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High resolution environmental records with a refined chronology are essential to understand, reconstruct and model the climate dynamics of the last glacial-interglacial transition. Sediments from Lake Torfadalsvatn in northern Iceland contain at least four primary volcanic tephras that belong to ash zone I in the North Atlantic deep-sea cores. We chemically define these basaltic/rhyolitic tephras and the high resolution allows us to date them to about 10,800, 10,600, 9300 and 8900 BP. This detailed tephrostratigraphy will act as a refined dating and correlation tool in the North Atlantic region and enable calibration between different absolute chronologies. The pollen stratigraphy of the sediments suggests that by 10,400 14C years BP plant colonization of coastal north Iceland had begun. The pollen stratigraphy shows a succession of pioneer plants, from open tundra vegetation towards birch-juniper woodland, which probably also reflects a transition from a cool climate at 10,400 BP to conditions similar to today's sub-polar oceanic climate around 9200 BP. Diatom data largely concur with the climatic information from pollen, indicating gradually increasing productivity in the lake.  相似文献   

Pollen analysis, glacial varve chronology and palaeomagnetic measurements were carried out on Late Weichselian lake sediments from southwestern Smaland, south Sweden. The sequence is correlated to the GRIP event stratigraphy, expressed in calendar years BP, and covers the period from the deglaciation at c. 14 400 to 11 300 calendar years BP. The series encompasses c. 930 varves and has been connected to the local varve chronology. Varve thickness increases markedly after the Older Dryas stadial, which indicates an accelerated deglaciation and melting of dead ice. The pollen diagram displays the vegetation development from the deglaciation at c. 14 400 calendar years BP to the transition to the Holocene. The vegetation succession starts with an arctic pioneer vegetation at the deglaciation, changes to a more stable tundra environment and displays a development which concurs with the traditional lateglacial pollen stratigraphy for southern Sweden. A palaeo-magnetic secular variation curve is presented displaying two westerly declination swings at 14200-13800 and 12 800-11 600 calendar years BP, respectively. The upper one can be recognized from other palaeomagnetic stratigraphies from southern Sweden and Estonia.  相似文献   

The Holocene environmental history of South Georgia is important because of the island's location in the Southern Westerlies in an oceanic zone of the world devoid of high resolution terrestrial records. This is the first attempt to interpret a palaeoenvironmental record from lake sediments in South Georgia. It is based on a wide variety of analyses undertaken on cores from two lakes. Both are in the same, unglaciated, drainage basin, but one is at 80 m above sea-level and near the altitudinal limit for vegetation growth, whereas the other is at 25 m and within the zone of continuous vegetation cover. Results from both lakes indicate shifts of vegetation boundaries, which, together with evidence for changing biotic productivity within the lakes themselves, are interpreted as indicating climatic changes. Radiocarbon dates on the main changes identify a climatic optimum, beginning before 5620 ± 290 14C yr BP, and ending at around 4815 ± 330 14C yr BP, when conditions in the upper part of the catchment were more conducive to plant growth than they are today. The record obtained from the lower lake was shorter, but indicates two periods of harsher climate relative to the present since 4000 yr BP. This interpretation of the lake evidence agrees with other dated evidence of environmental change from peat sections, glacial stratigraphy and geomorphology in South Georgia. Together the work allows an overall reconstruction of environmental change in the Holocene.  相似文献   

Lake Boksehandsken, the largest lake on Jameson Land, central East Greenland, is situated 54 m a.s.l. and holds a long (6.3 m) and complex stratigraphy. It was analysed with respect to lithology, carbon content, 14C, micro- and macrofossils. The diamict material in the bottom is overlain by a fining-upwards sequence, possibly deposited close to a receding ice margin in a glaciomarine environment. These deposits are interpreted to have been formed at the time of the marine limit ( c . 70 m) in the area. In spite of a large series of 14C datings, very few of the obtained dates were considered reliable. This is because the sediments contain coal fragments and old redeposited plant remains. Based on a set of arguments and correlations to the surrounding glacial stratigraphy it is implied that the marine limit and deglaciation cannot be much older than 10,000 BP. The lithology of the lake sediments, in combination with occurrence of marine macrofossils. shows that deglaciation was succeeded by a (glacio)marine depositional environment. The lake was isolated from the sea at c . 9000 BP. followed by a short transgression and a final isolation at c . 8400 BP. This sequence of events is demonstrated by both litho-and biostratigraphy and possible causes are discussed. A later oscillation some time between 8000 and 7500 BP. evidenced by litho-, carbon-, pollen- and Pecliastrum stratigraphy, is interpreted as a regional climatic cooling possibly correlatable to a distinct δ18O minima in the Greenland ice cores.  相似文献   

