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Emil Jeansson Sara Jutterström Leif G. Anderson E. Peter Jones James H. Swift 《Progress in Oceanography》2008,78(1):12-28
Data from the East Greenland Current in 2002 are evaluated using optimum multiparameter analysis. The current is followed from north of Fram Strait to the Denmark Strait Sill and the contributions of different source waters, in mass fractions, are deduced. From the results it can be concluded that, at least in spring 2002, the East Greenland Current was the main source for the waters found at the Denmark Strait Sill, contributing to the overflow into the North Atlantic. The East Greenland Current carried water masses from different source regions in the Arctic Ocean, the West Spitsbergen Current and the Greenland Sea. The results agree well with the known circulation of the western Nordic Seas but also add knowledge both to the quantification and to the mixing processes, showing the importance of the locally formed Greenland Sea Arctic Intermediate Water for the East Greenland Current and the Denmark Strait. 相似文献
Sara Jutterström Emil Jeansson Leif G. Anderson E. Peter Jones James H. Swift 《Progress in Oceanography》2008,78(1):78-84
Several methods to compute the anthropogenic component of total dissolved inorganic carbon () in the ocean have been reported, all in some way deducing (a) the effect by the natural processes, and (b) the background concentration in the pre-industrial scenario. In this work we present a method of calculating using nutrient and CFC data, which takes advantage of the linear relationships found between nitrate (N), phosphate (P) and CFC-11 in the Nordic Seas sub-surface waters. The basis of the method is that older water has lower CFC-11 concentration and also has been exposed to more sinking organic matter that has decayed, resulting in the slopes of P versus CFC-11 and N versus CFC-11 being close to the classic Redfield ratio of 1:16. Combining this with the slope in total alkalinity (AT) versus CFC-11 to correct for the dissolution of metal carbonates gives us the possibility to deduce the concentration of anthropogenic CT in the Nordic Seas. This further allowed us to compute the inventory of anthropogenic CT below 250 m in the Nordic Seas in spring 2002, to ∼1.2 Gt C. 相似文献
Dynamical features of the East Greenland Current (EGC) are synthesized from a survey conducted by the Swedish icebreaker Oden during the International Arctic Ocean - 02 expedition (AO-02) in May 2002 with emphasis on the liquid freshwater transport and Polar Surface Water. The data include hydrography and lowered acoustic doppler current profiler (LADCP) velocities in eight transects along the EGC, from the Fram Strait in the north to the Denmark Strait in the south. The survey reveals a strong confinement of the low-salinity polar water in the EGC to the continental slope/shelf—a feature of relevance for the stability of the thermohaline circulation in the Arctic Mediterranean. The southward transport of liquid freshwater in the EGC was found to vary considerably between the sections, ranging between 0.01 and 0.1 Sverdrup. Computations based on geostrophic as well as LADCP velocities give a section-averaged southward freshwater transport of 0.06 Sverdrup in the EGC during May 2002. Furthermore, Oden data suggest that the liquid freshwater transport was as large north of the Fram Strait as it was south of the Denmark Strait. 相似文献
Timing of deep convection in the Greenland and Iceland Seas 总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7
Monthly Variations of Water Masses in the Yellow and East China Seas, November 6, 1998 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
The monthly water mass variations in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea are investigated using over 40 years of historical
temperature and salinity observations via a cluster analysis that incorporates geographical distance and depth separation
in addition to the temperature and salinity. Results delineate monthly variations in the major water masses and provide some
insight into formation mechanisms and intermixing. The major water masses include the Kuroshio-East China Sea water (KE),
the Yellow Sea surface water (YSS) and bottom cold water (YSB), mixed water (MW), and coastal water (CW). The distribution
of the KE water mass reveals the intrusion pattern into the area west of Cheju. A separate mixed water type appears between
the KE water mass and the Yellow Sea water masses during winter. The formation mechanism of the YSB appears to be the surface
cooling and active mixing in winter. In the East China Sea, during summer, surface water is differentiated from the subsurface
water while there is no differentiation during winter. In the Yellow Sea, a three layer system exists in the summer and fall
(May–November) while a two layer system exists during the rest of the year. A fresh water mass generated by Yangtze River
discharge (YD) is present over the northern East China Sea and the southern Yellow Sea during summer.
