and salt fluxes in that month are 622 m3/s and 15.35 ton/s, respectively, decreasing by 363 m3/s and 9.45 ton/s over those in March. Because tidal range during neap tide is greater in June than in March, saltwater intrusion in June is stronger than in March during that tidal period. The WSO and SSO appear in June, with net water and salt fluxes of 280 m3/s and 8.55 ton/s, respectively, increasing by 402 m3/s and 7.54 ton/s over those in March. Saltwater intrusion in the estuary is controlled by the river discharge, semi-diurnal flood-ebb tide, semi-monthly spring or neap tide, and seasonal tide variation.  相似文献   

The Changjiang River estuary and adjacent waters are one of the most notable regions for red tides/harmful algal blooms in China's coastal waters.In this study,phytoplankton samples were collected and analyzed during the outbreak stage of red tides in May 2009.It was found that dinoflagellates,Prorocentrum donghaiense and Karenia mikimotoi,and diatoms,Skeletonema spp.and Paralia sulcata,were the major taxa dominating the phytoplankton community.Cluster analysis,non-metric multidimensional scaling(NMDS) and analysis of similarities(ANOSIM) was conducted on a data matrix including taxa composition and cell abundance of the phytoplankton samples.The analyses categorized the samples into three groups at a similarity level of 30%.Group Ⅰ was characterized by estuarine diatoms and distributed mainly in the highly turbid estuarine region.Group Ⅱ,which was dominated by the diatom Skeletonema spp.and represented the red tide of Skeletonema spp.,was situated around Group Ⅰ in the sea area west of 122°50'E.Group Ⅲ was characterized by a high proportion of dinoflagellates and was found further offshore compared with Groups Ⅰ and Ⅱ.Group Ⅲ was further divided into two subgroups(Ⅲ-S1 and Ⅲ-S2) at a similarity level of 40%.Group Ⅲ-S1 was characterized by the presence of the benthic diatom P.sulcata,representing phytoplankton samples collected either from the bottom or from the sea area affected by upwelling.GroupⅢ-S2 was dominated by dinoflagellates and represented red tides formed by P.donghaiense and K.mikimotoi.A gradual change of red-tide causative species was observed from the estuary to the offshore sea area,from diatoms to armored dinoflagellates and then unarmored dinoflagellates.Environmental factors associated with each group,and thus affecting the distribution of phytoplankton and red tides,are discussed.  相似文献   

详细介绍了三峡库区马家屋场-后坪滑坡体的特征,收集了大量软弱结构面资料,研究了各软弱结构面的组合关系,运用优势面理论,合理解释了该滑坡体的成因。采用剩余推力法,对滑坡体在各种不同工况下的稳定性作了科学分析,并对滑坡体在三蛱水库蓄水以后的稳定性作了合理预测,结果表明,滑坡体在目前状态下基本稳定,三峡水库蓄水以后,将对滑坡体稳定性产生较大影响,极有可能导致滑坡体失稳。  相似文献   

This research on the vertical structure of tidal current in shallow water near the Changjiang River estuary is based on a great deal of observation data of current obtained recently, and a simple mathematic model. The essential features of the structure are: (1) the maximum velocity decreases with depth, the shallower the water, the lower the velocity; (2) the orientation of maximum velocity continuously deviates from the surface to the bottom to the left at the western side of the mouth bar and to the right at the eastern side; (3) the time of maximum velocity leads steadily with depth; (4) in general, tidal currents rotate clockwise, the nearer the sea-bed, the narrower the ellipse of the tidal current; (5) the ratio W1/W2 varies non-linearly with depth, and is smaller in the middle layer than at the surface and bottom. Bottom friction is the main cause of the vertical structure.  相似文献   

Fish populations have declined in many estuarine and freshwater ecosystems in part due to the loss of habitat in recent decades.Reconstructing lost habitat for larvae fish is a potential method for recovering larvae fish populations.Three-dimensional artificial floating wetlands(AFWs) on which Phragmites australis was planted were experimentally deployed to recover the lost habitat in the Changjiang(Yangtze) River estuary from May to July 2018.The AFW area was characterized by slow velocity,high transparency,low dissolved oxygen,and relatively constant water temperature.The total individuals of larvae fish in the AFW area(12 122 in total) was higher than that in the non-AFW area(1 250 in total),and the densities of most larvae fish species were higher in the AFW habitat than in the non-AFW area.The distributions of larvae fish species were positively influenced by habitat type because they were strongly related to the negative part of the first axis of the redundancy analysis,and Cyprinus carpio and Cyprinus auratus were inclined to habitat in the slow velocity and high transparency AFW habitat area.These results indicate that larvae fish species are inclined to inhabit the AFW habitat.The use of three-dimensional P.australis AFWs would be a potential method for enhancing the habitat of larvae fish in the degraded habitats along the estuary.  相似文献   

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