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The thermal and redox state of the upper mantle beneath the Baikal-Mongolia region was estimated on the basis of the investigation of the chemical composition (including iron oxidation state) of major minerals (olivine, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, and spinel) in spinel and garnet-spinel peridotite xenoliths from the Cenozoic alkali basalts of the volcanic fields of the Dariganga Plateau, Tariat Depression, and Vitim Plateau. At temperatures of 1030–1500°C and pressures of 29–47 kbar, the Δlog$ f_{O_2 } $ f_{O_2 } values relative to the FMQ buffer (calculated using the olivine-spinel oxygen barometer) range from −0.9 to −1.7 for the xenoliths of the Dariganga Plateau, from −0.9 to −1.8 for the Tariat Depression, and from −0.8 to −0.1 for the Vitim Plateau. The oxygen fugacity of peridotites from all of the areas is, in general, lower than that of the WM buffer. Oxygen fugacity is usually below the CCO and EMOD/G buffers in the peridotites of the Dariganga Plateau and the Tariat Depression and higher than these buffers in the peridotites of the Vitim Plateau. The T-PΔlog$ f_{O_2 } $ f_{O_2 } relationships in the xenoliths suggest the existence of spatial heterogeneity in the thermal and redox state of the upper mantle of the Baikal-Mongolia region. This heterogeneity is probably related to the influence of the plume that was responsible for the Late Mesozoic-Cenozoic intraplate magmatism of this region and reflects the different distance of the respective mantle domains from the plume head. The C-O-H fluids in equilibrium with the upper mantle peridotites are composed mainly of water and carbon dioxide. The mantle of the Dariganga Plateau and the Tariat Depression (Δlog$ f_{O_2 } $ f_{O_2 } < −0.9) is characterized by the dominance of H2O, whereas CO2-rich fluids are characteristic of the more oxidized mantle of the Vitim Plateau (Δlog$ f_{O_2 } $ f_{O_2 } is mostly higher than −0.8).  相似文献   

The ax relations recently presented in White et al. ( 2014 , Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 32, 261–286) are extended to include MnO. This provides a set of internally consistent ax relations for metapelitic rocks in the MnO–Na2O–CaO–K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O–TiO2–O2 (MnNCKFMASHTO) system. The mixing parameters for the Mn‐bearing minerals were estimated using the micro‐? approach of Powell et al. ( 2014 , Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 32, 245–260). Then the Mn‐end‐member thermodynamic properties were calibrated using a database of co‐existing minerals involving literature data from rocks and from experiments on natural materials. Mn‐end‐members were calibrated for orthopyroxene, cordierite, staurolite, chloritoid, chlorite, biotite, ilmenite and hematite, assuming known properties for the garnet end‐member spessartine. The addition of MnO to phase diagram calculations results in a marked expansion of the stability of garnet‐bearing assemblages. At greenschist facies conditions garnet stability is extended down temperature. At amphibolite facies conditions, the garnet‐in boundary shifts to lower pressure. While the addition of MnO greatly influences the stability of garnet, it has relatively little effect on the stability of other common metapelitic minerals, with the resultant diagrams being topologically very similar to those calculated without MnO. Furthermore, the addition of MnO in the amounts measured in most metapelites has only a small effect on the mode of garnet, with calculated garnet modes remaining smaller than 1% in the PT range outside its predicted Mn‐free PT range.  相似文献   

