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油田开发过程中的动电现象研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
动电现象是油气田注水开发过程中因油藏环境变化而引起的一种特殊的地球物理现象.本文依据多孔介质中的双电层模型及动电理论,对油气田开发过程中的动电现象进行研究,提出陆相非均质复杂构造油气藏开发过程中压力异常、地层水淡化及多相流动是动电现象产生的主要原因,流动电流的形成不仅使老区新钻井的自然电位曲线发生畸变,表现为平直及正异常现象,还导致水淹层的电阻率升高,严重干扰已动用层的评价工作.  相似文献   

To date, the interpretation of the self-potential anomalies, caused by the polarized spherical ore bodies, has usually been carried out based on the special graph along the profile passing through the extremes of these anomalies. This special graph could be identified only if we have at hand a map of self-potential distribution for which many profiles should be measured needing many man powers and time. To overcome this situation, in actual paper a new method of interpretation for the above mentioned self-potential anomalies is proposed for which sufficiency is provided by only two self-potential graphs along two parallel ordinary profiles oriented fortuitously.The theoretical basis of this new method of interpretation, together with several nomograms making comfortably its use as well as some testing results, were given.Until May 1986, Inst. of Hydrogeology and Eng. Geology, Warsaw University, 02-089 Warsaw, Poland.  相似文献   

A new approach is proposed in order to interpret field self-potential (SP) anomalies related to simple geometric-shaped models such as sphere, horizontal cylinder, and vertical cylinder. This approach is mainly based on solving a set of algebraic linear equations, and directed towards the best estimate of the three model parameters, e.g., electric dipole moment, depth, and polarization angle. Its utility and validity are demonstrated through studying and analyzing synthetic self-potential anomalies obtained by using simulated data generated from a known model and a statistical distribution with different random errors components. Being theoretically tested and proven, this approach has been consequently applied on two real field self-potential anomalies taken from Colorado and Turkey. A comparable and acceptable agreement is obtained between the results derived by the new proposed method and those deduced by other interpretation methods. Moreover, the depth obtained by such an approach is found to be very close to that obtained by drilling information.  相似文献   

Energy and thermal transfers in active volcanoes can play an important role incontrolling their dynamics depending on the hydrothermal state. Much geothermalenergy is released through the groundwater circulation, hot gas emission and thermalconduction. Therefore, it is very important to know the hydrological and thermalenvironments associated with volcanoes from the volcano-energetic point of view.However, it is difficult to evaluate these because of the availability of only a fewborehole data on the summit of volcanoes. Recent studies reveal that self-potential(SP) anomalies (up to some hundreds of mV) are observed on volcanoes, activefissure zones and/or fumarolic areas, suggesting that the SP anomalies are closelyrelated to heat-triggered phenomena such as thermoelectric and electrokinetic effectsdue to hydrothermal circulations. Therefore, SP studies can be appropriate for sensingthe thermal and hydrothermal states of volcanoes. In addition, monitoring SP anomaliescan be an efficient method for describing the change of thermal state and the evolutionof the hydrothermal (and volcanic) activities.In this paper, we have reviewed the origin of the SP anomalies associated withvolcanic phenomena theoretically as well as experimentally. Subsequently, wehave presented the results of many case studies and have classified the types ofanomalies in accordance with possible mechanisms. We have also described theresults of time variations of SP anomalies associated with volcanic activities. Timevarying SP fields exhibit the dynamic aspects of volcanic activities correspondingto the evolution of hydrothermal activity, changes in ground water circulation andmagma displacement. These morphological insights should lead to a quantitativeinterpretation of SP anomalies in volcanic regions.  相似文献   

An electrochemical model is proposed, which considers the redox conditions and the electrode kinetics at the mineral surface. Advanced modelling of self-potential (SP) anomalies over ore deposits takes into account the course of the redox potential distribution with depth and the oxidation-reduction processes acting at the mineral-electrolyte interface. The application of this model to a SP anomaly in the vicinity of the German Continental Deep Drilling Program (KTB) can explain the surface and borehole data and gives an estimation of the prevailing thermodynamical conditions in the ground.Exclusively, this paper deals with SP anomalies, which are associated with high conductive graphitic layers. It can be concluded that SP-anomalies give an important hint to electronical conducting structures in the earth's crust.  相似文献   