Lakes developed on progressively younger end moraines of the Klutlan Glacier were initially assumed to have originated shortly after moraine emplacement and to have persisted to the present. Limnological differences between lakes on old vs young moraines were thought to result from limnological maturation within the lakes and ponds themselves and in response to the development of soils and vegetation on moraine surfaces. This study represents a paleolimnological test of this hypothesis. If true, the first-formed sediments of lakes on old moraines should be comparable to sediments presently forming in lakes on young moraines. Geochemical and paleontological studies of surface sediment to a series of lakes on progressively older moraines provide baseline information for comparing successive levels of lake sediment cores from older moraines. Results indicate that the time of lake initiation seldom reflects moraine age. Even on the oldest moraine (Harris Creek), lake basins are presently forming. Their sediment character more closely relates to the rapidity of basin formation due to melting of buried ice than to age of the lake itself or of the moraine on which it is situated. Vegetation and soil development play an important but secondary role in determining the character of lake sediments; rapid subsidence can convert humic-water lakes surrounded by second-generation spruce forests into turbid-water lakes with unstable, slumping margins. A detailed paleolimnological study of two lakes, one on the unglaciated upland and another in an outwash channel penetrating the oldest moraine, revealed progressive limnologic changes through time, suggesting that their basins were stable for 1200 and 400 yr, respectively. The changes in diatom stratigraphy of these lakes appear to relate to natural limnological changes associated with lake maturation and accumulation of nutrients as well as to changes in the surrounding vegetation and soils.  相似文献   

A glacial chronology for northern East Greenland   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
In East Greenland between 75 and 76N three different glacial episodes can be identified: (1) An early period with more or less total ice cover and in which the ice reached out onto the continental shelf - the Kap Mackenzie stadial; (2) a period with glaciation of intermediate extent, when nunataks and a few ice-free lowland areas existed - the Muschelbjerg stadial; and (3) a final period with glacial advance, when the glaciers were mainly restricted to fjords and larger valleys - the Nanok stadial. Each of these stadials was followed by a period with general deglaciation, from which marine shell-bearing sediments have been found; the Hochstetter Forland interstadial, the Peters Bugt interstadial and the Flandrian interglacial, respectively. The marine limit sank with each of these ice-free periods; probably an isostatic effect of the decreasing amplitude of the glacial advances. The deglaciation after the Nanok stadial began about 9500 B.P. It is not known for certain when this glacial advance started, but 13,000 B.P. or earlier is suggested. According to 14C datings the Peters Bugt interstadial dates from at least 45,000 B.P. and the Hochstetter Forland interstadial from at least 49,000 B.P. However, amino acid analyses indicate a distinct age difference between these two interstadial, and Th/U datings give age estimates of 70,000–115,000 B.P. for the Hochstetter Forland interstadial, which therefore seems to be of Early Weichselian age although a pre-Weichselian age cannot be excluded. The same applies to the preceding Kap Mackenzie stadial. The correspondence between the present glacial chronology and similar tripartite ones on Bafffin Island, Ellesmere Island and Svalbard seems reasonably good  相似文献   

A synthesis is presented of the evidence for regional deglaciation, lake sediment stratigraphy, vegetation history and climatic variations in Québec during that part of the Wisconsinan Late-glacial (12.5-9 ka BP) for which detailed records exist. Lake sediment data for all or part of this period are available from more than 125 lakes or bogs in the region. The information available indicates strong regional differentiation in climatic conditions, probably due to local effects close to the edge of the retreating Late Wisconsinan ice sheet. The Younger Dryas cooling is not evident in the data from Québec, but there appears to have been a strong climatic reversal during the early Holocene. Summary charts are presented of deglaciation and vegetation patterns in the region, but only qualitative assessments can be made of temperature variations.  相似文献   

