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Meteorological tsunamis are frequently observed in different tide stations at the southeastern coast of South America. They are associated with the occurrence of atmospheric gravity waves during the passages of cold fronts over the Buenos Aires Province continental shelf. On the other hand, storm surges are also frequent in the region, and they are associated with strong and persistent southerlies, which are also frequent during cold front passages. The impact of meteorological tsunamis in coastal erosion and in the statistics of storm surge trends is discussed in this paper. For this study, fifteen meteorological tsunamis (with maximum wave heights higher than 0.20 m), seven of them simultaneous to the occurrence of storm surge events (with extreme levels higher than |±0.60 m|), are selected from April 2010 to January 2013. The impact of meteorological tsunamis in the storm erosion potential index (SEPI) is evaluated. Not significant differences are obtained between SEPI calculated with and without filtering the meteorological tsunami signal from the storm surge data series. Moreover, several experiments are carried out computing SEPI from synthetic sea level data series, but very low changes (lower than 4 %) are also obtained. It is concluded that the presence of moderate meteorological tsunamis on sea level records would not enhance this index at the Buenos Aires Province coast. On the other hand, taking into account that meteorological tsunamis can reach up the 20–30 % of the storm surge height, it was concluded that the statistics of storm surge trends (and their uncertainties) should be revised for Mar del Plata data series.  相似文献   

Perez  Iael  Wörner  Stefania  Dragani  Walter  Bacino  Guido  Medina  Rubén 《Natural Hazards》2020,103(2):2339-2354
Natural Hazards - Comets, meteorites, or asteroids impacting against the Earth are not unusual events. Such impacts on the ocean could produce tsunamis which can reach coastal areas. This paper...  相似文献   

This work studies the water quality of the Pergamino–Arrecifes River zone in the Rolling Pampa, northeast Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. Temperature, pH, specific conductivity, Na, K, Mg, Ca, , Cl, , , Si, Ag, Al, As, B, Ba, Be, Br, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Li, Mn, Mo, Ni, P, Pb, Se, Tl, U, V, Zn, and the environmental stable δ18O and δ2H isotope ratios were determined in 18 sampling stations. Natural and anthropogenic features influence surface and groundwater quality. Point pollution sources (septic wells and other domestic and farming effluents) increase the nitrate concentration. The values of pH, , Al, As, B, Fe, and Mn exceed the respective Argentine reference thresholds in different sampling stations for human drinking water; B, Mo, U, and V for irrigation; and V and Zn for cattle consumption.  相似文献   

Spatial variations of fluoride concentration in groundwater in the town of Saldungaray, Argentina affect water quality for human supply and decrease the aquifer reserves. The study region is a piedmont area, located near a hill area (west) and the fluvial valley of the Sauce Grande River (east). Two hydrogeological units can be identified: bedrock and clastic sediments. These sediments consist of sandy silt with a variable amount of calcium carbonate. Its greatest thickness occurs near the river where it is 60 m. Groundwater flow coincides with topography. Fresh water is exploited from this unit and it has low salt contents (dissolved solids 400 to 800 mg/l). Fluoride concentration varies between 0.2 and 5 mg/l. The groundwater flow and hydrogeological characteristics related to spatial variations of fluoride content are analyzed. The quality of water is a critical parameter in determining the overall quality of human lives, and the occurrence of high fluoride concentrations can have a pronounced impact on groundwater quality.  相似文献   