We conducted self-potential (SP) surveys sequentially from part to part over the central cones of Aso volcano since August 1998 by December 2001. The compiled SP map revealed large SP anomalies on the central cones. The main feature of the SP map is a ‘W-shaped’ profile along the NS-transect over the central cones. It is probable that this characteristic SP profile is produced by the combination of hydrothermal upwelling in the middle and topographic effect. A positive anomaly showing a large concentric pattern has appeared after correcting the topographic effect.To evaluate this SP anomaly, we implemented a numerical code that calculates electric potential produced by arbitrarily positioned current sources and sinks in any three-dimensional resistivity structure. A layered structure obtained from a time-domain electromagnetic (TDEM) field experiment was used for the resistivity model. The estimated current source is 300 A, being located in a conductive layer around the sea level. Meanwhile, sinks were estimated to sit on a circular area corresponding to the marginal part of the conductive layer.Water and heat budget study gives a lower limit of water mass transfer from depth to the bottom of the crater lake of Nakadake. This value was used to estimate the equivalent current in either case of electro-kinetic (EK) [Mizutani, H., Ishido, T., 1976. A new interpretation of magnetic field variation associated with the Matsushiro earthquakes, J. Geomag. Geoelectr., 28, 179–188.] or rapid fluid disruption (RFD) process [Johnston, M.J.S., Byerlee, J.D., Lockner, D., 2001. Rapid fluid disruption: A source for self-potential anomalies on volcanoes, J. Geophys. Res. 106(B3), 4327-4335.]. This comparison suggests that the former process is preferable to explain the observed SP anomaly. From these results we infer a large-scale hydrothermal system beneath the central cones of Aso volcano, in which the fluid flow initiates from the surrounding area, converging to the central vent to transport the heat and materials up to the crater lake of Nakadake through a vapor-filled conduit.  相似文献   

Common studies on the static electric field distribution over a conductivity anomaly use the self-potential method. However, this method is time consuming and requires nonpolarizable electrodes to be placed in the ground. Moreover, the information gained by this method is restricted to the horizontal variations of the electric field. To overcome the limitation in the self-potential technique, we conducted a field experiment using a non conventional technique to assess the static electric field over a conductivity anomaly. We use two metallic potential probes arranged on an insulated boom with a separation of 126 cm. When placed into the electric field of the free air, a surface charge will be induced on each probe trying to equalize with the potential of the surrounding atmosphere. The use of a plasma source at both probes facilitated continuous and quicker measurement of the electric field in the air. The present study shows first experimental measurements with a modified potential probe technique (MPP) along a 600-meter-long transect to demonstrate the general feasibility of this method for studying the static electric field distribution over shallow conductivity anomalies.Field measurements were carried out on a test site on top of the Bramsche Massif near Osnabrück (Northwest Germany) to benefit from a variety of available near surface data over an almost vertical conductivity anomaly. High resolution self-potential data served in a numerical analysis to estimate the expected individual components of the electric field vector.During the experiment we found more anomalies in the vertical and horizontal components of the electric field than self-potential anomalies. These contrasting findings are successfully cross-validated with conventional near surface geophysical methods. Among these methods, we used self-potential, radiomagnetotelluric, electric resistivity tomography and induced polarization data to derive 2D conductivity models of the subsurface in order to infer the geometrical properties and the origin of the conductivity anomaly in the survey area. The presented study demonstrates the feasibility of electric field measurements in free air to detect and study near surface conductivity anomalies. Variations in Ez correlate well with the conductivity distribution obtained from resistivity methods. Compared to the self-potential technique, continuously free air measurements of the electric field are more rapid and of better lateral resolution combined with the unique ability to analyze vertical components of the electric field which are of particular importance to detect lateral conductivity contrasts. Mapping Ez in free air is a good tool to precisely map lateral changes of the electric field distribution in areas where SP generation fails. MPP offers interesting application in other geophysical techniques e.g. in time domain electromagnetics, DC and IP.With this method we were able to reveal a ca. 150 m broad zone of enhanced electric field strength.  相似文献   

岩石破裂过程中的超低频电磁异常   总被引:34,自引:2,他引:34       下载免费PDF全文
震前电磁场和大地自电位的异常是重要的地震前兆现象.在零磁空间对超低频段的磁场和自电位的变化进行了岩石破裂的实验研究,细致地揭示出电场、磁场出现异常变化的全过程,对深入认识超低频电磁信号的微观机理具有重要的意义.实验发现,岩石受力后应变、电位和磁场的缓慢变化在空间分布上是首先在近破裂源处出现,继而随裂纹的发展而改变位置;在时间序列上先出现自电位异常,然后是超低频磁场的变化;在异常形态上,超低频电磁信号呈现出早期、中期、晚期3个阶段的明显差异.研究表明,岩石微破裂引起裂隙尖端处的电荷分离. 静电荷在局部区域的积累和运移,导致了自电位的脉冲状变化;而在主破裂阶段,积累电荷的急速运动形成瞬间电流,激发了脉冲式的磁场异常.本文详细介绍了这一综合实验的技术步骤和观测结果,并对地震电磁前兆的微观机理进行了探讨.   相似文献   