Mantle xenoliths in within-plate Cenozoic alkaline mafic lavas from NE Spain are used to assess the local subcontinental lithospheric mantle geotherm and the influence of melting and metasomatism on its oxidation state. The xenoliths are mainly anhydrous spinel lherzolites and harzburgites and gradations between, with minor pyroxenites. Most types show protogranular textures, but transitional protogranular–porphyroclastic and equigranular lherzolites also exist. Different thermometers used in the estimates provide higher subsolidus equilibrium temperatures for harzburgites (1,062 ± 29°C) than for lherzolites (972 ± 89°C), although there is overlap; the lowest temperatures correspond to porphyroclastic lherzolites, whereas pyroxenites give the highest temperatures (up to 1,257°C). Maximum pressures for subsolidus equilibrium of peridotites are at 2.0–1.8 GPa. Later they followed adiabatic decompression and harzburgites registered lower pressures (1.02 ± 0.19 GPa) than lherzolites (1.41 ± 0.27 GPa). One pyroxenite gives values consistent with the spinel lherzolite field (1.08 GPa). The shallowest barometric data are in agreement with the highest local conductive geotherms, which implies that the lithosphere–asthenosphere boundary is at 70–60 km minimum depth. Higher equilibrium temperatures for the harzburgites could be explained by the existence of mafic magma bodies or dykes at the lower crust–mantle boundary. Paleo-fO2 conditions during partial melting as inferred from the covariation between V and MgO concentrations are mainly between QFM−1 and QFM−2 in log units. However, most thermobarometric fO2 estimates are between QFM−1 and QFM+1, suggesting oxidation caused by later metasomatism during uplift and cooling.  相似文献   

Petrological modelling of granulite‐facies mafic and semipelitic migmatites from Cairn Leuchan, northeast Scotland, has provided new constraints on the pressure (P) and temperature (T) conditions of high‐grade metamorphism in the type‐locality Barrow zones. Phase diagrams constructed in the Na2O–CaO–K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O–TiO2–O2 system have constrained the P?T conditions of peak metamorphism in the Glen Muick region of the upper sillimanite zone (Sill+Kfs) to have been at least ~840°C at ~9 kbar (high‐P granulite facies). These conditions are ~120°C and ~3 kbar higher than those recorded by lower sillimanite zone (Sill+Ms) units located only a few kilometres away to the southeast at Glen Girnock, indicating the presence of a significant thermal and barometric high exposed within the Scottish Dalradian, and supporting previous suppositions of a potential tectonic break between the two regions. U–Pb zircon geochronology performed on these mafic migmatites produced ages of c. 540–470 Ma from grains with both igneous and metamorphic morphological characteristics. Their basaltic protoliths likely formed during a period of volcanism dated at c. 570 Ma, associated with passive‐margin extension prior to the onset of Iapetus Ocean closure, and high‐grade metamorphism and partial melting is interpreted to have taken place at c. 470 Ma, synchronous with sillimanite‐grade metamorphism recorded elsewhere in the Dalradian. These high‐grade Cairn Leuchan lithologies are interpreted as representing a fragment of Grampian Terrane lower crust that was exhumed via displacement along a steeply dipping tectonic discontinuity related to the Portsoy–Duchray Hill Lineament, and are not pre‐Caledonian Mesoproterozoic basement, as suggested by some previous studies. Veins within some mafic migmatites in the Cairn Leuchan area, composed almost entirely (>80%) of garnet, with minor quartz, plagioclase, amphibole, and clinopyroxene, are interconnected with leucosomes and are interpreted to represent former garnet‐bearing melt segregations that have been locally drained of almost all melt. Thus, mafic components of the lower crust, currently underlying relatively lower grade metasediments exposed to the southeast, may represent a potential source rock for widely documented, post‐orogenic felsic plutons, sills, and dykes that occur throughout the Grampian Terrane.  相似文献   

