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Summary Vertumnite, Ca4Al4Si4O6(OH)24·3H2O, is metrically monoclinic, strongly pseudohexagonal;a=5.744 (5),b=5.766(5),c=25.12(1) Å, =119.72(5)°; space groupP2 1 /m. The crystal structure was determined from X-ray intensities and refined in both the monoclinic and the hexagonal space group [P6 3/m; a=(a mon +b mon )/2]. The monoclinic refinement did not lead to significant deviations from hexagonal symmetry. The atomic arrangement consists of modified brucite-layers Ca 2 VII AlVI(OH, H2O)8, atz=0 andz=1/2, alternating with tetrahedral double layers and connected only by hydrogen bridges. TheT sites are statistically and only partly occupied by Si and Al. The distances from theT sites to the three basal (O, OH) measure 1.80 Å; this large distance is probably caused by local deformations in connection with the disorder in theT sites. Water molecules occupy statistically the double rings. A comparison with the previously reported powder patterns of gehlenite hydrate and strätlingite is given.
Vertumnit: Seine Kristallstruktur und seine Beziehungen zu anderen natürlichen und künstlichen Phasen
Zusammenfassung Vertumnit, Ca4Al4Si4O6(OH)24·3 H2O, ist metrisch monoklin, ausgeprägt pseudohexagonal;a 0=5,744(5),b 0=5,766(5),c 0=25,12(1) Å, =119,72(5)°; RaumgruppeP2 1/m. Die Kristallstruktur wurde aus Röntgenintensitäten bestimmt und sowohl in der monoklinen wie in der hexagonalen Raumgruppe [P6 3/m; a 0=(a 0,mon +b 0,mon )/2] verfeinert. Die monokline Verfeinerung führte auf keine wesentlichen Abweichungen von hexagonaler Symmetrie. Die Atomanordnung besteht aus modifizierten Brucit-Schichten, Ca 2 VII AlVI(Oh, H2O)8, die mit Doppeltetraederschichten abwechseln und mit diesen nur über Wasserstoffbrücken verbunden sind. DieT-Positionen sind durch Si und Al statistisch und nur partiell besetzt. Die Abstände von denT-Positionen zu den drei basalen (O, OH) messen 1,80 Å; dieser große Abstand wird wahrscheinlich durch lokale Verzerrungen im Zusammenhang mit der Unordnung in denT-Lagen verursacht. Wassermoleküle füllen statistisch die Doppelringe. Das Pulverdiagramm wird mit den publizierten Diagrammen von Gehlenit-Hydrat und Strätlingit verglichen.

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Different specimens of the asbestos mineral chrysotile show widely different zeta-potentials. Strongly positive values are found with samples containing an excess of magnesia in the form of brucite, Mg(OH)2. Synthetic chrysotile and natural samples containing little or no brucite give moderately positive ζ-values over the pH range 3–11. Feebly positive or weakly negative natural chrysotiles are materials which have suffered weathering; and deliberate acid-leaching of any chrysotile ultimately leaves a strongly negative pseudomorph of silica gel.Since the pH and the ambient concentration of Mg2+ ions near the surface are the main factors controlling ζ, and since chrysotile is readily susceptible to leaching in practically all aqueous media and does not come to a true ionic equilibrium in any practical time, the zeta-potential of an ideal chrysotile surface is a hypothetical concept.The results also explain the temporary colloidal stability of very dilute suspensions of chrysotile in weakly acidic media and the mutual coagulation of chrysotile and amosite slurries.  相似文献   

