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Leone Melluso  John J. Mahoney  Luigi Dallai   《Lithos》2006,89(3-4):259-274
Near-primitive picritic basalts in the northwestern Deccan Traps have MgO > 10 wt.% and consist of two groups (low-Ti and high-Ti) with markedly different incompatible element and Nd–Sr–Pb isotope characteristics. Many elemental characteristics of the low-Ti picritic basalts are similar to those of transitional or normal ocean ridge basalts. However, values of ratios like Ba/Nb (13–30) and Ce/Pb (4–11), and isotopic ratios (e.g., εNd(t) + 0.3 to − 6.3, (207Pb/204Pb)t 15.63–15.75 at (206Pb/204Pb)t 18.19–18.84, δ18Oolivine as high as + 6.2‰) are far-removed from ocean-ridge-type values, indicating a significant contribution from continental crust. The crustal signature could represent crustal contamination of ascending magmas; alternatively, it could represent a minor component within the Indian lithospheric mantle of anciently subducted sedimentary material or fluids derived from subducted material. In contrast, the high-Ti picritic basalts are chemically and isotopically rather similar to recent shield lavas of the Réunion hotspot (e.g., εNd(t) + 2 to + 4) and to volcanic rocks along the postulated pre-Deccan track of this hotspot in Pakistan. Neither type of picritic basalt is parental to the voluminous flows comprising the bulk of the Deccan Traps. However, many of the Deccan primary magmas could have been derived from mixtures of a high-Ti-type, Réunion-like source component and a component more similar to, or even more incompatible-element-depleted than, average ocean-ridge mantle.  相似文献   

Tholeiitic lavas forming a flood basalt sequence of 870 m thicknessat Toranmal in the northern Deccan Traps have a large rangein isotopic ratios [  相似文献   

Detailed chemical and mineralogical data are given for three sequences of basalts and picrite basalts from bore-holes in Western India. The picrite basalts show bulk compositional variation generated by the fractionation of olivine and chromite. Evolved picrite basalt magma appears to have given rise to basalt by the fractionation of olivine+clinopyroxene, despite the presence of abundant plagioclase phenocrysts. It is suggested that a slow settling rate for plagioclase relative to clinopyroxene and olivine is sufficient to account for this feature. The high degree of equilibrium crystallisation which many of the lavas have apparently undergone is interpreted in terms of the mechanism of compensated crystal settling (Cox and Bell, 1972). Experimentally determined atmospheric pressure phase relations are used to model dyke-like magma chambers in some detail. Finally volumetric and age relationships are used to argue that the picrite basalts, despite their porphyritic nature, crystallised from ultramafic liquids containing in some cases at least 16% MgO.  相似文献   

A late-stage rift-related tholeiite-alkalic suite of igneous intrusions cut the Deccan Traps lavas at the western Indian continental margin. The suite comprises intrusives that can be grouped into ten lithotypes on the basis of their mutual relationships. Tholeiitic types predate the alkaline rocks and greatly predominate, however, the alkaline members exhibit more diversity in mineralogy and chemistry, and are amongst the rare magmatic rocks from the Deccan that host both mantle and lower crustal xenoliths. The mineralogy of most rock types is dominated by clinopyroxene. The diversity of the alkaline rocks could be mainly accounted for by fractional crystallization and mixing between evolved and primitive melts under varying P-T conditions. Sodic and potassic lamprophyres are amongst the most primitive samples with high Mg #, FeO/MgO < 1, high Cr and also with relatively high Ba, Sr, Zr and Nb. They are the most deeply derived magmas within the Deccan Traps as is evident from the mantle and lower crustal xenoliths entrained by them. They possibly represent low degree melts of incompatible element-enriched mantle source rocks. The nephelinites are strongly porphyritic and despite their high Mg #s can be regarded as evolved magmas that have been responsible for the formation of the tephriphonolite daughter. The nephelinites have undergone contamination by lower crustal granulites. The composite intrusions of microdiorites with their complexly zoned mineralogy dominated by plagioclase and amphiboles/micas represent hybrid rocks that have resulted from mixing between tholeiitic and trachytic melts partly at depth and partly at shallow crustal levels.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2001,4(3):427-436
The ‘Three Phenocryst Basalts’ (TPB) from Pavagadh hill constitute one of the most primitive basalts in Deccan traps. Electron microprobe analyses of phenocryst minerals from the TPB reveal that the Fo % of olivine varies from 89 to 68, the clinopyroxene grains are diopside/salite or augite and the Cr# [Cr/(Cr+Al)] in spinel is about 0.65. The An content of feldspar varies from 63 to 67. The mineral chemical data allow us to infer that olivine and spinel crystallized early, and when olivine attained Fo76–73%, the crystallization of clinopyroxene was initiated. Plagioclase crystallization occurred at the late stage. It is indicated that the source region of the TPB may possibly be undepleted mantle (lherzolite zone) at about 85 km depth and 27 kbar pressure, where Cr# of spinel is about 0.47.  相似文献   

