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In recent years, more and more studies are focused on the performance in seismic design instead of the strength of structures. People have realized that the structure deformation (displacement) can describe the damage more properly and directly than the strength (force). The displacement design spectra need to be constructed within more wide range of the period and the damping for the displacement-based seismic design.  相似文献   

基于目标反应谱和包线的地震动合成   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文给出了以目标反应谱和目标包线函数为双目标函数的人工地震动合成方法,不仅使人工地震动符合目标反应谱,还在迭代过程中对地震动波形进行调整,使之基本符合目标包线函数,并消除了加速度时程的基线偏移,使速度时程和位移时程更为合理。本文认为当研究非线性结构体系的动力反应规律时,有必要对输入的人工地震动时程的反应谱和包线均进行比较准确的控制,使人工地震动时程符合多个统计特征。  相似文献   

地铁隧道群对地震动的放大作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文采用有限元方法在时域内研究了基岩上均匀场地中隧道群对地震动的放大作用,分析了隧道间距、人射地震波频谱等因素对隧道群附近地表地震动反应谱的影响.研究表明,隧道群对地震动具有显著的放大作用,放大作用的大小与隧道间距和人射地震波频谱有着密切关系;隧道之间存在相互作用,加速度峰值的最大值多大于单隧道情况,且水平加速度峰值的...  相似文献   

特殊长周期地震动的参数特征研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
近断层脉冲型地震动和远场软土层场地类谐和地震动是两类特殊的长周期地震动,当前的规范均很少对这两类地震作用进行具体的规定。研究了近断层脉冲型和远场类谐和地震动的幅值、幅值比(V/A,D/V)、傅里叶幅值谱和反应谱的差别,分析了相位角和作用循环周期数对简单脉冲的影响,并用于解释两类特殊地震动的工程特征。以集集地震动为数据基础,分析了两类长周期地震动的傅里叶谱和反应谱特征;将平均加速度和位移规准反应谱分别与规范设计谱进行了比较。建议设计谱在长周期段考虑近断层作用和软土场地面波效应的影响。  相似文献   

竖向地震动加速度反应谱特性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以33次地震中的地表地震动记录为数据基础,考虑场地条件、震级和距离的影响,分别对竖向地震动的加速度规准化反应谱和双规准化反应谱进行了研究。结果表明,规准反应谱明显受到场地条件、震级和震中距的影响,不同场地、距离和震级的平均规准反应谱之间差别显著;相比较而言,不依赖于场地、距离和震级的平均双规准反应谱之间却表现出良好的规律性和一致性。双规准反应谱的统一特性可以为竖向地震动设计谱的预测提供参考依据。  相似文献   

基于ArcView CIS软件开发平台,建立了设计地震动参数和最不利设计地震动数据库,建成了基于性态设计和考虑最不利设计地震动因素的设计地震动查询系统,该系统主要为基于PC机工作的结构抗震设计人员提供相应的设计地震动参数和最不利设计地震动的设计地震动信息查询服务。  相似文献   

基于分解方法的脉冲型地震动非弹性反应谱分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
本文旨在分析脉冲型地震动中不同频率的地震动分量对于原始地震动幅值及其非弹性反应谱的影响.首先以近期12次大地震的53条典型脉冲型地震动为数据基础, 基于多尺度分解方法获取脉冲型地震动中的高频分量和低频分量.为与传统方法对比, 本文获取了能够表征地震动脉冲特性的卓越分量及滤除卓越分量的剩余分量.然后对比分析原始地震动和4种地震动分量的幅值特征和非弹性反应谱的特性, 以讨论地震动分量对原始地震动幅值参数及其非弹性反应谱的影响.最后结合简谐地震动模型和地震动分量的性质, 讨论脉冲型地震动非弹性反应谱诸多特征的产生原因.分析发现, 低频分量不仅是控制脉冲型地震动速度和位移幅值的主要因素, 其对原始地震动的加速度幅值也具有不可忽略的影响.低频分量也是导致脉冲型地震动非弹性位移比谱偏大以及强度折减系数谱偏小的直接原因, 从而造成结构在脉冲型地震动作用下需要具有更大的非弹性位移以及更高的强度需求.  相似文献   

本文根据保定市区工程地质及地震地质条件,采用全概率分析方法,用一维等效线性模型,对不同分区的典型土层进行地震反应分析,并在此基础上确定了市区的设计地震动参数。在某些方面补充了规范的不足,使市区的抗震设防水准更加合理。  相似文献   