Sediment sequences retrieved from Lake Medvedevskoye (60°13'N; 29°54'E) and Lake Pastorskoye (60°13'N; 30°02'E), Karelian Isthmus, northwestern Russia, were analysed for lithology, pollen and diatom stratigraphy, total organic carbon content and mineral magnetic parameters. Age control for both sequences was provided by AMS 14C measurements and the Vedde Ash tephra. The reconstructed climatic and environmental development shows the deglaciation of the sites and the establishment of sparse shrub and herb/grass vegetation before 12650 cal. yrs BP ('Allerød'; GI-1a). Steppe tundra and cold, dry conditions prevailed until about 11000 cal. yrs BP, i.e. throughout the 'Younger Dryas' (GS-1) and the earliest Holocene. The establishment of open Picea-Pinus-Betula forest around the lakes at about 11 000 cal. yrs BP coincides with the first distinct change towards gradually warmer and more humid climatic conditions. Boreal forest with Picea, Pinus, Betula, Alnus incana and Corylus was present at the lower altitude site between c. 10700 and 10200 cal. yrs BP, while open Betula-Pinus forest continued to dominate the vegetation around the higher altitude site. After a short, possibly colder, phase around 10200-10000 cal. yrs BP, which is expressed by a marked reduction in vegetation cover and decreased lake productivity, climatic conditions became significantly warmer and possibly more humid. Boreal forest with Pinus, Betula, Picea, Alnus incana, Corylus and Ulmus became widespread in the region after 10000 cal. yrs BP. The delayed environmental response of the lakes and their catchment to hemispheric warming at the Pleistocene/Holocene boundary may be explained by a sustained blocking of westerly air masses due to the presence of the Scandinavian ice sheet and associated strengthened easterlies and anticy-clonic circulation and/or extensive permafrost.  相似文献   

玛珥湖与过去全球变化研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
古气候变化突变事件和气候周期的发现将过去全球变化研究推进到了高分辨率的新阶段。玛珥湖在形成和保存高分辨率气候环境记录方面具有独特的优势,玛珥湖研究所取得的重要成果也显示了在过去全球变化研究方面的巨大潜力。简要回顾了玛珥湖的研究历史,从纹层、年代学、多学科多指标综合研究等方面概括了国际玛珥湖沉积与环境研究的若干进展,并介绍了我国在玛珥湖研究方面的发展情况。  相似文献   

Sediment cores recovered from four emerged lakes (54, 41, 22, and 7 m a.s.l.) provide new data on the deglaciation and relative sea-level history of the Murman coast, Kola Peninsula. The transition from marine to lacustrine sediment is identified in the cores by analysis of sediment physical properties and diatom assemblages. Fourteen AMS-radiocarbon ages on organic macrofossils isolated from core sediment provide chronology for the records. Basal ages from two of the cores indicate deglaciation of the area prior to 11000 BP. Radiocarbon ages associated with the marine-lacustrine sediment transition in the cores further constrain the emergence history of the area. The prominent late-glacial shoreline on the Murman coast (48 m a.s.l.) is dated to c . 10500–10300 BP, the emergence ages of lake basins 54 and 41 m a.s.l. Glaciofluvial terraces graded to this shore level indicate remnant glaciers on the north-central Kola Peninsula during the Younger Dryas.  相似文献   

A high-resolution Younger Dryas–late Holocene record of climate and environment from the Malangen fjord has been established on the basis of two marine sediment cores. Five pollen-spore assemblage zones have been defined covering the period c . 11 500 cal. yr BP (10 200 14C yr BP) to c . 1600 cal. yr BP (1600 14C yr BP) with a hiatus of c . 2000 cal. years between c . 10 200 and 8100 cal. yr BP (9000 and 7300 14C yr BP). The Holocene vegetation development from pioneer vegetation to forest development, identified in the marine pollen record, correlates well with pollen records from terrestrial sections of northern Norway. The marine pollen record was also correlated directly with marine proxy records of the bottom water temperature investigated in the same sediment cores. Correlation between the marine and terrestrial proxies suggests that changes in the influx of warm Atlantic Water to the fjord led to an instant change in the vegetation of the surrounding land area. The results thus support a strong link between marine and atmospheric mean climatic states in the North Atlantic region throughout the Holocene.  相似文献   