Oxidation of the Kaapvaal lithospheric mantle driven by metasomatism   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The oxidation state, reflected in the oxygen fugacity (fO2), of the subcratonic lithospheric mantle is laterally and vertically heterogeneous. In the garnet stability field, the Kaapvaal lithospheric mantle becomes progressively more reducing with increasing depth from Δlog fO2 FMQ-2 at 110 km to FMQ-4 at 210 km. Oxidation accompanying metasomatism has obscured this crystal-chemical controlled depth-fO2 trend in the mantle beneath Kimberley, South Africa. Chondrite normalized REE patterns for garnets, preserve evidence of a range in metasomatic enrichment from mild metasomatism in harzburgites to extensive metasomatism by LREE-enriched fluids and melts with fairly unfractionated LREE/HREE ratios in phlogopite-bearing lherzolites. The metasomatized xenoliths record redox conditions extending up to Δlog fO2 = FMQ, sufficiently oxidized that magnesite would be the stable host of carbon in the most metasomatized samples. The most oxidized lherzolites, those in or near the carbonate stability field, have the greatest modal abundance of phlogopite and clinopyroxene. Clinopyroxene is modally less abundant or absent in the most reduced peridotite samples. The infiltration of metasomatic fluids/melts into diamondiferous lithospheric mantle beneath the Kaapvaal craton converted reduced, anhydrous harzburgite into variably oxidized phlogopite-bearing lherzolite. Locally, portions of the lithospheric mantle were metasomatized and oxidized to an extent that conversion of diamond into carbonate should have occurred. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate the metamorphic history of the Assynt and Gruinard blocks of the Archean Lewisian Complex, northwest Scotland, which are considered by some to represent discrete crustal terranes. For samples of mafic and intermediate rocks, phase diagrams were constructed in the Na2O–CaO–K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O–TiO2–O2 (NCKFMASHTO) system using whole‐rock compositions. Our results indicate that all samples equilibrated at similar peak metamorphic conditions of ~8–10 kbar and ~900–1,000°C, consistent with field evidence for in situ partial melting and the classic interpretation of the central region of the Lewisian Complex as representing a single crustal block. Melt‐reintegration modelling was employed in order to estimate probable protolith compositions. Phase equilibria calculated for these modelled undepleted precursors match well with those determined for a subsolidus amphibolite from Gairloch in the southern region of the Lewisian Complex. Both subsolidus lithologies exhibit similar phase relations and potential melt fertility, with both expected to produce orthopyroxene‐bearing hornblende granulites, with or without garnet, at the conditions inferred for the Badcallian metamorphic peak. For fully hydrated protoliths, prograde melting is predicted to first occur at ~620°C and ~9.5 kbar, with up to 45% partial melt predicted to form at peak conditions in a closed‐system environment. Partial melts calculated for both compositions between 610 and 1,050°C are mostly trondhjemitic. Although the melt‐reintegrated granulite is predicted to produce more potassic (granitic) melts at ~700–900°C, the modelled melts are consistent with the measured compositions of felsic sheets from the central region Lewisian Complex.  相似文献   

The Red River shear zone (RRSZ) is a major left‐lateral strike‐slip shear zone, containing a ductilely deformed metamorphic core bounded by brittle strike‐slip and normal faults, which stretches for >1000 km from Tibet through Yunnan and North Vietnam to the South China Sea. The RRSZ exposes four high‐grade metamorphic core complexes along its length. Various lithologies from the southernmost core complex, the Day Nui Con Voi (DNCV), North Vietnam, provide new constraints on the tectonic and metamorphic evolution of this region prior to and following the initial India–Asia collision. Analysis of a weakly deformed anatectic paragneiss using PT pseudosections constructed in the MnO–Na2O–CaO–K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O–TiO2–O (MnNCKFMASHTO) system provides prograde, peak and retrograde metamorphic conditions, and in situ U–Th–Pb geochronology of metamorphic monazite yields texturally controlled age constraints. Tertiary metamorphism and deformation, overprinting earlier Triassic metamorphism associated with the Indosinian orogeny and possible Cretaceous metamorphism, are characterized by peak metamorphic conditions of ~805 °C and ~8.5 kbar between c. 38 and 34 Ma. Exhumation occurred along a steep retrograde P–T path with final melt crystallizing at the solidus at ≥~5.5 kbar at ~790 °C. Further exhumation at ~640–700 °C and ~4–5 kbar at c. 31 Ma occurred at subsolidus conditions. U–Pb geochronological analysis of monazite from a strongly deformed pre‐kinematic granite dyke from the flank of the DNCV provides further evidence for exhumation at this time. Magmatic grains suggest initial emplacement at 66.0 ± 1.0 Ma prior to the India–Asia collision, whereas grains with metamorphic characteristics indicate later growth at 30.6 ± 0.4 Ma. Monazite grains from a cross‐cutting post‐kinematic dyke within the core of the DNCV antiform provide a minimum age constraint of 25.2 ± 1.4 Ma for the termination of fabric development. A separate and significant episode of monazite growth at c. 83–69 Ma is suggested to be the result of fluid‐assisted recrystallization following the emplacement of magmatic units.  相似文献   

