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This is the second in a series of papers dedicated to unveiling the mass structure and orbital content of a sample of flattened early-type galaxies in the Coma cluster. The ability of our orbit libraries to reconstruct internal stellar motions and the mass composition of a typical elliptical in the sample is investigated by means of Monte Carlo simulations of isotropic rotator models. The simulations allow a determination of the optimal amount of regularization needed in the orbit superpositions. It is shown that under realistic observational conditions and with the appropriate regularization, internal velocity moments can be reconstructed to an accuracy of ≈15 per cent; the same accuracy can be achieved for the circular velocity and dark matter fraction. In contrast, the flattening of the halo remains unconstrained. Regularized orbit superpositions are applied to a first galaxy in our sample, NGC 4807, for which stellar kinematical observations extend to  3  r eff  . The galaxy seems dark-matter dominated outside   r > 2  r eff  . Logarithmic dark matter potentials are consistent with the data, as well as NFW profiles, mimicking logarithmic potentials over the observationally sampled radial range. In both cases, the derived stellar mass-to-light ratio ϒ agrees well with independently obtained mass-to-light ratios from stellar population analysis. The achieved accuracy is  Δϒ≈ 0.5  . Kinematically, NGC 4807 is characterized by mild radial anisotropy outside   r > 0.5  r eff  , becoming isotropic towards the centre. Our orbit models hint at either a distinct stellar component or weak triaxiality in the outer parts of the galaxy.  相似文献   

Popular models for describing the luminosity–density profiles of dynamically hot stellar systems (e.g. Jaffe, Hernquist, Dehnen) were constructed to match the deprojected form of de Vaucouleurs' R 1/4 light-profile. However, we now know that elliptical galaxies and bulges display a mass-dependent range of structural profiles. To compensate this, the model in Terzić & Graham was designed to closely match the deprojected form of Sérsic R 1/ n light-profiles, including deprojected exponential light-profiles and galaxies with partially depleted cores. It is thus applicable for describing bulges in spiral galaxies, dwarf elliptical galaxies, both 'power-law' and 'core' elliptical galaxies, also dark matter haloes formed from Λ cold dark matter cosmological simulations. In this paper, we present a new family of triaxial density–potential–force triplets, which generalizes the spherical model reported in Terzić & Graham to three dimensions. If the (optional) power-law core is present, it is a five-parameter family, while in the absence of the core it reduces to three parameters. The isodensity contours in the new family are stratified on confocal ellipsoids and the potential and forces are expressed in terms of integrals which are easy to evaluate numerically. We provide the community with a suite of numerical routines for orbit integration, which feature: optimized computations of potential and forces for this family; the ability to run simulations on parallel platforms; and modular and easily editable design.  相似文献   

We have investigated the structural and dynamical properties of triaxial stellar systems whose surface brightness profiles follow the   r 1/ n   luminosity law – extending the analysis by Ciotti, who explored the properties of spherical   r 1/ n   systems. A new analytical expression that accurately reproduces the spatial (i.e., deprojected) luminosity density profiles (error less than 0.1 per cent) is presented for detailed modelling of the Sérsic family of luminosity profiles. We evaluate both the symmetric and the non-axisymmetric components of the gravitational potential and force, and compute the torques as a function of position. For a given triaxiality, stellar systems with smaller values of n have a greater non-axisymmetric gravitational field component . We also explore the strength of the non-axisymmetric forces produced by bulges with differing n and triaxiality on systems having a range of bulge-to-disc ratios. The increasing disc-to-bulge ratio with increasing galaxy type (decreasing n ) is found to greatly reduce the amplitude of the non-axisymmetric terms, and therefore reduce the possibility that triaxial bulges in late-type systems may be the mechanism or perturbation for non-symmetric structures in the disc.
Using seeing-convolved   r 1/ n   -bulge plus exponential-disc fits to the K -band data from a sample of 80 nearby disc galaxies, we probe the relations between galaxy type, Sérsic index n and the bulge-to-disc luminosity ratio. These relations are shown to be primarily a consequence of the relation between n and the total bulge luminosity. In the K band, the trend of decreasing bulge-to-disc luminosity ratio along the spiral Hubble sequence is predominantly, though not entirely, a consequence of the change in the total bulge luminosity; the trend between the total disc luminosity and Hubble type is much weaker.  相似文献   