Long piston cores taken from the subsurface of two mountain lakes of the eastern Swiss Alps recovered sediments, which overlie the Flims rockslide deposits. These sediments provide new information on the chronology of the largest known Alpine rockslide and can be used to reconstruct the post landslide environmental evolution. The oldest 14C date of the lake sediments yields a minimum age of the rockslide at 9660–9430 cal. yr BP. In addition, the dating of a wood fragment contained in the rockslide deposits directly below the lake sediments shows a maximum age of 9480–9120 cal. yr BP. The overlap of the maximum and minimum ages, 9480–9430 cal. yr BP, approximates the age of the Flims rockslide. This early Holocene range coincides with a period of higher frequency of large mass movements observed in the Alps, which could be related to climatic changes.  相似文献   

Annually-laminated lake sediments (non-glacial varves) have in recent years been discovered in increasing abundance, especially since the development of in situ freezer samplers. So far, the majority of examples have been found in three main areas (Eastern North America, Northern and Central Europe, and East and Central Africa). A much more widespread distribution seems highly probable however.The formation of annual laminations in freshwater lakes is governed by a number of factors, the most important of which appears to be morphometry. Seasonality of sediment supply, which may be controlled by physical, biological or even cultural processes in the lake, or in its catchment, is also clearly significant.Four main types of laminations (here termed ferrogenic, calcareous, biogenic and clastic) have so far been recorded, although it is quite clear that others exist. Special field and laboratory techniques are needed in order that the particular properties of varved sediments may be fully exploited.Annually-laminated sediments have so far been applied to the investigation of a number of aspects of the Quaternary. These include the study of (a) geochronology (b) climatic change, (c) vegetation history, especially the role of fire in forest ecosystems, (d) the calculation of rates of sediment influx to lakes, and of rates of erosion from their catchments, and (e) the monitoring of processes in the modern environment such as heavy metal pollution, eutrophication, and ‘acid rain’.Annually-laminated lake sediments combine an internal, independent chronology with the preservation of discrete, visible increments of seasonal and annual sedimentation. Given this unique property, and the likelihood that many more examples will be discovered, the prospects for further applications of studies of these sediments to the investigation of the Quaternary seem very good indeed.  相似文献   

Palaeohydrology of the brackish karst lake An Loch Mór (Inis Oirr) was reconstructed based on its 11 600 year sedimentation record. Low calcareous early Holocene sediments, characterized by high TOC contents and deposited at generally low accumulation rates, show a gradual decrease upwards in the concentration of the siliciclastic sediment until c . 7000 cal. yr BP. From c . 9000 cal. yr BP, sediment accumulation became increasingly dominated by the deposition of autochthonous calcite and organic matter. The deposition of autochthonous calcite and its chemical composition (Ca/Sr, Ca/Mg) are determined by the subsurface inflow of freshwater from the catchment of the lake and by the balance between freshwater and seawater influx. During the early Holocene, the lake mainly received input of sea salt by sea-spray. The sediments document the further development from seasonal towards the onset of diurnal infiltration of seawater at c . 5100 cal. yr BP. At that time, the relative sea level must have risen nearly to its present level in Galway Bay. Diurnal seawater infiltration during high tides was controlled by freshwater input. Freshwater inflow from the catchment gradually increased with human impact on local vegetation (EVPT decrease). Permanent diurnal seawater infiltration in concert with this general freshwater increase made the geochemical sedimentation record highly sensitive to changes in annual precipitation. We use information from the palynological record to interpret geochemically inferred freshwater inflow variations in terms of dry and wet climatic periods and document distinct century-scale successions between wet and dry climatic episodes for western Ireland.  相似文献   

