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In sonar and many other applications, time-delay estimation is an important problem. When bandpass probe signals are used, the correlation function between the received and the known transmitted signals oscillates near the carrier frequency of the transmitted signal. In this case, many existing time-delay estimation algorithms perform poorly due to converging to local optimum points. In this paper, two efficient algorithms, Hybrid-WRELAX and EXIP-WRELAX, are proposed to deal with the above problem. They are relaxation-based global minimizers of a highly oscillatory nonlinear least-squares cost function. Both algorithms are shown to achieve the Cramer-Rao bound and require only a sequence of weighted Fourier transforms  相似文献   

Sensor measurements derived from passively observed transient signals radiated by a target are non-Gaussian and may also be nonstationary due to their dependence on tracking geometry. Moreover, transients are usually observed in clutter, so there is also a possibility of false detections. A technique that incorporates a deterministic annealing procedure into a robust M-estimator, referred to as the annealing M-estimator, is applied to determine the target motion parameters based on such measurements. This technique is compared to standard robust M-estimators using several scenarios with different tracking geometry and is found to give more accurate parameter estimates.  相似文献   

The problem of tracking the directions-of-arrival (DOAs) of multiple moving sonar targets with an array of passive sensors is complicated by sensor movement. An algorithm for the joint tracking of source DOAs and sensor positions is presented to address this problem. Initial maximum-likelihood estimates of source DOAs and sensor positions are refined by Kalman filtering. Spatio-temporally correlated array movement is considered. Source angle dynamics are used to achieve correct data association. The new technique is capable of performing well for the difficult cases of sources that cross in angle as well as for fully coherent sources. Computer simulations show that the approach is robust in the presence of array motion modeling uncertainty and effectively reduces dependence on expensive and possibly unreliable hardware  相似文献   

基于高分遥感影像的海岛建筑物高度测算研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
准确、快速建立海岛建筑物的三维立体模型对于海岛生态保护与开发利用、海岛建设项目监督和管理、海岛权益维护等具有重要意义。其中建筑物高度数据是三维模型建立的重要基础数据。如何快速、准确获取成为研究的重点和难点。本文通过对比、分析现行的高度数据提取方法,选择利用高分遥感影像进行建筑物阴影测高法,以河北省月岛为实验区,进行了建筑物高度提取,并和实际高度进行对比,对阴影测高法测量高度进行精度评价。  相似文献   

We propose a scheme for the deterministic generation of qutrit entanglement for two atoms trapped in an optical cavity. Taking advantage of the adiabatic passage, the operation is immune to atomic spontaneous emission as the atomic excited states are never populated; under certain conditions, the probability that the cavity is excited is negligible. We also study the influences of the dissipation due to the atomic spontaneous emission and cavity decay.  相似文献   

Due to the geological complexities of ore body formation and limited borehole sampling, this paper proposes a robust weighted least square support vectormachine (LS-SVM) regression model to solve the ore grade estimation for a seafloor hydrothermal sulphide deposit in Solwara 1, which consists of a large proportion of incomplete samples without ore types and grade values. The standard LS-SVM classification model is applied to identify the ore type for each in complete sample. Then, a weighted K-nearest neighbor (WKNN) algorithm is proposed to interpolate the missing values. Prior to modeling, the particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm is used to obtain an appropriate splitting for the training and test data sets so as to eliminate the large discrepancies caused by randomdivision. Coupled simulated annealing (CSA) and grid search using 10-fold cross validation techniques are adopted to determine the optimal tuning parameters in the LS-SVM models. The effectiveness of the proposed model by comparing with other well-known techniques such as inverse distance weight (IDW), ordinary kriging (OK), and back propagation (BP) neural network is demonstrated. The experimental results show that the robust weighted LS-SVM outperforms the othermethods, and has strong predictive and generalization ability.  相似文献   

