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In this paper we situate the rise of corporate social responsibility in the context of a re-casting of the boundaries between corporate- and state-centred regulation. We argue that this process can be understood in a theoretical framework of “rolling-out” neoliberalisation. We focus firstly upon an emergent CSR consultancy industry within the UK context, demonstrating that there is now a network of organisations dedicated to making profit out of socially-responsible corporate behaviour. These organisations have helped to re-define the nature and meaning of the private sector. Then we interpret global framework agreements on corporate behaviour (such as the UN Global Compact, the Equator Principles, and the World Economic Forum’s Global Corporate Citizenship Initiative) as examples of how neoliberalism is created in and through new “in-between” spaces that set the rules of political action. Subsequently, we note that some NGOs have recently recognised the limits on campaigning for more socially responsible corporate activity, and re-connect these concerns with longer-term debates on corporate voluntarism versus state-centred regulation. We conclude that demonstrating how hegemony is constructed in and through neo-liberalising corporate social responsibility remains to be fully explored, but argue that it is beneficial to consider the diversity of political projects involved in this ongoing process.  相似文献   

浅论办公室管理工作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张卫星 《矿产与地质》2001,15(Z1):663-667
紧紧围绕本单位发展总目标,为经济工作的改革发展服务,是办公室工作的中心点,即是办公室工作的出发点,也是办公室工作的落脚点.办公室工作具有头绪多,节奏快,政策性强三个突出特点.办公室是中枢神经系统,要把大脑的指令传递给四肢,又要把四肢的信息反馈给大脑,以便让大脑及时调整决策,推动整个肌体的正常运行.  相似文献   

2006年是我国承诺对WTO成员国实行全面开放的最后一年。为提升竞争力,国内上万家中小型建筑设计单位面临着改制的任务。未来的设计机构应以什么模式为主导,值得大家探讨。本文提供欧美一些小规模设计事务所的运作模式和经营状况,供参考。  相似文献   

地质调查项目信息化建设是实现地质调查有效服务国家生态文明建设重大需求的支撑体系之一。数字填图技术是地质调查项目信息化建设中的关键技术,使得野外数据采集、数据处理、成果输出等全流程信息化得以实现。文章针对地质调查项目信息化建设过程中的技术难点,应用最新的数字填图系统平台,总结出一套简明实用的地质调查项目信息化建设方法:首先,优选符合地质调查精度要求的数据源,并采用2000国家大地坐标系;而后,运用数字填图技术系统中DGSGIS工具下载、配准所选取数据源影像作为地理底图;最后,使用数字填图系统建设完成地质调查项目空间数据库。该方法技术流程简洁、实用性强,对地质调查项目信息化建设具有一定指导意义。   相似文献   

Corporate space is formed by locational decisions. Some decisions result from decisions on product lines. All decisions are made within the framework of financial and personnel resources. The frequency of variation in the framework and in the decisions (highest to lowest) is: Profitability, location, product line/presidential office, core area. This array or temporal hierarchy is derived from three industrial corporations, large by Scandinavian standards.  相似文献   

Anomalous movements were detected simultaneously in both the seismic and the GPS observations in the Tokai area, the central part of the Japanese islands from the late 1990s to 2000. The anomalies are of great concern since the pending risk of a large megathrust earthquake in this area has been predicted for more than 20 years. The GPS data revealed that a slow-slip on the plate interface had commenced beneath Lake Hamana, the center of which is positioned around the edge of the assumed focal zone. On the other hand, the seismic data indicated that a delicate but clear quiescence appeared over a wide area that spreads into the main focal zone. Analyses of the seismicity changes in space and time confirmed that the contrast in the seismicity rate is distinct inside the focal zone. While the integrated seismicity indicated quiescence, some locations were distinguished as activated zones, possibly indicating the appearance of asperities. The rise of the seismicity rate in a quasi-stationary manner suggests an increase in the stress rate at that location. The following hypothesis is proposed based on the simultaneously detected evidences. The slow-slip progressing beneath Lake Hamana will induce a stress shift that invades the interior of the main locked zone, which will increase the contrast of the seismicity rate, possibly reflecting inhomogeneity in the locking strength. Even in this stage, the activated zones still maintain a locked state to prevent overall breakage. Investigations of the b-value changes and of tidal dependence in seismicity that reveal the stress-concentrated state also support the hypothesis. If this is the case, the observed change in seismicity would indicate the process of stress redistribution in the locking state, which represents the preparatory process toward final breakage. Tracking such seismicity changes would yield valid information for predictions of the next Tokai earthquake.  相似文献   