Petrology and Geochemistry of Mantle Peridotite Xenoliths from SE China   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
Geochemical data on Type I spinel peridotite and garnet peridotitexenoliths in Cenozoic basalts from SE China demonstrate thatthe lithospheric mantle under this region is heterogeneous.The depletion and enrichment shown by these peridotite xenolithsare not related to their locations as suggested earlier. Samplesfrom individual localities, at the continental margin or thecontinental interior, show large variational ranges from depletedharzburgite to fertile Iherzolite. The measured Nd and Sr isotopiccompositions of clinopyroxene separates range from Nd 49 to160 and from 87Sr/86Sr 070256 to 070407, respectively. Thedepleted signatures of Sr and Nd isotopic compositions and major-elementcontents (low CaO and Al2O3 in most xenoliths require an olddepletion event, probably mid-Proterozftic, and the enrichmentof LREE in the depleted peridotites implies a young metasomaticevent shortly before Cenozoic magmatism. Major-element compositionsof the peridotite xenoliths are controlled largely by the degreeof partial melting, and the extra fertile peridotites (highCaO and Al2O3) are probably the products of interaction betweenperidotites and a basaltic component. The equilibrium P–Tconditions, determined from coexisting mineral phases, indicatethat these xenoliths equilibrated over a wide P–T range,from 770 to 1250 C and from 10 to 27 kbar. Calculated oxygenfugacities for most spinel peridotites range from near the FMQbuffer to 25 log units below. The late-stage metasomatism didnot change the redox state in the upper mantle. *Corraponding author  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2002,5(3):649-665
The Mandla lobe in the eastern part of the Deccan volcanic province represents an isolated lava pile having a thickness of ∼900 m. The large thickness of this lava pile and its spatial detachment from the western Deccan outcrop points to a plausible second source. The stratigraphic configuration of the central and eastern Deccan lava sequences and their possible stratigraphic correlation are primarily based on geology and chemical signatures of the lava flows. Based on variations in the incompatible element ratios, the lava sequences of Chindwara, Jabalpur-Seoni and Jabalpur-Piparia sections were classified into four informal formations showing similarity with the southwestern formations. Major and trace element abundances in fifteen lava flows of Jabalpur area are similar to that of the southwestern Deccan lava flows. It has been found that the Ambenali Fm. and a few Khandala and Bushe Fm. flows are present in the northeastern Deccan. The regional mapping and detailed petrographic studies coupled with the lateral tracing have enabled the recognition of thirty-seven physically distinct lava flows and is justified by their major-elemental chemistry. The ‘intraflow variations’ studied in some of the flows is very low for most of the major oxides. These thirty-seven lava flows are grouped into eight chemical types. The order of superposition in this sequence reflects that the older flows occur in the west of the outlier at the Seoni-Jabalpur-Sahapura sector whereas, the younger flows are confined to the Dindori-Amarkantak sector in the east. The spatial disposition of the lava flows suggests that the structural complexity in the lava flow sequence in the Mandla lobe lies between Jabalpur and Dindori. The juxtaposition of distinct groups of lava flows are observed near Deori (flows 1 to 4 abeted aginst flows 5 to 14) and Dindori areas. At Dindori and towards its south the distinct lava packages (flows 15 to 27 and flows 28 to 37) are juxtaposed along the course of Narmada river. The possible explanation for this could be the presence of four post-Deccan faults at Nagapahar, Kundam, Deori and Dindori areas. The vertical shift of chemically distinct lava packages at different sectors in the outlier contravenes the idea of small regional dip and favours the presence of four NE-SW trending post-Deccan faults. Major geochemical breaks, when traced out from section to section, exhibit shifting in heights by approximately 150 m near Nagapahar and 300 m near Deori and Dindori areas. The field, petrographic and major-oxide data sets considered in conjuction with the magnetic chron reversal heights, support the inference that four faults trending NE-SW are present in the Mandla lobe.A commonality in the mineralo-chemical attributes of the infra (Lametas)-/inter-trappean as well as weathered Deccan basalt further favours their derivation from Deccan basalt, implying the availability of Deccan basalt during the Maastrichtian Lameta sedimentation. This observation does not match with the models suggesting an extremely short duration of Deccan volcanism (<0.5 Ma) at the KTB, but is congruent with the models advocating a more prolonged Deccan volcanism.  相似文献   