The fast update rate and good performance of new generation electronic sector scanning sonars is now allowing practicable use of temporal information for signal processing tasks such as object classification and motion estimation. Problems remain, however, as objects change appearance, merge, maneuver, move in and out of the field of view, and split due to poor segmentation. This paper presents an approach to the segmentation, two-dimensional motion estimation, and subsequent tracking of multiple objects in sequences of sector scan sonar images. Applications such as ROV obstacle avoidance, visual servoing, and underwater surveillance are relevant. Initially, static and moving objects are distinguished in the sonar image sequence using frequency-domain filtering. Optical flow calculations are then performed on moving objects with significant size to obtain magnitude and direction motion estimates. Matches of these motion estimates, and the future positions they predict, are then used as a basis for identifying corresponding objects in adjacent scans. To enhance robustness, a tracking tree is constructed storing multiple possible correspondences and cumulative confidence values obtained from successive compatibility measures. Deferred decision making is then employed to enable best estimates of object tracks to be updated as subsequent scans produce new information. The method is shown to work well, with good tracking performance when objects merge, split, and change shape. The optical flow is demonstrated to give position prediction errors of between 10 and 50 cm (1%-5% of scan range), with no violation of smoothness assumptions using sample rates between 4 and 1 frames/s  相似文献   

Robust Range-Only Beacon Localization   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this paper, we present a system capable of simultaneously estimating the position of an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) and the positions of stationary range-only beacons. Notably, our system does not require beacon positions a priori, and our system performs well even when range measurements are severely degraded by noise and outliers. We present a powerful outlier rejection method that can identify groups of range measurements that are consistent with each other, and a method for initializing beacon positions in an extended Kalman filter (EKF). We have successfully applied our algorithms to real-world data and have demonstrated a simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) system whose navigation performance is comparable to that of systems that assume known beacon locations  相似文献   

Ship detection with high-resolution HF skywave radar   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper presents an overview of ship detection by high-frequency (HF) skywave backscatter over-the-horizon radar (OTHR). Ships have been detected at ranges of 2000 km or more by OTHR that uses sufficient resolution in the radar spatial and Doppler frequency domains. The HF sea-echo Doppler spectrum limits the target signal-to-clutter ratio (SCR), as a function of the ocean wave-height distribution, wind direction, radio frequency, and ship target radial velocity. Maximum sea-clutter spectrum purity, and hence larger SCR, is achieved with the use of stable single-mode ionospheric propagation. Real-time measurement and interpretation of ionospheric propagation features therefore must guide the choice of OTHR operating frequency. Experimental data recorded at the ONR/SR1 Wide Aperture Research Facility (WARF) bistatic OTHR in central California demonstrate reliable ship detection in the Northeast Pacific Ocean. WARF transmits 1-MW average effective radiated power, using a linear frequency-modulated continuous-wave (FMCW) waveform, and receives with a 2.55-km broadside array of vertical monopole element pairs. Swept bandwidths as high as 200 kHz have been used. Sufficient spectral resolution is achieved with a coherent integration time (CIT) of 12.8 s. Longer CIT, and autoregressive (AR) spectral analysis techniques such as Marple's algorithm, have been used to improve Doppler resolution.  相似文献   

Navigation of an underwater minefield by a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) or an autonomous undersea vehicle (AUV) requires the detection, localization, and avoidance of obstacles. The sizes of obstacles to be avoided range from the diameter of cables up to the size of other vehicles. A classical solution to this problem is the use of an obstacle avoidance sonar, but due to the high degree of sophistication of modern-day mines and unfriendly vehicles, it is desirable to avoid signal energies that might be detectable. The use of spread-spectrum signal structures is one possible way to avoid this difficulty while retaining the capability of despreading the energy at the receiver. This paper presents the development of a beamforming system that uses a frequency-decomposition FFT beamformer and a spread-spectrum signal structure for low-probability-of-detection navigation  相似文献   

基于多源水深数据融合的海底高精度地形重建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文在研究多源水深数据构建技术的基础上,分析了张力样条插值算法和“移去-恢复”法的多源水深数据融合处理技术,基于该方法选取实验区,利用多波束、单波束、历史海图等多源水深数据进行高精度海底地形融合试验,并针对多源水深融合技术缺少误差评估的现状,利用split-sample方法对融合结果进行水深不确定性评估,形成融合结果的可靠性空间分布。结果表明该方法无论是在数据稀疏区还是高密度区都达到了较好的融合效果,既保留了高分辨率水深数据的细节信息,又较真实的反映了研究区海底地形特征,且构建的海底地形精度可靠,误差百分比集中在0.5%。本文整套数据融合和结果评估方法可为多源水深数据融合的海底高精度地形构建提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the practical considerations associated with analyzing analog data signals to very high resolution in frequency. In the problem considered here, the data set is recorded on analog tape, digitized, and processed on a digital computer. A primary concern is that recorder speed variations, or flutter, can produce artifacts which might become evident when high-resolution spectral analysis is performed. This study concludes that fractional millihertz analysis resolution can be achieved with existing analog tape recorder technology. Another problem which must be considered is the efficient storage of the large data sequences resulting from processing long-time signal records. The use of two-stage frequency analysis is described as an approach to addressing this problem. Finally, the implementation issues associated with the periodogram and AR (autoregressive) estimation algorithms are outlined. It is anticipated that the discussion of practical considerations given here will be useful to researchers who must address problems that are similar to those cited in this paper.  相似文献   