This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
Kyung-Il Chang Nelson G. Hogg Moon-Sik Suk Sang-Kyung Byun Young-Gyu Kim Kuh Kim 《Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers》2002,49(12)
The Ulleung Basin is one of three deep basins that are contained within the East/Japan Sea. Current meter moorings have been maintained in this basin beginning in 1996. The data from these moorings are used to investigate the mean circulation pattern, variability of deep flows, and volume transports of major water masses in the Ulleung Basin with supporting hydrographic data and help from a high-resolution numerical model. The bottom water within the Ulleung Basin, which must enter through a constricted passage from the north, is found to circulate cyclonically—a pattern that seems prevalent throughout the East Sea. A strong current of about 6 cms−1 on average flows southward over the continental slope off the Korean coast underlying the northward East Korean Warm Current as part of the mean abyssal cyclonic circulation. Volume transports of the northward East Korean Warm Current, and southward flowing East Sea Intermediate Water and East Sea Proper Water are estimated to be 1.4 Sv (1 Sv=10−6 m3 s−1), 0.8 Sv, and 3.0–4.0 Sv, respectively. Deep flow variability involves a wide range of time scales with no apparent seasonal variations, whereas the deep currents in the northern East Sea are known to be strongly seasonal. 相似文献
Marika Marnela Bert Rudels K. Anders Olsson Leif G. Anderson Daniel J. Torres James H. Swift 《Progress in Oceanography》2008,78(1):1-11
To determine the exchanges between the Nordic Seas and the Arctic Ocean through Fram Strait is one of the most important aspects, and one of the major challenges, in describing the circulation in the Arctic Mediterranean Sea. Especially the northward transport of Arctic Intermediate Water (AIW) from the Nordic Seas into the Arctic Ocean is little known. In the two-ship study of the circulation in the Nordic Seas, Arctic Ocean - 2002, the Swedish icebreaker Oden operated in the ice-covered areas in and north of Fram Strait and in the western margins of Greenland and Iceland seas, while RV Knorr of Woods Hole worked in the ice free part of the Nordic Seas. Here two hydrographic sections obtained by Oden, augmented by tracer and velocity measurements with Lowered Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (LADCP), are examined. The first section, reaching from the Svalbard shelf across the Yermak Plateau, covers the region north of Svalbard where inflow to the Arctic Ocean takes place. The second, western, section spans the outflow area extending from west of the Yermak Plateau onto the Greenland shelf. Geostrophic and LADCP derived velocities are both used to estimate the exchanges of water masses between the Nordic Seas and the Arctic Ocean. The geostrophic computations indicate a total flow of 3.6 Sv entering the Arctic on the eastern section. The southward flow on the western section is found to be 5.1 Sv. The total inflow to the Arctic Ocean obtained using the LADCP derived velocities is much larger, 13.6 Sv, and the southward transport on the western section is 13.7 Sv, equal to the northward transport north of Svalbard. Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) originating from a tracer release experiment in the Greenland Sea in 1996 has become a marker for the circulation of AIW. From the geostrophic velocities we obtain 0.5 Sv and from the LADCP derived velocities 2.8 Sv of AIW flowing into the Arctic. The annual transport of SF6 into the Arctic Ocean derived from geostrophy is 5 kg/year, which is of the same magnitude as the observed total annual transport into the North Atlantic, while the LADCP measurements (19 kg/year) imply that it is substantially larger. Little SF6 was found on the western section, confirming the dominance of the Arctic Ocean water masses and indicating that the major recirculation in Fram Strait takes place farther to the south. 相似文献
The Current System in the Yellow and East China Seas 总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18
During the 1990s, our knowledge and understanding of the current system in the Yellow and East China Seas have grown significantly
due primarily to new technologies for measuring surface currents and making high-resolution three-dimensional numerical model
calculations. One of the most important new findings in this decade is direct evidence of the northward current west of Kyushu
provided by satellite-tracked surface drifters. In the East China Sea shelf region, these recent studies indicate that in
winter the Tsushima Warm Current has a single source, the Kuroshio Branch Current in the west of Kyushu, which transports
a mixture of Kuroshio Water and Changjiang River Diluted Water northward. In summer the surface Tsushima Warm Current has
multiple sources, i.e., the Taiwan Warm Current, the Kuroshio Branch Current to the north of Taiwan, and the Kuroshio Branch
Current west of Kyushu. The summer surface circulation pattern in the East China Sea shelf region changes year-to-year corresponding
to interannual variations in Changjiang River discharge. Questions concerning the Yellow Sea Warm Current, the Chinese Coastal
Current in the Yellow Sea, the current field southwest of Kyushu, and the deep circulation in the Okinawa Trough remain to
be addressed in the next decade.
