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Kefa M. Otiso 《GeoJournal》2005,62(1):117-128
Kenya has been promoting equitable urban and regional development since the 1970s despite the lack of a clearly formulated national urban policy or an urban and regional development policy. A key element of the country’s equitable urban and regional development effort is the promotion of secondary cities that would relieve population pressure in the countryside, help to better integrate the country’s rural and urban economies, help to reduce congestion and improve the quality of life in the metropolitan cities of Nairobi and Mombasa, and help increase the modernization spin-off which urban centers provide to the surrounding rural areas. Using recent census and economic survey data, this paper examines the current state of Kenya’s secondary cities in the context of its urban and regional development strategies. The paper finds that: (1) the country’s urban and regional development strategies have failed to work as planned largely because of insufficient devolution of power and fiscal responsibility to municipal and other local government units, (2) the country’s secondary cities are faced with immense challenges that undermine their ability to live up to expectations, (3) some of these cities have significantly grown economically over the last four decades despite immense challenges, and (4) Nairobi’s dominance of Kenya’s economy continues because of policies that unwittingly concentrate investments there. The paper concludes with strategies that could enhance the country’s urban and regional development programs and, in the process, aid the development of its secondary cities.  相似文献   

Kenya has been promoting equitable urban and regional development since the 1970s despite the lack of a clearly formulated national urban policy or an urban and regional development policy. A key element of the country’s equitable urban and regional development effort is the promotion of secondary cities that would relieve population pressure in the countryside, help to better integrate the country’s rural and urban economies, help to reduce congestion and improve the quality of life in the metropolitan cities of Nairobi and Mombasa, and help increase the modernization spin-off which urban centers provide to the surrounding rural areas. Using recent census and economic survey data, this paper examines the current state of Kenya’s secondary cities in the context of its urban and regional development strategies. The paper finds that: (1) the country’s urban and regional development strategies have failed to work as planned largely because of insufficient devolution of power and fiscal responsibility to municipal and other local government units, (2) the country’s secondary cities are faced with immense challenges that undermine their ability to live up to expectations, (3) some of these cities have significantly grown economically over the last four decades despite immense challenges, and (4) Nairobi’s dominance of Kenya’s economy continues because of policies that unwittingly concentrate investments there. The paper concludes with strategies that could enhance the country’s urban and regional development programs and, in the process, aid the development of its secondary cities.  相似文献   

John Harrison   《Geoforum》2006,37(6):932-943
The “region” and “regional change” have been elusive ideas within political and economic geography, and in essence require a greater understanding of their dynamic characteristics. Trailing in the backwaters of the devolution to the Celtic nations of Britain, the contemporary era of New Labour’s political-economic ideology, manifest through “third-way” governance in England places the region and its functional capacity into the heart of geographical inquiry. Drawing upon a new regionalist epistemology, this paper seeks to recover a sense of (regional) political economy through a critical investigation of the development and formulation of Blair’s “New Regional Policy” (NRP). I address how New Labour has attempted to marry economic regionalisation on the one hand, and democratic regionalism on the other. This paper specifically questions the wisdom of such a marriage of politically distinct ideologies through a critical investigation of the underlying contradictions of their strategy from both a theoretical and empirical standpoint. Demonstrated both in the North East “no” vote in 2004, and in the post-mortem undertaken by the ODPM Select Committee in 2005, the paper illustrates how a loss of political drive gradually undermined the capacity of devolution to deliver in England. Finally, I argue that through the lens of the NRP we can speculate on some of the wider issues and implications for the study of regional governance.  相似文献   

This paper uses spatial economic data from four small English towns to measure the strength of economic integration between town and hinterland and to estimate the magnitude of town–hinterland spill-over effects. Following estimation of local integration indicators and inter-locale flows, sub-regional social accounting matrices (SAMs) are developed to estimate the strength of local employment and output multipliers for various economic sectors. The potential value of a town as a ‘sub-pole’ in local economic development is shown to be dependent on structural differences in the local economy, such as the particular mix of firms within towns. Although the multipliers are generally small, indicating a low level of local linkages, some sectors, particularly financial services and banking, show consistently higher multipliers for both output and employment.  相似文献   

In this paper, I examine the role of cultural policy in a newly industrialised economy, which is at the same time a state with a short history and only nascent beginnings in nation-building and efforts to construct a distinctive cultural identity. Using Singapore as the site of analyses, develop an understanding of the intersection between the economic and socio-cultural agendas behind cultural development policies. I illustrate the hegemony of the economic, supported by the ideology and language of pragmatism and globalisation. At the same time, I explore the reception of and attempts to negotiate (and at times, contest) state policies by “cultural practitioners” – artists, dancers, playwrights, actors, directors and so forth, illustrating the disjuncture between state policies and practitioners' ideals. This may be cast as a conflict between social and cultural development priorities as envisaged by the practitioners as opposed to economic development priorities as embodied in the state’s cultural economic policies.  相似文献   