早中生代扬子板块与华北板块之间的俯冲及其后两陆块间的碰撞为大陆深俯冲后效作用研究提供了一个少见的实例。本文在系统论述华北中生代深部年代学记录、深源岩类源区地球化学特征的时空变化规律,普遍的 Sr 同位素高度富集现象及其空间变化指向、高场强元素强烈分馏以及时间制约分析基础上,提出了导致这些源区特征变化最可能的机制为扬子板片深俯冲中析出的熔体/流体交代并改造了华北大陆岩石圈地幔。而其后中生代全球事件引发的中国东部广泛而强烈白垩纪构造-岩浆幕则提供了侵位于地壳层位深源岩类的成岩条件。本文强调指出对华北岩石圈地幔这种大尺度实体上的改造,应被视为扬子板片深俯冲后效作用中最具深远意义的一种表现,并对中生代华北岩石圈整体转型产生了重要影响。  相似文献   

The development of thermodynamic models for tonalitic melt and the updated clinopyroxene and amphibole models now allow the use of phase equilibrium modelling to estimate P–T conditions and melt production for anatectic mafic and intermediate rock types at high‐T conditions. The Permian mid‐lower crustal section of the Ivrea Zone preserves a metamorphic field gradient from mid amphibolite facies to granulite facies, and thus records the onset of partial melting in metabasic rocks. Interlayered metabasic and metapelitic rocks allows the direct comparison of P–T estimates and partial melting between both rock types with the same metamorphic evolution. Pseudosections for metabasic compositions calculated in the Na2O–CaO–K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O–TiO2–O (NCKFMASHTO) system are presented and compared with those of metapelitic rocks calculated with consistent end‐member data and a–x models. The results presented in this study show that P–T conditions obtained by phase equilibria modelling of both metabasic and metapelitic rocks give consistent results within uncertainties, allowing integration of results obtained for both rock types. In combination, the calculations for both metabasic and metapelitic rocks allows an updated and more precisely constrained metamorphic field gradient for Val Strona di Omegna to be defined. The new field gradient has a slightly lower dP/dT which is in better agreement with the onset of crustal thinning of the Adriatic margin during the Permian inferred in recent studies.  相似文献   

陶仁彪  张立飞  刘曦 《岩石学报》2015,31(7):1879-1890
地幔氧逸度通过改变含碳相的存在形式和迁移方式来影响深部碳循环。本文结合最新的地幔氧逸度实验模拟和岩石学研究成果,探讨了地幔氧逸度时空分布对深部碳循环的影响。文章重点结合地幔减压熔融形成洋壳、新生洋壳蚀变、洋壳俯冲变质、深俯冲洋壳熔融以及俯冲洋壳物质(流体和固体)通过岩浆(岛弧和地幔柱)作用循环出地表等重要地质过程,探讨了伴随洋壳俯冲作用的深部碳循环过程。由于地幔氧逸度的时空变化,俯冲带含碳相表现出不同的存在形式和迁移能力。通过对西南天山俯冲带碳循环的岩石学和实验研究,我们认为应当进一步深入研究俯冲带氧化还原状态及其对俯冲带深部碳循环的影响。  相似文献   

A symplectite of pyrite and magnetite in the massive sulphide ore of the Mashan mine,Anhui Province,is interpreted to have been formed by their replacing earlier pyrrhotite.The compositions of pyrrhotite,pyrite and magnetite related to this texture are given by electron microprobe analysis.Such a texture is likely to be formed when the ore-forming system reaches the three-phase point of pyrrhotite,pyrite and magnetite from the pyrrhotite stability field.The very small probability for the system to reach this point could be used to account for the rare occurrence of such symplectite in natural ores.  相似文献   

周琴  吴福元  储著银  葛文春 《岩石学报》2010,26(4):1241-1264
吉林省伊通新生代火山群中大孤山所伴生的东小山火山含有丰富的地幔橄榄岩包体,详细的岩石学和矿物学工作显示,这些包体的主要岩石类型为尖晶石二辉橄榄岩,含有少量的方辉橄榄岩和异剥橄榄岩。包体的结构类型多样,包括粒状变晶结构、碎斑状结构、糜棱结构和筛状变晶结构。主量元素及矿物化学资料表明,这些地幔橄榄岩包体大都比较饱满,说明其所经历的部分熔融程度较低。微量元素显示,包体在形成以后经受过不同程度地幔交代作用的影响。矿物平衡温度计算结果表明包体的平衡温度为989~1142℃,来源深度约为40~70km。Sr-Nd-Hf同位素资料反映二辉橄榄岩包体具有亏损地幔的特征。Re-Os同位素资料显示上述岩石圈地幔的主体形成于显生宙期间,少量具有中元古代Re亏损年龄的样品所代表的古老地幔与本区上覆地壳成因无关,可能是软流圈中固有的较古老的大陆岩石圈地幔。  相似文献   