This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
Atsuhiko Isobe 《Journal of Oceanography》1999,55(2):185-195
Using a temperature data set from 1961 to 1990, we estimated the monthly distribution of the vertically integrated heat content
in the East China Sea. We then drew the monthly map of the horizontal heat transport, which is obtained as the difference
between the vertically integrated heat content and the surface heat flux. We anticipate that its distribution pattern is determined
mainly due to the advection by the ocean current if it exists stably in the East China Sea. The monthly map of the horizontal
heat transport showed the existence of the Taiwan-Tsushima Warm Current System (TTWCS) at least from April to August. The
T-S (temperature-salinity) analysis along the path of TTWCS indicated that the TTWCS changes its T-S property as it flows
in the East China Sea forming the Tsushima Warm Current water. The end members of the Tsushima Warm Current water detected
in this study are water masses in the Taiwan Strait and the Kuroshio surface layer, the fresh water from the mainland of China,
and the southern tip of the Yellow Sea Cold Water extending in the northern part of the East China Sea.
This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
本文全面地分析了此段海流的流路与流速结构,首次提出研究海域近底层的环流示意图。指出在夏季,韩国南岸和日本九州北岸均存在着一支南下的逆流,九州西岸出现两种或多种形式的流路。对马暖流在源地流速很弱,流向不稳定,流路时隐时显不明显,只有离开源地后才逐渐显示出一支海流轮廓;强流区在朝鲜海峡附近。该海流可明显地划分为三段。流速夏强冬弱,夏季流幅宽约80km。 相似文献
C.S. Hassler J.R. DjajadikartaM.A. Doblin J.D. EverettP.A. Thompson 《Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography》2011,58(5):664-677
This study focuses on the comparison of oceanic and coastal cold-core eddies with inner-shelf and East Australian Current (EAC) waters at the time of the spring bloom (October 2008). The surface water was biologically characterised by the phytoplankton biomass, composition, photo-physiology, carbon fixation and by nutrient-enrichment experiments. Marked differences in phytoplankton biomass and composition were observed. Contrasted biomarker composition suggests that biomarkers could be used to track water masses in this area. Divinyl chlorophyll a, a biomarker for tropical Prochlorophytes, was found only in the EAC. Zeaxanthin a biomarker for Cyanophytes, was found only within the oceanic eddy and in the EAC, whereas chlorophyll b (Chlorophytes) was only present in the coastal eddy and at the front between the inner-shelf and EAC waters.This study showed that cold-core eddies can affect phytoplankton, biomass, biodiversity and productivity. Inside the oceanic eddy, greater phytoplankton biomass and a more complex phytoplankton community were observed relative to adjacent water masses (including the EAC). In fact, phytoplankton communities inside the oceanic eddy more closely resembled the community observed in the inner-shelf waters. At a light level close to half-saturation, phytoplankton carbon fixation (gC d−1) in the oceanic eddy was 13-times greater than at the frontal zone between the eddy and the EAC and 3-times greater than in the inner-shelf water. Nutrient-enrichment experiments demonstrated that nitrogen was the major macronutrient limiting phytoplankton growth in water masses associated with the oceanic eddy. Although the effective quantum yield values demonstrate healthy phytoplankton communities, the phytoplankton community bloomed and shifted in response to nitrogen enrichments inside the oceanic eddy and in the frontal zone between this eddy and the EAC. An effect of Si enrichment was only observed at the frontal zone between the eddy and the EAC. No response to nutrient enrichment was observed in the inner-shelf water where ambient NOx, Si and PO4 concentrations were up to 14, 4 and 3-times greater than in the EAC and oceanic eddy. Although results from the nutrient-enrichment experiments suggest that nutrients can affect biomass and the composition of the phytoplankton community, the comparison of all sites sampled showed no direct relationship between phytoplankton biomass, nutrients and the depth of the mixed layer. This is probably due to the different timeframe between the rapidly changing physical and chemical oceanography in the separation zone of the EAC. 相似文献
The circulation in the southern Huanghai Sea and northern East China Sea in June 1999 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1

Yaochu Yuan Yonggang Liu Mingyu Zhou Arata Kaneko Zhou Yuan Noriaki Gohda 《海洋学报(英文版)》2003,22(3):321-332
On the basis of hydrographic data and current measurement (the mooring system, vessel-mounted ADCP and toward ADCP) data obtained in June 1999, the circulations in the southern Huang-hai Sea (HS) and northern East China Sea (ECS) are computed by using the modified inverse method. The Kuroshio flows northeastward through eastern part of the investigated region and has the main core at Section PN, a northward flow at the easternmost part of Section PN, a weaker anti-cyclonic eddy between these two northward flows, and a weak cyclonic eddy at the western part of Section PN. The above current structure is one type of the current structures at Section PN in ECS. The net northward volume transport (VT) of the Kuroshio and the offshore branch of Taiwan Warm Current (TWCOB) through Section PN is about 26.2×106m3/s in June 1999. The VT of the inshore branch of Taiwan Warm Current (TWCIB) through the investigated region is about 0.4×106m3/s. The Taiwan Warm Current (TWC) has much effect on the currents over the 相似文献
A significant surface net heat loss appears around the Kuroshio and the Tsushima Warm Current regions. The area where the
surface heat loss occurs should require heat to be supplied by the current to maintain the long-term annual heat balance.