The present study fills a gap in the knowledge in regards to the occurrence of banned pesticides at both coastal and inland locations at the Southwest Buenos Aires region, Argentina. Superficial sediment and soil samples were collected from different sites along the Bahia Blanca Estuary and surrounding sites to assess the concentration levels and spatial distribution of 12 selected organochlorine pesticides (OCs); 13 spatial locations including inland and shore-coast were sampled to evaluate occurrence and concentration levels of hexachlorocyclohexanes α-HCH, β-HCH, δ-HCH, γ-HCH, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane and its degradation products (DDXs: p,p′-DDT, o,p′-DDT, p,p′-DDE, o,p′-DDE, p,p′-DDD, o,p′-DDD) and the polychlorobenzenes PeCB (pentachlorobenzene) and HCB (hexachlorobenzene). After cleaning and extractions steps, samples were analyzed by means of gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. ∑OCs (sum of all studied compounds) ranged between 0.206 and 1040 ng g?1 dw (mean?=?82.4 and SD?=?277 ng g?1 dw). Total HCHs (sum of α-HCH, β-HCH, γ-HCH and δ-HCH) ranged from 0.0858 to 0.876 ng g?1 dw (mean?=?0.43 and SD?=?0.23 ng g?1 dw), DDXs (sum of p,p′and o,p′ isomers) from 0.080 to 1040 ng g?1 dw (mean?=?81.3 and SD?=?277 ng g?1 dw). Lower concentrations were found for PeCB (mean?=?0.095 and SD 0.17 ng g?1 dw) and HCB (mean?=?0.56 and SD 1.7 ng g?1 dw). Principal component analysis (PCA) permitted the extraction of underlying information about common factors, providing an overview of the distribution of pesticides and allowing the characterization of sites in regards to the major pesticide signature.  相似文献   

Environmental magnetic techniques were applied to a loess–paleosol sequence of the Chacopampean plain (Buenos Aires, Argentina). Mineral magnetic carriers and their grain size were identified in order to detect magnetic mineral fluctuations associated with climatic changes. Multidomain magnetite of detrital origin dominates the record. In paleosols, a high coercivity fraction was identified. Horizons with no visual evidence of pedogenesis, but showing magnetic behavior analogous to that of paleosols were observed and are thought to represent environmental conditions similar to those prevailing during paleosol formation.The results suggest that the magnetic signal yielded by paleosols in these South American loess deposits is different from that in the Chinese loess. This may be due to differences in parent materials, diagenetic processes and/or differences in paleoclimatic conditions in both regions.  相似文献   

The study area is located in the Pampean region of Argentina, in the northwest of Buenos Aires Province, covering about 50,000 km2, within an area of great plain with particular hydrologic characteristics, where vertical water movements predominate over horizontal. The objective of this work is the analysis of the relations between different hydrologic scenarios (characterized by the soil water balance and the water table levels) and the yields of soybeans that have been increasing in recent years. It is concluded that water table fluctuations are strongly related to the elements of the local hydrologic balance. On the other hand, the geographic distribution of soybean yields corresponds directly with the values of the soil water reserve during the critical stages of the growth. After dry periods, the lowering of the water table makes access to water from the root zone difficult, and the crop is susceptible to the effects of drought. However, after wetter periods the extra contribution from the water table situated near the surface is favorable for growth, often preventing its deterioration in conditions of drought. Nevertheless, an excessive rise of the water table can produce disadvantages at seedtime and during harvest. The importance of an evaluation of the different scenarios that may have significant implications for agricultural activity is discussed.  相似文献   

