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郁山铝土矿矿床是豫西典型的隐伏铝土矿床,本文以西郁山矿段为主较系统阐述了矿床地质、矿体和矿石特征等。矿体赋存于本溪组铁铝质泥岩建造中下覆马家沟组岩溶特征控制矿体的形态,矿体深部延伸受架子沟背斜及断层控制,其上覆地层控制矿体的埋深。矿体厚度空间变化大,A/S与含铝岩系厚度及矿体厚度相关性很小。矿石以鲕粒和泥晶结构为主,少部分具有"砾中鲕"结构,显示矿床形成过程中的风化与搬运的复合过程。矿石主要含铝矿物是一水硬铝石(42%~88%),其次是粘土矿物(高岭石和伊利石);黄铁矿、菱铁矿较普遍分布于下部矿石中,显示矿石形成于还原性沉积洼地中。铝土矿共伴生有益矿产和元素价值大。本文对进一步研究河南省隐伏铝土矿床有较重要参考意义。  相似文献   

The bauxites in central Guizhou are hosted by the Lower Carboniferous Jiujialu Formation.Geochemistrial characteristics of the Lindai bauxite deposit indicate that the underlying Shilengshui Formation dolomite is the precursor rock of mineral resources.Weathering simulation experiments show that Si is most likely to migrate with groundwater,the migration rate of which is several magnitude higher than Al and Fe under nature conditions (pH=3-9).The neutral and acid nonreducing condition is the most conducive to the Al rich and Si removal,while the acid reducing conditions is the most conducive to the Al rich and Fe removal.In the process of bauxite formation,coal beds overlying the Al-bearing rock series or other rock formation rich in organic materials can produce acid reducing groundwater,which are important for the bauxite formation.Finally,propose the metallogenic model of the bauxite in central Guizhou Province and put forward three new words which are "original bauxite material","bauxite material" and "original bauxite".  相似文献   

The Baguamiao gold deposit in Fengxian County, Shaanxi Province, is a recentlyexplored super-large gold ore deposit. A comprehensive and deep-going study has revealedthat it is a polygenetic deposit: early-stage mineralization due to shearing, middle-stagemineralization due to hydrothermal alteration, and late-stage mineralization due toweathering, leaching and concentration at shallow depths. Shearing played a dominant role inthe formation of gold orebodies.  相似文献   

河南省新安县郁山隐伏铝土矿成因分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李中明 《地质与勘探》2012,48(3):421-429
[摘 要]通过对河南省新安县郁山铝土矿床成矿时代、成矿物源、成矿环境、控矿因素等分析,认为郁山铝土矿床成矿时代为早二叠世,成矿物源主要为古陆铝硅酸岩风化物,少量为豫西中奥陶统马家沟组碳酸盐岩风化产物,成矿环境为渑池泻湖东北边缘的潮坪-沼泽环境,由长期的沉积间断、特定的岩相古地理特征、构造变形和表生风化作用共同控制矿床的形成。认为郁山铝土矿床的形成经历了“三期五阶段冶:“三期冶包括铝土矿体就位、埋藏、改造保存三个成矿时期;具体可划分为“五阶段冶,包括物源准备和搬运、同生、成岩、后生、风化和表生五个成矿阶段。提出了郁山铝土矿矿床为“古陆风化+碎屑和化学沉积冶的成矿模式。其主要成矿机制为机械和化学分异。  相似文献   

The Jinjiazhuang gold deposit occurs in the Zhangjiakou gold field,Northwest Hebei.The ore bodies are mostly hosted in Xiaozhangjiakou ultrabasic rocks dominated by diopsidite.Electron microprobe analyses indicate that the deposit is characterized by the enrichment of some platinum group elements in principal metallic minerals such as chalcopyrite,galena,sphalerite and pyrite,and the presence of millerite,Stable isotope studies show that carbon,sulfur and most of the metallogenic elements were probably derived largely from the host Xiaozhangjiakou ultrabasic rocks and that it is possible that the ore-forming fluid was predominted by meteoric water.  相似文献   

