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一、前 言 实施污染物总量控制,对控制水体污染,确保水环境质量具有重要意义。 所谓污染物排放总量控制(简称总量控制)是指在环境污染严量的地区(或流域),或即将成为严重污染的地区(或流域)内,为确保环境目标,根据该地区(或流域)的实况,定出相应的环境允许量,然后通过技术、经济可行性分析和优化方案比较,确定各排污单位的污染物允许排放量,进行有效的排污控制。区域环境允许量的确定,可以用水质标准为基点反推,即按水体功能及环境允许量确定污染物  相似文献   

上半年,对17个省区市有关数据综合分析表明,化学需氧量、二氧化硫排放量分别比去年同期增长了4、2%、5.8%。这是在今天举行的“落实主要污染物总量削减目标责任书视频会议”上披露的。国家环保总局局长周生贤指出,主要污染物排放总量不降反升的主要原因是固定资产投资增长过快,环境监管不到位;能源消耗增长过快,脱硫设施建设严重滞后;建设项目陆续投产,加大了环境治理压力;出口继续增长,加大了国内资源环境压力等。  相似文献   

污染物浓度控制和总量控制是防止区域水体污染的两个有效途径。总量控制从区域整体出发,注重污染物的群体效应,更具深远意义。本文以行政区(地、市)作为基本区域单位,并以河南省为例,探讨水污染控制方法。 一、区域水体污染的研究现状 关于水污染的研究,国内外已有较深入的工作,但多限于水体本身污染规律的研究,主要从浓度指标着眼。如各类反映水体自净规律的模型,总是用某些水质指数来集中反映水体的污染特征,描  相似文献   

环渤海地区水污染物排放的时空格局及其驱动因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文基于地级行政单元的水污染物排放和社会经济截面数据,分析环渤海地区水污染物排放的流域特征与时空分异,定量解析环渤海地区及高强度排放聚集区内水污染物排放的驱动因素。研究结果表明:①海河流域是环渤海地区纳污量最大、增量最突出的流域,其化学需氧量和氨氮排放分别占区域排放总量的38.94%、39.23%。②2005年以来,环渤海地区水污染物高排放区从零星分布向连片分布转变,京津冀、山东半岛、辽中南已成为水污染物高排放区的叠加区域。③环渤海地区水污染物排放具有显著空间溢出效应,且空间关联程度呈增大趋势,水污染排放热度呈沿海向内陆递减态势,海河流域热度显著高于其他流域,沿海合作区显著高于内陆协作区;京津冀长期处于热点区和次热区,热区覆盖范围由海河向淮河流域拓展。④不同水污染物排放的驱动因素差异显著,对化学需氧量排放而言,经济增长速度、固定资产投资因素呈较强的正向带动,而城镇化水平和工业化程度表现出显著负向影响;对氨氮排放来说,人口规模呈正向带动,固定资产投资和外商直接投资亦有一定正向影响,经济发展水平则呈现显著的抑制作用。  相似文献   

流域水平衡分析是进行水资源科学评价与合理配置的基础,传统的流域水平衡分析大多是基于有限的站点观测资料和简单的集总式模型,很难适应考虑水循环空间变异性的复杂大流域水资源综合管理的需求.本文基于分布式水文模拟技术,探讨了一种能够考虑流域内部上、下游关系的水平衡分析方法.并以海河流域为例,构建分布式SWAT模型,对海河流域及水资源三级分区的水平衡状况进行分析,在此基础上探讨海河流域维持健康水平衡关系,降低流域蒸发,进行农业真实节水的必要性和有关对策.  相似文献   

流域水平衡分析是进行水资源科学评价与合理配置的基础,传统的流域水平衡分析大多是基于有限的站 点观测资料和简单的集总式模型,很难适应考虑水循环空间变异性的复杂大流域水资源综合管理的需求。本文基 于分布式水文模拟技术,探讨了一种能够考虑流域内部上、下游关系的水平衡分析方法。并以海河流域为例,构建 分布式SWAT 模型,对海河流域及水资源三级分区的水平衡状况进行分析,在此基础上探讨海河流域维持健康水 平衡关系,降低流域蒸发,进行农业真实节水的必要性和有关对策。  相似文献   

