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Astrosat is the first Indian satellite mission dedicated for astronomical studies. It is planned for launch during 2014 and will have five instruments for multi-wavelength observations from optical to hard X-rays. Cadmium Zing Telluride Imager (CZTI) is one of the five instruments aiming for simultaneous X-ray spectroscopy and imaging in the energy range of 10 keV to 100 keV (along with all sky photometric capability unto 250 keV). It is based on pixilated CZT detector array with total geometric area of 1024 cm2. It will have two-dimensional coded mask for medium resolution X-ray imaging. The CZT detector plane will be realized using CZT detector modules having integrated readout electronics. Each CZT detector module consists of 4 cm × 4 cm CZT with thickness of 5 mm which is further pixilated into 16 × 16 array of pixels. Thus each pixel has size of 2.5 mm × 2.5 mm and thickness of 5 mm. Such pixilated detector plane can in principle be used for hard X-ray polarization measurements based on the principle of Compton scattering by measuring azimuthal distribution of simultaneous events in two adjacent pixels. We have carried out detailed Geant4 simulations for estimating polarimetric capabilities of CZTI detector plane. The results indicate that events in the energy range of 100 keV to 250 keV, where the 5 mm thick CZT detector has significant detection efficiency, can be used for polarimetric studies. Our simulation results indicate the minimum detectable polarization (MDP) at the level of ~ 10% can be achieved for bright Crab like X-ray sources with exposure time of ~500 ks. We also carried out preliminary experiments to verify the results from our simulations. Here we present detailed method and results of our simulations as well as preliminary results from the experimental verification of polarimetric capabilities of CZT detector modules used in Astrosat CZTI.  相似文献   

We have recently built and tested an instrument designed to measure the polarization of the hard (5–30 keV) X-ray emission from solar flares, and thereby to investigate the energy release mechanism and constrain flare models. In particular, these measurements will help to determine whether hard X-ray bursts are produced by nonthermal or by thermal electrons. The polarimeter makes use of the angular dependence of Thomson scattering from targets of metallic lithium. It has an energy resolution of a few keV, a time resolution of 5 s, and sufficient sensitivity to measure polarization levels (3) of a few percent in about 10 s for a moderate strength solar flare. The instrumental polarization has been directly measured and found to be within the design goal of 1%. This polarimeter is scheduled to be flown as part of the OSS-1 pallet on an early Space Shuttle mission.  相似文献   

The dynamics of hard X-ray producing electron beams in solar flares can be strongly affected by the occurrence of a reverse current. The parameter diagram for a beam can be divided into three regimes, one of which is the usual thick target case, the two others being due to two different possible consequences of the reverse current. The use of this parameter diagram as a possible diagnostic tool for solar flare hard X-ray sources is discussed, together with the necessary observations and their interpretation.The forthcoming Solar Maximum Mission, complemented with concurrent ground-based efforts provide the next possibility to obtain these observations, given a good coordination of observing programs. We stress the importance of microwave (GHz) ratio observations with good temporal (few sec) and spatial resolution (1) in one dimension, and of reliable spectroscopic methods to determine the density in solar flare hard X-ray sources.  相似文献   

An improved X-ray polarimeter is briefly described and preliminary results of the measurements carried out on the satellite Intercosmos-7 are presented. One flare with considerable polarization (P 16%) was observed on 1972 August 4. Two other flares with rather low polarization (P 4%; P 2%) were observed on 1972 August 7 and 11.  相似文献   

Frequency distributions and correlations of solar X-ray flare parameters   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We have determined frequency distributions of flare parameters from over 12000 solar flares recorded with the Hard X-Ray Burst Spectrometer (HXRBS) on the Solar Maximum Mission (SMM) satellite. These parameters include the flare duration, the peak counting rate, the peak hard X-ray flux, the total energy in electrons, and the peak energy flux in electrons (the latter two computed assuming a thick-target flare model). The energies were computed above a threshold energy between 25 and 50 keV. All of the distributions can be represented by power laws above the HXRBS sensitivity threshold. Correlations among these parameters are determined from linear regression fits as well as from the slopes of the frequency distributions. Variations of the frequency distributions were investigated with respect to the solar activity cycle.Theoretical models for the frequency distribution of flare parameters depend on the probability of flaring and the temporal evolution of the flare energy build-up. Our results are consistent with stochastic flaring and exponential energy build-up, with an average build-up time constant that is 0.5 times the mean time between flares. The measured distributions of flares are also consistent with predicted distributions of flares from computer simulations of avalanche models that are governed by the principle of self-organized criticality.  相似文献   