重大工程设定地震动确定   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
概率一致反应谱通常高估设计地震动的中长周期成份,不能真实代表地震环境下的样本实现,为了合理地估计设计地震动反应谱,本文结合工程结合的动力特性和峰值加速度的经验设防标准,建议了一种重大工程设定的地震确定方法,然后依据设定地震和地震动衰减关系确定设计地震动反应谱。  相似文献   

地震动滞回能量谱衰减规律研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文选用美国西部California州15次较大地震中的266条强地震动记录,利用衰减关系建立了滞回能量谱,分析了场地条件、延性系数、震级及距离等参数对滞回能量谱的影响。研究发现,场地条件对滞回能量谱影响很大,随着场地变软,滞回能量谱变大,与A B类场地相比,C类场地的滞回能量谱平均要高出70%左右,D类场地则要高出170%左右。随着延性系数的增大,滞回能量谱有增大的趋势,尤其是当延性系数由2变到4或6时更为明显,但当延性系数增加到一定程度时,滞回能量谱的差别不大,延性系数为4和6时的滞回能量谱差别不大,甚至在周期较大时,延性系数为6的滞回能量谱反而小于延性系数为4时的滞回能量谱。另外,研究结果表明,大的震级和小的距离对结构产生比较大的滞回能量需求。利用本文结果,可以估计未来地震中结构物所遭受滞回能量的大小。  相似文献   

Design guidelines have traditionally oversimplified the vertical ground motion effects by defining a constant vertical‐to‐horizontal response spectral ratio (V/H). With the recognition that such practice is not always conservative, recent studies have proposed improvements to the representation of vertical seismic effects in design codes, based on empirical ground motion relations. Conventional empirical modeling requires selecting the functional form of the predictive model. Because of the complicated nature of ground motions, identification of the underlying function is a challenge. A related drawback to this approach is its high susceptibility to overfitting, especially with today's highly complex models. To address these issues, this paper proposes a nonparametric approach to characterize the vertical seismic effects. Using support vector machines, the V/H ratio is determined without an assumed functional form. The accuracy of the model is measured by adopting an epsilon‐insensitive residual function with a regularization term added to prevent overfitting. An example application using ground motion records from strike‐slip and normal faulting earthquakes is presented, and the results are compared with a current empirical model, for different magnitude, distance, and local soil conditions. The median V/H estimates from the two models are shown to be in good general agreement. The standard deviation estimates from the proposed model are consistently larger than the estimates from the empirical model. The results from this study show that the proposed method is a viable alternative and offers the opportunity to characterize vertical seismic effects without an assumed functional form. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

抗震设计谱的发展及相关问题综述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
抗震设计谱是地震荷载的表征和工程抗震设计的基础。首先对国内外抗震设计反应谱的发展、演变进行了阐述,指出现今反应谱理论以及在此基础上建立的抗震设计谱所取得的进展;总结了被广泛使用的各种抗震设计谱所存在的问题,指出了解决问题的可能途径,简要介绍了双规准反应谱的概念和统一设计谱的思想;探讨了抗震设计谱的发展趋势以及所涉及的新课题。  相似文献   

A semi-empirical approach using fore- or after-shockrecords as Green's functions is applicable to thesimulation of strong ground motion, however suchrecords are obviously not available for predictionpurposes. Thus we have predicted ground motion fora hypothetical large earthquake from other minorevents by adopting a distance correction based ongeometrical spreading. Another difficulty inprediction is fault modeling. Surface traces weresimplified as fault models 27, 46, 55, and 77 km inlength. Further, the actual fault rupture may beinhomogeneous, so an asperity distribution isassumed. This asperity model assumes thatdislocation and stress drop are double than theaverage values. Although, the near field term isneglected in our simulation, no significantdifference was seen in the motions estimated byindividual models for periods up to 2.0 seconds. This indicates that the dependence of source size issmall for strong motion, perhaps as a result of therandom summation of high-frequency phases.  相似文献   

