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A lot of researches onb value have been made in seismology. Since the 1960’s Mogi, Scholz and others have studied AE of rock specimens in laboratory and discovered that it is related to natural earthquakes. All former researchers used integral specimens to studyb value in the laboratory. However a major earthquake is usually related to a existing seismic-fault in that area. For this reason, a series of fracture experiments with rock and glass specimens having pre-existing crack or notch is performed in order to examine the effect of preexisting crack tob value. The experimental results show that theb value begins to decrease as soon as the initiation of the crack and finally drop to a very low value when the specimen breaks unstably. Based on these, a brief discussion on the possible mechanism ofb value change for natural earthquakes is given. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,9, 393–400, 1987. Projects sponsored by the Chinese Joint Seismological Science Foundation.  相似文献   

A preliminary study of b value of rocks with two kinds of structural models has been made on the base of a new acoustic emission recording system. It shows that b value of the sample decreases obviously when the sample with compressive en echelon faults changes into a tensile one after interchange occurs between stress axis σ 1 and σ 2. A similar experiment is observed when the sample with tensile en echelon faults changes into that with a bend fault after two segments of the en echelon fault linking up. These facts indicate that the variation of b value may contain the information of the regional dominant structural model. Therefore, b-value analyses could be a new method for studying regional dominant structural models. Foundation item: National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 40072067) and Minister of Science and Technology of China (2004BA601B01).  相似文献   

Experimental study of ultralong wave band for electro-magnetic signals and acoustic emission during rock fracture(曹惠馨)(钱书清)(吕...  相似文献   

The earthquake size distribution is generally considered to obey the Gutenberg-Richter (GR) law. We have introduced the concept of the b value spectrum based on the moment method to investigate the deviation of the actual magnitude distribution of earthquakes from this law. This enables us to describe characteristic features of the magnitude frequency distribution of earthquakes. We found also a simple relation between the η value and the b value spectrum. Analysis using this scheme showed that the actual size distributions of earthquakes have large variations from case to case and sometimes deviate considerably from the widely assumed the GR formula.  相似文献   

In the estimation of seismic tendency, using Gutenberg-Richter’sb-value and using Hurst exponent are two commonly used methods. Based on the fractal geometry of earthquake time series, we point out that these two methods correlate to each other. In the perspective of fractional Brownian motion (FBM), an earthquake sequence withb>3/4 and that withb<3/4 have different dynamic properties. Foundation item: The MOST Project G1998040705. Contribution No. 01FE2010, Institute of Geophysics, China Seismological Bureau.  相似文献   

Introduction By the experimental techniques of acoustic emission (AE) and surface strain observation, a lot of achievements on the study of deformation and fracture process of samples with en-echelon faults has been obtained (Bomblakis, 1973; LIU, et al, 1986; DU, et al, 1989; LI, et al, 1989; ZHANG, FANG, 1989; ZHANG, LI, 1989; MA, et al, 1995a, b; LI, et al, 2000). However, there still exist many problems. For example, most of discussion on the spatio-temporal evolution of microf…  相似文献   

The improved calculation method ofb value is presented in this paper. The method can enlarge the role of earthquake occurrence frequency inb value calculation and thus increase theb value variation amplitude. In this case, the combination structure variation between earthquake magnitudes and corresponding frequencies could be shown clearly. According to the calculation and analysis for limited mainshocks in the complete seismicity data of selected monitored area with assigned consistent lowest magnitude, the precursor anomaly features, quantitative indexes and the calculation formula of relative subject function ofb value variation have been preliminarily worked out. The prediction in short period (from 1 to 3 months) for damage earthquakes in the monitored area mentioned above can be put forward on the basis of the results of quantitative calculation and analysis.  相似文献   

Introduction Analyses of the b value in the frequency-magnitude relation (Gutenberg & Richter curve, G-R curve), lgN=a?bM, is one of important methods for earthquake prediction. It is often used to study the state of tectonic deformation and regional stress field. Many studies on the b value have been made in aspects of seismicity, experimental modeling (acoustic emission) and theory (Mogi, 1962; Scholz, 1968; LI et al, 1978; MA, 1978; CHEN, 1977; GENG, 1986; DU and MA, 1986; CAI et…  相似文献   