Edges in the solar soft X-ray flare continuum have been observed with the NRL Bragg crystal spectrometer aboard OSO-4. The edges near 2.06 Å, 2.8 Å, and 4.46 Å are interpreted to be due to an innershell dielectronic recombination process, details of which are presented. Two other edges, 3.59 Å and 3.31 Å, are interpreted to be due to recombination of the bare sulfur ion and innershell transitions of calcium.  相似文献   

Broadband sensors aboard the Naval Research Laboratory's SOLRAD 11 satellites measured solar emission in the 0.5 to 3 Å, 1 to 8 Å, 8 to 20 Å, 100 to 500 Å, 500 to 800 Å, and 700 to 1030 Å bands between March 1976 and October 1979. Measurements of EUV and soft X-ray emission from a large number of solar flares were obtained. Although solar flare measurements in the soft X-ray bands are continuously made and used as a standard of a flare's geophysical significance, direct measurements of flare EUV emission are quite rare. We present measurements of the X-ray and EUV emission from several flares with special emphasis on the relative EUV response associated with flares in different categories determined by 1 to 8 Å soft X-ray flux. An example of a flare exhibiting an impulsive (nonthermal) phase is included.Proceedings of the 14th ESLAB Symposium on Physics of Solar Variations, 16–19 Semptember 1980, Scheveningen, The Netherlands.  相似文献   

The role of heat flux limitation in soft X-ray emitting solar flare plasmas is considered. Simple analytic arguments suggest that flux limitation is likely to be important during the explosive heating phase, even for relatively modest coronal energy fluxes (say 109 erg cm-2 s-1). This conclusion is reinforced by a detailed flare loop simulation of the heating phase. Since flux saturation effectively bottles up the coronal heat flux, mass motions now assume a dominant role in transferring energy from the coronal flare source to the lower transition region. The mass-energy exchange between the corona and chromosphere produces dramatic changes in the thermal structure of the plasma which are reflected in the differential emission measure profile of the flaring loop.  相似文献   

Simultaneous X-ray images in hard (20–40 keV) and softer (6.5–15 keV) energy ranges were obtained with the hard X-ray telescope aboard the Hinotori spacecraft of an impulsive solar X-ray burst associated with a flare near the solar west limb.The burst was composed of an impulsive component with a hard spectrum and a thermal component with a peak temperature of 2.8 × 107 K. For about one minute, the impulsive component was predominant even in the softer energy range.The hard X-ray image for the impulsive component is an extended single source elongated along the solar limb, rather steady and extends from the two-ribbon H flare up to 104 km above the limb. The centroid of this source image is located about 10 (7 × 103 km) ± 5 above the neutral line. The corresponding image observed at the softer X-rays is compact and located near the centroid of the hard X-ray image.The source for the thermal component observed in the later phase at the softer X-rays is a compact single source, and it shows a gradual rising motion towards the later phase.  相似文献   

Hard X-ray (?100 keV) time histories of solar flares which occurred on 1978 December 4 and 1979 February 18 are presented. The first flare was observed by 3 identical instruments from near-earth orbit (Prognoz 7) and interplanetary space (Venera 11 and 12). Fine time structure is present down to the 55 ms level for the e-folding rise and fall times. These data may be used to localize the emission region by the method of arrival time analysis.  相似文献   