A potassium-rich Alkalic Suite from the Deccan Traps,Rajpipla, India   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The Rajpipla Alkalic Suite is the most potassium-enriched group of basaltic rocks so far described from the Deccan Traps. In the same area however early tholeiitic flows and late tholeiitic dykes show the potassium-poor nature characteristic of most Deccan Trap magmas. The rocks of the alkalic suite are highly porphyritic and their major element variation can be interpreted in terms of crystal fractionation dominated by clinopyroxene. Plagioclase, which is an important phenocryst phase, has fractionated only in relatively small amounts as a result of a lack of density contrast between it and the liquids. A dyke-like form for the magma chambers in which fractionation has taken place is postulated to account for the abundance of highly porphyritic types. The Rajpipla area is also notable as being one of the few Deccan localities where rhyolites are found.Abbreviations AB ankaramitic basalt - PB porphyritic basalt - PTB porphyritic trachybasalt - FPM feldsparphyric mugearite - M mugearite - TR trachyte - P. RHY potassic rhyolite - Th. B. tholeiitic basalt - Th. D. tholeiitic dolerite - Af alkali feldspar  相似文献   

The Deccan Traps or the basalts of western India are the largest exposure of basic lava flows covering about 500,000 km2. Groundwater occurrence in the Deccan Traps is in phreatic condition in the weathered zone above the hard rock and in semi-confined condition in the fissures, fractures, joints, cooling cracks, lava flow junctions and in the inter-trappean beds between successive lava flows, within the hard rock. Dug wells, dug-cum-bored wells and boreholes or bore wells are commonly used for obtaining groundwater. The yield is small, usually in the range of 1–100 m3/day. The average land holding per farming family is only around 2 ha. Recently, due to the ever increasing number of dug wells and deep bore wells, the water table has been falling in several watersheds, especially in those lying in the semi-arid region of the traps, so that now the emphasis has shifted from development to sustainable management. Issues like climatic change, poverty mitigation in villages, sustainable development, rapid urbanization of the population, and resource pollution have invited the attention of politicians, policy makers, government agencies and non-governmental organizations towards watershed management, forestation, soil and water conservation, recharge augmentation and, above all, the voluntary control of groundwater abstraction in the Deccan Traps terrain.  相似文献   