The maximum likelihood estimation of theb parameter in the Gutenberg-Richter relation is extended to the case of uncertain magnitude. An interval which contains the real unknown magnitude is used rather than the uncertain magnitude itself. The proposed approach is very flexible, it allows for the combination of the parts of a catalog of different quality into a single minimally biased set of recurrence parameters.On leave from the Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, 00-973 Warsaw, Pasteura 3, Poland  相似文献   

IntroductionFocal depths of shallow strong intraplate earthquakes are mostly distributed in the highstrength range of lithosphere controlled by the rheology property of granite and diorite (Brace,Kohlstedt, 1980; Sibson, 1982; Meissner, Strehlau, 1982; CHEN, Molnap 1983). This is obviouslyrelated to the change of rock deformation characteriStics at different crust depths. So, for earthquake stUdy, both of the rock failure types (fractUre or rock flow) and its mechanical instabilityforms (…  相似文献   

Probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) has been carried out for Iraq. The earthquake catalogue used in the present study covers an area between latitude 29°–38.5° N and longitude 39°–50° E containing more than a thousand events for the period 1905–2000. The entire Iraq region has been divided into thirteen seismogenic sources based on their seismic characteristics, geological setting and tectonic framework. The completeness of the seismicity catalogue has been checked using the method proposed by Stepp (1972). The analysis of completeness shows that the earthquake catalogue is not complete below Ms=4.8 for all of Iraq and seismic source zones S1, S4, S5, and S8, while it varies for the other seismic zones. A statistical treatment of completeness of the data file was carried out in each of the magnitude classes. The Frequency Magnitude Distributions (FMD) for the study area including all seismic source zones were established and the minimum magnitude of complete reporting (Mc) were then estimated. For the entire Iraq the Mc was estimated to be about Ms=4.0 while S11 shows the lowest Mc to be about Ms=3.5 and the highest Mc of about Ms=4.2 was observed for S4. The earthquake activity parameters (activity rate , b value, maximum regional magnitude mmax) as well as the mean return period (R) with a certain lower magnitude mmin m along with their probability of occurrence have been determined for all thirteen seismic source zones of Iraq. The maximum regional magnitude mmax was estimated as 7.87 ± 0.86 for entire Iraq. The return period for magnitude 6.0 is largest for source zone S3 which is estimated to be 705 years while the smallest value is estimated as 9.9 years for all of Iraq.The large variation of the b parameter and the hazard level from zone to zone reflects crustal heterogeneity and the high seismotectonic complexity. The seismic hazard near the source boundaries is directly and strongly affected by the change in the delineation of these boundaries. The forces, through which the geological structure along the plate boundary in Eastern and Northeastern Iraq are evolved, are still active causing stress-strain accumulation, deformation and in turn producing higher probabilities of earthquake activity. Thus, relatively large destructive earthquakes are expected in this region. The study is intended to serve as a reference for more advanced approaches and to pave the path for the probabilistic assessment of seismic hazard in this region.  相似文献   

We studied the relationships between the frequency ofoccurrence and the magnitudes in seismogenic areasthat will affect four capital cities in the SouthPacific, namely: Honiara in Solomon Islands, Port Vilain Vanuatu, Suva in Fiji and Nuku'alofa in Tonga. Weused the NEIS catalogues for the period 1973–1997, formagnitudes greater than about 5, in the proximity tothe city under investigation. The definitions of thegeographic boundaries of the seismogenic zones arebased on the classical concepts of the distribution ofthe tectonic plates, the overwhelming number ofstudies that describe the seismotectonics in thoseactive regions and on the observed seismicity andstudies of the local people. Completeness of thecatalogue is assumed because of the high seismicity inthese areas, despite the relatively short time span.We have used a hybrid process combining least squaresfitting and Newtonian search process to find the bestfit of the statistical parameters. The characteristicb value is 1.27, and seems to be irrespective of thedepth and/or region.  相似文献   