We compare solar X-ray observations from the UCSD experiment aboard OSO-7 with high resolution energetic electron observations from the UCAL experiment on IMP-6 for a small solar flare on 26 February 1972. A proportional counter and NaI scintillator covered the X-ray energy range 5–300 keV, while a semiconductor detector telescope covered electrons from 18 to 400 keV. A series of four non-thermal X-ray spikes were observed from 1805 to 1814 UT with average spectrum dJ/d (hv) (hv)–4.0 over the 14–64 keV range. The energetic electrons were observed at 1 AU beginning 1840 UT with a spectrum dJ/dE E –3.1. If the electrons which produce the X-ray emission and those observed at 1 AU are assumed to originate in a common source, then these observations are consistent with thin target X-ray production at the Sun and inconsistent with thick target production. Under a model consistent with the observed soft X-ray emission, we obtain quantitative estimates of the total energy, total number, escape efficiency, and energy lost in collisions for the energetic electrons.  相似文献   

The evolution of the energy distributions of fast flare electrons injected towards the chromosphere are computed by the Monte Carlo method for different depths. Using these distributions, power law bremsstrahlung spectra having spectral indices increasing with photon energies are obtained.  相似文献   

J.-René Roy 《Solar physics》1976,48(2):265-273
We evaluate the possibility that the short-lived Balmer line emission at H9 3835 Å of the 1972, August 2 (1839 UT) solar flare is due to heating of the chromosphere by bombarding electrons. We point out some of the problems of comparing the time behavior and spatial distribution of simultaneous hard and soft X-ray emissions. It is concluded that the present data do not justify the attribution of the short-lived optical emission to the presumed hard X-ray producing electrons.  相似文献   

A slowly evolving, flaring loop was observed by the UVSP, XRP, and HXIS instruments onboard SMM on June 10, 1980. Simultaneous radio observations from Toyokawa (Japan) are also available. The SMM instruments have an angular resolution ranging from 3 to 30 arc sec by which the loop structure may be determined. It appears that these observations cannot be accounted for by a single loop model even assuming a variable temperature and pressure. The additional presence of a hot and tenuous isothermal plasma is necessary to explain the harder emission (HXIS). X-ray and UV data are used to fit the differential emission measure as a function of temperature and a model of the flare is deduced, which is then checked against radio data. An estimate of the heating function along the loop and of the total energy content of the loop is also given.  相似文献   

Solar Physics - The soft X-ray background flux (XBF) based on GOES 1–8&;nbsp;Å measurements for the period 1975–2003 is studied. There is strong evidence that in the XBF the...  相似文献   

Several laboratory experiments on magnetic field line reconnection are briefly reviewed. Emphasis is placed on the double inverse pinch device (DIPD) in which magnetic flux is built up during a quiescent reconnection phase and then abruptly transferred during an impulsive reconnection phase. Scaling estimates show that this impulsive phase corresponds to a solar release of 1030 ergs in 102 seconds with the production of GeV potentials. The trigger for the impulsive flare is a conduction mode instability (ion-acoustic) which abruptly changes the resistance of the neutral point region when the reconnection current density reaches a critical value.Some results are presented from another reconnection device which has exactly antiparallel fields at the boundaries. This flat plate device develops one x-type neutral point rather than tearing into many neutral points. The reconnection rate is more quiescent than in the DIPD. A mild conduction mode instability occurs. The results suggest that regions with flattened boundary fields may not be as conducive to flares as regions with more curved fields.  相似文献   

A new instrument, called a videometer, has been developed to measure solar flare area, peak intensity and integrated intensity in real time. The videometer uses a closed circuit television system to convert an optical H image into electrical signals for measurement. Observations of two Class I flares with the videometer are discussed.  相似文献   

We present a classification scheme for solar flare models that utilize magnetic free energycurrents. The classification scheme is geometry independent and delineates models into two categories: those models utilizing currents flowing parallel to B and those utilizing currents flowing perpendicular to B. This delineation of drivers allows us to specify what kinds of plasma-magnetic field configurations should be expected for a given current driver. Further, the delineation of drivers will allow us to identify both the strengths and the weaknesses of the various models.Based on invited talks given at the SERF Workshop (Aug. 13, 1979) and the IAU Meeting of Commission 10 (Aug. 15, 1979) held in Montreal.  相似文献   

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