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Sections of dissolved inorganic anthropogenic carbon () based on 2002 data in the East Greenland Current (EGC) are presented. The has been estimated using a model based on optimum multiparameter analysis with predefined source water types. Values of have been assigned to the source water types through age estimations based on the transit time distribution (TTD) technique. The validity of this approach is discussed and compared to other methods. The results indicated that the EGC had rather high levels of in the whole water column, and the anthropogenic signal of the different source areas were detected along the southward transit. We estimated an annual transport of with the Denmark Strait overflow (σθ > 27.8 kg m−3) of ∼0.036 ± 0.005 Gt C y−1. The mean concentration in this density range was ∼30 μmol kg−1. The main contribution was from Atlantic derived waters, the Polar Intermediate Water and the Greenland Sea Arctic Intermediate Water.  相似文献   

于2012年7—9月现场测定了北极挪威海和格陵兰海区域海水二甲基硫(DMS)及其前体物质二甲巯基丙酸内盐(DMSP,分溶解态DMSPd和颗粒态DMSPp)的含量,研究了其空间分布格局及其影响因素,探讨了表层海水DMS的生物周转和去除途径。结果表明,表层海水DMS、DMSPd和DMSPp的平均浓度分别为5.36nmol/L、15.63nmol/L和96.73nmol/L,受挪威海流和北极深层水影响,表层海水二甲基硫化物浓度呈现出由低纬度向高纬度海域递减的趋势。DMSPd和DMSPp浓度与Chl a浓度均有显著的相关性,说明浮游植物生物量是影响挪威海和格陵兰海二甲基硫化物生产的重要因素。表层海水DMS生物生产和消费速率平均值分别为18.19nmol/(L·d)、15.67nmol/(L·d)。DMS微生物周转时间变化范围为0.03~1.80d,平均值为0.49d,DMS海-气周转时间是微生物消费时间的90倍,说明夏季挪威海和格陵兰海表层海水中DMS微生物消费过程是比海-气扩散更具优势的去除机制。  相似文献   

定量研究黄渤海近海大型经济海藻的面积、产量及其固碳能力和空间分布,对海洋牧场建设和海藻固碳强度研究具有重要意义。基于2001—2016年《中国渔业统计年鉴》和2016年《山东渔业统计年鉴》数据,对2001—2015年黄渤海近海和全国近海养殖大型经济海藻的产量、面积及结构进行了对比分析,采用CCI指数计算了黄渤海近海及全国近海大型经济海藻的固碳能力,并分析了2016年山东省养殖海藻的空间分布特征。研究表明:2001—2015年海藻养殖面积、产量整体呈上升趋势,其中全国海藻养殖面积在2005—2007年,产量在2006—2007年出现间断性下降,黄渤海海藻养殖面积在2005—2007年,产量在2001—2003年、2005—2008年出现阶段性下降;黄渤海近海海藻养殖产量占全国近海海藻养殖产量年均约45.53%,固碳总量占全国海藻固碳总量年均约51.75%,其中裙带菜,海带及紫菜为黄渤海海藻养殖的主要经济藻类;以山东省为典型省份的海藻固碳强度在海岸带间表现出明显的空间分布差异,其中威海市荣成区域人工养殖海藻固碳总量最多。  相似文献   

As part of the 2002 Western Arctic Shelf–Basin Interactions (SBI) project, spatio-temporal variability of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) was employed to determine rates of net community production (NCP) for the Chukchi and western Beaufort Sea shelf and slope, and Canada Basin of the Arctic Ocean. Seasonal and spatial distributions of DIC were characterized for all water masses (e.g., mixed layer, halocline waters, Atlantic layer, and deep Arctic Ocean) of the Chukchi Sea region during field investigations in spring (5 May–15 June 2002) and summer (15 July–25 August 2002). Between these periods, high rates of phytoplankton production resulted in large drawdown of inorganic nutrients and DIC in the Polar Mixed Layer (PML) and in the shallow depths of the Upper Halocline Layer (UHL). The highest rates of NCP (1000–2850 mg C m−2 d−1) occurred on the shelf in the Barrow Canyon region of the Chukchi Sea and east of Barrow in the western Beaufort Sea. A total NCP rate of 8.9–17.8×1012 g for the growing season was estimated for the eastern Chukchi Sea shelf and slope region. Very low inorganic nutrient concentrations and low rates of NCP (<15–25 mg C m−2 d−1) estimated for the mixed layer of the adjacent Arctic Ocean basin indicate that this area is perennially oligotrophic.  相似文献   