The lacustrine sediments are one of the best sources to provide information on climate change, specially in peri-glacial climatic region. Schirmacher Oasis, located on the Princess Astrid Coast in Queen Maud Land, is one of the few areas in East Antarctica that provides valuable information on paleoclimate of the region with various depositional features formed due to deglaciation process. This Oasis is dotted with more than 100 lakes of proglacial, land-locked and epi-shelf type. The multi-proxy sedimentological data, generated from the sediment cores from land-locked lakes and grab sample from a proglacial lake, lying in the same drainage line in the central part of Schirmacher region has provided better insight into the paleoclimatic evolution of the region. The immature and chemically unaltered lake sediments have shown restricted drainage pattern. Different phases of warmer and cooler intervals are highlighted by the patterns of fluctuations in different sedimentological and statistical parameters. The dominance of glacial signatures is very clear on the lake sediments as revealed by the surface textures of quartz grains. Physical weathering has mainly controlled the overall sediments and the composition of clay fraction. The clay minerals indicate a gradual shift in the weathering regime and therewith in climate from strongly glacial to fluvioglacial specially around 42 ka. This indicates beginning of warming of the area much before the LGM. But the warm period is not strong enough to alter the overall clay chemistry. Proxy records indicate short-period climatic oscillations during late Quaternary.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to develop a method for extracting quantitative annual records of diatoms and other microfossils from sediments that are resistant to existing varve-counting methods because of their variable, complex, or indistinct laminations. Very linely laminated organic sediments from a deep diamictic lake in central Minnesota, USA were collected by freeze-core, dehydrated by solvent exchange, embedded with epoxy, and petrographically thin-sectioned. Diatom frustules and pollen grains were counted in contiguous 400 pm microscope fields-of-view and used to construct a sediment chronology. The concentration of diatoms in the sediment was cyclic and lowest in sediment deposited during summer. The concentration of pollen in the sediment was also cyclic and sediment deposited during the summer contained the highest concentrations of pollen and the highest percentages of ragweed ( Ambrosia spp.) pollen. The sediment chronology that was produced accurately records the onset of regional (c. 1850) and watershed ( c . 1880) development, a historic tornadic storm complex (1894), and individual drought years (1932, 1934 & 1935) within the 1930's drought.  相似文献   

Lake sedimentary records that allow documentation of the distinct climatic and environmental shifts during the early part of the Last Termination are scarce for northern Europe. This multi‐proxy study of the sediments of Atteköpsmosse, southwest Sweden, therefore fills an important gap and provides detailed information regarding past hydroclimatic conditions and local environmental responses to climatic shifts. Lake infilling started c. 15.5 cal. ka BP, but low aquatic productivity, cold summer lake water temperatures, unstable catchments, and scarce herb and shrub vegetation prevailed until c. 14.7–14.5 cal. ka BP. Inflow of warmer air masses and higher July air temperatures favoured a rise in aquatic productivity and lake water summer temperatures, and the establishment of a diverse herb, shrub and dwarf shrub vegetation, which also included tree birch c. 14.5 cal. ka BP. Freshening of the moisture source region c. 13.7–13.6 cal. ka BP does not seem to have had a large impact on the ancient lake and its catchment, as lake aquatic productivity increased further and lake water summer temperatures and minimum mean July air temperatures remained around 12–14 °C. In contrast, further freshening of the moisture source region c. 13 cal. ka BP triggered a decrease in lake productivity, drier conditions and lower lake water summer temperatures. Macroscopic finds of tree Betula and Pinus sylvestris at 13–12.8 cal. ka BP demonstrate the presence of these trees in the lake's catchment. The transition into the Holocene (11.6–11.5 cal. ka BP) is marked by a change in chironomid assemblages and by a rise in lake water summer temperatures and aquatic productivity. These changes were followed by the re‐establishment of a diverse aquatic and terrestrial vegetation, including tree birch and Pinus sylvestris at 11.4 cal. ka BP.  相似文献   

