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The Sanbagawa belt is one of the famous subduction‐related high‐pressure (HP) metamorphic belts in the world. However, spatial distributions of eclogite units in the belt have not yet satisfactorily established, except within the Besshi region, central Shikoku, southwest Japan because most eclogitic rocks were affected by lower pressure overprinting during exhumation. In order to better determine the areal distribution of the eclogite units and their metamorphic features, inclusion petrography of garnet porphyroblasts using a combination of electron probe microanalyser and Raman spectroscopy was applied to pelitic and mafic schists from the Asemi‐gawa region, central Shikoku. All pelitic schist samples are highly retrogressed, and include no index HP minerals such as jadeite, omphacite, paragonite, or glaucophane in the matrix. Garnet porphyroblasts in pelitic schists occur as subhedral or anhedral crystals, and show compositional zoning with irregular‐shaped inner segments and overgrown outer segments, the boundary of which is marked by discontinuous changes in spessartine. This feature suggests that a resorption process of the inner segment occurred prior to the formation of the outer segment, indicating discontinuous crystallization between the two segments. The inner segment of some composite‐zoned garnet grains displays Mn oscillations, implying infiltration of metamorphic fluid during the initial exhumation stage. Evidence for an early eclogite facies event was determined from mineral inclusions (e.g., jadeite, paragonite, glaucophane) in the garnet inner segments. Mafic schists include no index HP minerals in the matrix as with pelitic schists. Garnet grains in mafic schists show simple normal zoning, recording no discontinuous growth during crystal formation. There are no index HP mineral inclusions in the garnet, and thus no evidence suggesting eclogite facies conditions. Quartz inclusions in garnet of the pelitic and mafic schists show residual pressure values (?ω1) of >8.5 cm?1 and <8.5 cm?1 respectively. The combination of Raman geobarometry and conventional thermodynamic calculations gives peak PT conditions of 1.6–2.1 GPa at 460–520°C for the pelitic schists. The ?ω1 values of quartz inclusions in mafic schists are converted to a metamorphic pressure of 1.2–1.4 GPa at 466–549°C based on Raman geothermometry results. These results indicate that a pressure gap definitely exists between the mafic schists and the almost adjacent pelitic schists, which have experienced a different metamorphic history. Furthermore, the peak P–T values of the Asemi‐gawa eclogite unit are compatible with those of Sanbagawa eclogite unit in the Besshi region of central Shikoku, suggesting that these eclogite units share a similar P–T trajectory. The Asemi‐gawa eclogite unit exists in a limited area and is composed of mostly pelitic schists. We infer that these abundant pelitic schists played a key role in buoyancy‐driven exhumation by reducing bulk rock density and strength.  相似文献   

Jadeite‐bearing kyanite eclogite has been discovered in the Iratsu body of the Sanbagawa belt, SW Japan. The jadeite + kyanite assemblage is stable at higher pressure–temperature (PT) conditions or lower H2O activity [a(H2O)] than paragonite, although paragonite‐bearing eclogite is common in the Sanbagawa belt. The newly discovered eclogite is a massive metagabbro with the peak‐P assemblage garnet + omphacite + jadeite + kyanite + phengite + quartz + rutile. Impure jadeite is exclusively present as inclusions in garnet. The compositional gap between the coexisting omphacite (P2/n) and impure jadeite (C2/c) suggests relatively low metamorphic temperatures of 510–620 °C. Multi‐equilibrium thermobarometry for the assemblage garnet + omphacite + kyanite + phengite + quartz gives peak‐P conditions of ~2.5 GPa, 570 °C. Crystallization of jadeite in the metagabbro is attributed to Na‐ and Al‐rich effective bulk composition due to the persistence of relict Ca‐rich clinopyroxene at the peak‐P stage. By subtracting relict clinopyroxene from the whole‐rock composition, pseudosection modelling satisfactorily reproduces the observed jadeite‐bearing assemblage and mineral compositions at ~2.4–2.5 GPa, 570–610 °C and a(H2O) >0.6. The relatively high pressure conditions derived from the jadeite‐bearing kyanite eclogite are further supported by high residual pressures of quartz inclusions in garnet. The maximum depth of exhumation in the Sanbagawa belt (~80 km) suggests decoupling of the slab–mantle wedge interface at this depth.  相似文献   