Rocks of basic and intermediate bulk composition occur in orogenic terranes from all geological time periods and are thought to represent significant petrological components of the middle and lower continental crust. However, the former lack of appropriate thermodynamic models for silicate melt, amphibole and clinopyroxene that can be applied to such lithologies at high temperature has inhibited effective phase equilibrium modelling of their petrological evolution during amphibolite‐ and granulite facies metamorphism. In this work, we present phase diagrams calculated in the Na2O–CaO–K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O–TiO2–O2 (NCKFMASHTO) compositional system for a range of natural basic and intermediate bulk compositions for conditions of 2–12 kbar and 600–1050 °C using newly parameterized activity–composition relationships detailed in a companion paper by Green et al. in this issue. Particular attention is given to mid‐ocean ridge basalt (MORB) and diorite protolith bulk compositions. Calculated subsolidus mineral assemblages in all basic and intermediate rock types are modally dominated by hornblende and plagioclase, with variable proportions of epidote, clinopyroxene, garnet, biotite, muscovite, quartz, titanite or ilmenite present at different pressures. The H2O‐saturated (wet) solidus has a negative P?T slope and occurs between ~620–690 °C at mid‐ to lower‐crustal pressures of 5–10 kbar. The lowest‐T melts generated close to the wet solidus are calculated to have granitic major‐element oxide compositions. Melting at higher temperature is attributed primarily to multivariate hydrate‐breakdown reactions involving biotite and/or hornblende. Partial melt compositions calculated at 800–1050 °C for MORB show good correlation with analysed compositions of experimental glasses produced via hydrate‐breakdown melting of natural and synthetic basic protoliths, with Niggli norms indicating that they would crystallize to trondhjemite or tonalite. Diorite is shown to be significantly more fertile than MORB and is calculated to produce high‐T melts (>800 °C) of granodioritic composition. Subsolidus and suprasolidus mineral assemblages show no significant variation between different members of the basalt family, although the P?T conditions at which orthopyroxene stabilizes, thus defining the prograde amphibolite–granulite transition, is strongly dependent on bulk‐rock oxidation state and water content. The petrological effects of open‐ and closed‐system processes on the mineral assemblages produced during prograde metamorphism and preserved during retrograde metamorphism are also examined via a case‐study analysis of a natural Archean amphibolite from the Lewisian Complex, northwest Scotland.  相似文献   

Water‐fluxed melting has long been thought to have a minor influence on the thermal and chemical structure of the crust. We report here on amphibolite facies metasedimentary rocks from the 490–450 Ma Famatinian Orogen, in northwest Argentina, that have undergone water‐fluxed incongruent biotite melting at relatively low temperature, which have produced and lost a significant volume of melt. The protoliths consist of the turbiditic Puncoviscana Formation (Neoproterozoic to Early Cambrian). The field area exhibits a condensed metamorphic field gradient, from greenschist to amphibolite facies suprasolidus conditions, recording a low pressure almost isobaric path, reaching peak conditions estimated at 700°C at 4 kbar. Thermodynamic modelling in the MnNCKFMASHTO system is applied to investigate melting at such low pressure as a function of water content. Calculations using a typical turbidite composition show how small amounts of added free H2O may increase significantly the melt fraction with little or no change in either the melt or residual phase compositions. They indicate negligible difference in normative An–Ab–Or proportions and ferromagnesian contents between melts derived by dehydration and water‐fluxed melts. The same is true for the content of H2O dissolved in melts, which remains constant and the melt produced is granitic whether or not aqueous fluids are present. Thus, neither the residue nor the melt composition are indicators of the presence of aqueous fluids during anatexis. Recognizing the impact of small additions of H2O to an anatectic terrane may therefore be difficult. The most significant change related to water‐fluxing is the relative proportions of minerals and melt fraction, rather than the actual mineral assemblage. The modal proportion of feldspar decreased while those of cordierite and biotite increased in the residual assemblages, as <5 mol.% of free H2O was added. The impact of this addition is to more than double the proportion of water‐undersaturated melt to 25–30 mol.%. We have also developed a simple way to estimate how much melt a residual rock has lost, if the compositional trends of the protoliths are known. In summary, we find that even though the addition of small amounts of free H2O impacts significantly on rock fertility, there is little obvious record in the field. The combined application of careful petrological investigation and thermodynamic modelling is the key to identify the influence of aqueous fluids, and exploit systems that became open not only to fluid influx but also to the extraction of melt.  相似文献   