刘瑾  王永  李廷栋  董进  江南  汤文坤 《古地理学报》2016,18(6):1044-1052
内蒙古中东部位于东亚夏季风过渡区,对气候变化响应敏感。广泛发育的湖泊沉积物提供了全新世以来的环境变化的理想材料。湖岸沉积物直接记录的古水位,与高分辨率的湖心钻孔记录相结合,有助于全面认识古气候的变化历史和湖面波动的定量重建。运用AMS14C测年和GPS、DEM及1︰5万地形图等相结合的方法确定了达里湖北侧湖岸堤的年代和高程,并结合湖岸堤剖面的沉积序列指示的湖面变化过程,重建了12.5 cal ka BP以来达里湖的波动历史。12.5 cal ka BP,达里湖湖面海拔高度约为1253,m,至12.3 cal ka BP湖面经历短暂上升,至海拔1266,m左右;之后湖面下降,至全新世早期(11.2 cal ka BP),水位降至1254,m左右;随后湖面开始逐步上升,10.7 cal ka BP湖面水位稳定在1274,m左右;全新世中期湖面继续上升至某一高度(至少在1291,m)后,于全新世晚期4.8 calka BP 湖面高度降至1279,m,并于4.6 cal ka BP湖面继续下降至1275,m的高度。通过对比湖心钻孔记录的湖泊波动历史以及区域湖泊沉积记录,认为达里湖的水位波动受东亚季风活动的影响,具有区域的一致性。达里湖的水位变化较区域内的其他湖泊更为强烈,认为除了受区域气候变化的影响外,达里湖全新世晚期的湖面下降可能还与区域内强烈的构造活动和西拉木伦河溯源侵蚀导致区域水系的改变有关。  相似文献   

The Quaternary fills of the buried valleys of southern Alberta and Saskatchewan have provided a wealth of information for the reconstruction of the glacial-interglacial record of the western plains of Canada, and this paper reports on the previously unstudied stratigraphy of the buried Calgary Valley and its former tributaries in the lower Red Deer River area. We attempt to differentiate Empress Group sediments, which potentially relate to pre-glacial, interglacial/ interstadial and post-glacial lake and river deposition, using sedimentology, stratigraphy and palaeoecology. Twenty-nine stratigraphical logs indicate that Empress Group sediments have infilled a considerably large area of badlands and tributary coulees that once drained into the Calgary Valley, located 15 km to the north of Dinosaur Provincial Park. Radiocarbon dates of 52.4 ka, 27.4 ka and > 42.4 ka and glacially modified quartz grains suggest that at least some of the valley fills date to interglacial or interstadial periods and may be mid-Wisconsinan in age. However, outcrops of an older till overlying other valley fills suggest that the buried valleys were only partially excavated during interglacials/interstadials and that older (even pre-glacial) sediments could have survived. Subglacial channels, recognisable on air photographs, largely coincide with buried valley positions due to the preferential excavation of the Quaternary sediment by meltwater and are filled with post-glacial lake sediment from which a radiocarbon date of 16 ka BP was obtained. Pre-glacial and glacial/post-glacial Empress Group sediments are lithologically indistinct but cover a large time span in southern Alberta.  相似文献   

Plant macrofossils from 38 packrat middens spanning the last ~ 33,000 cal yr BP record vegetation between ~ 650 and 900 m elevation along the eastern escarpment of the Sierra San Pedro Mártir, northern Baja California. The middens span most of the Holocene, with a gap between ~ 4600 and 1800 cal yr BP, but coverage in the Pleistocene is uneven with a larger hiatus between 23,100 and 14,400 cal yr BP. The midden flora is relatively stable from the Pleistocene to Holocene. Exceptions include Pinus californiarum, Juniperus californica and other chaparral elements that were most abundant > 23,100 cal yr BP and declined after 14,400 cal yr BP. Despite being near the chaparral/woodland-desertscrub ecotone during glacial times, the midden assemblages reflect none of the climatic reversals evident in the glacial or marine record, and this is corroborated by a nearby semi-continuous pollen stratigraphy from lake sediments. Regular appearance of C4 grasses and summer-flowering annuals since 13,600 cal yr BP indicates occurrence of summer rainfall equivalent to modern (JAS average of ~ 80–90 mm). This casts doubt on the claim, based on temperature proxies from marine sediments in the Guaymas Basin, that monsoonal development in the northern Gulf and Arizona was delayed until after 6200 cal yr BP.  相似文献   

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