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We present moderate resolution CCD spectra and R photometry for seven KP2001 stars. We revised the spectral classification of the stars in the range λλ4000−8700? . Our photometric data confirmed the behavior of the light curves downloaded from the NSVS (Northern Sky Variability Survey) database. For KP2001-32, presented as a Mira-type variable in NSVS, we estimated absolute bolometric M b and K-band M K magnitudes as well as the distance using the period-luminosity relations. We also estimated the mass loss rate using the calibration relations between mass loss rate and K - [12] index. From the position in infrared color-color diagrams, we confirmed the photometric classification of KP2001-221 as a semiregular variable, based on the light curve of the NSVS database. For the N-type carbon star KP2001-77 we estimated distance and absolute magnitude M K using different calibration methods. For the remaining four objects we derived the absolute magnitudes and distances using our CCD spectra and published JHK S magnitudes. We discuss the nature of these objects on the basis of the obtained results.  相似文献   

It has been recently established that there exists a maximal red shiftz max for a homogeneous star of given massM. The relationshipz max(M) is obtained for neutron stars in the mass range 0.71M/M 12.06.  相似文献   

Leningrad State University. Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 231–240, September–October, 1989.  相似文献   

We present the results of the monitoring of a sample of 5 HBLs in the B, V and R bands during 2003–2008. All sources in our monitoring project show significant rapid optical variations, except 1ES 1959+650, however; for 1ES 1959+650, the gamma-ray variability on a timescale of ~7 hours has been observed by Holder et al. (Astrophys. J. 583:L9, 2003). Using these variability timescales, we estimate the black hole masses for each source with the Kerr black hole theory.  相似文献   

By using results from the 2MASS observation, the differences between the X-ray selected BL Lac objects (XBLs) and the radio selected ones (RBLs) in the near infrared are discussed in this paper. It is found that, statistically, the RBLs have redder near infrared colors and steeper spectral indices in the near infrared than XBLs, whereas the XBLs have more influences from their host galaxies than the RBLs. It is also seen that the RBLs have much brighter luminosity in the near infrared than the XBLs. In addition, the high polarization characteristics are found in common for RBLs, but not for XBLs.  相似文献   

Using a Super-Schmidt camera installed at the Cesco Observatory we are developing a program conducted to detect asteroids (especially members of the Aten Group) and comets approaching the Earth. The search strategy is based on simulations of the population of objects in this kind of orbits.  相似文献   

We present a quantitative study of the classification of Extremely Red Objects (EROs). The analysis is based on the multi-band spatial-and ground-based observa-tions (HST/ACS-BViz, HST/NICMOS-JH, VLT-JHK) in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field (UDF). Over a total sky area of 5.50 arcmin2 in the UDF, we select 24 EROs with the color criterion (i-K)vega 3.9, corresponding to (I-K)vega 4.0, down to KVega = 22. We develop four methods to classify EROs into Old passively evolving Galaxies (OGs) and Dusty star-forming Galaxies (DGs), including (i-K) vs. (J-K) color diagram,spectral energy distribution fitting method, Spitzer MIPS 24μm image matching, and nonparametric measure of galaxy morphology, and found that the classification results from these methods agree well. Using these four classification methods, we classify our EROs sample into 60Gs and 8 DGs to KVega < 20.5, and 80Gs and 16 DGs to KVega < 22, respectively. The fraction of DGs increases from 8/14 at KVega < 20.5to 16/24 at Kvega < 22. To study the morphology of galaxies with its wavelength, we measure the central concentration and the Gini coefficient for the 24 EROs in our sample in HST/ACS-i, z and HST/NICMOS-J, H bands. We find that the morphological param-eters of galaxies in our sample depend on the wavelength of observation, which suggests that caution is necessary when comparing single wavelength band images of galaxies at a variety of redshifts.  相似文献   

This paper presents a modeling of the variable synchrotron emission in the BL Lacertae sources (BLLs). Flux variability is assumed to be a result of the interaction between a relativistic shock wave with a magnetized jet material. Long-term flares (of months to years durations) are modeled via the propagation of a plane relativistic shock wave though the emission zone of a cylindrical form with the radius R and length H. As for short-term bursts (lasting from days to weeks), they may result from shock passage through the jet inhomogeneities such as a shell of enhanced density downstream to a Mach disc, originated due to pressure imbalance between the jet and its ambient medium. Emitting particles (electrons) gain the energies, sufficient to produce synchrotron photons at optical—X-ray frequencies, via the first-order Fermi mechanism. Observation’s frequency is the main parameter determining a rate of the increase/ decay of the emission via the characteristic decay time of emitting electrons. The magnetic field, assumed to be turbulent with an average field constant throughout the entire emission zone, is another key parameter determining the slope of a lightcurve corresponding to the flare—the higher strength the magnetic field has, the steeper the lightcurve is. The rest input parameters (shock speed, jet viewing angle, maximum/minimum energies of the electrons, particles’ density etc.), as well the strength of average magnetic field, influence the energy output from a flare.  相似文献   

Excitation temperatures of the peculiar objects Boss 1985, AG Pegasi and AG Carinae have been derived form the corrected intensities of the emission lines.The values obtained are 5900K for Boss 1985, 8000K for AG Pegasi and 10500K for AG Carinae.From the observed quantities log (I/I c), whereI is the intensity of the line andI c the intensity of the underlying continuum, the true continuum has been derived.The results are in good agreement with those predicted in previous investigations.  相似文献   

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