本文根据2013年夏季黄、渤海海域航次获得的颗粒有机碳(particulate organic carbon, POC)、叶绿素a(chlorophyll a, Chl a)和总悬浮颗粒物(total suspended particles, TSP)数据,结合同步获得的水文环境参数,综合探讨该区夏季POC时空分布特征,以及在不同温盐深水团中POC的主要影响因素。结果表明:在整个研究区POC的浓度范围为102.3~1850.0 μg/L,平均值为(383.7±269.6) μg/L,分布呈现出近岸高、远海低、表层低、底层高的特征。苏北外浅滩海域和北黄海东北区域的10 m层和底层为POC高值区,苏北外海域受到陆源输入、沿岸流混合作用和浮游植物光合作用的影响,POC上下混合均匀且浓度高;南黄海中部因受黄海环流的影响,水体中浮游植物生产力水平低,POC浓度较低。在垂直分布上,近岸海域受陆源输入和再悬浮影响POC浓度高,上下混合均匀;在南黄海和北黄海中部受到黄海环流和黄海冷水团的控制,浮游植物生产力水平低,POC浓度低。对不同温盐水团中POC的影响因素分析发现,在高温低盐水团中,POC受浮游植物初级生产和陆源输入的共同影响;在温盐适中区真光层海水中,浮游植物的初级生产是POC的主要来源;底层的冷水团区,POC主要来源为上层海水中颗粒物的沉降和底层再悬浮作用。  相似文献   

Riverine influences on nearshore oceanic habitats often have detrimental consequences leading to algal blooms and hypoxia. In oligo- to mesotrophic systems, however, nutrient delivery via rivers may stimulate production and even be a vital source of nutrients, as may nutrient supplements from upwelling. We investigated the nutrient content (C, N, P) and stoichiometry of sediment, and several pelagic, benthopelagic and benthic species in the KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) Bight, a narrow shelf area on the south-east coast of South Africa, bordering the Agulhas Current. Three suggested nutrient sources to the bight are the Thukela River in the central region of the bight, upwelling in the northern part and a semi-permanent eddy (Durban Eddy) in the southern part. Elemental content of the various groups studied showed significantly higher values for most groups at the site near the Thukela River. C:P and N:P were highest in the southern part of the bight, and lowest near the Thukela Mouth or at Richards Bay in the north, indicating the latter were the P-richer sites. Sediment organic matter showed lowest elemental content, as expected, and zooplankton stoichiometry was highest compared to all other biotic groups. Environmental heterogeneity played a greater role in organismal C, N and P content and stoichiometry compared to phylogeny, with the exception of the differences in C:P and N:P of zooplankton. From this bight-wide study, the higher elemental content and lower ratios at the Thukela Mouth site supported previous findings of the importance of coastal nutrient sources to the bight ecosystem. Reductions in river flow for water use in the catchment areas may therefore have negative consequences for the productivity of the entire ecosystem.  相似文献   

Dissolved organic nitrogen (DON), dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and inorganic nutrient concentrations were determined in samples from an area encompassing the Northeast Water Polynya from June to August 1993. In June, still ice-covered polynya area surface waters (PySW) had significantly higher (p<0.05) DOC concentrations (110 μM, n=68) than surface water outside the polynya area (96 μM, n=6). Melting ice and ice algae are suggested as DOC sources. DOC concentrations found in this study are consistent with other studies showing higher DOC concentrations in the Arctic than in other ocean areas. As the productive season progressed, DOC concentrations in Polynya surface water (PySW) decreased (p<0.05) from 110 to 105 μM, while DON concentrations increased (p<0.05) from 5.6 to 6.1 μM, causing a significant decrease (p<0.05) in the C : N ratios of DOM from spring (C : N ratio 20) to summer (C : N ratio 17). We found a significant (p<0.05) decrease in the DOM C : N ratio in all water masses within the polynya area as the productive season progressed. DON was the largest fraction of total dissolved nitrogen (TDN) in PySW and surface waters outside the polynya area. TDN was calculated as the sum of DON, nitrate, nitrite and ammonium concentrations. DON increased (p<0.05) from 62% to 73% of TDN in PySW from spring to summer, a result of increasing DON concentrations and decreasing inorganic nitrogen concentrations over the productive season. The seasonal accumulation of DON and the corresponding decrease in nitrate concentrations in waters with primary production indicate that it is important to take the DON pool into account when estimating export production from nitrate concentration decreases in surface waters. PySW TDN concentrations decreased (p<0.05) from 9.1 (n=61) to 8.6 μM (n=60) from spring (May 25 through June 19) to summer (July 1 through July 27). The seasonal decrease in surface water TDN concentrations corresponded to increases in TDN concentrations in deeper water masses within the Polynya. Most of the TDN increase in deep water was in the form of DON. A possible explanation is that PON was dissolved (partially remineralized) in the water column at mid depths, causing increases in the DON concentration. Transfer of N from PySW (with a short residence time in the polynya area) to Polynya Intermediate Water and deep waters of the Norske and Westwind Trough with multi-year residence times keeps N from leaving the polynya area. In spring, nutrients from degradation of OM in PyIW could support primary production. The role of PyIW as an OM trap could be important in supporting primary production in the polynya area.  相似文献   