ADAM  JOHN 《Journal of Petrology》1990,31(6):1201-1223
Sodic basalts of Oligocene-Early Micene age occur within anEarly Tertiary graben in the Oatlands district of Tasmania.They include olivine tholeiites, alkali olivine basalts, basanites,transitional nephelinites, nepheline hawaiites, and nephelinemugearites. They have compositional characteristics in commonwith sodic alkaline basalt suites from other parts of the world.With decreasing SiO2, concentrations of CaO, alkalis, P2O5,and incompatible trace elements increase. Compositional and experimental data for the basalts are consistentwith their derivation by polybaric partial melting of a garnetlherzolite source enriched in P2O5, light rare earths, Nb, andother incompatible trace elements. Experimental data for a primitivenepheline basanite from the Oatlands district indicate thatconcentrations of H2O+CO2 need not have been more than 6?5 wt.%for the original basanite magma to have derived from an amphibole-bearinggarnet lherzolite source. In the case of more SiO2-undersaturatedolivine melilitites from the neighbouring Central Plateau, theexperimental evidence is consistent with either higher concentrationsof H2O+CO2 (approaching 14 wt.%), or higher pressures of origin(>35 kb). Petrographic and geochemical evidence suggeststhat the latter is the more probable of the alternatives.  相似文献   

汉诺坝玄武岩中地幔岩捕掳体REE和Sr,Nd同位素地球化学   总被引:20,自引:3,他引:20  
刘丛强  解广轰 《岩石学报》1996,12(3):382-389
本文报道汉诺坝玄武岩中地幔岩捕掳体的REE丰度和Sr、Nd同位素组成。不同岩石类型的REE配分模式和同位素组成反映地幔部分熔融程度和交代作用过程。二辉橄榄岩亏损轻稀土,是原始地幔经不同程度部分熔融的残留体。方辉橄榄岩具U型REE配分模式,是强烈亏损的地幔岩被熔体非化学平衡交代的结果。二辉岩脉状体富轻、中稀土,它同与脉状体接触的二辉橄榄岩可达化学平衡或近于化学平衡,而二辉岩脉状体的形成与玄武岩岩浆无成因关系。据对二辉岩脉状体和不含脉状体橄榄岩的Sm-Nd同位素定年,这种脉状体形成于300Ma左右。  相似文献   

中国东南部浙江境内分布有大量新生代板内玄武岩,这些玄武岩的分布受到三条北东—南西向的断裂控制,将浙江玄武岩分为西部、中部、东部三个区域。其中,出露于浙江西部江山-绍兴断裂带的建德玄武岩是浙江境内最古老的新生代玄武岩(约40 Ma)。为进一步认识浙江境内新生代岩浆作用的本质,测定了建德玄武岩的元素组成和Sr、Nd、Hf、Pb同位素组成,并在与浙江境内其它新生代玄武岩对比的基础上,探讨它们之间的成因联系。建德玄武岩为碧玄岩,与浙江西部其它新生代玄武岩一样,碱性程度明显高于浙江中部和东部的新生代玄武岩(以弱碱性的碱性橄榄玄武岩和拉斑玄武岩为主)。这些玄武岩具有较低的SiO2 (41.3~42.3 wt%)和Al2O3(9.70~12.6 wt%)含量,较高的MgO(8.90~15.6 wt%)、CaO(8.92~12.1 wt%)、TiO2(2.78~3.18 wt%)和Fe2O3T(14.1~16.2 wt%)含量以及较高的Ca/Al(1.02~1.16)比值。不相容微量元素组成上与火成碳酸岩具有亲缘性,即蛛网图上表现为明显的K、Zr、Hf、Ti的负异常(Hf/Hf*=0.74~0.77, Ti/Ti*=0.70~0.74),同时具有高的Zr/Hf比值(48.5~50.1),表明其地幔源区含有碳酸盐组分。建德玄武岩具有亏损的Sr-Nd-Hf同位素组成(87Sr/86Sr=0.7032~0.7034, εNd=5.85~5.95, εHf=7.78~8.56)和较高的206Pb/204Pb(18.491~18.554)、207Pb/204Pb(15.488~15.518)和208Pb/204Pb(38.387~38.523)比值。相比浙江中部和东部玄武岩,浙江西部玄武岩及建德玄武岩具有更高的碱含量、不相容微量元素含量、La/Yb比值和更明显的K、Zr、Hf、Ti负异常,表明浙江西部玄武岩是碳酸盐化地幔低程度熔融的产物。浙江新生代玄武岩的Ti/Ti*与Ba/Th、K/La比值之间较好的正相关性表明其源区存在两端元混合的特征。其中,以浙江西部玄武岩(包括建德玄武岩)为代表的地幔端元是由含碳酸盐的再循环洋壳熔融产生的碳酸盐熔体与亏损地幔反应形成的碳酸盐化地幔,以较低的Ba/Th、K/La和Ti/Ti*比值为特征。以浙江东部玄武岩为代表的地幔端元具有和碳酸盐化地幔端元互补的、较高的Ba/Th、K/La和Ti/Ti*比值,代表熔融残余的再循环洋壳。因此,浙江新生代玄武岩的地幔源区是不均一的,这种不均一性主要是由具有成因联系的两种端元组分所控制。  相似文献   