Summary The crystal structure of sarcolite from Monte Somma (Vesuvius), Na(Na, K, Fe, Mg)<1 Ca6[Al4Si6O23](OH, H2O)<2 [(Si,P)O4]0.5[(CO3, Cl)]0.5, space groupI4/m witha=12,343(5)Å,c=15,463(5)Å andZ=4, has been determined from X-ray data collected on an automatic diffractometer. The 1637 independent reflections withI>2 (I) converged to a conventionalR value of 0.054 with partially anisotropic factors.The tetrahedral framework in sarcolite has a sharing coefficient of 1.85. Mean Si–O and Al–O distances are 1.616 and 1.763 Å, respectively. Isolated (Si, P)O4, CO3, OH, H2O and Cl species occupy cavities in the tetrahedral framework in a partially disordered way. The two crystallographically different Ca atoms coordinate respectively with 5 and 6 framework oxygens; further contacts occur with available anions. Ca–O distances range from 2.34 to 2.69 Å. Na atoms coordinate with 4 oxygens of the tetrahedral frame and one from the CO3 groups.A structure analysis of a sarcolite crystal baked out at 1100°C confirmed some structural details involving atoms occupying cavities in the tetrahedral framework.
Die Kristallstruktur des Sarkoliths
Zusammenfassung Die Kristallstruktur des Sarkoliths vom Monte Somma (Vesuv), Na(Na, K, Fe, Mg)<1 Ca6[Al4Si6O23](OH, H2O)<2[(Si, P)O4]0,5[(CO3, Cl)]0,5, RaumgruppeI4/m,a 0=12,343(5)Å,c 0=15,463(5)Å,Z=4, wurde aus Röntgendaten, die auf einem automatischen Diffraktometer gesammelt worden waren, bestimmt. Der konventionelleR-Wert für 1637 kristallographisch unabhängige Reflexe mitI>2 (I) konvergierte mit partiell anisotropen Temperaturfaktoren auf 0.054.Der Verknüpfungskoeffizient des Tetraedergerüstes in Sarkolith ist 1,85. Die mittleren Si–O-bzw. Al–O-Abstände sind 1,616Å und 1,763 Å. Isolierte Strukturbestandteile (Si, P)O4, CO3, OH, H2O und Cl besetzen zum Teil ungeordnet die Hohlräume des Tetraedergerüstes. Die beiden kristallographisch verschiedenen Ca-Atome werden von funf bzw. sechs Sauerstoffen des Gerüstes koordiniert, weitere Kontakte bestehen zu verfügbaren Anionen. Die Ca–O-Abstände variieren von 2,34 bis 2,69 Å. Die Na–Atome sind von vier Sauerstoffen des Tetraedergerüstes und von einem weiteren der CO3-Gruppen koordiniert. Die Strukturanalyse eines bei 1100°C getemperten Sarkolithkristalls bestätigte einige Details über die Atome, welche die Hohlräume des Tetraedergerüstes besetzen.

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Sudburyite is known to occur in many copper and nickel sulfide deposits in China. Its ideal formula is PdSb. The three-dimensional parameters as determined by an automatic single crystal X-ray diffractometer PW 1100 are:a 0=4.083,c 0=5.602 Å,Z=2. Space groupD 6h 4 -P63/mmc. It is isostructural with niccolite, with parametes Pd 000,00 1/2; Sb 2/3 1/3 ¼, 1/3 2/3 ¾ andR=0.11.  相似文献   