We present a comprehensive analysis of the ability of current stellar population models to reproduce the optical ( ugriz ) and near-infrared ( JHK ) colours of a small sample of well-studied nearby elliptical and S0 galaxies. We find broad agreement between the ages and metallicities derived using different population models, although different models show different systematic deviations from the measured broad-band fluxes. Although it is possible to constrain simple stellar population models to a well-defined area in age–metallicity space, there is a clear degeneracy between these parameters even with such a full range of precise colours. The precision to which age and metallicity can be determined independently, using only broad-band photometry with realistic errors, is  Δ[Fe/H]≃ 0.18  and  Δlog Age ≃ 0.25  . To constrain the populations and therefore the star formation history further, it will be necessary to combine broad-band optical–IR photometry with either spectral line indices, or else photometry at wavelengths outside this range.  相似文献   

I present a method to deproject the observed intensity profile of an axisymmetric bulge with arbitrary flattening to derive the three-dimensional luminosity density profile, and to calculate the contribution of the bulge to the rotation curve. I show the rotation curves for a family of fiducial bulges with Sérsic surface brightness profiles and with various concentrations and intrinsic axis ratios. Both parameters have a profound impact on the shape of the rotation curve. In particular, I show how the peak rotation velocity, as well as the radius where it is reached, depends on both parameters.
I also discuss the implications of the flattening of a bulge for the decomposition of a rotation curve and use the case of NGC 5533 to show the errors that result from neglecting it. For NGC 5533, neglecting the flattening of the bulge leads to an overestimate of its mass-to-light ratio by approximately 30 per cent and an underestimate of the contributions from the stellar disc and dark matter halo in the regions outside the bulge-dominated area.  相似文献   

Understanding the origin and evolution of dwarf early-type galaxies remains an important open issue in modern astrophysics. Internal kinematics of a galaxy contains signatures of violent phenomena which may have occurred, e.g. mergers or tidal interactions, while stellar population keeps a fossil record of the star formation history; therefore studying connection between them becomes crucial for understanding galaxy evolution. Here, in the first paper of the series, we present the data on spatially resolved stellar populations and internal kinematics for a large sample of dwarf elliptical (dE) and lenticular (dS0) galaxies in the Virgo cluster. We obtained radial velocities, velocity dispersions, stellar ages and metallicities out to 1–2 half-light radii by reanalysing already published long-slit and integral-field spectroscopic data sets using the nbursts full spectral fitting technique. Surprisingly, bright representatives of the dE/dS0 class (   MB =−18.0  to −16.0 mag) look very similar to intermediate-mass and giant lenticulars and ellipticals: (1) their nuclear regions often harbour young metal-rich stellar populations always associated with the drops in the velocity dispersion profiles; (2) metallicity gradients in the main discs/spheroids vary significantly from nearly flat profiles to −0.9 dex   r −1e  , i.e. somewhat three times steeper than for typical bulges; (3) kinematically decoupled cores were discovered in four galaxies, including two with very little, if any, large-scale rotation. These results suggest similarities in the evolutionary paths of dwarf and giant early-type galaxies and call for reconsidering the role of major mergers in the dE/dS0 evolution.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the detailed dynamical properties of a relatively homogeneous sample of disc-dominated S0 galaxies, with a view to understanding their formation, evolution and structure. By using high signal-to-noise ratio long-slit spectra of edge-on systems, we have been able to reconstruct the complete line-of-sight velocity distributions of stars along the major axes of the galaxies. From these data, we have derived both model distribution functions (the phase density of their stars) and the approximate form of their gravitational potentials.
The derived distribution functions are all consistent with these galaxies being simple disc systems, with no evidence for a complex formation history. Essentially no correlation is found between the characteristic mass scalelengths and the photometric scalelengths in these galaxies, suggesting that they are dark-matter dominated even in their inner parts. Similarly, no correlation is found between the mass scalelengths and asymptotic rotation speed, implying a wide range of dark matter halo properties.
By comparing their asymptotic rotation speeds with their absolute magnitudes, we find that these S0 galaxies are systematically offset from the Tully–Fisher relation for later-type galaxies. The offset in luminosity is what one would expect if star formation had been suddenly switched off a few Gyr ago, consistent with a simple picture in which these S0s were created from ordinary later-type spirals which were stripped of their star-forming interstellar medium when they encountered a dense cluster environment.  相似文献   

We present the Spitzer Space Telescope Infrared Array Camera observations for a sample of local elliptical galaxies to study later stages of active galactic nucleus (AGN) activity. A sample of 36 elliptical galaxies is selected from the Palomar spectroscopic survey. We detect nuclear non-stellar infrared emission in nine of them. There is unambiguous evidence of circumnuclear dust in these nine galaxies in their optical images. We also find a remarkable correlation between the infrared excess emission and the nuclear radio/X-ray emission, suggesting that infrared excess emission is tightly related to nuclear activity. The possible origin of infrared excess emission from hot dust heated by the central AGN is supported by the spectral indices of the infrared excess emission.  相似文献   

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