根据产出-效率-效果(3E)标准构建递阶层次结构的绩效指标体系,从江西省内众多流域中选定赣江流域为研究个例,采用AHP方法进行经济绩效、效率绩效、效益绩效的三维评价。结果表明:"十一五"至"十三五"期间,总绩效的历年评价值呈现前期显著波动、后期总体向好的"N"型反转变化趋势,表明农产品虚拟水贸易未引致赣江流域发生显著的水禀赋"资源诅咒",偶发性的下降更多受宏观经济大环境拖累,但评价值整体不高表明优化潜力仍很大。经济绩效、效率绩效、效益绩效具有异质性特征,经济绩效评价值的起伏波动最大,效率绩效评价值增长相对稳定但总体偏低,效益绩效评价值波动幅度居中且在"十二五"至"十三五"期间稳健提高。  相似文献   

流域非点源污染模拟研究--以滇池流域为例   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
流域的水质管理是一个多步骤的过程,数学模型以其定量计算和动态操作在流域管理中起着重要作用。本文利用美国EPA开发的HSPF(HydrologicalSimulationProgramFortran)模型,选取云南滇池流域作为案例,给出非点源污染模型流域水文水质的模拟过程。首先在子流域划分的基础上,完成数据库的建立。参数估值主要依据流域性质、先前经验值、其他模拟研究和文献中的取值。参数优化、模型校正和模拟验证是采用流域河流出口流量和污染物浓度值完成。最后用校正后的模型计算了滇池流域河流入湖流量及各子流域污染总负荷量与非点源污染负荷量。  相似文献   

基于景观格局定量分析的流域治理--以文峪河流域为例   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以航片、森林资源调查资料和林相图为基础资料,在地理信息系统软件及数据库管理系统的支持下,应用景观多样性指数、景观要素优势度指数、类斑形状指数、景观要素斑块分数维等景观格局分析指标,对流域景观空间总体分布、景观组成结构、景观要素斑块形状特征进行分析,揭示了山西文峪河流域植被景观的总体格局。基于分析成果,针对目前文峪河流域植被景观格局存在的问题,建议在今后的流域管理和建设中应开展的工作,即上游及中高海拔带重点进行寒温性针叶林保护;中下游山地积极增加阔叶林,营造混交林;河谷重点开展河岸植被和河岸林规划设计和建设。  相似文献   

杨波  邓伟 《地理科学》2006,26(3):316-320
流域水空间是与径流密切相关、直接受洪水波及的地表以及此范围内地下含水层系统所共同占据的空间。恢复和保护土地水文功能,实现流域水和土的联合管理已成为流域管理的重要内容。在水空间研究的基础上,结合流域特征,提出流域水空间概念,对流域水空间内涵、分类、边界、度量、结构和特征进行探讨,并建立流域水空间研究框架,包括流域水空间功能识别、流域水空间特征分析、流域水空间安全预警、流域水空间规划以及流域水空间维护和管理等内容。  相似文献   

基于敏感性,稳定性和响应等适应性要素构建了产业系统环境适应性评价指标体系以及评价模型,并对吉林省松花江流域产业系统环境适应性演变特征以及影响因素进行分析.结果发现:① 产业系统的发展深受内外因素双重扰动作用,重型化的产业发展现实导致了产业系统运行状况不佳,而工业化的大力发展对环境的干扰不断增强;② 不同的适应性要素以及适应性子系统均表现出迥然各异的区域性演变特征,产业系统与环境系统以及产业系统适应力与环境系统适应力均具有非线性变化关系特征.环境系统适应力的提升对于产业系统环境适应性的优化改善均具有更为重要作用;③ 产业系统环境适应性总体表现出由流域自上而下依次降低到中心--外围特征逐渐形成的过程,说明了流域产业系统环境适应性并非一定完全呈现流域的特征,流域内中心性城市功能的发挥也可以影响并且改变其演化发展趋势;④ 产业结构,科学技术,经济发展水平以及政府调控能力是流域产业系统环境适应性的影响因素.  相似文献   