中国西北干旱地区城市化过程及空间分异规律   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对实地调研和大量文献分析,对我国西北干旱地区城市发展与自然环境的关系进行论述,认为城市化过程本质上就是人地关系的集中凸现,是自然要素与人文要素长期互相作用的结果。自古以来,城市就是人类聚居的主要场所,屯垦是西北干旱地区最能体现人地关系的耦合点。在西北干旱地区现代城市化过程中,屯垦和矿产资源开发有较大的带动作用。由于自然因素和社会因素的双重影响,人口分布和聚居程度极不均衡,社会经济分异较大,城镇功能单一,部分地区和城镇的人口城镇化水平较高,并不是社会经济整体发展的结果,而是资源开采、行政建制的设立、极端自然条件下生存的需要等多种因素形成的。城市分布空间格局以带状、团状、串珠状为主,有着不同于其他地区的演化模式,城镇发展表现出多元复合的特征,是政治、经济、生态环境、资源、民族与文化等诸多因素相互关联、起伏变化的结果。城镇高速发展、城市化速度加快是未来西北干旱地区社会经济发展的必然结果,面对脆弱的生态环境和有限的资源,提出在西北干旱地区建设只有城镇、没有村落的新型城市社会,以达到社会经济和生态环境可持续发展的目标。  相似文献   

Rural tourism in Spain: an analysis of recent evolution   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The aim of this paper is to analyse the evolution of Rural Tourism1 (RT) in Spain within a European context. The first step is to examine the development of different “models” of RT and trace some experiences of the application of European policy. In order to set the scene and understand this evolution, the collective imagery on which RT is based is also analysed. This is followed by a study of the development of tourist products and services in rural Spain since the 1980s, as diversification of the traditional sun/sand/sea (3S) tourist economy is sought. The analysis underlines the importance of the role of women, and the consequences of the activity for the economy of rural areas. The purpose is to identify differences in the pattern of evolution with more northern European countries, understand their causes and formulate recommendations for future development.  相似文献   

The development of information and communications technologies (ICT) has facilitated the emergence of a complex global urban system in which many formerly lower-order cities have been carving out “niche” specialist functions serving urban fields of transnational dimension. This is illustrated in the case of Dublin, which in recent years has been transcending its traditional role as Ireland’s national metropolis through the development of a range of functions servicing mainly European markets. One such function comprises pan-European telephone call centre operations. The development and characteristics of this newly-emerging sector are described. It is argued that the growth of the sector confirms Dublin’s — and Ireland’s — dependent position in the international division of labour, and that its long-term sustainability is open to question.  相似文献   

家庭联产承包责任制实现了土地所有权和使用权的初步分离,使农民获得了相对独立的承包经营权,极大地调动了农民的生产积极性。然而,随着农村经济社会的发展,人地矛盾日益激化,土地的边际生产力已出现明显的递减趋势,土地小规模家庭经营,农业的比较利益大大下降;同时,农村的剩余劳动力涌向经济较发达的大中城市,城市化进程骤然加剧等,使得土地家庭承包经营这一土地制度逐渐显露出自身的缺陷。在稳定农村土地承包关系的前提下,促进农村土地流转,可以在一定程度上发挥土地的规模效益,促进农村经济社会的健康持续发展。  相似文献   

Rapid urbanization through rural-urban migration (hitherto controlled by legislation) is developing in Zimbabwe with the advent of black majority rule. Although some advocate its encouragement to relieve pressures on Tribal Trust Lands, rapid urbanization will nevertheless pose severe planning problems. Although current public sector development proposals represent a conceptual advance, a comprehensive urbanization strategy has yet to emerge. This paper considers such a strategy, relating the country's varying regional development potential to a scheme of classification for proposed growth centres and rural service centres, based on their different characteristics and locations. It is concluded that an hierarchy of growth centres, evaluated by economic efficiency criteria, should be developed in the formerly white-controlled national economic core. In the peripheral, basically subsistent Tribal Trust Lands, a limited number of rural service centres should be developed, based on social/equity criteria. The choice and location of these various development centres, and their phasing should contribute to building up a dynamic national urban system that is nationally and regionally integrated, in contrast to past dualism, and will more effectively serve the needs of planned urbanization and of regional development.  相似文献   