The tectonic evolution of the Northern Shimanto belt, central Shikoku, Japan, was examined based on petrological and geochronological studies in the Oboke area, where mafic schists of the Kawaguchi Formation contain sodic amphibole (magnesioriebeckite). The peak P–T conditions of metamorphism are estimated as 44.5 kbar (1517 km depth), and 240270 °C based on available phase equilibria and sodic amphibole compositions. These metamorphic conditions are transitional between blueschist, greenschist and pumpellyite–actinolite facies. Phengite KAr ages of 64.8 ± 1.4 and 64.4 ± 1.4 Ma were determined for the mafic schists, and 65.0 ± 1.4, 61.4 ± 1.3 and 63.6 ± 1.4 Ma for the pelitic schists. The metamorphic temperatures in the Oboke area are below the closure temperature of the KAr phengite system, so the K–Ar ages date the metamorphic peak in the Northern Shimanto belt. In the broad sense of the definition of blueschist facies, the highest‐grade part of the Northern Shimanto belt belongs to the blueschist facies. Our study and those of others identify the following constraints on the possible mechanism that led to the exhumation of the overlying Sanbagawa belt: (i) the Sanbagawa belt is a thin tectonic slice with a structural thickness of 34 km; (ii) within the belt, metamorphic conditions varied from 5 to 25 kbar, and 300 to 800 °C, with the grade of metamorphism decreasing symmetrically upward and downward from a structurally intermediate position; and (iii) the Sanbagawa metamorphic rocks were exhumed from ~60 km depth and emplaced onto the Northern Shimanto metamorphic rocks at 15–17 km depth and 240–270 °C. Integration of these results with those of previous geological studies for the Sanbagawa belt suggests that the most probable exhumation mechanism is wedge extrusion.  相似文献   

The occurrence of lawsonite is described from pelitic schists of the lower-grade part of the pumpellyite-bearing subzone of the chlorite zone in the Asemi River area of central Shikoku. The lawsonite-bearing parageneses are consistent with the generally accepted view that the Sanbagawa facies series represents higher pressures than the lawsonite-bearing facies series in New Zealand.  相似文献   

The oligoclase-biotite zone of the Bessi area, central Shikoku is characterized by sodic plagioclase (XCa= 0.10–0.28)-bearing assemblages in pelitic schists, and represents the highest-grade zone of the Sanbagawa metamorphic terrain. Mineral assemblages in pelitic schists of this zone, all with quartz, sodic plagioclase, muscovite and clinozoisite (or zoisite), are garnet + biotite + chlorite + paragonite, garnet + biotite + hornblende + chlorite, and partial assemblages of these two types. Correlations between mineral compositions, mineral assemblages and mineral stability data assuming PH2O = Psolid suggests that metamorphic conditions of this zone are about 610 ± 25°C and 10 ± 1 kbar.
Based upon a comparative study of mineralogy and chemistry of pelitic schists in the oligoclase-biotite zone of the Sanbagawa terrain with those in the New Caledonia omphacite zone as an example of a typical high-pressure type of metamorphic belt and with those in a generalized'upper staurolite zone'as an example of a medium-pressure type of metamorphic belt, progressive assemblages within these three zones can be related by reactions such as:  相似文献   

Prograde P–T paths and thermal modelling suggest metamorphism in the Sanbagawa belt represents unusually warm conditions for subduction-type metamorphic belts, and these likely reflect conditions of a convergent margin a few million years before the arrival of an active spreading ridge. Radiometric age data and kinematic indicators of ductile deformation suggest the Sanbagawa belt formed in a Cretaceous convergent margin associated with a plate movement vector that had a large sinistral oblique component with respect to the belt, the East Asian margin. Plate reconstructions for the Cretaceous to Tertiary for this region show that the only plausible plate compatible with such motion at this time is the Izanagi plate. These reconstructions also show that progressively younger sections of the Izanagi plate were subducted beneath eastern Asia, i.e. a spreading ridge approached, until 85–83 Ma when the Izanagi Plate ceased to exist as an independent plate. The major reorganization of plates and associated movements around this time is likely to be the age of major interaction between the ridge and convergent margin. The ridge-approach model for the Sanbagawa metamorphism, therefore, predicts that peak metamorphism is a few million years older than this age range. New Lu–Hf dating of eclogite in the Sanbagawa belt gives ages of 89–88 Ma, in excellent agreement with the prediction. Combining this estimate for the peak age of metamorphism with published P–T-t results implies vertical exhumation rates of greater than 2.5 cm yr−1. This high rate of exhumation can explain the lack of a significant thermal overprint in the Sanbagawa belt during subduction of the ridge.  相似文献   