郭付友  佟连军  李平  张慧敏  张春丽 《地理科学》2018,38(10):1681-1689
基于效率演化视角与适应性分析范式,综合采用投入导向生产规模报酬可变的VRS模型,对吉林省松花江流域产业系统环境适应性时空分异特征与影响因素进行了研究,结果发现松花江流域产业系统:现状格局特征分析反映出吉林省松花江流域各县市尚处于规模扩张与总量增长阶段,仍有众多县市尚未达到最优规模阶段,在未来一段时间内,规模集聚仍是产业或经济发展的主流;时序演化特征分析反映出吉林省松花江流域产业生态化发展迟缓,产业规模扩张仍是效率提升的关键所在,科学技术尚未发挥出其应有作用;空间分异特征分析,综合效率与规模效率较高的县市不断向流域中上游地区聚集,纯技术效率主要集中于中下游地区,综合效率的提升主要由于规模效率的增加,纯技术效率对其作用不明显;区位条件、路径依赖效应、经济发展水平以及科学技术因素是影响吉林省松花江流域产业系统环境适应性的重要因素。  相似文献   

松花江流域季节性气象干旱特征及风险区划研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
冯波  章光新  李峰平 《地理科学》2016,36(3):466-474
利用松花江流域67个代表性气象站1960~2009年气象观测资料,采用标准化降水指数(SPI)为评价指标,计算松花江流域50 a中各季干旱指数,在此基础上分析了流域季节性气象干旱演变特征及规律,研究发现,松花江流域气象干旱呈现出明显的空间分带性和季节分带性。从地域变化来看,流域干旱区主要分布在东北、西南部;从季度变化来看,春旱和夏旱是流域气象干旱的主要类型,夏季干旱最严重,春季次之。建立评价指标体系实现了基于GIS技术的气象干旱风险区划,针对不同风险区提出相应的抗旱措施,为流域有效应对干旱灾害提供依据。  相似文献   

在对产业系统生态效率内涵进行阐释的基础上,基于资源消减、清洁生产和末端治理等不同生产环节生态效率要素综合构建了产业系统生态效率测度模型以及产业系统可持续性评价模型,并据此对松花江流域(吉林省段)产业系统生态效率时空演变特征以及影响因素进行了深入分析,研究发现:① 综合型城市侧重于源头消减效率的提高从而使产业变“轻”,总体呈现低投入、低消耗以及低排放的发展特征。资源型城市侧重于清洁生产效率的提高从而使产业变“清”,总体呈现高投入、高利用以及高排放的发展特征。② 产业系统生态效率增长幅度为白城市>松原市>吉林市>松花江流域>长春市,流域特征明显。另外从不同生产环节效率对生态效率的贡献率分析可知,资源减量化以及末端治理是松花江流域(吉林省段)生态效率变化的决定性因素。③ 总体上流域产业系统可持续性有不断增强的趋势,但产业可持续性发展态势分异现象显著。并且产业可持续性发展规律性较差侧面说明了区域产业之间缺乏有效的分工与联系,产业联动发展模式尚未形成。④ 认为所有制结构、环境管理力度、外商投资以及科学技术是松花江流域(吉林省段)产业系统生态效率的影响因素,而经济发展水平、产业结构以及政府调控因素没有通过显著性检验。  相似文献   

The Yarlung Tsangpo River, the longest river in Tibet, houses most of the population and economy in Tibet Autonomous province. Under the rapid development of economy and society in Tibet, the pollution in the Yarlung Tsangpo River basin has rapidly increased. Evaluating water quality and water environmental capacity is needed for water resource management in Tibet. This study used a single factor evaluation method to evaluate water quality of the Zhongba-Nyingchi section of the Yarlung Tsangpo River based on measured data of CODCr, NH3-N and TP in the study area. Based on these data, determinations of ideal water environmental capacity, emissions of pollutants and remaining water environmental capacity of the study area were made by a one-dimensional steady water quality model under either section-head control or cross-section control. The data indicate that most of the monitoring sections in the study area experienced good water quality. The three pollutants all had large remaining water environmental capacity generally, but TP exceeded state levels in the two upstream functional areas, and levels above state standards of CODCr and TP were found in several calculation cells of the two downstream functional areas. Therefore, emissions of pollutants need to be reduced to protect the water environment quality of the Yarlung Tsangpo River.  相似文献   