The Precambrian Basement Complex rocks as well as the Early to Late Palaeozoic cover sediments of the Sierras Australes were affected by one dominant folding and shearing event verging northeastward during Middle to Late Permian times. Strain estimates point to a minimal flattening and lateral shortening of the sedimentary cover sequence of c.20% and c.24% respectively. Continuing rotational deformation within first and second shear and thrust zones is documented by second and third folding and shearing. To the SW the fold belt changes into a fold and thrust belt where imbrication involves the basement. The deformational events were accompanied and outlasted by anchizonal to greenschist facies metamorphism proven by illite crystallinity and quartz deformation and recrystallization data. A temperature increase from ENE to WSW and also from N to S allowed a more ductile deformation of the rock sequence due to different deformation mechanisms operating. The folding and thrusting events were followed by strike-slip shearing on subvertical shear planes and shear zones under an overall sinistral transpressive regime. A model for the tectonic evolution of the Sierras Australes is proposed and some implications for its setting in the Gondwana reconstruction are given.
Zusammenfassung Das präkambrische Basement sowie die alt- und jungpaläozoischen Deckschichten der Sierras Australes wurden während des Mittl. bis Ob. Perm von einer NE vergenten Faltung und Scherung erfaßt. Strain-Abschätzungen deuten auf eine minimale Plättung und laterale Verkürzung der Sedimentfolge von ca. 20% bzw. 24%. Die fortlaufende relationale Deformation in den ersten und zweiten Scher- und Überschiebungszonen ist durch zweite und dritte Faltung mit Scherung dokumentiert. Der Sierras Australes-Faltengürtel geht nach SW in einen Falten-Überschiebungsgürtel über, dessen nach NE gerichtete Imbrikationen das Basement einbeziehen. Daten der Illit-Kristallinität und Quarz-Deformation/-Rekristallisation zeigen, daß die Deformationen von anchizonaler bis seicht-grünschieferfazieller Metamorphose begleitet und überdauert wurden. Mit der von ENE nach WSW bzw. N nach S zunehmenden Temperierung setzten verschiedene Deformationsmechanismen ein. Sie ermöglichten eine zunehmend duktile Verformung der Gesteinsfolgen. Auf die Faltungen und Auf-/Überschiebungen folgten Lateralverschiebungen an subvertikalen Scherflächen und -zonen unter einem sinistralen transpressiven Regime. Für die tektonische Entwicklung der Sierras Australes wird ein Modell vorgeschlagen, und die Folgerungen für die Stellung in der Gondwana-Rekonstruktion werden angeführt.

Résumé Les roches du socle précambrien ainsi que la couverture sédimentaire éo- à tardi-paléozoïque des Sierras Australes ont été affectées, au cours du Permien moyen à supérieur, d'un plissement et d'un cisaillement à vergence nord-est. Les déformations sont estimées à au moins 20% d'aplatissement et 24% de raccourcissement latéral. Dans la première et la deuxième zone de cisaillement et de charriage, la déformation rotationnelle continue s'exprime par les deuxième et troisième plissements. Vers le SW la ceinture plissée passe à une ceinture plissée et charriée qui comporte des imbrications du socle. Les déformations ont été accompagnées et suivies d'un métamorphisme de faciès d'anchizone à «schistes verts», ainsi qu'en attestent la cristallinité de l'illite et la déformation et recristallisation du quartz. L'accroissement de la température de l'ENE vers l'WSW ainsi que du N vers le S a donné lieu à des mécanismes de déformation de caractère de plus en plus ductile. La phase de plissement et de charriage a été suivie par un régime de cisaillements décrochants sénestres le long de plans et de shear-zones subverticaux. Les auteurs proposent un modèle de l'évolution tectonique des Sierras Australes et discutent de son insertion dans la reconstruction du Gondwana.

NE , . 20 24%. . , , , . : , - . ENE WSW N S, . . . .

Thirty-four pedons on four moraine groups spanning the last 1 myr are used to investigate mechanisms and rates of soil development in Santa Cruz province, Argentina. All soils are coarse-loamy, mesic, Typic Haplocalcids or Calcic Haploxerolls occurring under short grass-shrub steppe, in a semi-arid climate. The dominant soil-forming processes are the accumulation of organic matter, carbonate, and clay-sized particles. Organic carbon accumulates rapidly in these soils, but significantly higher amounts in the oldest two moraine groups are likely the result of slight differences in soil-forming environment or grazing practices. Accumulation rates of carbonate and clay decrease with age, suggesting either decreased influx in the earliest part of the record or attainment of equilibrium between influx and loss. There are no changes in soil redness, and preservation of weatherable minerals in the oldest soils indicates there is little chemical weathering in this environment. Measured dust input explains the accumulation of both clay and carbonate. We present a carbonate cycling model that describes potential sources and calcium mobility in this environment. Calibration of rates of soil formation creates a powerful correlation tool for comparing other glacial deposits in Argentina to the well-dated moraines at Lago Buenos Aires.  相似文献   