A new set of empirical equations for prediction of displacement response spectral ordinates from 20 Hz to T = 20 s is illustrated. The coefficients of the equations were obtained by regressing a dataset based on 1,155 tri-axial digital and 9 analog accelerometer records from 60 earthquakes worldwide. Long period disturbances in the accelerograms were evaluated and removed using a very recent method, aimed at preserving the long-period spectral content of the records. Analysis of variance has disclosed only little evidence for regional dependence of ground motions, while a carefully conducted evaluation of site effects resulted in clearly differentiated spectral amplification bands associated to the main ground types B, C, and D of Eurocode 8. Spectral ordinates for vibration periods >5 s were found to scale with magnitude quite consistently with theoretical scaling from Brune’s model. On the other hand, comparison of results with those yielded by recent prediction models in Europe and the United States (NGA), indicated that the latter may not be uniformly reliable at long periods. The proposed empirical equations are easily implemented in computer programs for seismic hazard assessment, being characterized by a simple functional form and a restricted number of predictor variables. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

不同地震作用水准的设计反应谱长期以来一直采用各水准谱形完全一致的假定。这与地震危险性分析的一般结论不符。《建筑抗震设计规范》(GB50011-2001)对此作出了修订。本文基于设计反应谱的三参数标定模型推导了罕遇和多遇地震作用设计反应谱的关系,指出两者谱值之比在高频、中频和低频段分别对应于峰值加速度、速度和位移之比。引入地震动衰减规律进行了罕遇和多遇地震作用设计谱关系的近似估计,提出了基于多遇地震作用设计谱确定罕遇地震作用设计谱的调整方案,验证了现行规范将反应谱特征周期适当延长以得到罕遇地震作用设计谱的做法的合理性。  相似文献   

Study on the severest real ground motion for seismic design and analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
How to select the adequate real strong earthquake ground motion for seismic analysis and design of trucures is an essential problem in earthquake engineering research and practice.In the paper the concept of the severest design ground motion is proposed and a method is developed for comparing the severity of the recorded strong ground motions.By using this method the severest earthquake ground motions are selected out as seismic inputs to the structures to be designed from a database that consists of more than five thousand significant strong ground moton records collected over the world.The selected severest ground motions are very likely to be able to drive the structures to their critical response and thereby result in the highest damage potential.It is noted that for different structures with diffferent predominant natural periods and at different sites where structures are located the severest design ground motions are usually different.Finally.two examples are illustrated to demonstrate the rationality of the concept and the reliability of the selected design motion.  相似文献   

Introduction A good deal of attention was paid to the amplification response of soil layers under the earthquake waves,especially by the engineering seismologists.  相似文献   

基于目标功率谱和包线的地震动合成   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文给出了以目标功率谱和目标包线函数为双目标函数的人工地震动合成方法,使人工地震动不仅符合目标功率谱,还基本符合目标包线函数,并对加速度基线进行了调整,使速度时程和位移时程更为合理。作者认为如果用反应谱作为目标谱,生成的人工地震动时程可能会弱化地震动的随机特性,用这样的人工地震动时程作为输入来分析建筑结构的非线性动力反应,不是理想的选择。对建筑结构进行非线性时程分析时,用基于功率谱的人工地震动作为输入,应当是一种更为合理的方法。作者认为平方和具有明确的物理意义,是随机信号的总能量参数,并通过理论分析和数值计算,对于一定持时的随机平稳信号样本,平方和(持时×平方平均值)对振幅起重要控制作用。平方和、归一化功率谱、时域包线函数是基于功率谱模型的地震动三要素。  相似文献   

Near-field horizontal and vertical earthquake ground motions   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Strong-motion attenuation relationships are presented for peak ground acceleration, spectral acceleration, energy density, maximum absolute input energy for horizontal and vertical directions and for the ratio of vertical to horizontal of these ground motion parameters. These equations were derived using a worldwide dataset of 186 strong-motion records recorded with 15 km of the surface projection of earthquakes between Ms=5.8 and 7.8. The effect of local site conditions and focal mechanism is included in some of these equations.  相似文献   

岩质坡地建筑设计水平地震动放大系数的确定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为确定岩质坡地建筑设计水平地震动放大系数,以满足实际工程中坡地建筑结构设计的需要,本文采用有限元数值分析方法,计算了高度在10~70 m范围,坡角在15°~60°范围内的28个黏弹性岩质坡地模型在白噪声输入下的线弹性响应,分析了坡高及坡角对坡地斜坡段反应谱及谱比的影响规律,给出了岩质坡地斜坡段设计水平地震动放大系数,为抗震规范有关内容的规定提供研究基础和依据。  相似文献   

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