Based on the continuous monitoring data of hydrology and water quality in the period from 1972 to 1997, the responses of hydro-environment system to melt water in the Second Songhua River basin were derived. Because of melt water, the water quality in the Second Songhua River is good and changes very except that the contents of Hg and Mn in the water are higher. The contribution of melt water to the water fluxes in the Second Songhua River basin is distinct: the water flow in April increases remarkably, reaches the peak in the upper reaches. The pollutant contributions and water pollution indices (WPIs) of the Second Songhua River in April are high in the upper reaches while that in the lower reaches are low. The responses of hydro-environment system to melt water of that basin are affected by content of packed snow and the underlining surface systems.  相似文献   

YAN Denghua  DENG Wei  HE Yan 《地理学报》2002,12(3):289-294
Based on the continuous monitoring data of hydrology and water quality in the period from 1972 to 1997, the responses of hydro-environment system to melt water in the Second Songhua River basin were derived. Because of melt water, the water quality in the Second Songhua River is good and changes very except that the contents of Hg and Mn in the water are higher. The contribution of melt water to the water fluxes in the Second Songhua River basin is distinct: the water flow in April increases remarkably, reaches the peak in the upper reaches. The pollutant contributions and water pollution indices (WPIs) of the Second Songhua River in April are high in the upper reaches while that in the lower reaches are low. The responses of hydro-environment system to melt water of that basin are affected by content of packed snow and the underlining surface systems.  相似文献   

Based on the continuous monitoring data of hydrology and water quality in the period from 1972 to 1997, the responses of hydro-environment system to melt water in the Second Songhua River basin were derived. Because of melt water, the water quality in the Second Songhua River is good and changes very except that the contents of Hg and Mn in the water are higher. The contribution of melt water to the water fluxes in the Second Songhua River basin is distinct: the water flow in April increases remarkably, reaches the peak in the upper reaches. The pollutant contributions and water pollution indices (WPIs) of the Second Songhua River in April are high in the upper reaches while that in the lower reaches are low. The responses of hydro-environment system to melt water of that basin are affected by content of packed snow and the underlining surface systems.  相似文献   

The Huaihe River basin of Anhui is not only a transitional zone of physical geography, but also a convergent area of many cultures in China. It is one of the sensitive ecotones to global changes and the birthplace of Chinese civilization. Using the field archaeological data and the sporo-pollens and the age data of the drilling cores, we analysed Neolithic cultural development and environmental evolution in the Huaihe River basin of Anhui. According to the combination of some research results in archaeology with environmental evolution research, this paper discusses the relationship between culture and environment in the Huaihe River basin of Anhui. The Neolithic cultural development was strongly impacted by the environmental change. The primitive culture (Shishanzi) was developed in the beginning of the Holocene Megathermal Period with distinct regional feature of the culture. From 6.5 kaBP to 5.5 kaBP, the climate changed warmer and wetter. The frequent occurrence of flood and waterlog due to such a climate regime and high sea level caused the earth’s surface environment deteriorated in the Huaihe River basin of Anhui and the interruption of the Neolithic cultural development, hence a lack of archaeological sites. From 5.5 kaBP to 4.0 kaBP, the climate changed from wet to dry, the natural environment was propitious to human survival. Dawenkou Culture and Longshan Culture flourished in this period. The Neolithic cultural development, the number of the sites and their distribution characteristics of the sites in the study area differed apparently from those in Central China and Shandong Province.  相似文献   

Importance has been attached to the research of the impact of Holocene environmental change on the origins of human civilization and human survival at home and abroad by the academic circles (Bevan and Rooseveit, 2003; Binford, 1997; Xia et al., 2003; Zhu…  相似文献   

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