研究了夏季东海海水中和大气中一氧化碳(CO)的浓度分布、海-气通量和表层海水中CO的微生物消耗。夏季东海大气中CO的体积分数范围为63×10-9~120×10-9,平均值为87×10-9(SD=18×10-9,n=37),呈现出近岸高,远海低和北高南低的特点。夏季东海表层海水中CO的浓度范围为0.24~5.51nmol/L,平均值为1.48nmol/L(SD=1.46,n=37),CO的浓度受太阳辐射影响明显;CO在垂直分布上表现出浓度随深度增加迅速减小的特征,浓度最大值出现在表层。调查期间表层海水中CO相比大气处于过饱和状态,过饱和系数变化范围为3.65~113.55,平均值为23.63(SD=24.56,n=37),这表明调查海域是大气中CO的源。CO的海-气通量变化范围为0.25~78.50μmol/(m2·d),平均值为9.97μmol/(m2·d)(SD=14.92,n=37)。在CO的微生物消耗培养实验中,CO的浓度随时间增长呈指数降低,消耗过程表现出一级反应的特点,速率常数KCO范围为0.043~0.32/h,平均值为0.18/h(SD=0.088,n=9),KCO与盐度之间存在负相关关系。  相似文献   

Size distributions of Neocalanus cristatus, N. flemingeri and N. plumchrus were investigated in the eastern and the western subarctic gyres and three marginal seas of the North Pacific during the diapause period to examine the geographical variation in body size of Neocalanus species and to clarify the origin of the large biennial N. flemingeri which has been observed in the Oyashio region. There were significant among region variations in body sizes for all three species of Neocalanus. Generally, the body sizes of the copepods were larger in the marginal seas and marginal areas of the open ocean. In the open ocean, the body sizes increased westward. These patterns of variation in the body sizes roughly correlated with local food availability. Distribution of biennial N. flemingeri was restricted to the Sea of Japan, the Okhotsk Sea and the Oyashio region. The large-sized biennial N. flemingeri were abundantly observed in the Okhotsk Sea, and the medium-sized biennial individuals were observed in the Sea of Japan. These facts strongly suggest that the large biennial N. flemingeri in the Oyashio region are advected from the Okhotsk Sea.  相似文献   

The two sympatric species of Cape hake, Merluccius capensis and M. paradoxus, have been the main targets of bottom-trawl fisheries off Namibia for several decades. The feeding ecology of these hakes has been studied mainly using stomach content analyses and thus there remain some gaps in our knowledge about food assimilated over the longer term. In this study, we used fatty acid (FA) profiles to characterise the dietary relationships of M. capensis and M. paradoxus. Muscle samples from hake (n=110) and their known prey (n=68) were collected during trawl surveys off Namibia during 2011. Significant differences between the neutral FA profiles of the hake populations were detected in December 2011 but not in January 2011, an indication of temporal variations in diet and resource partitioning. Comparisons of the neutral FAs in hake and the total FAs of potential prey showed no clear trophic connections, with the exception of flying squid Todarodes sagittatus, which had FA profiles very similar to those of M. paradoxus in December 2011. Our results highlight the complex and temporally shifting relationships that exist between hake and the large pool of prey available to them, and between the two hake species that overlap in their feeding habits and distribution within the highly productive Benguela Current region.  相似文献   

We report the first application of a biogeochemical model in which the major elemental composition of the phytoplankton is flexible, and responds to changing light and nutrient conditions. The model includes two phytoplankton groups: diatoms and non-siliceous picoplankton. Both fix C in accordance with photosynthesis-irradiance relationships used in other models and take up NO3 and NH4+ (and Si(OH)4 for diatoms) following Michaelis-Menten kinetics. The model allows for light dependence of photosynthesis and NO3 uptake, and for the observed near-total light independence of NH4+ uptake and Si(OH)4 uptake. It tracks the resulting C/N ratios of both phytoplankton groups and Si/N ratio of diatoms, and permits uptake of C, N and Si to proceed independently of one another when those ratios are close to those of nutrient-replete phytoplankton. When the C/N or Si/N ratio of either phytoplankton group indicates that its growth is limited by N, Si or light, uptake of non-limiting elements is controlled by the content of the limiting element in accordance with the cell-quota formulation of Droop (J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K 54 (1974) 825).We applied this model to the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study (BATS) site in the western Sargasso Sea. The model was tuned to produce vertical profiles and time courses of [NO3], [NH4+] and [Si(OH)4] that are consistent with the data, by adjusting the kinetic parameters for N and Si uptake and the rate of nitrification. The model then reproduces the observed time courses of chlorophyll-a, particulate organic carbon and nitrogen, biogenic silica, primary productivity, biogenic silica production and POC export with no further tuning. Simulated C/N and Si/N ratios of the phytoplankton indicate that N is the main growth-limiting nutrient throughout the thermally stratified period and that [Si(OH)4], although always limiting to the rate of Si uptake by diatoms, seldom limits their growth rate. The model requires significant nitrification in the upper 200 m to yield realistic time courses and vertical profiles of [NH4+] and [NO3], suggesting that NO3 is not supplied to the upper water column entirely by physical processes. A nitrification-corrected f-ratio (fNC), calculated for the upper 200 m as: (NO3 uptake—nitrification)/(NO3 uptake+NH4+ uptake) has annual values ranging from only 0.05–0.09, implying that 90–95% of the N taken up annually by phytoplankton is supplied by biological regeneration (including nitrification) in the upper 200 m. Reported discrepancies between estimates of organic C export based on seasonal chemical changes and POC export measured at the BATS site can be almost completely resolved if there is significant regeneration of NO3 via organic-matter decomposition in the upper 200 m.  相似文献   