Eclogites from the Onodani area in the Sambagawa metamorphic belt of central Shikoku occur as layers or lenticular bodies within basic schists. These eclogites experienced three different metamorphic episodes during multiple burial and exhumation cycles. The early prograde stage of the first metamorphic event is recorded by relict eclogite facies inclusions within garnet cores (XSps 0.80–0.24, XAlm 0–0.47). These inclusions consist of relatively almandine‐rich garnet (XSps 0.13–0.24, XAlm 0.36–0.45), aegirine‐augite/omphacite (XJd 0.08–0.28), epidote, amphiboles (e.g. actinolite, winchite, barroisite and taramite), albite, phengite, chlorite, calcite, titanite, hematite and quartz. The garnet cores also contain polyphase inclusions consisting of almandine‐rich garnet, omphacite (XJd 0.27–0.28), amphiboles (e.g. actinolite, winchite, barroisite, taramite and katophorite) and phengite. The peak P–T conditions of the first eclogite facies metamorphism are estimated to be 530–590 °C and 19–21 kbar succeeded by retrogression into greenschist facies. The second prograde metamorphism began at greenschist facies conditions. The peak metamorphic conditions are defined by schistosity‐forming omphacites (XJd ≤ 49) and garnet rims containing inclusions of barroisitic amphibole, phengite, rutile and quartz. The estimated peak metamorphic conditions are 630–680 °C and 20–22 kbar followed by a clockwise retrograde P–T path with nearly isothermal decompression to 8–12 kbar. In veins cross‐cutting the eclogite schistosity, resorbed barroisite/Mg‐katophorite occurs as inclusions in glaucophane which is zoned to barroisite, suggesting a prograde metamorphism of the third metamorphic event. The peak P–T conditions of this metamorphic event are estimated to be 540–600 °C and 6.5–8 kbar. These metamorphic conditions are correlated with those of the surrounding non‐eclogitic Sambagawa schists. The Onodani eclogites were formed by subduction of an oceanic plate, and metamorphism occurred beneath an accretionary prism. These high‐P/T type metamorphic events took place in a very short time span between 100 and 90 Ma. Plate reconstructions indicate highly oblique subduction of the Izanagi plate beneath the Eurasian continent at a high spreading rate. This probably resulted in multiple burial and exhumation movements of eclogite bodies, causing plural metamorphic events. The eclogite body was juxtaposed with non‐eclogitic Sambagawa schists at glaucophane stability field conditions. The amalgamated metamorphic sequence including the Onodani eclogites were exhumed to shallow crustal/surface levels in early Eocene times (c. 50 Ma).  相似文献   

Zaw Win Ko  M. Enami  M. Aoya   《Lithos》2005,81(1-4):79-100
The Sanbagawa metamorphic rocks in the Besshi district, central Shikoku, are grouped into eclogite and noneclogite units. Chloritoid and barroisite-bearing pelitic schists occur as interlayers within basic schist in an eclogite unit of the Seba area in the Sanbagawa metamorphic belt, central Shikoku, Japan. Major matrix phases of the schists are garnet, chlorite, barroisite, paragonite, phengite, and quartz. Eclogite facies phases including chloritoid and talc are preserved only as inclusions in garnet. PT conditions for the eclogite facies stage estimated using equilibria among chloritoid, barroisite, chlorite, interlayered chlorite–talc, paragonite, and garnet are 1.8 GPa/520–550 °C. Zonal structures of garnet and matrix amphibole show discontinuous growth of minerals between their core and mantle parts, implying the following metamorphic stages: prograde eclogite facies stage→hydration reaction stage→prograde epidote–amphibolite stage. This metamorphic history suggests that the Seba eclogite lithologies were (1) juxtaposed with subducting noneclogite lithologies during exhumation and then (2) progressively recrystallized under the epidote–amphibolite facies together with the surrounding noneclogite lithologies.