Palaeoproterozoic metasedimentary migmatite reflects the highest temperature parts of a regional aureole at Mt Stafford, central Australia, comprising rocks that experienced 500–800 °C at ≈3 kbar. Whole‐rock major element concentrations are correlated with Zr content, psammitic compositions having nearly twice the Zr content of pelitic compositions. Zirconium is concentrated in mesosome compared with leucosome. Zircon is largely detrital, mostly lacking any overgrowth contemporary with migmatite formation. Comparatively small proportions of micro‐zircon (<10 μm) in sub‐solidus rocks are mostly hosted by quartz and plagioclase. Much higher proportions (three to five times) of micro‐zircon in migmatite are hosted by prograde K‐feldspar, cordierite and biotite. TX and PT NCKFMASHTZr pseudosections constructed using thermocalc model the distribution of Zr between solid and silicate liquid phases. Half of the detrital zircon (~100 ppm Zr) is predicted to be dissolved into silicate liquid at ≈800 °C and all dissolved by 850 °C, if all zircon is involved in the equilibration volume. Melt segregation at relatively low temperature is predicted to enrich the residuum in Zr, consistent with the observed distribution of Zr between mesosome and leucosome. The limited development of metamorphic zircon rims or overgrowths at Mt Stafford is explained by three concurrent processes: (i) Zr liberated during prograde metamorphism formed micro‐zircon, rather than following the prediction that Zr will partition into silicate liquid; (ii) some detrital zircon was probably armoured by other rock‐forming minerals, reducing Zr content in the effective bulk rock composition; and (iii) small proportions of melt loss during migmatization removed Zr that otherwise would have been available to form metamorphic rims.  相似文献   

The compositional structure and thermal state of the subcontinental lithospheric mantle (SCLM) beneath the Kalahari Craton and the surrounding mobile belts have been mapped in space and time using >3400 garnet xenocrysts from >50 kimberlites intruded over the period 520–80 Ma. The trace-element patterns of many garnets reflect the metasomatic refertilisation of originally highly depleted harzburgites and lherzolites, and much of the lateral and vertical heterogeneity observed in the SCLM within the craton is the product of such metasomatism. The most depleted, and possibly least modified, SCLM was sampled beneath the Limpopo Belt by early Paleozoic kimberlites; the SCLM beneath other parts of the craton may represent similar material modified by metasomatism during Phanerozoic time. In the SW part of the craton, the SCLM sampled by “Group 2” kimberlites (>110 Ma) is thicker, cooler and less metasomatised than that sampled by “Group 1” kimberlites (mostly ≤95 Ma) in the same area. Therefore, the extensively studied xenolith suite from the Group 1 kimberlites probably is not representative of primary Archean SCLM compositions. The relatively fertile SCLM beneath the mobile belts surrounding the craton is interpreted as largely Archean SCLM, metasomatised and mixed with younger material during Paleoproterozoic to Mesoproterozoic rifting and compression. This implies that at least some of the observed secular evolution in SCLM composition worldwide may reflect the reworking of Archean SCLM. There are strong correlations between mantle composition and the lateral variations in seismic velocity shown by detailed tomographic studies. Areas of relatively low Vp within the craton largely reflect the progressive refertilisation of the Archean root during episodes of intraplate magmatism, including the Bushveld (2 Ga) and Karroo (ca. 180 Ma) events; areas of high Vp map out the distribution of relatively less metasomatised Archean SCLM. The relatively low Vp of the SCLM beneath the mobile belts around the craton is consistent with its fertile composition. The seismic data may be used to map the lateral extent of different types of SCLM, taking into account the small lateral variations in the geotherm identified using the techniques described here.  相似文献   