Electronic microprobe analyses for olivine, clinopyroxene and Cr-spinel in picrites, which we have discovered recently in the Emeishan continental flood basalt province (ECFBP), show that the olivine is rich in Mg, and that Cr-spinel is rich in Cr. Based on the olivine-melt equilibrium, the primary parental melt compositions are calculated. The high-Mg olivine-hosted picrite can be regarded as parental melt. Thus, the melting temperature and pressure are estimated: T=1600℃ and P=4.5 GPa. It suggests that the picrites are connected with the activity of mantle plumes. Their major element composition is comparable to many other CFBs by their high Fe8, (CaO/Al2O3)8 and low Na8, indicating a high pressure. All rocks display a similar chondrite-normalized REE patterns, i.e., enrichment of LREE, relative depletion of HFSE and absence of negative Nb and Ta but depletion in P and K. Some incompatible element ratios, such as La/Ta, La/ Sm, (La/Nb)PM, (Th/Ta)PM, are in a limited range, show that they were derived  相似文献   

Detailed studies by submersible were carried out in the axialzone of the Red Sea Rift near 18?N during the Soviet Red Seaexpedition of the Oceanological Institute of the Academy ofSciences (December 1979–March 1980). The initial bathymetric,magnetic and seismic surveys established the general organizationof the symmetric tectonic steps (1–3) descending towardsthe axial rift. The 4–5 km wide inner floor of the riftwas explored during 21 dives. It is occupied by 100–300m high, young pillowed volcanoes, isolated or grouped to formelongated hills, frequently cut by open fissures except in thezone of most recent extrusion. The 42 samples collected are typical plagioclase ? olivine ?clinopyroxene ? spinel, more or less porphyritic mid-ocean ridgebasalts whose compositions were mainly controlled by polybaricfractionation of plagioclase, olivine and minor clinopyroxene.They have been separated into porphyritic and sub-aphyric groupsusing modes and mineralogical criteria. Mineral-liquid equilibria,crystal zonation, and modal proportions indicate some magmamixing but probably only of closely related magma batches withineach described group, as can occur inside a single magma chamber.Crystal accumulation is believed to have played a significantrole in only a few porphyritic samples. Three sub-groups (from less to more evolved; (a) FeO*/MgO<1?22;(b) 1?16<FeO*/MgO < 1?48; and (c)FeO*/MgO>1?49) weredistinguished on the basis of glass and whole-rock major elementchemistry. Glass compositions follow the multisaturated cotectic-likecurve for MORB-type basalts and show a general evolution verycomparable to what is observed on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge near36?N, but arc less diverse than in the FAMOUS area. 87Sr/86Sr,143Nd/144Nd, and 206Pb/204Pb data for 4 samples show strongsimilarities to those from the Mid-Atlantic and East PacificRidges, and indicate no continental contamination despite thefact that they have been produced during recent continentalbreak-up and ocean opening. 206Pb/204Pb values, Th/Ta vs. Th/Tbcorrelations, and rare earth element patterns allow recognitionof three different groups of samples, indicating that the RedSea Rift near 18?N is fed by a heterogeneous mantle source.The chondrite-normalized LREE.  相似文献   