The pelitic schists in the Seba eclogite unit contain paragonite of two generations: prograde phase of the eclogite facies included in garnet and matrix phase produced by local reequilibration of sodic pyroxene-bearing eclogite facies assemblages during exhumation. Paragonite is absent in the common Sanbagawa basic and pelitic schists, and is, however, reported from restricted schists from several localities near the proposed eclogite unit in the Besshi district. These paragonite-bearing schists could be lower-pressure equivalents of the former eclogite facies rocks and are also members of the eclogite unit. This idea implies that the eclogite unit is more widely distributed in the Besshi district than previously thought.  相似文献   

Eclogite facies metamorphic rocks have been discovered from the Bizan area of eastern Shikoku, Sambagawa metamorphic belt. The eclogitic jadeite–garnet glaucophane schists occur as lenticular or sheet‐like bodies in the pelitic schist matrix, with the peak mineral assemblage of garnet + glaucophane + jadeite + phengite + quartz. The jadeitic clinopyroxene (XJd 0.46–0.75) is found exclusively as inclusions in porphyroblastic garnet. The eclogite metamorphism is characterized by prograde development from epidote–blueschist to eclogite facies. Metamorphic P–T conditions estimated using pseudosection modelling are 580–600 °C and 18–20 kbar for eclogite facies. Compared with common mafic eclogites, the jadeite–garnet glaucophane schists have low CaO (4.4–4.5 wt%) and MgO (2.1–2.3 wt%) bulk‐rock compositions. The P–T– pseudosections show that low XCa bulk‐rock compositions favour the appearance of jadeite instead of omphacite under eclogite facies conditions. This is a unique example of low XCa bulk‐rock composition triggered to form jadeite at eclogite facies conditions. Two significant types of eclogitic metamorphism have been distinguished in the Sambagawa metamorphic belt, that is, a low‐T type and subsequent high‐T type eclogitic metamorphic events. The jadeite–garnet glaucophane schists experienced low‐T type eclogite facies metamorphism, and the P–T path is similar to lawsonite‐bearing eclogites recently reported from the Kotsu area in eastern Shikoku. During subduction of the oceanic plate (Izanagi plate), the hangingwall cooled gradually, and the geothermal gradient along the subduction zone progressively decreased and formed low‐T type eclogitic metamorphic rocks. A subsequent warm subduction event associated with an approaching spreading ridge caused the high‐T type eclogitic metamorphism within a single subduction zone.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(18):2211-2226

To constrain the timing from the accretion to the subduction-related metamorphism of the protolith in the Sanbagawa eclogites, we performed zircon U–Pb datings and REE composition analyses on pelitic schist of the Seba eclogite-facies region in the Besshi area in central Shikoku, Japan. The detrital igneous cores of the zircons show ages from ca. 2000 to 100 Ma, and the metamorphic rims show ca. 90 Ma. These results show that the protolith was accreted at ca. 100–90 Ma, which is significantly younger than the previously reported accretion age of ca. 130 Ma of other eclogite-facies regions in this area. And, the metamorphic rim domains show HREE decrease without Eu anomalies, suggesting that they were formed at ca. 90 Ma eclogite-facies metamorphism. Our results combined with previous reports for the tectonics of the Sanbagawa metamorphic rocks suggest that there are at least two eclogite-facies units with different accretion ages in the Besshi area; ca. 130 Ma unit (Besshi unit) and ca. 100–90 Ma unit (Asemi-gawa unit), which structurally contact with each other. It is likely that the older unit was subducted into a depth of over 50 km and stagnated until the younger unit was subducted to the same depth. Probably, both units were juxtaposed at a mantle depth and began to exhume to the surface at the same timing after ca. 90 Ma. The juxtaposition and exhumation process might have relation to multi-factors such as tectonic erosion along the subduction zone, shallowing subduction angle of the hotter slab, backflow in the mantle and fluid infiltration along exhumation route.  相似文献   