结合中国建筑设计研究院建立以人本管理为核心,以倡导内强素质、外塑形象和人才强企业、无私奉献为追求的企业文化管理体系的实践,针对科技型企业“人是第一资源”的特点,就创新人才制度化建设作了较为详尽的阐述,介绍了该院企业文化管理的实施效果,并对科技型企业文化管理提出了建议。  相似文献   

基于1986年和1994年的Landsat TM、2010年的SPOT5 3个时相的卫星影像,探讨福建省闽江口1986~2010年的水体变化规律.水体变化信息主要通过变化检测和信息提取等一系列遥感技术来获取.研究结果表明闽江口在1986~2010年,水库、湖泊和坑塘面积不断增加,这主要是由于城市用地扩展和养殖业的发展,从侧面反映了福州在1986~2010年,城市化进程和经济发展步伐有较大提高.  相似文献   

Phase compositions in pelitic and mafic gneisses place tight constraints on pressure (ranging from 3 up to 6 kb), and, to a lesser extent, on temperature (500° up to 800° C) during prograde regional metamorphism of the Willyama Complex, Broken Hill, SE Australia. These limits allow an evaluation of water activity across the terrain using various equilibria in pelitic and mafic gneisses. The stability of cummingtonite and biotite over much of the terrain places upper limits on temperature, and the presence of syn-metamorphic partial melts in the metasediments places lower limits on a(H2O). Garnet-biotitesillimanite-K feldspar-quartz relations combined with the partial melting data suggest a decrease in water activity from near 1.0 in the lower grade zones to 0.5±0.2 in the Broken Hill — Little Broken Hill part of the two pyroxene zone. This result is compatible with less precise hornblende-orthopyroxene-clinopyroxene-quartz relations.These P-T-a(H2O) data from the Willyama Complex support a continuum from amphibolite to granulite facies, as proposed by Binns (1964) and suggest that the higher grade assemblages are formed in response to both higher temperature and lower water activity. The formation of granulite facies terrains by prior crustal dehydration is unsubstantiated in the present example. Instead, the decrease from a(H2O)-1.0 in the andalusite/sillimanite-muscovite zones to a(H2O) < 1.0 found at higher grades, is likely to reflect buffering by partial melting and dehydration reactions in the volumetrically dominant metasediments.  相似文献   

Over the past few years, political systems have changed in several countries of the Middle East as a result of citizen revolutions on the ruling regimes. These geopolitical changes have had effects on the names of artificial geographical features, such as roads and schools. Many of the names, especially those that were associated with previous regimes, were changed to become associated with the revolutions, their dates, their leaders, or their martyrs. The recent change in the paradigm of Web use towards data sharing and crowd-sourcing in the Web 2.0 provides new opportunities to get insight into a local community’s perception of political events. Crowd-sourced spatial data, often referred to as Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI), can be contributed and accessed through various websites and data repositories. These data can supplement traditional data sources, such as road maps hosted by governmental offices. Libya’s governmental maps of urban infrastructure are scarce and incomplete. This provides an incentive for citizens and grassroots groups to collect and generate spatial data on their own and to express changed realities of feature names by the means of crowd-sourced mapping. Using two districts in Libya this study evaluates for five Web 2.0 platforms (OpenStreetMap, Wikimapia, Google Map Maker, Panoramio, and Flickr) to which extent VGI reflects name changes of geographical features as a result of the revolution in 2011. Other data sources, such as school directories posted by teachers on Facebook, serve as additional information for feature name change detection. Results show that the extent to which VGI reflects name changes based on the 2011 revolution in Libya varies strongly between VGI data sources. VGI provides a useful supplement to limited governmental resources to better understand how names of artificial geographical features are affected by changes in political systems.  相似文献   

