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Individual bacterial cells occur in many samples that were collected at Cape Grim, Tasmania and during the Lagrangian “B” experiment of the Aerosol Characterization Experiment 1 (ACE-1) campaign that was conducted above the Southern Ocean. They are present in samples from altitudes as high as 5.4 km. Morphologically, almost all bacteria are rod-shaped, about 1 μm long or smaller, have one polar flagellum, and contain inclusions that are rich in P and K. Their morphological features suggest that these bacteria are motile, marine species. It seems likely that the cells became airborne by the same bubble-bursting mechanism that ejects sea-salt aerosol particles into the atmosphere; however, the bacteria and sea-salt particles are typically not aggregated with one another. The estimated number ratio of bacteria and the dominant aerosol species, sea salt, varies in the samples and averages about 1%. The aerosol bacteria seem to represent an important atmospheric reservoir of P and organic compounds; on the other hand, since they are externally mixed with sea salt, they are unlikely to be effective as cloud condensation nuclei.  相似文献   

Radon and particle concentrations obtained at Macquarie Island, halfway between Australia and Antarctica, and on Tasmania's north-west coast at Cape Grim during 1987 are examined. Four-day trajectories based on 12 hourly analyses over the Australian region are used to explore the transport of continental material across the Southern Ocean. This study suggests that at least 25% of the variance of radon concentration at Macquarie Island can be accounted for by transport from the Australian continent. Trajectories at intervals of one hour are used to demonstrate the agreement between episodes of trajectories passing over land and episodes of elevated radon and particle concentration. Wind roses of percentage probability of various levels of radon and particle concentration are compared with back trajectories for their accuracy in depicting episodes of continental air incursion.  相似文献   

南大洋淡水强迫对南半球环状模的影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南半球环状模是南半球热带外大气环流变异的主导模态,对南半球海洋—大气—海冰耦合系统有重要的影响。冰川融化激发的淡水强迫是南大洋的一种重要外强迫。在历史气候记录中,南大洋淡水通量异常曾引发数次全球性气候异常事件。基于海—气完全耦合模式FOAM,在60°S以南的海洋中施加强度为1.0 Sv的理想化淡水通量异常,分析南半球环状模的响应。结果表明:南大洋淡水通量异常可使局地西风增强,且西风的增强在垂向各个层次上均有体现。西风强度的变化导致对流层中大气斜压性增强,平流层中大气斜压性减弱。此外,淡水强迫使环状模的年际变率振幅显著减弱,而年代际变率开始增强,谱能量的变化具有垂向一致性。海温和海冰等外强迫因子的变化对环状模年代际振幅的增强具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The major finding of this study is that aerosols over the tropical Indian Ocean enhance clear sky atmospheric solar heating significantly and decrease the surface solar heating by even a larger amount. The results presented here are based on aerosol chemical, microphysical, and optical and radiometric data collected at the island of Kaashidhoo (4.97°N, 73.47°E) during February and March of 1998, as part of the first field phase of the Indian Ocean experiment (INDOEX). The aerosol optical properties were integrated with a multiple scattering Monte Carlo radiative transfer model which was validated at the surface with broadband flux measurements and at the top of the atmosphere (TOA) with the clouds and earth's radiant energy system (CERES) radiation budget measurements. We consider both externally and internally mixed aerosol models with very little difference between the two models in the estimated forcing. For the February–March period, the aerosols increase the monthly mean clear sky atmospheric solar heating by about 12 W/m2(about 15% of the total atmospheric solar heating) and decrease the sea surface clear sky solar heating by about 16 W/m2 with a daily range from 5 to 23 W/m2. The net aerosol forcing at the top of the atmosphere is about −4 W/m2 with a daily range from −2 to −6 W/m2. Although the soot contributes only about 10% to the aerosol optical thickness, it contributes more than 50% to the aerosol induced atmospheric solar heating. The fundamental conclusion of this study is that anthropogenic aerosols over the tropical Indian Ocean are altering the clear sky radiation budget of the atmosphere and surface in a major manner.  相似文献   

Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry - The size distribution of atmospheric aerosols together with their composition, sources and sinks, is a key element in understanding aerosol effects on the...  相似文献   