Two distinct age estimates for eclogite-facies metamorphism in the Sanbagawa belt have been proposed: (i) c.  120–110 Ma based on a zircon SHRIMP age for the Western Iratsu unit and (ii) c.  88–89 Ma based on a garnet–omphacite Lu–Hf isochron age from the Seba and Kotsu eclogite units. Despite the contrasting estimates of formation ages, petrological studies suggest the formation conditions of the Western Iratsu unit are indistinguishable from those of the other two units—all ∼20 kbar and 600–650 °C. Studies of the associated geological structures suggest the Seba and Western Iratsu units are parts of a larger semi-continuous eclogite unit. A combination of geochronological and petrological studies for the Western Iratsu eclogite offers a resolution to this discrepancy in age estimates. New Lu–Hf dating for the Western Iratsu eclogite yields an age of 115.9 ± 0.5 Ma that is compatible with the zircon SHRIMP age. However, petrological studies show that there was significant garnet growth in the Western Iratsu eclogite before eclogite facies metamorphism, and the early core growth is associated with a strong concentration of Lu. Pre-eclogite facies garnet (Grt1) includes epidote–amphibolite facies parageneses equilibrated at 550–650 °C and ∼10 kbar, and this is overgrown by prograde eclogite facies garnet (Grt2). The Lu–Hf age of c.  116 Ma is strongly skewed to the isotopic composition of Grt1 and is interpreted to reflect the age of the pre-eclogite phase. The considerable time gap ( c.  27 Myr) between the two Lu–Hf ages suggests they may be related to separate tectonic events or distinct phases in the evolution of the Sanbagawa subduction zone.  相似文献   

张忠炜  张聪  秦雪晴  赵晓轩  申婷婷  邱添  杜瑾雪 《地质论评》2022,68(2):2022030032-2022030032
拉萨地块中东部松多高压变质带是揭示拉萨地体形成与演化过程的重要研究对象。松多变质带记录了古特提斯洋的俯冲和闭合过程。前人对松多地区出露的榴辉岩及围岩开展了大量的岩石学工作,但变质峰期温压条件没有得到很好的限定,温压分布范围较广,且变质演化过程仍存争议。笔者等总结了松多变质带不同地区榴辉岩的岩石学和矿物学特征,汇总了不同计算方法得到的温压条件。通过对比发现,松多高压变质带内榴辉岩的峰期温压条件处于465~880℃,2.5~3.9 GPa的范围,其宽泛的峰期温压条件是由于不同计算方法和折返机制造成的。与传统矿物对温压计相比,变质相平衡模拟方法更适合低温榴辉岩的峰期温压条件及变质过程的限定。  相似文献   

拉萨地块中东部松多高压变质带是揭示拉萨地体形成与演化过程的重要研究对象。松多变质带记录了古特提斯洋的俯冲和闭合过程。前人对松多地区出露的榴辉岩及围岩开展了大量的岩石学工作,但变质峰期温压条件没有得到很好的限定,温压分布范围较广,且变质演化过程仍存争议。笔者等总结了松多变质带不同地区榴辉岩的岩石学和矿物学特征,汇总了不同计算方法得到的温压条件。通过对比发现,松多高压变质带内榴辉岩的峰期温压条件处于465~880℃,2.5~3.9 GPa的范围,其宽泛的峰期温压条件是由于不同计算方法和折返机制造成的。与传统矿物对温压计相比,变质相平衡模拟方法更适合低温榴辉岩的峰期温压条件及变质过程的限定。  相似文献   

Hydration reactions are direct evidence of fluid–rock interaction during regional metamorphism. In this study, hydration reactions to produce retrograde actinolite in mafic schists are investigated to evaluate the controlling factors on the reaction progress. Mafic schists in the Sanbagawa belt contain amphibole coexisting with epidote, chlorite, plagioclase and quartz. Amphibole typically shows two types of compositional zoning from core to rim: barroisite → hornblende → actinolite in the high‐grade zone, and winchite → actinolite in the low‐grade zone. Both types indicate that amphibole grew during the exhumation stage of the metamorphic belt. Microstructures of amphibole zoning and mass‐balance relations suggest that: (1) the actinolite‐forming reactions proceeded at the expense of the preexisting amphibole; and (2) the breakdown reaction of hornblende consumed more H2O fluid than that of winchite, when one mole of preexisting amphibole was reacted. Reaction progress is indicated by the volume fraction of actinolite to total amphibole, Yact, with the following details: (1) reaction proceeded homogeneously in each mafic layer; (2) the extent of the hornblende breakdown reaction is commonly low (Yact < 0.5), but it increases drastically in the high‐grade part of the garnet zone (Yact > 0.7); and (3) the extent of the winchite breakdown reaction is commonly high (Yact > 0.7). Many microcracks are observed within hornblende, and the extent of hornblende breakdown reaction is correlated with the size reduction of the hornblende core. Brittle fracturing of hornblende may have enhanced retrograde reaction progress by increasing of influx of H2O and the surface area of hornblende. In contrast to high‐grade rocks, the winchite breakdown reaction is well advanced in the low‐grade rocks, where reaction progress is not associated with brittle fracturing of winchite. The high extent of the reaction in the low‐grade rocks may be due to small size of winchite before the reaction.  相似文献   