Flow mapping and physical volcanology of 15 basaltic lavas exposed in three critical road pass sections (ghats) in the Koyna-Warna region of the western Deccan Traps is presented in this paper. Transitional lavas like rubbly pahoehoe are most common morpho-type exposed in these ghat sections. Sinking of rubbly breccia into flow interiors and formation of breccia-cored rosette are common in some lava flows. Few rubbly lavas exhibit slabby tendencies. The amount and nature of the associated rubble is variable and result from the mechanical fracturing and auto-brecciation of the upper vesicular crust in response to distinctive stages in the cooling, crystallization and emplacement history of individual lava flows. Occurrence of aa and pahoehoe morpho-types in the lava flow sequence is subordinate. Three prominent pahoehoe flows separated by red bole horizons are seen in the upper parts of the Kumbharli ghat. These are thick, P-type sheet pahoehoe. The pahoehoe lavas represent compound flow fields that grew by budding, endogenous lava transfer and inflation. Presence of pahoehoe lavas in the Koyna-Warna region hints at possible hitherto unrecorded southern extension of Bushe-like flow fields. This study reconfirms the existence of pahoehoe-slabby-rubbly-aa flow fields and transitions even in the upper echelons of the Deccan Trap stratigraphy. The study of morphology and internal structure of lava flows exposed at the ghat sections in the Koyna-Warna region could guide subsurface core-logging that is critical in deciphering the physical volcanology and emplacement dynamics of basaltic lava flows penetrated by drill holes sunk under the scientific deep drilling programme.  相似文献   

Tertiary to Recent continental rifting and sea floor spreadingformed the Red Sea. Mantle xenoliths from the Saudi ArabianRed Sea margin provide an opportunity to study the mantle beneaththe flanks of this young ocean basin. The Harrat al Kishb mantlexenolith suite consists of Cr-diopside group spinel harzburgiteand lherzolite mantle wall rock, and a variety of pyroxenitesproduced by crystallization from mafic magmas within the mantle.The pyroxenites include two texturally distinct varieties ofCr-diopside group spinel websterites, and Al-augite group spinelpyroxenite, garnet-spinel websterite, and garnet-bearing spinelclinopyroxenite. All Harrat al Kishb xenoliths are deformedto some degree and many are recrystallized. Mineral exsolutionand zoning textures indicate reequilibration to decreasing temperatureconditions. Several xenoliths provide evidence for metasomaticprocesses in the mantle beneath western Saudi Arabia. Estimates of peridotite temperatures are 900–980?C withpressure bracketed between 13 and 19 kb. Al-augite spinel pyroxenitesyield temperatures of 1050–1070?C. Garnet-spinel websteritesyield temperatures and pressures in the range 1000–1030?C,13.8–16.5 kb. These P-T estimates show that mantle temperatures are elevatedwell above those predicted by low surface heat flow measurements.Mantle heating associated with rifting is young enough thatsurface heat flow has not yet equilibrated. The xenolith dataare consistent with a model of asthenosphere upwelling beneaththe Red Sea rift. Comparison of xenolith data with existingseismic refraction data reveals a coherent picture of the compositionof the western Saudi Arabian lithosphere.  相似文献   