Summary The crystal structure of stringhamite, Ca[Cu(SiO4)](H2O),a=5.030(2),b=16.135(3),c=5.343(1) Å, =102.96(1)o,V=422.7(2) Å3,Z=4, space groupP21/c, has been solved by direct methods and refined by a full-matrix least-squares procedure to anR index of 3.7% for 1009 observed (3 ) reflections measured on a twinned crystal. The structure has one H2O molecule in its unit formula, rather than two as reported by previous study. As suggested by its formula, stringhamite is a neosilicate with Cu2+ in square planar coordination and Ca in [7]-coordination that approximates a diminished square antiprism.The fundametal building block of the stringhamite structure is a [Cu(SiO4)O3]8– heteropolyhedral cluster that polymerizes in two dimensions by corner-sharing between the squares and tetrahedra to form the structure module, a [Cu(SiO4)]2– heteropolyhedral sheet parallel to (010). These sheets are linked together by Ca atoms and hydrogen-bonding involving the H2O anioris in the structure.
Die Kristallstruktur des Stringhamits
Zusammenfassung Die Kristallstruktur des Stringhamits, Ca[Cu(SiO4)](H2O),a=5,030(2),b=16,135(3),c=5,343(1) Å, =102,96(1)o,V=422,7(2) Å3,Z=4, RaumgruppeP21/c, wurde mit direkten Methoden gelöst und für 1009 beobachtete (3 ) Reflexe, die an einem verzwillingten Kristall gemessen worden waren, aufR=3,7 verfeinert. Die Struktur enthält nur ein H2O-Molekül pro Formeleinheit und nicht zwei, wie in einer früheren Arbeit angegeben wurde. In Übereinstimmung mit seiner Formel ist Stringhamit ein Nesosilikat, Cu2+ hat eine planare 4-Koordination und Ca eine 7-Koordination, die einem tetragonalen Antiprisma mit einer unbesetzten Ecke ähnelt.Der fundamentale Baublock in der Struktur des Stringhamits ist eine heteropolyedrische [Cu(SiO4)O3]8–-Gruppe. Diese polymerisieren über gemeinsame Ecken zwischen den Quadraten und den Tetraedern in zwei Richtungen zur Baueinheit, einer heteropolyedrischen [Cu(SiO4)]2–-Schicht parallel (010). Diese Schichten werden durch Ca-Atome und Wasserstoffbrücken, welche die H2O-Anionen einbeziehen, miteinander verknüpft.

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Synthetic, flux-grown uvarovite, Ca3Cr2 [SiO4]3, was investigated by optical methods, electron microprobe analysis, UV-VIS-IR microspectrometry, and luminescence spectroscopy. The crystal structure was refined using single-crystal X-ray CCD diffraction data. Synthetic uvarovite is optically isotropic and crystallizes in the “usual” cubic garnet space group Ia3¯d [a=11.9973 Å, Z=8; 21524 reflections, R1=2.31% for 454 unique data and 18 variables; Cr–O=1.9942(6), Si–O=1.6447(6), Ca–Oa=2.3504(6), Ca–Ob= 2.4971(6) Å]. The structure of Ca3Cr2[SiO4]3 complies with crystal-chemical expectations for ugrandite group garnets in general as well as with predictions drawn from “cubically averaged” data of non-cubic uvarovite–grossular solid solutions (Wildner and Andrut 2001). The electronic absorption spectra of Cr3+ in trigonally distorted octahedra of synthetic uvarovite were analyzed in terms of the superposition model (SM) of crystal fields. The resulting SM and interelectronic repulsion parameters are =9532 cm?1, =4650 cm?1, power law exponent t 4=6.7, Racah B35=703 cm?1 at 290 K (reference distance R 0=1.995 Å; fixed power law exponent t 2=3 and spin-orbit parameter ζ=135 cm?1). The interelectronic repulsion parameters Racah B 55=714 cm?1 and C=3165 cm?1 were extracted from spin-forbidden transitions. This set of SM parameters was subsequently applied to previously well-characterized natural uvarovite–grossular solid solutions (Andrut and Wildner 2001a; Wildner and Andrut 2001) using their extrapolated Cr–O bond lengths to calculate the energies of the spin-allowed bands. These results are in very good agreement with the experimentally determined band positions and indicate the applicability of the superposition model to natural 3d N prevailing systems in geosciences. Single-crystal IR absorption spectra of synthetic uvarovite in the region of the OH-stretching vibration exhibit one isotropic absorption band at 3508 cm?1 at ambient conditions, which shifts to 3510 cm?1 at 77 K. This band is caused by structurally incorporated hydroxyl groups via the (O4H4)-hydrogarnet substitution. The water content, calculated using an integral extinction coefficient ?=60417 cm?2 l mol?1, is c H2O=33 ppm.  相似文献   