灰闪石(nyb?ite,Nyb)已在世界多处超高压榴辉岩中发现,但对于其稳定性及成因的研究结果存在较大分歧。本文以中国苏北碱厂榴辉岩中灰闪石为例,基于岩相学观察和相平衡模拟限定了灰闪石的稳定条件。在Na_2O-Ca O-K_2OFe O-Mg O-Al_2O_3-Si O_2-H_2O-Ti O_2-Fe_2O_3(NCKFMASHTO)体系下对含有灰闪石榴辉岩进行的相平衡计算得到与实际观察一致的矿物组合,且模拟和实测的灰闪石成分基本一致。相平衡模拟结果表明,灰闪石稳定温压范围为t 500℃,p 1. 20 GPa,地温梯度范围为12~17℃/km。灰闪石的出现主要受控于全岩成分的X_(Na)与X_(Al)值,要求分别满足X_(Na)=0. 58~0. 65和X_(Al)0. 15。碱厂灰闪石含有较高的F含量(1. 88%~2. 54%),由于目前没有含F的角闪石活度模型,文中根据前人研究结果讨论了F替代OH对灰闪石稳定性的影响。榴辉岩中出现灰闪石指示岩石经历了低温、中高压变质作用,其全岩主量元素特征表明原岩可能为低钾碱性玄武岩。  相似文献   

The prograde amphibole that coexists with chlorite, epidote, muscovite, albite, quartz and hematite in Sanbagawa schists was examined to investigate the relationship between the prograde P-T paths of individual rocks and the metamorphic field gradient in the Sanbagawa metamorphic belt, central Shikoku. The amphibole changes from actinolite, through ferri-winchite and crossite, to barroisite and hornblende with increasing grade along the metamorphic field gradient. However, the sequence of prograde amphibole compositions in each sample varies in different mineral zones. The general scheme can be summarized as: magnesioriebeckite-riebeckite crossite in the upper chlorite zone of lower-grade rocks; crossite or glaucophane barroisite in the garnet zone of medium-grade rocks; and actinolite or winchite barroisite hornblende in the albite-biotite zone of higher-grade rocks. Changes of amphibole composition indicate that the prograde P-T path recorded in the higher-grade rocks was situated on the higher-temperature side of that of the lower-grade rocks and on the lower-pressure side of the metamorphic field gradient. The systematic change of P-T paths implies an increasing d P /d T during continuous subduction. These features can be interpreted as documenting prograde metamorphism within a young subduction zone that has a non-steady-state geotherm.  相似文献   

Coexisting garnet blueschist and eclogite from the Chinese South Tianshan high‐pressure (HP)–ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) belt consist of similar mineral assemblages involving garnet, omphacite, glaucophane, epidote, phengite, rutile/sphene, quartz and hornblendic amphibole with or without paragonite. Eclogite assemblages generally contain omphacite >50 vol.% and a small amount of glaucophane (<5 vol.%), whereas blueschist assemblages have glaucophane over 30 vol.% with a small amount of omphacite which is even absent in the matrix. The coexisting blueschist and eclogite show dramatic differences in the bulk‐rock compositions with higher X(CaO) [=CaO/(CaO + MgO + FeOtotal + MnO + Na2O)] (0.33–0.48) and lower A/CNK [=Al2O3/(CaO + Na2O + K2O)] (0.35–0.56) in eclogite, but with lower X(CaO) (0.09–0.30) and higher A/CNK (0.65–1.28) in garnet blueschist. Garnet in both types of rocks has similar compositions and exhibits core–rim zoning with increasing grossular and pyrope contents. Petrographic observations and phase equilibria modelling with pseudosections calculated using thermocalc in the NCKMnFMASHO system for the coexisting garnet blueschist and eclogite samples suggest that the two rock types share similar P–T evolutional histories involving a decompression with heating from the Pmax to the Tmax stage and a post‐Tmax decompression with slightly cooling stage, and similar P–T conditions at the Tmax stage. The post‐Tmax decompression is responsible for lawsonite decomposition, which results in epidote growth, glaucophane increase and omphacite decrease in the blueschist, or in an overprinting of the eclogitic assemblage by a blueschist assemblage. Calculated P–X(CaO), P–A/CNK and P–X(CO2) pseudosections indicate that blueschist assemblages are favoured in rocks with lower X(CaO) (<0.28) and higher A/CNK (>0.75) or fluid composition with higher X(CO2) (>0.15), but eclogite assemblages preferentially occur in rocks with higher X(CaO) and lower A/CNK or fluid composition with lower X(CO2). Moreover, phase modelling suggests that the coexistence of blueschist and eclogite depends substantially on P–T conditions, which would commonly occur in medium temperatures of 500–590 °C under pressures of ~17–22 kbar. The modelling results are in good accordance with the measured bulk‐rock compositions and modelled temperature results of the coexisting garnet blueschist and eclogite from the South Tianshan HP–UHP belt.  相似文献   