The water-table fluctuation (WTF) method is one of the most widely used means to estimate aquifer recharge. In the northeastern coast of the Buenos Aires province, Argentina, the geomorphological and climatic characteristics, as well as the presence of a shallow, homogeneous unconfined aquifer, make it possible to apply this methodology. The relationship between water-table fluctuations and precipitation in a humid climate, considering its seasonal variations, is assessed. Water tables were measured monthly between February 2008 and September 2010 in a monitoring network; rainfall data were analysed. The water table rises when the accumulated precipitation between measurements is more than 53?mm/month in the dry season and more than 97?mm/month in the rainy season. The index, relating water-table fluctuations and precipitation occurring between measurements, shows that values below 0 suggest no increase in the water reserves, whereas higher values entail an increase. In the study area, where there is a lack of historical data, finding out the relationship between water-table fluctuations and precipitation will constitute a tool for groundwater use and management, and set up an early warning system for dry periods. It could also be extrapolated to other regions with similar hydrological conditions lacking in data.  相似文献   

Given the particular hydrogeological setting at Salliqueló County, Western Buenos Aires Province, Argentina, this paper places attention on the lens that supplies fresh water to its capital, Salliqueló. This lens constitutes the most important fresh-water reservoir in the county. It overlies saline waters, and is recharged through high-permeability sandy sediments at a rate that exceeds by far the actual water demand. Restrictions in exploitation are not limited by the total requirement but rather by the flows extracted from individual wells that may generate up-coning of saline waters, with a resulting overall deterioration in quality of the pumped water. The variations in the position of the interface between saline and fresh waters, as related to the change in extraction rates, were obtained by means of a simulation of the flow of two fluids of different densities. Finally, based on the general hydrogeological characterization and on the simulation results, various methods for the management of these fresh-water resources are proposed, such as the deactivation of urban supply wells, the monitoring of the saline interface position, and the establishment of a protection perimeter for the water-supply wells.
Resumen Enmarcado dentro de las características hidrogeológicas generales del partido de Salliqueló, oeste de la provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina, este trabajo se centra en la lente que abastece de agua dulce a Salliqueló, la capital del partido. Esta lente constituye la reserva de agua dulce más importante del partido, se ubica sobre aguas salinas y es recargada a través de sedimentos arenosos de alta permeabilidad a una tasa que excede grandemente los requerimientos de la población. Sin embargo, las restricciones en la explotación no están dadas por las demandas totales sino por las extracciones en perforaciones individuales, que pueden generar ascensos de agua salina con el consiguiente deterioro en la calidad del agua extraída. Las variaciones de la posición de la interfase respecto de los cambios en la explotación fueron obtenidas por medio de la simulación del flujo de dos fluidos de diferente densidad. Finalmente, con base en la caracterización hidrogeológica general y en los resultados de la simulación, se proponen varias medidas para la protección del recurso hídrico, tales como: la desactivación de los pozos de abastecimiento en el ámbito urbano, el control de la posición de la interfase salina y la definición de perímetros de protección de los pozos de abastecimiento, entre otras.

Résumé Etant donné les particularités hydrogéologiques de la région de Salliqueló, ouest de la province de Buenos Aires, Argentine, cet article traite de la lentille deau douce alimentant en eau potable la capitale, Salliqueló. Cette lentille constitue la réserve la plus importante deau douce de la région. Elle se superpose aux eaux salées et est rechargée via les sédiments sableux et perméables, à un taux dépassant largement la demande actuelle en eau. Les restrictions dans lexploitation ne sont pas limitées par la demande totale mais par les débits extraits des forages privés, qui pourraient générer des rabattements induisant des arrivées deaux salées, arrivées qui peuvent dégrader la ressource pompée. Les variations de la position de linterface eau douce–eau salée, en relation avec les taux dexploitation, ont été obtenues en simulant lécoulement de deux fluides de différentes densités. Finalement, sur base dune caractérisation hydrogéologique et des résultats de la simulation, des méthodes variées pour la gestion de la ressource en eau douce sont proposées, entre autre, la désactivation de pompages urbains, suivi de linterface eau douce–eau salée, et la mise en place de zones de protections des captages deau souterraine.