Oceanic heat advection in these regions plays an important role in the heat budget. The spatial distribution of the heat supply
by the Tsushima Warm Current near the surface was examined by calculating the horizontal heat supply in the surface layer
of the East Sea (the Japan Sea) (ESJS), directly from historical sea surface temperature and current data. We have also found
a simple estimation of the effective vertical scale of heat supply by the current to compensate net heat loss using the heat
supplied by the current in the surface 10 m layer. The heat supplied by the current for the annual heat balance was large
in the Korea/Tsushima Strait and along the Japanese Coast, and was small in the northwestern part of the ESJS. The amount
of heat supplied by the current was large in the northwestern part and small in the south-eastern part of the ESJS. These
features suggest that the heat supplied by the Tsushima Warm Current is restricted to near the surface around the northeastern
part and extends to a deeper layer around the southeastern part of the ESJS.
This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
In the southwestern Okhotsk Sea off Hokkaido we observed chemical components related to the carbonate system for 1 year from
August 1997 to June 1998. Using the conservative components salinity and water temperature, we confirmed the existence of
two water masses flowing into the intermediate layer of the Okhotsk Sea, the East Sakhalin Current Water (ESCW) which becomes
denser by mixing of brine water, and the Forerunner of Soya Warm Current Water (FSWW) which becomes denser due to cooling
of the saline Kuroshio water. The ΔNTCx values were calculated by comparing the ESCW and the FSWW with the Pacific Deep Water (PDW). The ΔNTCx values obtained are 100–110 μmol/kg and 70–100 μmol/kg for the ESCW and the FSWW off Hokkaido, respectively, which are considerably
larger than that of the Kuroshio water. These large ΔNTCx values may be due to both low DIC concentration in the surface water and intense gas exchange under the cold and stormy winter
conditions for the ESCW and the cooling of the FSWW as it flows northward. Since the flow rates of dense waters concerned
with the ESCW and the FSWW have previously been estimated as 0.9 Sv and 0.2 Sv, respectively, the amount of atmospheric CO2 absorbed and transported to the intermediate layer turns out to be 3.9−4.1 × 1013 gC/yr. This flux is small on a global scale, but the flux divided by the surface layer of the Okhotsk Sea is 30 gC/m2/yr, which is 5 times greater than the mean absorption flux of anthropogenic CO2 in the world's oceans. It is thus considered that atmospheric CO2 is efficiently absorbed in the Okhotsk Sea.
This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
The relationship of anchovy and sardine to water masses in the Peruvian Humboldt Current System from 1983 to 2005 总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6
Gordon Swartzman Arnaud Bertrand Mariano Gutirrez Sophie Bertrand Luis Vasquez 《Progress in Oceanography》2008,79(2-4):228
The Humboldt Current System (HCS) is dominated by two pelagic species; Peruvian anchovy or anchoveta (Engraulis ringens) and sardine (Sardinops sagax). Using data from 43 acoustic surveys conducted from 1983 through 2005 by the Peruvian Marine Institute (IMARPE), we examined the distribution of these two species relative to water masses. We tested the hypothesis that anchovy was found more frequently in upwelled cold coastal water (CCW) and mixed waters (MCW) than in other water types and that sardine was more associated with more offshore oceanic surface subtropical water (SSW). Surface temperature, salinity, latitude, season and distance to the coast data were used to define water masses. Results using generalized additive models (GAM), modelling sardine and anchovy presence–absence as a function of year, water body, bottom depth and latitude, showed that anchovy were primarily found in CCW and MCS, while sardine were more ubiquitous relative to water masses with some predilection for SSW. These results were supported by various indexes of anchovy and sardine distribution versus water mass as well as temporal and location variables. 相似文献
The biological oceanography of the East Australian Current and surrounding waters in relation to tuna and billfish catches off eastern Australia 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
J.W. Young A.J. HobdayR.A. Campbell R.J. KloserP.I. Bonham L.A. ClementsonM.J. Lansdell 《Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography》2011,58(5):720-733