俄罗斯白海活动带Uzkaya Salma地区榴辉岩中发现的绿纤石形成于榴辉岩化早期亚绿片岩相阶段。该绿纤石多以包体形式存在于退变榴辉岩的变斑晶石榴石矿物中,并与榍石、金红石、单斜辉石、绿泥石、绿帘石、石英等矿物伴生,极少量单颗粒绿纤石包裹在基质单斜辉石(透辉石)矿物中,呈浑圆状。绿纤石成分上属于铝绿纤石和铁绿纤石,其中以铝绿纤石为主。在详细的岩相学研究基础上,通过相平衡计算,结合矿物温压计计算结果,发现含绿纤石榴辉岩共经历了4阶段的变质演化:Ⅰ早期进变质阶段,以石榴石中的绿纤石+绿泥石+绿帘石+石英等矿物包裹体为特征,依据实验岩石学研究的矿物组合绿纤石+绿泥石+石英和铁绿纤石+绿帘石稳定域,估算该变质阶段温压条件t=160~320℃,p=0.2~0.8 GPa;Ⅱ峰期榴辉岩相阶段,矿物组合为石榴石+Di-Pl后成合晶推测的绿辉石+金红石±角闪石+石英,石榴石核部镁等值线和绿辉石硬玉分子等值线限定其峰期温压条件为t=725~740℃,p=1.4~1.5 GPa;Ⅲ高压麻粒岩相退变质阶段,矿物组合为石榴石+透辉石+角闪石+斜长石+石英,石榴石-单斜辉石温度计和后成合晶中斜长石钙等值线限定该阶段的温压条件t=725~750℃,p=1.1~1.3 GPa;Ⅳ晚期角闪岩相退变质阶段,矿物组合角闪石+斜长石±黑云母+石英,相平衡计算和角闪石-斜长石温度计限定温压条件为t=670~700℃,p=0.7~0.9 GPa。综上,确定了俄罗斯白海活动带Uzkaya Salma地区含绿纤石榴辉岩具有顺时针的p-T演化轨迹,峰期对应的地温梯度为15℃/km,俯冲进变质阶段经历了绿纤石-绿帘石相变质,由峰期榴辉岩相到退变质高压麻粒岩相具近等温降压的特征。研究表明,板块的"冷"俯冲作用在地球演化早期太古宙时期就可能出现了。  相似文献   