Although not well known, the eco-hydrological functions of deep aquifers (those having no contact with surface hydrological events) play an important role in the hydrological regime because they can affect the type of habitats, the availability of water and nutrients and the salinity of the medium, among other environmental features. This work aims at characterizing the deep Tertiary hydrogeological units of the Salado sedimentary basin in the Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina, at a regional scale, and to determine their environmental importance in the hydrological cycle. The geological characterization of the study area is based on the drilling profiles from oil exploration wells bored by different oil companies between 1948 and 1994, and also from the existing literature. The conclusion is that water exchange between quaternary surface aquifers in contact with atmospheric events and deep tertiary aquifers is one of the main processes that keep the hydrologic balance of the region. Not only is this crucial for the conservation of the numerous and well-developed ecosystems in the basin wetlands, but also significant for the agricultural and cattle-raising activities of the region.  相似文献   

Agricultural practices have been intensified in recent decades in Argentina. The Pampa plain is the main agricultural region of the country. The effect of increased application of agrochemicals on the invertebrate fauna of the Pampasic streams remains unreported. In the present study, we compared the abundance and composition of invertebrate assemblages in seven Pampasic streams with contrasting soil use in their basins. Two streams run through intensively cropped plots, two drain basins with livestock fields, while the other three are located within a biosphere Reserve. Higher nutrient and insecticide concentrations were measured in the streams draining cropped basins, related with pesticide applications and crop fertilization. The invertebrate assemblage composition of the cropped streams differed significantly from the others and between the two. Present evidence suggests that the impact of agrochemicals results in a change in composition with decreased abundance or absence of sensitive species such as Hyalellidae, Caenidae, Baetidae and Curculionidae and increased abundance of more tolerant taxa: Ostracoda, Glossiphoniidae (Hirudinea), Ancylidae (Gundlanchia), Ampullariidae (Pomacea canaliculata), Sphaeriidae and Dugesiidae. Available information suggests that macrophyte cover and composition also influence the invertebrate assemblages of the Pampasic streams.  相似文献   

The Late Pleistocene and Holocene loess deposits of the SE Buenos Aires province are composed of four allostratigraphic units that represent four episodes of loess deposition. The first and the second episodes occurred in Late Pleistocene times. The second episode was followed by a soil forming interval (Early Holocene to Mid-Holocene times). The third episode took place at about 5000 yr BP, after the Holocene sea-level maximum when marine regression began. The fourth episode constitutes a historical event of only local significance.Loess shows a fairly constant granulometric and mineralogical composition. The modal fraction consists of very fine sand and coarse silt (3 to 5 phi). They are classified as sandy silts or silty sands. Three grain-size subpopulations are differentiated: coarse, medium and fine. The medium-size subpopulation, which is the most important, consists of most of the very fine sand and coarse silt. It is thought to be transported by modified saltation and short-term suspension during local dust-storms.The mineralogical composition of loess consists of a volcaniclastic assemblage derived mainly from reworked pyroclastic deposits, primary tephras and volcaniclastic sediments. The source area of these materials was located in the lower Colorado river valley about 400 km SW of the studied area. There was also a direct supply by volcanic ash falls.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a framework for quantifying risks, including (1) the effects of forecast errors, (2) the ability to resolve critical grid features that are important to accurate site-specific forecasts, and (3) a framework that can move us toward performance-based/cost-based decisions, within an extremely fast execution time. A key element presently lacking in previous studies is the interrelationship between the effects of combined random errors and bias in numerical weather prediction (NWP) models and bias and random errors in surge models. This approach examines the number of degrees of freedom in present forecasts and develops an equation for the quantification of these types of errors within a unified system, given the number of degrees of freedom in the NWP forecasts. It is shown that the methodology can be used to provide information on the forecasts and along with the combined uncertainty due to all of the individual contributions. A potential important benefit from studies using this approach would be the ability to estimate financial and other trade-offs between higher-cost “rapid” evacuation methods and lower-cost “slower” evacuation methods. Analyses here show that uncertainty inherent in these decisions depends strongly on forecast time and geographic location. Methods based on sets of surge maxima do not capture this uncertainty and would be difficult to use for this purpose. In particular, it is shown that surge model bias can play a dominant role in distorting the forecast probabilities.  相似文献   