Summary A general circulation model is used to study the response of the atmosphere to an idealised sea surface temperature (SST) anomaly pattern (warm throughout the southern midlatitudes, cool in the tropics) in the South Indian Ocean region. The anomaly imposed on monthly SST climatology captures the essence of patterns observed in the South Indian Ocean during both ENSO events and multidecadal epochs, and facilitates diagnosis of the model response. A previous study with this anomaly imposed in the model examined differences in the response between that on the seasonal scale (favours enhancement of the original SST anomaly) and that on the decadal scale (favours damping of the anomaly). The current study extends that work firstly by comparing the response on the intraseasonal, seasonal and interannual scales, and secondly, by assessing the changes in the circulation and rainfall over the adjoining African landmass.It is found that the atmospheric response is favourable for enhancement of the original SST anomaly on scales up to, and including, annual. However, as the scale becomes interannual (i.e., 15–21 months after imposition of the anomaly), the model response suggests that damping of the original SST anomaly becomes likely. Compared to the shorter scale response, the perturbation pressure and wind distribution on the interannual scale is shifted poleward, and is more reminiscent of the decadal response. Winds are now stronger over the warm anomaly in the southern midlatitudes suggesting enhanced surface fluxes, upper ocean mixing, and consequently, a damping of the anomaly.Examination of the circulation and rainfall patterns indicates that there are significant anomalies over large parts of southern Africa during the spring, summer and autumn seasons for both short (intraseasonal to interannual) and decadal scales. It appears that rainfall anomalies are associated with changes in the advection of moist tropical air from the Indian Ocean and its related convergence over southern Africa. Over eastern equatorial Africa, the austral autumn season (the main wet season) showed rainfall increases on all time scales, while parts of central to eastern subtropical southern Africa were dry. The signals during summer were more varied. Spring showed generally dry conditions over the eastern half of southern Africa on both short and decadal time scales, with wet areas confined to the west. In all cases, the magnitude of the rainfall anomalies accumulated over a 90 day season were of the order of 90–180 mm, and therefore represent a significant fraction of the annual total of many areas. It appears that relatively modest SST anomalies in the South Indian Ocean can lead to sizeable rainfall anomalies in the model. Although precipitation in general circulation models tends to be less accurately simulated than many other variables, the model results, together with previous observational work, emphasize the need for ongoing monitoring of SST in this region.With 14 Figures  相似文献   

The Southern Ocean is covered by a large amount of clouds with high cloud albedo. However, as reported by previous climate model intercomparison projects, underestimated cloudiness and overestimated absorption of solar radiation (ASR) over the Southern Ocean lead to substantial biases in climate sensitivity. The present study revisits this long-standing issue and explores the uncertainty sources in the latest CMIP6 models. We employ 10-year satellite observations to evaluate cloud radiative effect (CRE) and cloud physical properties in five CMIP6 models that provide comprehensive output of cloud, radiation, and aerosol. The simulated longwave, shortwave, and net CRE at the top of atmosphere in CMIP6 are comparable with the CERES satellite observations. Total cloud fraction (CF) is also reasonably simulated in CMIP6, but the comparison of liquid cloud fraction (LCF) reveals marked biases in spatial pattern and seasonal variations. The discrepancies between the CMIP6 models and the MODIS satellite observations become even larger in other cloud macro- and micro-physical properties, including liquid water path (LWP), cloud optical depth (COD), and cloud effective radius, as well as aerosol optical depth (AOD). However, the large underestimation of both LWP and cloud effective radius (regional means ~20% and 11%, respectively) results in relatively smaller bias in COD, and the impacts of the biases in COD and LCF also cancel out with each other, leaving CRE and ASR reasonably predicted in CMIP6. An error estimation framework is employed, and the different signs of the sensitivity errors and biases from CF and LWP corroborate the notions that there are compensating errors in the modeled shortwave CRE. Further correlation analyses of the geospatial patterns reveal that CF is the most relevant factor in determining CRE in observations, while the modeled CRE is too sensitive to LWP and COD. The relationships between cloud effective radius, LWP, and COD are also analyzed to explore the possible uncertainty sources in different models. Our study calls for more rigorous calibration of detailed cloud physical properties for future climate model development and climate projection.  相似文献   

Vertical distributions of dimethylsulfide (DMS), sulfur dioxide (SO2), aerosol methane-sulfonate (MSA), non-sea-salt sulfate (nss-SO4 2-), and other aerosol ions were measured in maritime air west of Tasmania (Australia) during December 1986. A few cloudwater and rainwater samples were also collected and analyzed for major anions and cations. DMS concentrations in the mixed layer (ML) were typically between 15–60 ppt (parts per trillion, 10–12; 24 ppt=1 nmol m–3 (20°C, 1013 hPa)) and decreased in the free troposphere (FT) to about <1–2.4 ppt at 3 km. One profile study showed elevated DMS concentrations at cloud level consistent with turbulent transport (cloud pumping) of air below convective cloud cells. In another case, a diel variation of DMS was observed in the ML. Our data suggest that meteorological rather than photochemical processes were responsible for this behavior. Based on model calculations we estimate a DMS lifetime in the ML of 0.9 days and a DMS sea-to-air flux of 2–3 mol m–2 d–1. These estimates pertain to early austral summer conditions and southern mid-ocean latitudes. Typical MSA concentrations were 11 ppt in the ML and 4.7–6.8 ppt in the FT. Sulfur-dioxide values were almost constant in the ML and the lower FT within a range of 4–22 ppt between individual flight days. A strong increase of the SO2 concentration in the middle FT (5.3 km) was observed. We estimate the residence time of SO2 in the ML to be about 1 day. Aqueous-phase oxidation in clouds is probably the major removal process for SO2. The corresponding removal rate is estimated to be a factor of 3 larger than the rate of homogeneous oxidation of SO2 by OH. Model calculations suggest that roughly two-thirds of DMS in the ML are converted to SO2 and one-third to MSA. On the other hand, MSA/nss-SO4 2- mole ratios were significantly higher compared to values previously reported for other ocean areas suggesting a relatively higher production of MSA from DMS oxidation over the Southern Ocean. Nss-SO4 2- profiles were mostly parallel to those of MSA, except when air was advected partially from continental areas (Africa, Australia). In contrast to SO2, nss-SO4 2- values decreased significantly in the middle FT. NH4 +/nss-SO4 2- mole ratios indicate that most non-sea-salt sulfate particles in the ML were neutralized by ammonium.  相似文献   