The Mogok metamorphic belt of Palaeogene age, which records subduction‐ and collision‐related events between the Indian and Eurasian plates, lies along the western margin of the Shan plateau in central Myanmar and continues northwards to the eastern Himalayan syntaxis. Reaction textures of clinohumite‐ and scapolite‐bearing assemblages in Mogok granulite facies metacarbonate rocks provide insights into the drastic change in fluid composition during exhumation of the collision zone. Characteristic high‐grade assemblages of marble and calcsilicate rock are clinohumite+forsterite+spinel+phlogopite+pargasite/edenite+calcite+dolomite, and scapolite+diopside+anorthite+quartz+calcite respectively. Calculated petrogenetic grids in CaO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O–CO2 and subsets of this system were employed to deduce the pressure–temperature–fluid evolution of the clinohumite‐ and scapolite‐bearing assemblages. These assemblages suggest higher temperature (>780–810°C) and [=CO2/(CO2+H2O) >0.17–0.60] values in the metamorphic fluid for the peak granulite facies stage, assuming a pressure of 0.8 GPa. Calcite grains commonly show exsolution textures with dolomite particles, and their reintegrated compositions yield temperatures of 720–880°C. Retrograde reactions are mainly characterized by a reaction zone consisting of a dolomite layer and a symplectitic aggregate of tremolite and dolomite grown between clinohumite and calcite in marble, and a replacement texture of scapolite by clinozoisite in calcsilicate rock. These textures indicate that the retrograde reactions developed under lower temperature (<620°C) and (<0.08–0.16) conditions, assuming a pressure of 0.5 GPa. The metacarbonate rocks share metamorphic temperatures similar to the Mogok paragneiss at the peak granulite facies stage. The values of the metacarbonate rock at peak metamorphic stage are, however, distinctly higher than those previously deduced from carbonate mineral‐free paragneiss. Primary clinohumite, phlogopite and pargasite/edenite in marble have F‐rich compositions, and scapolite in calcsilicate rock contains Cl, suggesting a contrast in the halogen compositions of the metamorphic fluids between these two lithologies. The metamorphic fluid compositions were probably buffered within each lithology, and the effective migration of metamorphic fluid, which would have extensively changed the fluid compositions, did not occur during the prograde granulite facies stage throughout the Mogok metamorphic belt. The lower conditions of the Mogok metacarbonate rocks during the retrograde stage distinctly contrast with higher conditions recorded in metacarbonate rocks from other metamorphic belts of granulite facies. The characteristic low conditions were probably due to far‐ranging infiltration of H2O‐dominant fluid throughout the middle segment of the Mogok metamorphic belt under low‐amphibolite facies conditions during the exhumation and hydration stage.  相似文献   

Several mafic rock masses, which have experienced eclogite facies metamorphism, are distributed in flat-lying non-eclogitic schists in an intermediate structural level (thermal core) of the Sanbagawa belt. The largest, Iratsu mass, and an associated peridotite, the Higashi-Akaishi mass, extend E–W for about 8 km, and N–S for about 3 km, and are surrounded by pelitic, basic and quartz schists. The Iratsu mass consists of metabasites of gabbroic and basaltic origin, with intercalations of ultramafic rocks, felsic gneiss, quartz schist and metacarbonate. The Iratsu mass can be divided into two layers along a WNW-trending metacarbonate layer. The Higashi-Akaishi mass consists of peridotite with intercalations of garnet clinopyroxenite. It is situated beneath the western half of the Iratsu mass, and their mutual boundary dips gently or steeply to the N or NE. These masses underwent eclogite, and subsequent epidote-amphibolite facies metamorphism as has been reported elsewhere. The Iratsu–Higashi-Akaishi masses and the surrounding rocks underwent ductile deformation under epidote-amphibolite facies (or lower PT) metamorphic conditions. Their foliation generally trends WNW and dips moderately to the NNE, and the mineral lineation mostly plunges to the N and NE. In non-eclogitic schists surrounding the Iratsu–Higashi-Akaishi masses, the foliation generally trends WNW and dips gently or steeply to the N or S and the mineral lineation mostly plunges to the NW, N and NE. Kinematic analysis of deformation structures in outcrops and oriented samples has been performed to determine shear senses. Consistent top-to-the-north, normal fault displacements are observed in peridotite layers of the Higashi-Akaishi mass and eclogite-bearing epidote amphibolite layers of the Iratsu mass. Top-to-the-northeast or top-to-the-northwest displacements also occur in non-eclogitic pelitic–quartz schists on the northern side of the Iratsu mass. In the structural bottom of the Iratsu–Higashi-Akaishi masses and to the south, reverse fault (top-to-the-south) movements are recognized in serpentinized peridotite and non-eclogitic schists. These observations provide the following constraints on the kinematics of the rock masses: (1) northward normal displacement of Iratsu relative to Higashi-Akaishi, (2) northward normal displacement of non-eclogitic schists on the north of the Iratsu mass and (3) southward thrusting of the Iratsu–Higashi-Akaishi masses upon non-eclogitic schists in the south. The exhumation process of the Iratsu–Higashi-Akaishi masses can be explained by their southward extrusion.  相似文献   

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