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mau x¶rt; u a¶rt;u 8 ¶rt;nu mau ¶rt; uu mu u -ana¶rt; auu naa num mam u u na n, g, Sn u Sg mum ma¶rt;am¶rt;a ¶rt; uu mu. a¶rt;u lam mu aua u umau u mm u a amuu ¶rt; En.  相似文献   

A predictive equation to estimate the next interoccurrence time () for the next earthquake (M6) in the Ometepec segment is presented, based on Bayes' theorem and the Gaussian process.Bayes' theorem is used to relate the Gaussian process to both a log-normal distribution of recurrence times () and a log-normal distribution of magnitudes (M) (Nishenko andBuland, 1987;Lomnitz, 1964). We constructed two new random variablesX=InM andY=In with normal marginal densities, and based on the Gaussian process model we assume that their joint density is normal. Using this information, we determine the Bayesian conditional probability. Finally, a predictive equation is derived, based on the criterion of maximization of the Bayesian conditional probability. The model forecasts the next interoccurrence time, conditional on the magnitude of the last event.Realistic estimates of future damaging earthquakes are based on relocated historical earthquakes. However, at the present time there is a controversy between Nishenko-Singh and Gonzalez-Ruiz-Mc-Nally concerning the rupturing process of the 1907 earthquake. We use our Bayesian analysis to examine and discuss this very important controversy. To clarify to the full significance of the analysis, we put forward the results using two catalogues: (1) The Ometepec catalogue without the 1907 earthquake (González-Ruíz-McNally), and (2) the Ometepec catalogue including the 1907 earthquake (Nishenko-Singh).The comparison of the prediction error reveals that in the Nishenko-Singh catalogue, the errors are considerably smaller than the average error for the González-Ruíz-McNally catalogue of relocated events.Finally, using the Nishenko-Singh catalogue which locates the 1907 event inside the Ometepec segment, we conclude that the next expected damaging earthquake (M6.0) will occur approximately within the next time interval =11.82 years from the last event (which occurred on July 2, 1984), or equivalently will probably occur in April, 1996.  相似文献   

Summary A non-linear model of trochoidal waves is presented which represents a geometrical and kinematical generalization of Gerstner's waves and of the results of[2–4].
¶rt;aam ¶rt; mu¶rt;a , ma m u ma u am[2–4] mu umuu u uamu mm ¶rt;u.

Summary To be able to parameterize vertical heat and water vapour fluxes in the boundary layer of the atmosphere, it is necessary to determined, among other factors, the amount of incident total radiation under a generally arbitrary condition of the atmosphere at any instant of time. This paper deals with a simple model for computing the total radiation based on known solar elevation, total cloud cover and the atmospheric turbidity parameter. This variant of the model was formulated on the basis of a two-year series of total radiation observations made in the radiation network of the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute, and on the measurements and observations made at the observatory of the Institute of the Physics of the Atmosphere in Kopisty. An example of comparing the observed and theoretical values of total radiation will also be given.
¶rt;um naamuauu mua nm mna u amu nzau am mm ¶rt; nu n¶rt;u au a nm numa a a¶rt;uauu m u. mam auam n naamuauu a a¶rt;uauu n ¶rt;a m a, ammu am u mnu az na. ¶rt;azaa ¶rt; nma a mam ¶rt;mu uu auau mu z zu¶rt;mzu z umumma u a amuu mumma uuu am numa. mam ma nu¶rt; nu au u u n n¶rt; ¶rt;u u au a a¶rt;uauu.

Summary Courvoisier, Schulze andYanishevsky type balancemeters have been compared in field exposure under different weather conditions and in the laboratory. Special attention has been devoted to the selectivity and the temperature regime of the detectors. The installation of the instruments is described and the main results of simultaneous measurements with the above-mentioned balancemeters are presented. , . v . .  相似文献   

Summary Results on electrical conductivity, chemical analysis and age of the rock samples from the Indian Subcontinent are presented. The old Precambrian Indian rocks tend to be less conductive than characteristic rocks of crustal and upper mantle structures.
nuam mam uu mnm¶rt;mu, uu aaua u n¶rt;u u uu n¶rt; u ¶rt;uu. ma nauu n¶rt; u ¶rt;uu naam mn¶rt;m aamumuu n¶rt; u amuu.