Dust aerosol optical depth (AOD) and its accompanying shortwave radiative forcing (RF) are usually simulated by numerical models. Here, by using 9 months of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) aerosol product data in combination with Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System Single Scanner Footprint (CERES/SSF) data, dust AOD and its shortwave RF were estimated over the cloud-free northwest (NW) Pacific Ocean in the springs of 2004, 2005, and 2006. The results showed that in this region, the mean dust AOD and its shortwave RF were 0.10 and -5.51 W m^-2, respectively. In order to validate the dust AOD derived by MODIS, results from the Goddard Global Ozone Chemistry Aerosol Radiation and Transport (GOCART) model were also used here. The correlation coefficient between the monthly averaged dust AOD derived by MODIS measurements and the model simulation results was approximately 0.53. Since the estimates of the dust AOD and its shortwave RF obtained in this study are based mainly on satellite data, they offer a good reference for numerical models.  相似文献   

藏北高原五道梁地区的气溶胶特征   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
李韧  季国良 《高原气象》2004,23(4):501-505
通过对藏北高原五道梁地区的大气气溶胶光学厚度分析发现,该地区气溶胶光学厚度有明显的日变化及季节变化特征,气溶胶光学厚度增大时月平均气温与年平均气温减小。  相似文献   

The mechanical influences involved in the interaction between the Antarctic sea ice and ocean surface current(OSC)on the subpolar Southern Ocean have been systematically investigated for the first time by conducting two simulations that include and exclude the OSC in the calculation of the ice-ocean stress(IOS), using an eddy-permitting coupled ocean-sea ice global model. By comparing the results of these two experiments, significant increases of 5%, 27%, and 24%, were found in the subpolar Sout...  相似文献   

Using the data of ~58 000 ship observations of Antarctic icebergs in 1947–2014, the map of average summertime concentration of icebergs (namely, of their number within a circle with the radius of 15 nautical miles) in the Southern Ocean was constructed. The main features of the iceberg distribution are revealed, and their possible reasons are investigated. It is shown that in the open ocean sea currents play a key role in the iceberg distribution. Wind effects are pronounced when ocean currents are weak or absent. According to the authors’ estimates, wind plays a decisive role only in the formation of one wide quasimeridional tongue of high iceberg concentration in the Weddell Sea. It is difficult to assess the impact of Antarctic glaciers’ productivity on the iceberg distribution, because currents, wind, and breaking and jamming of icebergs in shallow water areas cause their rapid redistribution. The clear physical explanation of the main features of iceberg concentration distribution on the constructed map indicates that it provides a rather real pattern.  相似文献   

Cyclones with strong winds can make the Southern Ocean and the Antarctic a dangerous environment. Accurate weather forecasts are essential for safe shipping in the Southern Ocean and observational and logistical operations at Antarctic research stations. This study investigated the impact of additional radiosonde observations from Research Vessel "Shirase" over the Southern Ocean and Dome Fuji Station in Antarctica on reanalysis data and forecast experiments using an ensemble data assimilation s...  相似文献   

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and organic hydroperoxides (ROOH) were measured on board of theRV Polarstern during its cruise across the Atlantic Ocean from 20 October to 12 November 1990 (54° N to 51° S latitude) by the enzyme fluorometric method. The H2O2 mixing ratio varied from below the detection limit of about 0.12 ppbv up to 3.89 ppbv, showing a latitudinal dependence with generally higher values around the equator and decreasing values poleward. The shape of the latitudinal H2O2 distribution agrees well with an analytical steady state expression for H2O2 using the measured H2O and O3 distribution and a wind dependent H2O2 deposition rate. The ROOH mixing ratio varied from below the detection limit of about 0.08 ppbv up to 1.25 ppbv with qualitatively the same latitudinal dependence as H2O2. The observed ratio ROOH/(ROOH + H2O2) varied between 0.17 and 0.98 showing higher values at the lowest H2O2 mixing ratios at high latitudes. The measured H2O2 mixing ratio shows a significant diurnal variation with a maximum around 14:00 local time, explicable by a superposition of the photochemical H2O2 production with a constant H2O2 deposition rate. Four independent estimations of the average effective H2O2 deposition rate inferred from the H2O2 decrease in the night, from the midday H2O2 production deficit (as derived from comparison with a photochemical model and from the daily ozone loss), and from the offset in the latitudinal H2O2 distribution, were consistent. An episode of maximum H2O2 concentration suggests the possibility of its formation in clouds.  相似文献   

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