Summary The crystal structure of Hiortdahlite II [triclinic P1,a = 11.012(6),b = 10.342(3),c = 7.359 (3) Å,a = 89.92(2)°, = 109.21(5)°,y = 90.06(3)°], was determined and refined using 1793 reflections toR 1 = 0.069 and R2 = 0.066. The results of the structural study indicated that hiortdahlite II presents the modules which characterize the whole family of minerals related to cuspidine and låvenite, namely octahedral walls, four columns large and running alongc, and Si2O7 groups. In hiortdahlite II the modules are connected according to the same topology realized in låvenite. The peculiar octahedral cations distribution, which is determined and discussed in this work, is responsible for the descent in symmetry to P1.[
Die kristallstruktur des Hjortdahlits II
Zusammenfassung Die Kristallstruktur des Hjortdahlits II [triklin P1,a = 11,012(6),b = 10,342(3),c = 7,359(3)Å, a = 89,92(2), = 109,21 (5),y= 90,06(3)°] wurde mit 1793 Reflexen bestimmt und aufR 1 = 0,069 bzw.R 2 = 0,066 verfeinert. Das Ergebnis der Strukturuntersuchung zeigt, daß der Hjortdahlit II jene Baueinheiten enthält, welche die ganze mit Cuspidin und Låvenit verwandte Mineralgruppe auszeichnen: äoktaederwände", die vier Reihen breit sind und längsc verlaufen, sowie Si2O7-Gruppen. In Hjortdahlit II sind die Baueinheiten nach derselben Topologie wie in Låvenit verknüpft. Die besondere Verteilung der oktaedrisch koordinierten Kationen, die in der Arbeit bestimmt und diskutiert wird, ist für die Symmetrieerniedrigung nach P 1 verantwortlich.[

Publication was delayed to await IMA-CNMMN decision on new name; the latter was accepted in December, 1986.

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Summary Clinoptilolite is a zeolite of the heulandite group which differs chemically from typical heulandite by virtue of its higher Si/Al ratio, higher alkali content and heat resistance up to 700°C. Refinement of two clinoptilolites shows that the mineral has the same framework as heulandite but exhibits a new cation site at the origin of the unit cell and a different coordination of another cation which is sevenfold-coordinated in heulandite but sixfold-coordinated in clinoptilolite. Comparison of the results of the two refinements and of the corresponding chemical analyses suggests that the difference in the disposition of cations and water molecules may essentially be due to different chemistry as the frameworks are always the same. It is probable that potassium preferably occupies only one of the three cation sites, thus influencing the thermal stability.
Die Kristallstruktur von zwei Klinoptilolithen
Zusammenfassung Klinoptilolith ist ein Zeolith der Heulandit-Gruppe, der sich vom typischen Heulandit chemisch durch sein höheres Si/Al-Verhältnis und seinen höheren Alkalien-Gehalt, und thermisch durch seine Beständigkeit bis 700°C unterscheidet. Die Verfeinerung von zwei Proben von Klinoptilolith zeigt, daß dieses Mineral dasselbe Gerüst wie Heulandit hat, daß eine neue Kationenstelle am Zellursprung anwesend ist, und daß ein anderes Kation, das im Heulandit 7-koordiniert ist, eine 6-Koordination hat. Ein Vergleich der Resultate der zwei Verfeinerungen und der zwei entsprechenden chemischen Analysen zeigt, daß der Unterschied in der Kation- und Wassermolekül-Verteilung hauptsächlich nur auf die chemischen Unterschiede zurückzuführen ist, da die Gerüste praktisch unverändert bleiben. Es ist wahrscheinlich, daß die Kaliumatome nur in einer Kationenstelle sitzen und auf diese Weise die thermische Beständigkeit beeinflussen.