¶rt;m uu n ¶rt;au m uu nu mau nam aum n. mu uu auam mmmuu uuu ¶rt;u u naam. a¶rt;am auu ¶rt; uuu n ¶rt;au m u u. a auu a¶rt;am nuu amm 245 . ¶rt;aam umnmau m a¶rt;a uu.  相似文献   

Summary One alternative of solving the problem of eliminating the effect of external masses, generating the constant part of the tidal field, from the perturbing potential is presented. The solution is founded on a new definition of the normal gravity field which contains this part of the tidal field. It is proved that two material circles in the plane of the Earth's equator, whose radii are approximately equal to the mean distances of the Moon and Sun from the Earth, can be considered as the source of this field. The new normal gravity field is first derived in the spherical approximation, which enables one to prove simply that the value of the normal gravity potential on the reference surface does not change, and that the change in the definition of the heights is insignificant. The normal gravity field for the equipotential ellipsoid is derived in the same way according to [1].
¶rt;mam ¶rt;a amamua u ¶rt;umua n uu uu u a, au nm am nuu n, u a nmuaa. u a a n¶rt;uu a n u mmu, m m am nuu n aam. aam, m am umua m n umam a ¶rt; m nmu ama, a¶rt;u m nuuum a ¶rt;u amu u a m u. ¶rt; ¶rt; a n u mmu u nuuuu, m nm nm ¶rt;aam, m au a nmuaa u mmu a nmu m u m uu n¶rt;u m aum. ¶rt;ua n (. [1]) ¶rt; a n u mmu ¶rt; unu¶rt;a.

Summary The algorithm of iterative geophysical tomography is presented. The medium is approximated smoothly by means of B-splines. The tww-point problem of ray computation is solved with the aid of paraxial approximation. The parameters of the medium are obtained from the iterative algorithm of minimizing the quadratic form. Two numerical 2-D examples are given.
u¶rt; au umamuuu mauu. ¶rt;a annuuaa n nu nu -na. ma na aa a nu nu naaua annuauu. aam ¶rt; n a umamu aua uuauauu a¶rt;amu . am nu¶rt; ¶rt;a 2-D u nua.

The modified time-to-failure method for intermediate-term earthquake prediction utilizes empirical relationships to reduce the number of unknown parameters providing a stable and unique solution set. The only unknown parameters in the modified time-to-failure method are the time and size of the impending main shock. The modified time-to-failure equation is used to model the precursory events and a prediction contour diagram is constructed with the magnitude and time-of-failure as the axes of the diagram. The root-mean-square (rms) is calculated for each set of time and magnitude on the prediction diagram representing the difference between the model (calculated) acceleration and the actual accelerated energy release of the precursory events. A small region, corresponding to the low rms region on the diagram, defines the prediction. The prediction has been shown to consistently under-estimate the magnitude and over-estimate the time-of-failure. These shortcomings are caused by an underestimation in energy release of the modified time-to-failure equation at the very end of the sequence. An empirical correction can be applied to the predicted results to minimize this problem. A main shock location search technique has been developed for use with the modified time-to-failure method. The location technique is used to systematically search an earthquake catalog and identify locations corresponding to precursory sequences that display accelerated energy releases. It has shown good results when applied in retrospective predictions, and is essential for the practical application of the modified time-to-failure method. In addition, an observed linear characteristic in long-term energy release can be used to minimize false predictions. The refined empirical relationships that eliminate or constrain unknown constants used in the modified time-to-failure method and the main shock location search technique are used in a practical application in the New Madrid Seismic Zone (NMSZ). The NMSZ, which is over due for a magnitude 6 event according to recurrence rates (Johnston and Nava, 1985), makes this region ideal for testing the method. One location was identified in the NMSZ as a high risk area for an event in the magnitude 4.5 range. The prediction, if accurate, is of scientific interest only because of the relatively small size of the main shock.  相似文献   

um nu-mau m nuuau u auumu m nm ma u. m mu u¶rt;uu¶rt;a m ma nuua u uu.  相似文献   

¶rt;naa, m ma um uu maunuu m am muu ¶rt;uauu um. nua a mau ammama a, n¶rt; mnu ma u u au uu u¶rt;mu.  相似文献   

Summary Using the optimal shape design method, which is generally described, and von Herzen's et al. measurements of the heat flow, the shape of the lithosphere and its thermal field is computed in the vertical plane parallel to the hot spot source versus the plate velocity at a distance of about 250 km from the axis of the Hawaiian Island chain. The results are compared with the computations based on Crough's idea of thermal rejuvenation of the oceanic lithosphere above a hot spot source. If we assume that the lateral cross-section of the lithospheric bottom is described by the Gaussian curve h=h0 exp (–y2/22), we obtain h035 km and 130 km, where h is the value of lithospheric thinning and y the lateral coordinate. We thus obtain the lower limit of the lateral dimension of the Hawaiian anomaly.
u m¶rt; nmua nua amu, m u ma nuam, u ¶rt;a mn nm, ua a um u mn n mua nmu, naa mu um mum umua mu u ¶rt;a nuuum 250 m uuuaa aunaa. mam a uuu, au a u¶rt;u aa (Crough), aauu mn mu au um a¶rt; umu mu. u n¶rt;num, m ama nn u umu ¶rt;a nuam u aa h=h0 exp (–y2/22), m num h0 35 u 130 ,¶rt; h—umu mu u —amaa ¶rt;uama. ¶rt;am, =130 m u n¶rt; ama aaaa aauu.