The self-potential (S.P.) method, often employed in base-metal exploration, has successfully been applied to volcanological problems.Test surveys on the site of Mount Etna (Sicily) have revealed some positive anomalies as high as a few hundred millivolts over recent and old eruptive fissures. The S.P. technique allows one to determine the precise location of the fissures.The interpretation of the geophysical results (including S.P.), taking into account the structure of Mount Etna, has shown two important zones upon which several S.P. investigations have been carried out.Studies of the causes of these S.P. anomalies have shown the importance of the streaming potential as the principal source mechanism.  相似文献   

The renewed interest in the self-potential method of exploration for mineral deposits gives an understanding of the self-potential mechanism new importance. The cause of SP anomalies in general lies in the interference between simultaneously occurring nonequilibrium phenomena. However, theories of the mechanism of mineral SP anomalies generally relate the SP anomaly to the equilibrium potential of the chemical reaction supposed to occur on the ore body surface. In this paper, I reformulate these equilibrium mechanisms in terms of nonequilibrium thermodynamics. The result is that the SP anomaly depends not on the equilibrium potential alone, but also on the potential resulting from current transferred across the ore body—electrolyte interface. It is not possible to calculate the overpotential theoretically because of the number of complicating factors, and experimental data are not available. This does not imply that SP data are uninterpretable quantitatively. SP data may be interpreted similarly to other potential field data.  相似文献   

The anomalies of electric-magnetic field and self-potential before earthquakes are important precursory phenom-ena.A simulating experiment study on the variations in ultra-low frequency(ULF)magnetic field and self-poten-tial during rock cracking was carried out in a magnetic field-free space.The results revealing in detail the whole process of the occurrences of electric and magnetic anomalises are significant for understanding the microscopic mechanism of ULF electric and magnetic signals.The experiment indicated that at the initial stage the slow changes in strain.self-potential and magnetic field with small amounts appeared firstly near the source of initial cracking,and then extended as the crack developed on.In the time domain,the self-potential anomaly emerged first and ULF magnetic field changes arose then.The shape of the ULF electric and magnetic anomaly varied ob-viously in early-,mid-and late-term of the test.The authors attributed the pulse-like changes of self-potential to the generationj and movement of the accumulated electric charges during the cracking caused by charge separation on the crack tips within the sample.While the magnetic pulses of shorter-period at the last stage of the test,may be induced by instantaneous electric current of the accumulated charege during the cracking acceleration.The technical method and the observational results of this experiment are given in detail and the microscopic mechanism of elec-tric and magnetic precursors before earthquake are discussd in the present paper as well.  相似文献   

A large self-potential anomaly was outlined in 1963–64 at Tantahuatay near Hualgayoc in the Andes of northern Peru. Peak value recorded was–1842 millivolts–thus making it one of the strongest, or perhaps the strongest, SP anomaly ever measured. A lack of detailed geological data precludes the formulation of an adequate explanation for the Tantahuatay anomaly, but geological and mineralogical similarities with the well-documented Venencocha anomaly near Cerro de Pasco, Peru (Kruger and Lacy, 1949), suggest that the anomaly arises from sulfuric acid associated with the mineral alunite. The anomaly obviously cannot be explained by the half-cell mechanism of Sato and Mooney (1960), who place a limit of 700 millivolts on self-potential anomalies over sulfide bodies. Further study of the Tantahuatay anomaly would be of interest in understanding self-potential mechanisms in general.  相似文献   

An offshore self-potential array, towed behind a small boat, has recorded anomalies of up to ?300 mV. These anomalies were related to conductive onshore deposits, and appear to be caused by offshore extensions of the deposits. Along with locating onshore deposits and their offshore extensions, the system may be useful for locating offshore deposits with no onshore extension. The background noise level of the system typically is a few tenths of a millivolt, allowing reliable recording of one millivolt gradient anomalies under average sea conditions.  相似文献   

In the present paper is studied the influence of transverse ground anisotropy on the formation of self-potential (SP) anomalies produced by polarized bodies. It is concluded that SP anomalies produced by vertical dipoles of infinite length are displaced in the opposite direction of the dip angle of anisotropy. The equipotential lines are generally ellipses. SP anomalies produced by a vertical dipole of finite length are also displaced, have a negative and a positive centre and present the characteristics of an SP field produced by an inclined dipole in a homogeneous and isotropic ground. In both models, significant errors in the quantitative interpretation of SP anomalies may result from not taking ground anisotropy into account.  相似文献   

A quantitative interpretation method of self-potential field anomalies has been proposed. The method is designed and implemented for the estimation of center depth, electric dipole moment or magnitude of polarization, polarization angle, and geometric shape factor of a buried body from SP field data, related to simple geometric structures such as cylinders, spheres and sheet-like bodies. The proposed method is based on Fair function minimization and also on stochastic optimization modeling. This new technique was first tested on theoretical synthetic data randomly generated by a chosen statistical distribution from a known model with different random noise components. Such mathematical simulation shows a very close agreement between assumed and estimated model parameters. Being theoretically proven, it has been applied and tested on self-potential field data taken from the United States, Germany, India and Turkey. The agreement between results obtained by the suggested method and those obtained by other previous methods is good and comparable. Moreover, the depth obtained by this method is found to be in high accordance with that obtained from drilling information.  相似文献   