The South Auckland Volcanic Field is a Pleistocene (1·59–0·51Ma) basaltic intraplate, monogenetic field situated south ofAuckland City, North Island, New Zealand. Two groups of basaltsare distinguished based on mineralogy and geochemical compositions,but no temporal or spatial patterns exist in the distributionof various lava types forming each group within the field: GroupA basalts are silica-undersaturated transitional to quartz-tholeiiticbasalts with relatively low total alkalis (3·0–4·6wt %), Nb (7–29 ppm), and (La/Yb)N (3·4–7·6);Group B basalts are strongly silica-undersaturated basanitesto nepheline-hawaiites with high total alkalis (3·3–7·9wt %), Nb (32–102 ppm), and (La/Yb)N (12–47). GroupA has slightly higher 87Sr/86Sr, similar Nd, and lower 206Pb/204Pbvalues compared with Group B. Contrasting geochemical trendsand incompatible element ratios (e.g. K/Nb, Zr/Nb, Ce/Pb) areconsistent with separate evolution of Groups A and B from dissimilarparental magmas derived from distinct sub-continental lithosphericmantle sources. Differentiation within each group was controlledby olivine and clinopyroxene fractionation. Group B magmas weregenerated by <8% melting of an ocean island basalt (OIB)-likegarnet peridotite source with high 238U/204Pb mantle (HIMU)and enriched mantle (EMII) characteristics possibly inheritedfrom recycled oceanic crust. Group A magmas were generated by<12% melting of a spinel peridotite source also with HIMUand EMII signatures. This source type may have resulted fromsubduction-related metasomatism of the sub-continental lithospheremodified by a HIMU plume. These events were associated withMesozoic or earlier subduction- and plume-related magmatismwhen New Zealand was at the eastern margin of the Gondwana supercontinent. KEY WORDS: continental intraplate basalts; geochemistry; HIMU, EMII; Sr, Nd, and Pb isotopes; South Auckland; sub-continental lithospheric sources  相似文献   

The paper reports the results of SIMS and SEM-EDS study of rock-forming minerals from melt pockets in the central part of a spinel peridotite xenolith taken from Quaternary alkaline basalts of Sverre Volcano in the northwestern part of West Spitsbergen Island. Olivine and clinopyroxene are analyzed to trace changes related to the metasomatic interaction between spinel lherzolite and a carbonate melt with formation of corresponding secondary minerals and silicate glass. It is established that the metasomatic interaction of the carbonate melt with minerals of host spinel lherzolite is accompanied by partial recrystallization of olivine and clinopyroxene, or crystallization of the second generation of these minerals. Percolating carbonate melt caused significant changes in the major, trace, and rare-earth element composition of the considered minerals, thus placing constraints on the use of the composition of these minerals for calculation of PT parameters, estimating equilibrium, and modeling petrological processes in mantle.  相似文献   

Type I (Cr-diopside group) peridotite xenoliths occur abundantlyat four volcanic vents (Szentb?k?lla, Szigliget, Bondor?-hegy,G?rce) in the Transdanubian Volcanic Region of Hungary (TVR).They comprise four-phase spinel Iherzolites and spinel harzburgites.The only additional phase a brown amphibole in some of the nodulesfrom Szigliget. Protogranular and equigranular textures prevailexcept at G?rce where porphyroclastic textures predominate.Attention has been focused however, on a rarer textural typedisplaying spherical, subhedral, or rarely even euhedral spinelinclusions in silicate phases (special group xenoliths). Major and trace element data permit the reconstruction of severalmantle events and provide indications of the nature and dimensionsof heterogeneities in the lithospheric mantle beneath the TVR.The most important events in their supposed order of time aresummarized as follows: (A) An old depletion event evidencedby LREE abundances in diopside (Type IA xenoliths) (B) laterenrichment in LREE and other LIL elements (Type IB xenoliths);(C) hydrous metasomatism bringing about the formation of amphibole;(D) magmatic introduction of Type II (Al-augite group) materialand related chemical exchange reactions with cool mantle rocks;and (E) veining of the uppcr mantle by plagioclase-free amphibolite(probably slightly prior to the volcanic eruptions). In addition,in our interpretation special group xenoliths indicate an ancientmagmatic event. As evidence we can mention: (1) textural featureswhich may be connected with generation of cumulates and whichare associated with (2) anomalous bulk rock and phase chemistry(as compared with most published data) such as: (a) a generallow abundance of Al; (b) high Cr in the spinel phase; (c) unusuallyhigh contents of Fe3+ in spinel; (d) anomalous distributionof Al between enstatite and diopside; and (e) other disequilibriumfeatures such as the lack of the expected correlation of majorelements with mg-value or important departures from the correlationlines. These peculiarities suggest that the special group xenolithsprobably reflect crystal accumulation rather than an equilibriumpartial melting process.  相似文献   

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