In this paper, I analyze the connections made between women and water in a Rajasthani drinking water supply project as a significant part of drinking water’s commodification. For development policy makers, water progressing from something free to something valued by price is inevitable when moving economies toward modernity and development. My findings indicate that water is not commodified simply by charging money for it, but through a series of discourses and acts that link it to other “modern” objects and give it value. One of these objects is “women”. I argue that through women’s participation activities that link gender and modernity to new responsibilities and increased mobility for village women involving the clean water supply, a “traditional” Rajasthani woman becomes “modern”. Water, in parallel, becomes “new”, “improved” and worth paying for. Women and water resources are further connected through project staff’s efforts to promote latrines by targeting women as their primary users. The research shows that villagers applied their own meanings to latrines, some of which precluded women using them. This paper fills a gap in feminist political ecology, which often overlooks how gender is created through natural resource interventions, by concerning itself with how new meanings of “water” and “women” are mutually constructed through struggles over water use and its commodification. It contributes to critical development geography literatures by demonstrating that women’s participation approaches to natural resource development act as both constraints and opportunities for village constituents. It examines an under-explored area of gender and water research by tracing village-level struggles over meanings of latrines.  相似文献   

Shunzan Ye  Qingyu Ma 《GeoJournal》1990,21(1-2):39-48
This paper analyzes the regional base for urbanization in rural areas of the Coastal Development Region: the natural conditions; the historical changes, and present-day levels and characteristics of the development of the economy, population, cities and towns.The internal differentiations of the Coastal Development Region are characterised as the general differences between the North and the South of China; The three gradations of the economic development level between the coastal provinces are similar to the differences between the provinces and autonomous regions of the whole country; open areas have been introduced, into this region.  相似文献   

Since 1984 the New Zealand economy has experienced a significant phase of economic restructuring which has had a differential impact on various sectors, regions and social groups within the economy. This paper examines the extent to which economic change has affected the marginalized status of Maori households in the predominantly rural region of Northland. The social implications of economic restructuring are assessed by focusing on the housing circumstances of this indigenous people. Using a newly developed Maori housing database, we argue that relatively progressive housing policies, developed in the 1980s, have failed to address the housing problems of Maori and that the recent reliance on ‘market’ mechanisms to meet housing needs is likely to exacerbate problems of housing access and cost.  相似文献   

Jianfa Shen 《Geoforum》1995,26(4):395-409
Economic reforms since the late 1970s have brought about significant changes in rural China. A large number of surplus rural labourers have been released from the agricultural sector and there has been a massive transition of rural residents from agricultural to non-agricultural employment. These changes will be analyzed by examining the changes in the employment structure of rural residents. Rural to urban migration is another important option for many rural labourers. The size of China's urban population and the scale of rural to urban migration continue to be an ‘enigma’ due to several changes in the definition of the urban population. Several data sources will be used to provide more realistic estimates of rural to urban migrations on a set of comparable though different bases. Data on the new entries into urban employment and the urban ‘non-agricultural population’ will be used to illustrate the scale of migration by rural residents to the formal urban sector. This may only record those migrants who have changed their registration status from ‘agricultural population’ to ‘non-agricultural population’ which is tightly controlled by the government. The 1990 Census data provide some evidence on the rural to urban migration by the registered ‘agricultural population’. The 1987 1% population sampling data will be used to analyze the actual migrations among cities, towns and counties over the period 1982–1987. It is found that town and county populations tended to move to towns at the intra-provincial level, but to cities at the inter-provincial level. Out-migrants from cities tended to move to cities at both the intra- and inter-provincial levels.  相似文献   

Tan KC 《GeoJournal》1993,29(2):155-162
China's 12,000 designated towns and more than 40,000 rural market towns have experienced a major transformation since the institution of rural reforms in the late 1970s. Rural industrialization based on the concept of leaving the soil but not the village, entering the factory but not the town has contributed to the revitalization of many small towns. But this rural urbanization has also brought about a number of problems in the countryside, leading many to propose the adoption of the concept ofleaving the soil and the village as another basis of China's small town urbanization. This essay attempts to examine this transformation, particularly the recent criticism and adjustment made to the small town urbanization program.  相似文献   