马宏伟  冯雨林  崔健  李霄  齐雷 《地质通报》2014,33(10):1578-1581
利用遥感影像的时空分布特点,选择1970—2010年间的5期遥感影像资料对辽河三角洲地区的岸线变迁进行遥感解译。结果显示,每2期相邻影像所在时段内均有新增土地。4个时段新增陆地面积具体为:1970—1980年间,15.52km2;1980—1990年间,40.55km2;1990—2000年间,70.14km2;2000—2010年间,17.33km2。通过自然因素与人类活动影响2个方面,进一步对岸线变迁的成因进行了分析。  相似文献   

Günter Krumme 《GeoJournal》1984,9(2):111-119
The paper attempts to bridge some of the gaps between (macro) regional-economic and (micro) corporate-geographic perspectives and research approaches. Local stakeholders of large manufacturing activities are tied to the corporate environment through complex linkages. Large corporations tends to perform various gate-keeping roles for the local community. External turbulence (e.g. in export markets) may be mitigated or accentuated by the decisions, strategies and spatial structures of the gate-keeping corporation. Examples are drawn from the aircraft industry and its particularly turbulent environments and significant local employment impacts.  相似文献   


位于黄河上游群尖盆地的沙隆卡遗址是青藏高原东北部目前唯一同时出土旧石器、新石器和青铜文化遗存的遗址,但由于缺乏系统考古发掘和测年工作,该遗址史前人类活动历史及其与生存环境的关系尚不清晰。本文在沙隆卡遗址发掘基础上,系统采集炭屑样品开展碳十四年代测定,建立了沙隆卡遗址年代序列,结合出土的遗存和群尖盆地已发表的研究资料,揭示了史前人群的活动历史。结果显示,史前人群在约8500~7300 cal.a B.P.、约5300~4600 cal.a B.P.、约4100~3900 cal.a B.P.以及约3200~2900 cal.a B.P.在沙隆卡遗址活动。沙隆卡遗址的海拔和地貌特征适合渔猎、粟黍和麦类作物种植,而其所处的群尖盆地海拔高差大的特点也为多种生业模式提供了适宜的自然条件。青藏高原东北部及毗邻地区史前文化的发展是促成不同生业人群在沙隆卡遗址活动的主要因素,而群尖盆地漫滩洪水的频率以及区域气候环境变化,对沙隆卡遗址的人群活动产生影响。本文从沙隆卡遗址史前人类活动与局地-区域尺度环境和文化关系研究入手,为理解青藏高原东北部史前人群活动与生存环境之间的关系提供了新的视角。


章雨旭 《地质论评》2020,66(1):66010034-66010034
正多年来,中国地质学会办事机构人员较少,职员们一直超负荷运行。近日根据《中国地质调查局关于中国地质科学院内设机构调整方案的批复》文件精神,在中国地质调查局、中国地质科学院的大力支持下,中国地质学会机构改革方案已落实到位,办事机构的力量得到了大大的加强。此前,中国地质学会办事机构仅设秘书处和期刊处两个处,机构改革后,设立了综合协调处、成果和人才评选处、诚信体系建设处、学术交流处和期刊处;人员组成也获得了较大增加。  相似文献   

可视化地震应急通讯办公系统是用微机实现地震现场与指挥部之间影音互传的一项新技术。本文提供了一个使用简单的视频输入设备,利用现有公用通讯信道实现视频实时交换的实施方案。  相似文献   