通过对采集自南海北部的D06和S0612两个短柱状沉积物样品中的不同赋存形态钡、有机碳和生物硅的含量以及有机质碳氮同位素组成的分析,结果表明沉积物中的钡主要以碎屑钡和自生的生物钡形式存在。沉积物中生物钡的含量在10.3~385.2 μg/g之间,平均值为177.0 μg/g,据此计算的新生产力在12.3~146.7 mg/(d·m2)(以碳计)之间,平均为78.9 mg/(d·m2);D06站计算的结果和附近站位的实测值相当。沉积物中有机碳的含量在0.64%~1.34%之间,平均值为0.89%,C/N比值为4.96~5.93,平均值为5.54。有机碳的δ13C值在-22.98‰~-20.73‰之间,平均值为-21.46‰,依据端元组份同位素组成计算的陆源有机质比率显示,D06站位的有机质主要来自海洋生物,而S0612站位则受陆源有机质的影响较大。沉积物中有机质的δ15N值在3.96‰~6.29‰之间,平均值为5.26‰,反映的是该海区氮源的同位素组成,而不受硝酸盐利用率的影响。  相似文献   

The hydrocarbon gases in the L1 gas field of the Lishui-Jiaojiang Sag have been commonly interpreted to be an accumulation of pure sapropelic-type thermogenic gas. In this study, chemical components, stable isotopic compositions, and light hydrocarbons were utilized to shed light on the origins of the hydrocarbon fluids in the L1gas pool. The hydrocarbon fluids in the L1 gas pool are proposed to be a mixture of three unique components:mid-maturity oil from the middle Paleocene coastal marine Lin...  相似文献   

Concurrent distributions of dissolved and suspended particulate organic carbon (DOC and POCsusp), nitrogen (DON and PONsusp) and phosphorus (DOP and POPsusp), and of suspended particulate inorganic phosphorus (PIPsusp), are presented for the open ocean water column. Samples were collected along a three-station transect from the upper continental slope to the abyssal plain in the eastern North Pacific and from a single station in the Southern Ocean. The elemental composition of surface sedimentary organic matter (SOM) was also measured at each location, and sinking particulate organic matter (POMsink) was measured with moored sediment traps over a 110-d period at the abyssal site in the eastern North Pacific only. In addition to elemental compositions, C : N, C : P and N : P ratios were also calculated. Surface and deep ocean concentrations of dissolved organic matter (DOM) and inorganic nutrients between the two sites displayed distinct differences, although suspended POM (POMsusp) concentrations were similar. Concentrations of DOM and POMsusp displayed unique C, N and P distributions, with POMsusp concentrations generally about 1–2 orders of magnitude less than the corresponding DOM concentrations. These differences were likely influenced by different biogeochemical factors: whereas the dissolved constituents may have been influenced more by the physical regime of the study site, suspended particulate matter may have been controlled to a greater extent by biological and chemical alteration. Up to 80% of total particulate P in POMsusp, POMsink and SOM consisted of PIP. For all organic matter pools measured, elemental ratios reveal that organic P is preferentially remineralized over organic C and organic N at both sites. Increases in C : P and N : P ratios with depth were also observed for DOM at both sites, suggesting that DOP is also preferentially degraded over C and N as a function of depth. A simple one-dimensional vertical eddy diffusion model was applied to estimate the contributions of dissolved and suspended particulate organic C, N and P fluxes from the upper mixed layer into the permanent thermocline. Estimated vertical DOM fluxes were 28–63% of the total organic matter fluxes; POMsusp and POMsink fluxes were 8–20 and 28–52% of the total.  相似文献   

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