This article explores the implications of making the cultural turn in the engagement of economic and political geography with issues of political economy. It seeks to steer a path between a fetishistic, reified economics that naturalizes economic categories and a soft economic sociology that focuses on the similarities between economic and other socio-cultural activities at the expense of the specificity of the economic. We show how combining critical semiotic analysis with an evolutionary and institutional approach to political economy offers one interesting way to achieve this goal. An evolutionary and institutional approach to semiosis enables us to recognize the semiotic dimensions of political economy at the same time as establishing how and why only some economic imaginaries among the many that circulate actually come to be selected and institutionalized; and Marxian political economy enables us to identify the contradictions and conflicts that make capital accumulation inherently improbable and crisis-prone, creating the space for economic imaginaries to play a role in stabilizing accumulation in specific spatio-temporal fixes and/or pointing the way forward from recurrent crises. The paper illustrates these arguments with a case study on the Flemish ‘anchoring strategy’ as a specific regional economic development strategy. It concludes with a set of guidelines for the further development of cultural political economy.  相似文献   

A newly identified skarn occurrence is described from the Neoproterozoic rocks of the SW Arabian shield. It is exposed to the SE, E and NE of the Al-Madhiq town. The skarn attributes correspond to those typical of the calcic skarns that host W-deposits. It is characterized as an exoskarn of the proximal type, related to a granitoid contact close to an impure quartzite bed within the regional metamorphic rocks of mixed sedimentary and volcanic derivation. The skarn is localized along a shear zone parallel to the regional faults and other major shear zones. Samples from the studied area contain characteristic skarn minerals that include both the prograde (brownish red grossular, ferrosalite, aluminian titanite-grothite, albite-oligoclase, scapolite), and retrograde (epidote, quartz, hornblende, calcite) assemblages. The pyroxenes are ferrosalites, Mn-bearing, and more like those from “oxidized” skarns; although garnets indicate it to be a “reduced” type skarn. Epidote mimicks that from typical skarns, as it bears a pistacite content of 15.9–20.7%. Grossular composition reflects a largely reduced genetic environment; as it is in solid solution with 6.5–21.6% andradite, 0–0.15% uvarovite, 0–0.47% pyrope, 4.33–18.75% almandine, and 0.4–8.58% spessartine molecules. Titanite composition varies from aluminian titanite to grothite, that may be analogous to the newly described Al-rich titanite from the low-pressure calc-silicate rocks.  相似文献   

European politics and planning have recently been characterized by a shift to economic entrepreneurialism at sub-national scales, and the planned redevelopment of the city-region in pursuit of global competitiveness, which scholars have interpreted in light of political-economic “rescaling” or regionalization and the emergence of a “new regionalism.” Analyzing rescaling largely in terms of shifting economic and institutional structures, however, many accounts underestimate the complexity and enduring power of so-called ‘old’ regionalist politics of culture and identity as backdrop to urban redevelopment planning. In this paper we address how the urban planning process mediates between the seemingly dichotomous tendencies of regionalized entrepreneurialism and cultural regionalism. Using case studies of two Spanish autonomous regions and their major urban centers – the Basque Country or Euskadi (Bilbao) and the Comunitat Valenciana (València) – we review the historical geography of planning in the European region in order to explore how cultural regionalism collides with economic rescaling and entrepreneurialism, in and through the planned landscape. We propose that such emerging and hybrid politics and planning be understood as a form of entrepreneurial regionalism, a culturally inflected form of economic competitiveness characteristic of but not unique to the Spanish region. This specific notion of entrepreneurial regionalism may illuminate how planners mediate global and local imperatives within political discourse and landscapes that materialize them, and allow us to better reconceptualize the relationship between economic globalization, state restructuring, and cultural politics in a new Europe of the Regions.  相似文献   

Borsdorf A 《GeoJournal》1978,2(1):47-60
The population of Latin America will be increasing by 130 % between 1970 and the year 2000. Due to excessive rural exodus the urban population grows almost twice as fast as the rural does. The urbanization of the subcontinent must be regarded as being the dominant spatial process in Latin America. It results in fundamental changes of the structure and the way of life of the population as well as in the size and character of the settlements. Three case studies (Popayán/Colombia, Sucre/Bolivia and Santiago/Chile) show that a process of westernization can be observed within the analogous to their size, in the course of which the compact structure of the colonial town pattern is succeeded by a sectorially or cellularly arranged cityorganism. From today's point of view a definite judgement on urbanization as a relevant phenomenon of development cannot yet be made. It can be stated, however, that the southern countries of Latin America which have been urbanized the most show distinct signs of a social and economic “take off”.  相似文献   

This paper introduces and discusses the concept of the ‘sphere of influence’ of industrial location factors, suggesting some ways in which it relates to regional development policies. The case study of the sphere of influence of London (Heathrow) Airport is then presented, based on the use made of the Airport for commercial purposes. In practice a number of different ‘use types’ can be distinguished, for which the related ‘spheres of influence’ also vary spatially and in intensity of industrial involvement. Finally, some wider Implications are drawn from the Heathrow example.  相似文献   

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