Summary The magnification achieved with the standard sine-wave method using seismometers with the calibration and signal coils tightly wound on the same coil former can be erroneous at high frequencies due to the mutual inductance between both coils. An attempt was made to eliminate this influence from the calibration data. The application of theoretical equations was tested with a short-period digital seismograph.
ma¶rt;ama auau aa nu ¶rt;uu ¶rt;uu maauu m m m a u amma ua u a au u¶rt;mumu ¶rt; ua u auau am, u u a¶rt;m n¶rt;m umu. a ¶rt;aa nnma muam auau ¶rt;a. uu mmuu au u¶rt;a nu auauu mnu¶rt;u aa u anu.

Summary The existence of global synchronous atmospheric oscillations with the period of about 1.4 hour is indicated in terms of a simple theoretical model of the circumpolar circulation.
u nu nm mmu ¶rt;u un uuu naa maua au am nu¶rt; 1,4 .

Summary The regular astronomical determinations of the geographic latitude and UT from Ondejov PZT observations were used to estimate the fluctuations with a frequency of 1.00217 of the sidereal day, corresponding to the theoretical value of the frequency of the nearly diurnal free wobble of the pole. The combined polar wobble and nutation as reflected in astronomical observations was analysed, and a method of estimating the amplitudes of the periodic components, based on observing changes of latitude and time during the separate observation nights, is proposed. The numerical solution indicates that fluctuations which can be considered a manifestation of retrograde free nutation with an amplitude of approximately 0.02, are present in the PZT observations.
uuau um u u u ¶rt; una ¶rt; u au amm 1,002 17 ¶rt; m, mmm ¶rt; um ¶rt;uu na, ¶rt;am aau uu ¶rt;u mauu u ¶rt;uu na amuu a¶rt;u. ¶rt;aam m¶rt; ¶rt; u nu¶rt;uu ua, u¶rt;u u uu um u u m¶rt; a¶rt;u. u mam u¶rt;um a ¶rt; um mauu anau nmu ¶rt;uu a mu anum¶rt; 0,02.

Summary Procedure for verifying the agreement between parameters common to the basic and connecting trigonometric net. Procedure of determining the accuracy of the connecting net. This determination concerns not only the relativized accuracy of the points of the connecting network, but also the mutual accuracy of the points of the basic net relative to the points of the connecting net and the global accuracy of the resultant net. The procedure takes into account the accuracy of the points of the basic net which remain unchanged in computing the coordinates of new points.
m¶rt; ¶rt; nu au u naam¶rt;mu u nu¶rt;u m. m¶rt; ¶rt; u mmu nu¶rt;u mu. a aam m mum nua mmu m nu¶rt; mu, ma au mmu m mu n mu ma nu¶rt;u mu ua mmu mu mu. m¶rt; umam mm m mu, m aa uu ¶rt;uam m mam uu.

Summary The inclusion of cloudiness characteristics, obtained by computer analysis of multispectral satellite photographs, in the objective analysis of the dew-point temperature deficit is suggested for the mesomodel. The basic principle of the method is the correction of mathematically packed data using processed satellite cloudiness observations. Special fast algorithms for constructing bicubic splines are used to effect the basic mathematical packing.
¶rt;aam m¶rt; ¶rt; u aamumu a na ma n aaua nma nmu u nu nu uum au mu aau ¶rt;uuma mnam mu ¶rt; ¶rt;u. m¶rt;a m u amamuu nm ¶rt;a nu nu nmu u. aau ¶rt;a unm nua m aum ¶rt; muu uuu na.

Summary Secular non-tidal variations of geopotential and gravity are estimated due to secular decrease of the second zonal geopotential harmonic, secular polar motion and deceleration of the Earth's rotation.
am a nuu uunmuaa u u u mmu, a u m aauunmuaa, ¶rt;uu n u u mu au u.

a au ¶rt;a a¶rt;u naam, m m uu anau n m aum u m u. aam u¶rt;a nuuu u u au am nmu m au. ¶rt;m nu¶rt;umu, m m m a mu u. n¶rt;mauau auumu aama u¶rt;a u um ¶rt; um aamu.  相似文献   

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