The short and medium-term coastal evolution of Necochea Municipality, Buenos Aires province (Argentina) was studied. The medium-term evolution study was based on aerial photographs from 1967 and 1984, and satellite images from 2004, using the dune or cliff toe as coastline indicator. The short-term evolution was studied from February 2006 to December 2009 by means of seasonal beach profiles and sediment sampling. Results showed that in the medium-term at Necochea, the coastline has remained stable or has advanced. Whereas in the short-term, the analysis has evidenced incipient erosion processes. On the other hand, at Quequén the retreat of the coastline and the negative sedimentary balances (medium and short-term) are clearly indicating an accentuated erosion process. The different degrees of coastal erosion are related in part to beach vulnerability to wave storms but mainly to anthropogenic actions, which have affected the beach sediment supply. These results evidence the necessity to develop a coastal management programme.  相似文献   

Hydrogeochemical behaviour of samples of surface and groundwater collected on a cross-section from Mendoza to the Buenos Aires provinces was studied based on chemical trends, mass balance and water mixing. Hydrogeochemical modelling included major, minor elements as well as stable isotopes (deuterium and 18-O). The area investigated is located in the “Médanos Longitudinales” (longitudinal dunes) of the northwest of Buenos Aires province, Argentina. The study area is subject to alternating flooding and drought. Rainfall and surface water subsequently transferred by rivers, canals and lagoons have been usually considered responsible for local flooding. For this study, origins of excess water were investigated using physical and chemical characteristics of the water involved. The prevalence of groundwater inflow to rainfall events was proposed based on data interpretation. Groundwater influence of flows of local and intermediate nature were defined and the importance of recharge, transit and discharge zones was highlighted. Lagoon floodwater, as well as groundwater from observation wells and production boreholes, show components of intermediate origin. Regional recharge water was identified in Mendoza and San Luis provinces. Their discharge zone was inferred to be located beyond the Buenos Aires province.  相似文献   

The fluctuation of the water table east of La Pampa province and northwest of Buenos Aires province, Argentina, influences agricultural production in the region because it is closely related to the alternation of dry and wet periods. Sea-surface temperature (SST) anomalies have been used as predictors to forecast atmospheric variables in different regions of the world. The objective of this work is to present a simple model to forecast seasonal rainfall using SST distribution in the Pacific Ocean as a predictor. Once the relationship between precipitation and water-table fluctuations was established, a methodology for the prediction of water-table fluctuations was developed. A good agreement between observed and predicted water-table fluctuations was found when estimating water-table fluctuations in the summer and autumn seasons. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Although phytoliths constitute part of the wetland suspended load, there are few studies focused on the quantification of them in the biogenic silica (BSi) pool. So, the aim of this paper is both to determine BSi content (diatoms and phytoliths) and its relationship with dissolved silica in surface waters, and the influence of soil and groundwater Si biogeochemistry in Los Padres wetland (Buenos Aires Province, Argentina). In the basin of the Los Padres wetland, dissolved silica (DSi) concentration is near 840 ± 232 μmol/L and 211.83 ± 275.92 μmol/L in groundwaters and surface waters, respectively. BSi represents an 5.6–22.1% of the total suspension material, and 8–34% of the total mineralogical components of the wetland bottom sediments. DSi and BSi vary seasonally, with highest BSi content (diatoms specifically) during the spring–summer in correlation to the lowest DSi concentration. DSi (660–917.5 μmol/L) and phytolith (3.35–5.84%) concentrations in the inflow stream are higher than in the wetland and its outflow stream (19.1–113 μmol/L; 0.45–3.2%, respectively), probably due to the high phytolith content in soils, the high silica concentration in the soil solution, and the groundwater inflow. Diatom content (5–16.8%) in the wetland and its outflow stream is higher than in the inflow stream (0.45–1.97%), controlling DSi in this system. The understanding of the groundwater–surface water interaction in an area is a significant element for determining the different components and the role that they play on the local biogeochemical cycle of Si.  相似文献   

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