Abstract Self-potential variations were measured to estimate the magnitude of electrokinetic and hydrological parameters (zeta potential and permeability) of the Nojima Fault zone in Awaji, Japan. The study observed self-potential variations that seemed to be associated with water flow from the injection well to the fracture zone, which were induced by turning the injection on and off. Amplitudes of the variations were a few to 0.03 V across 320–450 m dipoles. These variations can be explained well with an electrokinetic model. The quantity k/ζ (permeability/zeta potential) is in the range 1.6 × 10−13− 5.4 × 10−13 m2/V. Permeability of the Nojima fault zone can be estimated as approximately 10−16–10−15 m2 on the assumption that the zeta potential is in the range –0.01 to –0.001 V.  相似文献   

In the present paper a new method is proposed for the quantitative interpretation of self-potential anomalies which are produced by a vertical dipole. First the mathematical expression of the wavenumber spectrum of the self-potential anomaly is deduced. It is pointed out that at relatively high wavenumbers the behavior of the amplitude spectrum is controlled by the closer to the surface pole at depth h. On the other hand, the “width” of the amplitude spectrum depends on the depth h and the dipole length L.Making a proper mathematical transformation of the amplitude spectrum, and applying the least squares method, it is possible to calculate the depth to the upper pole. The dipole length may then be calculated, by solving numerically a characteristic algebraic equation, as long as the “width” of the amplitude spectrum has been previously defined.The proposed method is applied on a well known self-potential profile from Greece. The calculated parameters of the polarized body are in good agreement with real data. Experimentation with synthetic models in which random noise was introduced, showed that this method gives reliable results if the noise amplitude is not more than 20% of the signal amplitude. It is clearly more efficient than the methods which are based on the model of the point pole or the dipole with a small length. It can also give good results if the horizontal extensions of the polarized body are not more than a few tenths of the depth of the upper pole. If the polarized body is tilted, the depth of the upper pole can be calculated with satisfactory accuracy.The direct interpretation method which is proposed in the present paper, may be useful in mineral exploration, and particularly if the target of interest is the detection of massive sulfide mineralization.  相似文献   

Summary An entirely new procedure for interpreting selfpotential anomalies of spheres, rods and dipping sheets is presented. The anomaly of a sphere is divided into two parts — the anomaly of odd symmetry and the anomaly of even symmetry — from which the depth can be obtained by fitting them with the master curves. The self-potential anomalies of a finite rod are transformed to the anomalies of a veritcal sheet, for which standard curves are presented. The case of a sheet was divided into three parts; (a) finite line of poles; (b) infinite double line of poles and (c) finite double line of poles. For the first case logarithmic curves were prepared and presented; by their comparison with the field profile, different parameters can be obtained. In the second case, a geometrical construction is provided to obtain the various values. In the third case, the anomalies of finite sheet (finite double line of poles) are transformed into those due to an infinite double line of poles for interpretation.  相似文献   

自然电位、自然伽马测井曲线形态和特征与沉积相带及其储集砂体关系密切,它们对不同岩性地层特征响应十分敏感.利用自然伽马、自然电位同步减小的较大幅度评价识别渗砂层,指示划分水下分流河道主体沉积微相带;利用自然伽马、自然电位减小的幅度差评价识别低渗砂、致密砂层,指示划分水下分流河道堤泛(侧翼)沉积微相带;并以自然电位比自然伽马减小幅度的相对细小差异识别油水层.在安塞油田沿河湾地区长6自然伽马、自然电位曲线划分沉积相带及储层的应用中,建立了自然伽马、自然电位划分储层的下限标准,有效地评价了特低渗透储层沉积微相带及储层类型,提高和扩大了测井曲线的应用及效果.  相似文献   

晋冀蒙交界地区强震前的电场异常   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
分析了晋冀蒙交界地区3次6级以上地震前的电场变化,发现各台异常具有如下相似特征:1)异常形态绝大部分为阶变类型,即突升(或突降)-转平-突降(或突升)型;2)异常具有非常明显的短临特征,统计的10次异常中有9次在震前1个月内存在异常;3)异常的持续性,即地震发生后异常持续一段时间就突然恢复到原来的水平,同震结束的现象较少;4)单测向异常,即强震前一般只在台站的1个测向出现异常,文中研究的异常信息多出现在NW或EW方向,与震中方位有关;5)异常幅度与震级及震中距密切相关。最后,通过与水位资料进行对比分析,认为这类异常与地下流体的运移关系密切  相似文献   

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