The Maochang bauxite in Guizhou Province is one of the important aluminum ore deposits in southwestern China. Ferruginous spherules, measuring about a few microns across, were found in the transitional layer of the deposit. The EDS and XRD results show that the microspherules are composed mostly of iron (hydr)oxide minerals (goethite) with only weak presence of aluminum and silicon. Occasionally, some pyrite micrograins with dissolved surface are found associated with goethite within the spherules. It is thus suggested that microspherules are linked to pyrite oxidization. It is also thought that microbial activities contribute not only to pyrite oxidization, but also to ball-like assemblage of the iron (hydr)oxides. The mechanism of the formation of ferruginous microspherules is also believed to be important in studying geomicrobiology of bauxite.  相似文献   

本文统计了豫西熊耳山地区53个金矿床(点),编绘了熊耳山地区金矿床分布图。系统的野外矿床地质观察以及熊耳山地区矿床分布图都显示,该区金矿的主要控矿要素为太华群变质结晶基底、北西向和北东向断裂构造,以及燕山期酸性侵入岩。太华群处于熊耳山核部,南北两侧以不整合接触带分别与熊耳群及新生代地层相拆离。矿集区45%的金矿床分布于太华群内,从鲁山、熊耳山到小秦岭.金矿化程度增强,而太华群中的金丰度依次降底,显示太华群提供了部分成矿物质。近东西向马超营断裂为熊耳山地区一级构造单元,其北侧发育一系列北东向次级断层。区内金矿床主要分布于马超营断裂以北,明显沿北东向断层成带分布,且矿床的控矿构造也呈北东向,暗示了北东向断层的控矿特征。研究区内发育有花山、五丈山、合峪、太山庙等大花岗岩体和大量石英斑岩脉和花岗斑岩岩脉。花山岩体和五丈山岩体与地层外接触带是控制金矿床产出重要区域,36%的金矿床产出于岩体附近或角砾岩体内,小型岩脉则广泛发育于各金矿床内。本区1:20万区域化探金含量存在七个异常区,分别与该区金矿床集中分布区相吻合。  相似文献   

The Zhou’an PGE-Cu-Ni deposit was recently discovered in the Qinling orogenic belt bound by the Yangtze and the North China Cratons. It is a blind deposit thoroughly covered by the Cenozoic alluvial sediments in the Nanyang Basin. As the first large PGE-Cu-Ni deposit discovered in the Qinling-Dabie-Sulu orogenic belt, its geological and geochemical characteristic, isotope age, genesis and tectonic setting are of wide concern in both scientific studies and ore exploration. In this contribution, we report the results obtained from a pioneering study. The Zhou’an ultramafic complex is ferruginous, with m/f?=?4.79–5.08, and shows the nature of tholeiite series. It is rich in light rare earth elements, Rb, Th, U, La, Sm, Zr and Hf, and poor in heavy rare earth elements, Nd and Ta, suggesting an intraplate setting. It has high 87Sr/86Sr and low 143Nd/144Nd ratios. The ratios of Zr/Nb, La/Nb, Ba/Nb, Rb/Nb, Th/Nb, Th/La and Ba/La, suggest the magma originated from lithosphere mantle. The Fo values of olivine and Pd/Ir-Ni/Cu diagram suggest primary magma was High Mg basalt. The laser ablation inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy zircon U-Pb age is 641.5?±?3.7 Ma.  相似文献   

In the year of 2011, a super-large molybdenum deposit was discovered in the Shapinggou area, Jinzhai county, Anhui Province by the Bureau of Geology and Mineral Exploration of Anhui Province, with its reserve more than 2.2 million ton, just next to the Klimax molybdenum deposit (>3.3 million ton) in Colorado. It has ranged the world’s second largest molybdenum deposit, with potential economic value up to 100 billion dollars. Geological surveys suggest orebodies from the Shapinggou porphyry molybdenum deposit extend 1000 m long by up to 900 m wide. A drillhole intersects one orebody as thick as 945 m, with 0.2 wt% Mo. This entire deposit suggests 332+333 ore reserve as 1.275 billion ton and Mo metal reserve as 2 million ton; this does not include the reserves of the east-west ends. Based on the current exploration work, a total Mo metal reserve of 2.2 million ton can be accomplished. The Shapinggou molybdenum deposit is characterized by its large scale, high grade, concentrated orebodies and high economic value. The Shapinggou porphyry molybdenum deposit is the largest metal deposits during the 50 years’ prospecting history in Anhui Province. Its discovery rewrites China’s history of “no large-scale deposit in the eastern Dabie Mountains”, and validates that the Qinling-Dabie orogenic belt is the most significant Au-Mo metallogenic belt.  相似文献   

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