2022年9月5日四川泸定发生M6.8地震,为研究泸定地震孕震区的应力变化,选取b值、小震调制比和丛集率这3个参数,对泸定地震前的区域地震活动状态进行计算研究。结果显示:泸定及周边区域几次强震发生前,区域地震活动均存在持续时间较长的低b值时段,且在低b值状态下震前短期内出现小震高丛集、高调制比的现象;鲜水河断裂带的地震活动状态分析显示,此次泸定地震前该断裂带存在持续时间近10个月的低b值状态,且短期内出现丛集率升高、调制比高值现象。通过对比分析,认为泸定地震是鲜水河断裂带构造运动的结果。综合分析认为,结合应力场背景和构造条件研究地震活动b值、固体潮调制比和丛集率的时空变化有助于理解大地震的孕育演化过程。  相似文献   


本文利用双轴摩擦实验对含水条件下岩盐断层带摩擦滑动性状进行了实验研究, 观测和分析了摩擦滑动过程中的声发射活动, 并利用扫描电镜分析了断层带的微观变形结构.结果表明, 含水岩盐断层带在伴随黏滑的速度弱化域和伴随稳定滑动的速度强化域, 摩擦过程中均产生了大量声发射事件; 黏滑过程与稳滑过程中的小声发射事件存在共同之处, 即两者均表现为能级低; 但黏滑过程中的小声发射事件的优势频率既有低频(10 kHz左右)和中频(100 kHz左右), 也有高频(370 kHz左右), 而在稳定滑动过程中, 小声发射事件的优势频率仅有低频和中频, 缺少高频事件.这种差异与两者变形主导机制的不同密切相关.在断层黏滑循环中, 接近摩擦峰值时声发射发生率明显增加, 但高频事件减少、中频和低频事件增加; 进入亚失稳阶段后, 声发射只有低频和中频信号, 几乎不再出现高频信号.这种差异与断层带变形方式的变化密切相关.


利用2022年9月5—12日震相报告中的P波和S波到时资料,采用双差定位方法对四川泸定MS6.8地震序列的主震和余震进行重定位。重新定位后地震序列较重新定位之前震中分布更加集中,线性趋势更加明显。余震主要分布在鲜水河断裂以西地区,总体沿着鲜水河断裂呈NW向展布,余震区长轴约为65km。根据重定位结果,发震断层为鲜水河断裂磨西—石棉段,该断裂走向为331°~340°,倾角较陡。受SW向海螺沟段断裂影响,余震区具有明显的分段特征,总体上呈现北浅南深的特征。随时间的演化,余震区中南段震源深度逐渐变浅,且地震频次逐渐衰减,而北段震源深度变化不大,频次也未明显减弱。不同时段的余震活动表明,本次地震的初始破裂方向为SE向,该破裂随后触发了与主断裂共轭的SW向分支断裂,余震沿这两个方向逐步扩展,最后达到稳定状态。  相似文献   

The July 3, 2015 Pishan MS6.5 earthquake occurred in the intersection area of the Tarim block and West Kunlun block where the moderate-strong earthquakes have become active in recent years. This paper has studied the seismicity parameters of the earthquake sequences such as the b-value in the Pishan region and its vicinity. In addition, we also relocated the aftershocks of the Pishan MS6.5 earthquake using the seismic phase report by the double-difference method. The temporal and spatial variation characteristics of the Pishan earthquake sequence in the rupture zone are analyzed. The study is of great significance in the seismic hazard assessment in this region.  相似文献   

The effect of magnetic field-free space (MFFS) on the acoustic behavior of budgerigar (Melopsittacus undulafus) is obvious. The daily frequency of their cries in uniform MFFS (UMFFS) and non-uniform MFFS (NMFFS) decreases by 44.7±10.0% as compared with that in the geomagnetic field (GMF) on the average. The occupation rate of protesting cries (R op) in NMFFS decreases by 8.5%–20.3% as compared with that in GMF on the average and shows an adaptability variation. In 75% of the observation days, the R op in UMFFS increases by 16.2%–23.3% as compared with that in GMF. As for the effect of MFFS on the rhythmic habits of budgerigars, only the ending time of crying is affected to certain extent, 67 minutes earlier than in GMF on the average. This paper is supported by the Chinese Joint Seismological Science Foundation.  相似文献   