Kee-Bom Nahm 《GeoJournal》1999,49(3):289-299
In recent years, central Seoul has been experiencing a dynamic transformation. In the process of reorganization of the urban industrial structure including tertiarization and quaternarization of the economic base of Seoul, business services are growing very rapidly and large scale urban renewal projects are quickly implemented. Downtown office activities become a nucleus for economic performance of Seoul and high-rise office buildings steer the landscape transformation of central Seoul. Even though there appears to exist some evidence that office districts have dispersed to several subcenters, major office activities are still concentrated in central Seoul. This paper redefines office industry in a narrow sense comprising only relevant economic sectors and office buildings as office activity-functioning units. It then explores the industrial networking and territorial specialization of office activities focusing on the dual process of concentration and dispersion in Seoul. The changing characteristics of the downtown linkages of office activities in this post-industrial era transforms the spatial economy of central Seoul into a more flexible and volatile system, while territorial concentration of power and control functions are fortified at the same time. Finally, the paper addresses the development of manufacturing- tertiary-quaternary industrial complexes, which can be regarded as emerging industrial clusters, producing the cultural economy of urban space and images for clients and customers, in relation to urban competitiveness and territorial specialization of large metropolitan areas. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Ecological modernist approaches to climate change are premised upon knowing carbon emissions. I ask how corporate environmental managers know and do carbon, i.e., shape the reality of emissions. I argue that for managers’ practical purposes carbon exists as malleable data. Based on ethnographic fieldwork over a period of 20 months in a Fortune 50 multinational corporation, I show that managers materially-discursively arrange heterogeneous entities – databases, files, paper, words, numbers – in and between office spaces, enabling them to stage emission facts as stable and singular. Employing Annemarie Mol’s work on multiplicity, I show that multiple enactments of carbon hang together not by an antecedent body (CO2) but through ongoing configurations of data practices. Disillusioning promissory economic discourses of ‘internalisation’, I demonstrate: Management is materially premised upon preventing purportedly internalised carbon realities from entering capitalist core processes. This undermines carbon economics’ realist promises. Staging some carbon realities as in control is premised upon managers’ ongoing, reflexive, partial and always situated configuration of, e.g., standards, formal meetings or digital data practices in which humans do carbon-as-data. Carbon practices are materially-discursively aligned, forming a configuration. This configuration effects carbon as a malleable and locally configurable space rather than as a closed fact. Reconstructing managers’ practices as configuring carbon-as-dataspace, I argue, allows grasping adequately the contingency and constraints of managing carbon as a particular material-discursive form of environment. In conclusion I generalise the environmental management office as a space that can be configured to stage, beyond carbon, other global environments as well.  相似文献   

Building envelope plays an important role in energy efficiency of the buildings as it is the only permanent source of energy efficiency. A well-designed building envelope reduces the demand of HVAC and lighting load. When insulation is provided in the building envelope, it further enhances the energy efficiency. Therefore, it is important to create thermal resistant building envelope considering both the energy consumption and the associated costs. Thermal insulation has a considerable positive effect on reducing the heating and cooling energy demand. It is seen from the tests conducted by Nasrollahi and Nooraei (2013) for design of energy efficient and cost-effective office buildings that initial increase in insulation reduces the heating/cooling load but beyond a certain limit, there is no substantial effect of reduction in heating/cooling load with increase in insulation indicating that there is an optimum value beyond which insulation has no substantial effect on reduction in heating/cooling load. Therefore, the paper attempts to find out this optimum level of insulation so that the building envelope is cost-effective and energy efficient. Three case studies of energy efficient LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design)/GRIHA (Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment) certified buildings have been considered to determine the optimum level of insulation. In the analysis, comparison has been made between U-values of various components of the building envelopes of three case studies with the U-values prescribed by Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC)-2007 for various components of the building envelopes based on daytime or 24-h usage, and location of the buildings in composite/warm and humid climate zones. Thereafter, results obtained from the analysis have been compared with the optimum U-values derived from the tests conducted by Nasrollahi and Nooraei (2013) to arrive at the optimum level of insulation. The optimum level of insulation has been found to be 30% above U-values prescribed by Energy Conservation Building Code.  相似文献   

部分省、自治区建设厅,直辖市建委(规委、规划局、房地局)稽查机构: 为进一步落实全国建设工作会议的有关部署,做好2008年建设稽查、规划督察、房地产市场秩序专项整治和治理商业贿赂等各项工作,现将<建设部稽查办公室2008年工作要点>印发你们,供参考.  相似文献   

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