The surface and sub-surface biological oceanography of tuna fishing grounds within the East Australian Current (EAC) was compared in 2004 with two other fishing areas further offshore. Our aim was to determine whether the biological oceanography of the region could explain the distribution and intensity of pelagic fishery catches inside and outside the EAC at that time. The EAC fishing area was noticeably warmer, less saline and lower in nutrients than waters in the other fishing areas. The EAC waters were dominated by large diatoms, the biomass of which was significantly higher than in the seamount and offshore areas, apparently the result of a cold core eddy beneath the EAC surface filament. Over the seamount and offshore more typical Tasman Sea waters prevailed, although the presence of a relatively deeper oxygen minimum layer over the seamount suggested topographically induced mixing in the area. Notably, sub-surface zooplankton and micronekton biomass was significantly higher around the seamount than in the two other areas. The offshore region was characterised by frontal activity associated with the Tasman front. Micronekton net biomass was generally highest in surface waters in this region. Examination of tuna catch records at that time showed yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) dominated the catches of the EAC, whereas swordfish (Xiphias gladius) and bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) were the main species caught offshore. We suggest the yellowfin tuna concentrate in waters that are not only warmer but where prey species are concentrated near the surface. Offshore, deeper living species such as swordfish and bigeye tuna (T. obesus) can take advantage of prey species that are distributed deeper in the water column and along the flanks of the many seamounts in the region, or that are concentrated at fronts associated with the Tasman Front. Although only a snapshot of the region, relatively consistent catch data over time suggests the underlying biological oceanography may persist over longer time periods, particularly during the Austral spring. 相似文献
渤海海峡冬季无机碳的立体分布特征及其源汇变化 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
根据2010年2月至2010年3月对渤海海峡3个断面39个站位表层、10 m层和30 m层水体中盐度、水温、叶绿素a以及无机碳等参数的测定数据,分析了该季节溶解无机碳的分布特征以及源汇变化状况,探讨了影响其分布的主要因素。结果显示,调查期间渤海海峡水体中各水层溶解无机碳(DIC)及其组分浓度分布较一致,其中DIC及HCO3-的浓度等值线分布均呈现出从西南向东北梯度降低的趋势,且受温度影响明显;二氧化碳分压[p(CO2)]则表现出与叶绿素a含量成明显负相关的分布特征;位于渤海海峡东部的H断面垂直方向上,由于受黄海、渤海水团在海峡中部交汇混合形成的水体紊流影响,DIC及其组分在断面中部等值线分布较两边曲折。冬季渤海海峡表现出明显的源、汇分区分布特征,整个调查区海-气二氧化碳通量为3.52 mmol/(m2·d),表现为大气CO2的弱源。冬季流经渤海海峡的DIC通量约为(130±2)×103 mol/s。 相似文献
Augy Syahailatua Moninya Roughan Iain M. Suthers 《Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography》2011,58(5):678-690
Ichthyoplankton assemblages were compared between regions dominated by the oligotrophic East Australian Current (EAC) and the inner-shelf waters off southeastern Australia, to determine if the early life history of fish was related to the separation of the EAC from the coast, producing different water masses as well as characteristic taxa. Samples were collected at the surface and in sub-surface waters, at 50 and 100 m isobath stations, during two summer research voyages in November 1998 and January 1999. On both voyages the study region was characterized by coastal and EAC waters in the north (∼31°S), and in the south by topographically induced upwelling (∼31°S), associated with narrowing of the continental shelf and separation of the EAC from the coast. Among the 111 families of larval fish, we observed distinctive assemblages of ichthyoplankton associated with the two different water masses. A greater abundance of the Carangidae, Labridae, Lutjanidae, Microcanthidae, Myctophidae and Scombridae was associated with the nutrient poor EAC water mass, while the Callionymidae, Clupeidae, Platycephalidae and Sillaginidae were mostly found in the cooler and/or fresher inner-shelf water mass. We assessed these patterns with opportunistic samples from an unusual, wind-driven upwelling event in the north (∼31°S) earlier in the November voyage. The relative abundance of these 10 characteristic families distinguished this wind-driven upwelling event from the subsequent relaxation and predominance of the EAC assemblage at this location just 6 d later. Distinctive and abundant families such as larval clupeids, relative to larval carangids, could be a useful marker of inner-shelf, EAC and mixed water masses in the absence of robust hydrographic data. This and related studies indicate contrast in early life histories of Sardinops sagax and Trachurus spp., which appear to spawn respectively in the inner-shelf and outer-shelf waters. The post-flexion stages of S. sagax predominate in the outer-shelf and Tasman Front, while post-flexion Trachurus spp. predominate in inner-shelf water masses. 相似文献