Iron sulfide was synthesized by reacting aqueous solutions of sodium sulfide and ferrous chloride for 3 days. By X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD), the resultant phase was determined to be primarily nanocrystalline mackinawite (space group: P4/ nmm) with unit cell parameters a = b = 3.67 Å and c = 5.20 Å. Iron K-edge XAS analysis also indicated the dominance of mackinawite. Lattice expansion of synthetic mackinawite was observed along the c-axis relative to well-crystalline mackinawite. Compared with relatively short-aged phase, the mackinawite prepared here was composed of larger crystallites with less elongated lattice spacings. The direct observation of lattice fringes by HR-TEM verified the applicability of Bragg diffraction in determining the lattice parameters of nanocrystalline mackinawite from XRPD patterns. Estimated particle size and external specific surface area (SSAext) of nanocrystalline mackinawite varied significantly with the methods used. The use of Scherrer equation for measuring crystallite size based on XRPD patterns is limited by uncertainty of the Scherrer constant (K) due to the presence of polydisperse particles. The presence of polycrystalline particles may also lead to inaccurate particle size estimation by Scherrer equation, given that crystallite and particle sizes are not equivalent. The TEM observation yielded the smallest SSAext of 103 m2/g. This measurement was not representative of dispersed particles due to particle aggregation from drying during sample preparation. In contrast, EGME method and PCS measurement yielded higher SSAext (276-345 m2/g by EGME and 424 ± 130 m2/g by PCS). These were in reasonable agreement with those previously measured by the methods insensitive to particle aggregation.  相似文献   

Lithian ferrian enstatite with Li2O = 1.39 wt% and Fe2O3 7.54 wt% was synthesised in the (MgO–Li2O–FeO–SiO2–H2O) system at P = 0.3 GPa, T = 1,000°C, fO2 = +2 Pbca, and a = 18.2113(7), b = 8.8172(3), c = 5.2050(2) Å, V = 835.79(9) Å3. The composition of the orthopyroxene was determined combining EMP, LA-ICP-MS and single-crystal XRD analysis, yielding the unit formula M2(Mg0.59Fe 0.21 2+ Li0.20) M1(Mg0.74Fe 0.20 3+ Fe 0.06 2+ ) Si2O6. Structure refinements done on crystals obtained from synthesis runs with variable Mg-content show that the orthopyroxene is virtually constant in composition and hence in structure, whereas coexisting clinopyroxenes occurring both as individual grains or thin rims around the orthopyroxene crystals have variable amounts of Li, Fe3+ and Mg contents. Structure refinement shows that Li is ordered at the M2 site and Fe3+ is ordered at the M1 site of the orthopyroxene, whereas Mg (and Fe2+) distributes over both octahedral sites. The main geometrical variations observed for Li-rich samples are actually due to the presence of Fe3+, which affects significantly the geometry of the M1 site; changes in the geometry of the M2 site due to the lower coordination of Li are likely to affect both the degree and the kinetics of the non-convergent Fe2+-Mg ordering process in octahedral sites.  相似文献   

Raman spectra of natural and synthetic samples of stishovite have been measured with a micro-optical spectrometer system. These spectra have a pattern that is characteristic of rutile-structured oxides. The spectrum of synthetic stishovite is characterized by well-resolved bands at 231, 589, 753, and 967 cm?1, which are assigned as theB 1g,E g,A 1g, andB 2g fundamentals, respectively, of the first-order Raman spectrum of the ideal, ordered structure. Natural stishovite obtained from Meteor Crater, Arizona has a first-order Raman spectrum that is fully consistent with that of the synthetic material. The observed spectrum of the natural sample, however, is weaker and has bands in addition to those identified as fundamentals in the spectrum of the synthetic material. A broad band at ~475 cm?1 may be indicative of glass or contaminants derived from the extraction procedure. Alternatively, this band may arise from multiphonon scattering that is enhanced by poor crystallinity or structural disorder in the natural shocked sample.  相似文献   