The Windmill Islands region in Wilkes Land, east Antarctica, preserves granulite facies metamorphic mineral assemblages that yield seemingly comparable P–T estimates from conventional thermobarometry and mineral equilibria modelling. This is uncommon in granulite facies terranes, where conventional thermobarometry and phase equilibria modelling generally produce conflicting P–T estimates because peak mineral compositions tend to be modified by retrograde diffusion processes. In situ U–Pb monazite geochronology and calculated metamorphic phase diagrams show that the Windmill Islands experienced two phases of high thermal gradient metamorphism during the Mesoproterozoic. The first phase of metamorphism is recorded by monazite ages in two widely separated samples and occurred at c. 1,305 Ma. This event was regional in extent, involved crustally derived magmatism and reached conditions of ~3.2–5 kbar and 690–770°C corresponding to very high thermal gradients of >150°C/kbar. The elevated thermal regime is interpreted to reflect a period of extension or increased extension in a back‐arc setting that existed prior to c. 1,330 Ma. The first metamorphic event was overprinted by granulite facies metamorphism at c. 1,180 Ma that was coeval with the intrusion of charnockite. This event involved peak temperatures of ~840–850°C and pressures of ~4–5 kbar. A phase of granitic magmatism at c. 1,250–1,210 Ma, prior to the intrusion of the charnockite, is interpreted to reflect a phase of compression within an overall back‐arc setting. Existing conventional thermobarometry suggests conditions of ~4 kbar and 750°C for M1 and 4–7 kbar and 750–900°C for M2. The apparent similarities between the phase equilibria modelling and existing conventional thermobarometry may suggest either that the terrane cooled relatively quickly, or that the P–T ranges obtained from conventional thermobarometry are sufficiently imprecise that they cover the range of P–T conditions obtained in this study. However, without phase equilibria modelling, the veracity of existing conventional P–T estimates cannot be evaluated. The calculated phase diagrams from this study allow the direct comparison of P–T conditions in the Windmill Islands with phase equilibria models from other regions in the Musgrave–Albany–Fraser–Wilkes Orogen. This shows that the metamorphic evolution of the Wilkes Land region is very similar to that of the eastern Albany–Fraser Orogen and Musgrave Province in Australia, and further demonstrates the remarkable consistency in the timing of metamorphism and the thermal gradients along the ~5,000 km strike length of this system.  相似文献   

Although the diamond potential of cratons is linked mainly to thick and depleted Archean lithospheric keels, there are examples of craton-edge locations and circum-cratonic Proterozoic terranes underlain by diamondiferous mantle. Here, we use the results of comprehensive major and trace-element studies of detrital garnets from diamond-rich Late Triassic (Carnian) sedimentary rocks in the northeastern Siberia to constrain the thermal and chemical state of the pre-Triassic mantle and its ability to sustain the diamond storage. The studied detrital mantle-derived garnets are dominated by low- to medium-Cr lherzolitic (~45%) and low-Cr megacrystic (~39%) chemistries, with a significant proportion of eclogitic garnets (~11%), and only subordinate contribution from harzburgitic garnets (~5%) with variable Cr2O3 contents (1.2–8.4 wt.%). Low-Cr megacrysts display uniform, “normal” rare-earth element (REE) patterns with no Eu/Eu* anomalies, systematic Zr and Ti enrichment (mainly within 2.5–5), which are evidence of their crystallization from deep metasomatic melts. Lherzolitic (G9) garnets exhibit normal or humped to MREE-depleted sinusoidal REE patterns and elevated Nd/Y (up to 0.33–0.41) and Zr/Y ratios (up to 7.62). Rare low- to high-Cr harzburgitic (G10) garnets have primarily “depleted”, sinusoidal REE-patterns, low Ti, Y and HREE, but vary significantly in Zr-Hf, Ti and MREE-HREE contents, Nd/Y (within 0.1–2.4) and Zr/Y (1.53–19.9) ratios. The observed trends of chemical enrichment from the most depleted, harzburgitic garnets towards lherzolitic (including high-Ti high-Cr G11-type) garnets and megacrysts result from either voluminous high-temperature metasomatism by plume-derived silicate melts or recurrent mobilization of less voluminous kimberlitic or related carbonated mantle melts, rather than the initially primitive, fertile nature of the Proterozoic SCLM. Calculated Ni-in-garnet temperatures (primarily within ~1150–1250 °C) indicate their derivation from at least ~220 km thick Cr-undersaturated lithosphere at the relevant Devonian to Triassic thermal flow of ~45 mW/m2 or cooler. We suggest the existence of rare harzburgitic domains in the primarily lherzolitic diamond-facies SCLM beneath the northeastern Siberian craton at least by Triassic, whereas the abundance of eclogitic garnets, predominance of E-type inclusions in placer diamonds and specific morphologies argue for diamondiferous eclogites occurring within a ~50–65 kbar diamond window of the Olenek province by the same time.  相似文献   