对具有未建模动态特性且时滞任意的多维随机系统,通过采用有界外来激励和随机变界截尾方法,本文建立了推广最小二乘(ELS)算法和加权ELS算法的稳健估计,进而得到间接自适应模型参考控制的稳健性  相似文献   

Robust trajectory control of underwater vehicles   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
underwater vehicles present difficult control-system design problems due to their nonlinear dynamics, uncertain models, and the presence of disturbances that are difficult to measure or estimate. In this paper, a recent extension of sliding mode control is shown to handle these problems effectively. The method deals directly with nonlinearities, is highly robust to imprecise models, explicitly accounts for the presence of high-frequency unmodeled dynamics, and produces designs that are easy to understand. Using a nonlinear vehicle simulation, the relationship between model uncertainty and performance is examined. The results show that adequate controllers can be designed using simple nonlinear models, but that performance improves as model uncertainty is decreased and the improvements can be predicted quantitatively.  相似文献   

Robust diving control of an AUV   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mobile systems traveling through a complex environment present major difficulties in determining accurate dynamic models. Autonomous underwater vehicle motion in ocean conditions requires investigation of new control solutions that guarantee robustness against external parameter uncertainty. A diving-control design, based on Lyapunov theory and back-stepping techniques, is proposed and verified. Using adaptive and switching schemes, the control system is able to meet the required robustness. The results of the control system are theoretically proven and simulations are developed to demonstrate the performance of the solutions proposed.  相似文献   

The paper presents an approach for the robust optimization of a bulk carrier conceptual design, subject to uncertain operating and environmental conditions. The uncertainties involved in the optimization process are addressed and a general formulation for robust design is given. Specifically, the uncertainties involved in the decision making process are taken into account by means of their probabilistic distributions. The expected values and the standard deviations of the relevant quantities are assessed and included in the optimization objectives, whereas the constraints are evaluated in the worst case. This leads to a robust design able to keep a good performance in the whole probabilistic operating scenario. A particle swarm optimization algorithm is used for the global minimization process, minimizing the expectation and the standard deviation of the unit transportation cost.  相似文献   

A simple, low cost, deep-towed system for high-resolution reflection seismic profiling is described. It consists of a vertical array with two hydrophones having a separation of 2.2 m and rigidly mounted onto streamlined tow bodies. Improvement of the signal-to-noise ratio is attained by simple stacking of the hydrophone outputs after signal conditioning and travel time corrections. The suppression of side echoes and surface reflections is achieved by an analog procedure which in effect improves the directional characteristics of the array. A circuit for automatic gain control is included to enhance weak signals as well as to suppress ringing.Results in Kiel Bay and over the crest of the Jan Mayen Ridge (northern Atlantic) suggest that this simple vertical array may supplement air gun systems better than conventional, surface pinger-type equipment.Institute of Geophysics  相似文献   

t 型估计是一种新的抗差估计,其思想是以 t 分布对观测误差建模。 但 t 型估计不能抵抗病态性的影响。 因而,为解决病态性与粗差同时存在的问题,需要对 t 型估计进行改进,建立基于 t 型估计的抗差有偏估计。 分别通过有偏估计中的广义压缩变换的方法和对 t 分布模型引入先验信息,可以得到两类抗差有偏估计———广义压缩 t 型(GST)估计和 t 型 Bayes 估计。 详细讨论了正态-Gamma 先验下 t 型 Bayes 估计及其 EM 算法。 理论分析和数值试验都表明,这两种抗差有偏估计可以有效解决粗差和病态性同存在的问题。  相似文献   

The least-squares estimate for the joint estimation of M directions-of-arrival in an array-processing scenario is rederived in a way that makes explicit use of the discrete Fourier transform. It is shown that the M-dimensional search algorithm can be made orders of magnitude faster than the traditional search algorithm. This new approach is compared via simulation with conventional narrowband beamforming.  相似文献   

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