Examination with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and scanning force microscopy (SFM) revealed etch pits, layers and islands on dolomite crystal faces synthesized from calcite in Ca‐Mg‐Cl solutions at 200 °C and a wide variety of natural dolomites. Layers are broad, flat structures bounded by steps less than 100 nm high and greater than 1 μm wide. Islands are rounded topographic highs <20 nm high and <200 nm wide. The nanotopography of synthetic dolomite changed from islands throughout most of the reaction to layers at 100% dolomite. Island nanotopography formed on both Ca‐rich and near‐stoichiometric dolomite. Analyses of reaction products from dolomite synthesis indicates that there are no SFM‐detectable products formed in <10 h. SEM‐detectable products formed in 15 h. X‐ray diffraction (XRD)‐detectable products formed in ≈18 h, and the reaction went to completion in ≈40 h. Based on SFM analyses, the induction period for dolomitization in these experiments accounts for ≈20% of the total reaction time necessary to dolomitize CaCO3 completely under the experimental conditions used here. Island nano‐ topography is inferred to occur at higher degrees of supersaturation than layer nanotopography for three reasons. First, island nanotopography on synthetic calcite and gypsum forms at higher supersaturations than layer nanotopography. Secondly, island nanotopography formed in solutions with higher degrees of supersaturation with respect to dolomite. Thirdly, the greater surface roughness of a crystal face composed of islands compared with layers indicates that island surfaces have higher surface energy than layer surfaces. Therefore, the stability of island surfaces requires a higher degree of supersaturation. Because islands and layers form under a wide range of conditions, their presence provides broadly applicable criteria for evaluating relative degrees of supersaturation under which ancient dolomite formed. Comparison of synthetic dolomites with natural dolomites demonstrates (1) similar nanotopography on natural and synthetic dolomites and (2) both natural planar and non‐planar dolomite may have island nanotopography.  相似文献   

Summary The crystal structure of a scapolite (52% Me) with strong superlattice (h+k+l=odd) reflections has been determined in the space groupP 42/n. The three-dimensional intensity data were collected with a normal beam single-crystal diffractometer using Zr-filtered Mo radiation.The result of the present structural investigation, together with two reported previously (Lin andBurley, 1973 a, b) confirms the theoretical conclusions (Lin andBurley, 1973 c). Two quantitative relationships in scapolite have also been established, (1) the exponential relationship between the intensity ratio (r) I h+k+l=odd/I h+k+l=even and the atomic displacement of atoms from the mirror plane consistent with the space groupI 4/m; (2) the linear relationship betweenr and the difference in the Al occupancy between T (2) and T (3) sites.The horizontal disposition of the positionally disordered CO3 groups in this scapolite is the same as in other scapolites, but the vertical disposition is different; the planar CO3 groups are tilted from the horizontal (001) plane.
Die Kristallstruktur eines intermediären Skapolithes-Wernerit
Zusammenfassung Die Kristallstruktur eines Skapolithes (52% Me) mit starken Überstrukturreflexen (h+k+l=ungerade) wurde in der RaumgruppeP 42/m bestimmt. Dreidimensionale Intensitätsdaten wurden auf einem Normalstrahl-Einkristall-Diffraktometer mit Zr-gefilteter Mo-Strahlung gesammelt.Das Ergebnis der vorliegenden Strukturuntersuchung bestätigt zusammen mit früheren Ergebnissen (Lin undBurley, 1973a, b) die theoretischen Schlüsse vonLin undBurley (1973c). Zwei quantitative Beziehungen bei Skapolith wurden aufgezeigt: 1. Die Exponentialbeziehung zwischen dem Intensitätsverhältnis (r) I h+k+l=ungerade/I h+k+l=gerade und der atomaren Verschiebung der Atome von der mit der RaumgruppeI 4/m konsistenten Spiegelebene, und 2 die lineare Beziehung zwischenr und dem Unterschied in der Al-Besetzung der Positionen T 6; 7 und T (2).

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