Graphite-bearing peridotites, pyroxenites and eclogite xenoliths from the Kaapvaal craton of southern Africa and the Siberian craton, Russia, have been studied with the aim of: 1) better characterising the abundance and distribution of elemental carbon in the shallow continental lithospheric mantle; (2) determining the isotopic composition of the graphite; (3) testing for significant metastability of graphite in mantle rocks using mineral thermobarometry. Graphite crystals in peridotie, pyroxenite and eclogite xenoliths have X-ray diffraction patterns and Raman spectra characteristic of highly crystalline graphite of high-temperature origin and are interpreted to have crystallised within the mantle. Thermobarometry on the graphite-peridotite assemblages using a variety of element partitions and formulations yield estimated equilibration conditions that plot at lower temperatures and pressures than diamondiferous assemblages. Moreover, estimated pressures and temperatures for the graphite-peridotites fall almost exclusively within the experimentally determined graphite stability field and thus we find no evidence for substantial graphite metastability. The carbon isotopic composition of graphite in peridotites from this and other studies varies from δ13 CPDB = ? 12.3 to ? ?3.8%o with a mean of-6.7‰, σ=2.1 (n=22) and a mode between-7 and-6‰. This mean is within one standard deviation of the-4‰ mean displayed by diamonds from peridotite xenoliths, and is identical to that of diamonds containing peridotite-suite inclusions. The carbon isotope range of graphite and diamonds in peridotites is more restricted than that observed for either phase in eclogites or pyroxenites. The isotopic range displayed by peridotite-suite graphite and diamond encompasses the carbon isotope range observed in mid-ocean-ridge-basalt (MORB) glasses and ocean-island basalts (OIB). Similarity between the isotopic compositions of carbon associated with cratonic peridotites and the carbon (as CO2) in oceanic magmas (MORB/OIB) indicates that the source of the fluids that deposited carbon, as graphite or diamond, in catonic peridotites lies within the convecting mantle, below the lithosphere. Textural observations provide evidence that some of graphite in cratonic peridotites is of sub-solidus metasomatic origin, probably deposited from a cooling C-H-O fluid phase permeating the lithosphere along fractures. Macrocrystalline graphite of primary appearance has not been found in mantle xenoliths from kimberlitic or basaltic rocks erupted away from cratonic areas. Hence, graphite in mantle-derived xenoliths appears to be restricted to Archaean cratons and occurs exclusively in low-temperature, coarse peridotites thought to be characteristic of the lithospheric mantle. The tectonic association of graphite within the mantle is very similar to that of diamond. It is unlikely that this restricted occurrence is due solely to unique conditions of oxygen fugacity in the cratonic lithospheric mantle because some peridotite xenoliths from off-craton localities are as reduced as those from within cratons. Radiogenic isotope systematics of peridotite-suite diamond inclusions suggest that diamond crystallisation was not directly related to the melting events that formed lithospheric peridotites. However, some diamond (and graphite?) crystallisation in southern Africa occurred within the time span associated with the stabilisation of the lithospheric mantle (Pearson et al. 1993). The nature of the process causing localisation of carbon in cratonic mantle roots is not yet clearly understood.  相似文献   

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