2017年8月8日四川九寨沟发生MS7.0地震,该地震发生在巴颜喀喇块体的东北边界,震中区域构造条件复杂,是巴颜喀喇块体北侧左旋走滑环境向东侧逆冲挤压环境过渡的位置,附近地区历史强震较多。九寨沟地震是一次主-余型地震,余震活动水平较弱,主震发生后短时间内ML≥4.0余震的“等待时间”存在异常,震后较长时间余震活动恢复到正常状态,序列h值、余震视应力等符合主-余型序列特征。序列b值为0.84,G-R关系推测序列最大余震的震级约为ML5.4(MS5.0),8月9日发生的MS4.8地震是目前该序列的最强余震。通过与1970年以来附近地区7级左右地震序列的对比认为,九寨沟地震与1976年松潘-平武2次7.2级地震序列在余震空间位置、发震构造和震源机制等方面存在较大差异,因此,不具备发育为震群型序列的条件。九寨沟地震主震视应力为0.36~0.38MPa,属于应力下调模型,序列余震的平均视应力水平接近龙门山断裂带附近中小地震的平均背景水平。  相似文献   

— It has long been realized that the linear Gutenberg-Richter model arduously describes the frequency-magnitude relationship for the magnitude span ranging from small to large earthquakes because of the breakdown of the self-similarity rule due to the changing scaling of the magnitude. Three different segments should be observed from small (usually M < 3.0), through moderate (M < Mc, where Mc is the frequency-magnitude turning point caused by the seismogenic thickness), to large earthquakes (M Mc). We will only concentrate on the moderate and large earthquakes due to their importance. The breakdown of the self-similarity rule from moderate to large earthquakes occurs where the earthquake is big enough to cut through the entire seismogenic layer. A nonlinear hyperbolic model, which fits two linear relations smoothly, is studied in the present paper, where N is the cumulative number of earthquakes with magnitudes larger than or equal to M; a1 to a5 are constants to be calculated. The G-R linear relation is actually a special case of the present nonlinear model, i.e., a3 or a5 equal to zero. The nonlinear form, with the support of a reasonable physical mechanism, can generally give a better fitting with comparatively minor errors for complete data sets, especially for the areas where large earthquakes are numerous. In order to demonstrate its superiority to the linear G-R relation, thirteen seismogenic zones are examined around the western part of the Circum-Pacific region and western part of China and it is found that the fitting errors from this nonlinear model are, as expected, generally much smaller than those for G-R. Furthermore, the parameter a4 is believed to relate with the saturated magnitude Mc,which to some extent reflects the mean thickness of the seismogenic layer.Acknowledgement. The author thanks Dr Paul W. Burton for his useful discussions. He appreciates two anonymous reviewers comments and suggestions which enhanced the quality of the paper. This research was partially supported by the project EPAN-M.4.3/2013555 of bilateral cooperation between Greece and China funded by the General Secretariat of Research & Technology of Greece and by the project of UK-China Science and Technology Fund funded by the British Council. Some figures were made with GMT software (WESSEL and SMITH, 1995).  相似文献   

In this paper, the seismicity indexes of global earthquakesM ≥ 6 during 1964–1983 were calculated, using data of ISC and USGS. The authors suggested a method suitable to make a set of regression formulas betweenm bandM s. Calculation showed that the level of global seismicity of shallow earthquakes during the years 1964–1965, 1968, 1971, 1975–1976 was higher than normal, especially the peak for the years 1975–1976 was more conspicuous. The year 1984 took the place of the year 1954 in the 20th century as the year of lowest global shallow focus seismicity. According to the actual value ofA(b) calculated, the level of deep focus seismicity reached the highest point in 1971 and dropped to the lowest point in 1977. In the time interval of 1977–1983 the global shallow focus seismicity decreased continuously whereas the deep focus seismicity increased with fluctuations.  相似文献   

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