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During a summer period we studied the vertical variation of in vivo and chlorophyll a specific phytoplankton absorption spectra in relation to the underwater light climate of ten deep North Patagonian Andean lakes of Argentina. The lakes were thermally stratified, and the underwater light climate was characterized by extended euphotic zones which included highly illuminated epilimnetic layers (both UVR and PAR) and metalimnia exposed to dim blue-green light. Most of the lakes presented the development of Deep Chlorophyll Maxima (DCM) at the metalimnetic layers, near 1% of surface PAR irradiance. Analyzing the fourth-derivative plots of in vivo phytoplankton absorption spectra [dIVaph(λ)], we were able to identify several maxima absorption values attributed to different pigments. Considering lakes with DCM, a significant positive linear relationship was found between dIVaph (495–500 nm) normalized by chlorophyll a and downward irradiance. Indeed, a negative significant relationship was found between dIVaph (495–500 nm) normalized by chlorophyll a and diffuse PAR attenuation coefficients. These results point out an increase in the relative concentration of different carotenoids at surface layers indicating the role of photoprotection of these pigments. On the other hand, significant negative linear relationships were found between fourth-derivative spectra normalized by chlorophyll a at 650, 590–595, 560–565 and 520–525 nm and downward irradiance. These results indicated an increase in the relative concentration of photosynthetic accessory pigments at deep layers of the euphotic zone. Furthermore, we found a decrease in depth of specific absorption spectra at 440, 670 nm and in the ratio aph* (440 nm) to aph* (670 nm). This pattern was associated with the package effect concept. The increase in relative photosynthetic accessory pigment concentrations and the decrease in values of specific absorption spectra at the bottom of the euphotic zone were attributed to changes in phytoplankton communities between surface and deep layers. These outcomes pointed out that the underwater light climate and temperature water structure are, like in marine systems, very important factors governing the distribution of phytoplanktonic organisms. In addition, the possession of specific photosynthetic accessory pigments suggests that dominant species in the DCM are well adapted to these dim blue-green light scenarios.  相似文献   

《Marine pollution bulletin》2009,58(6-12):744-757
A long-term programme for monitoring toxic substances in the marine environment was established in Hong Kong in 2004, focusing on chemicals of potential ecological and health concern. The programme ran on 3-year cycles, with the first two years monitoring marine water, sediment, biota, and the third year monitoring pollution sources. Twenty-four priority chemicals were measured, including dioxins/furans, dioxin-like PCBs, total PCBs, PAHs, DDTs, HCHs, TBTs, phenol, nonylphenol (NP), NP ethoxylates, PBDEs and metals. Results from the first three years of monitoring indicate that toxic substances in the Hong Kong marine environment were within the range reported for the coastal waters in China and other regions, but generally lower than in the Pearl River Estuary. The levels met the standards for protecting aquatic life and human consumption. Sewage effluent, stormwater and river water were possible sources of phenolic compounds; whereas air deposition or regional pollution, rather than local discharges, may contribute to the dioxins/furans, PAHs and PCBs found in the marine environment.  相似文献   

Monitoring of toxic substances in the Hong Kong marine environment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A long-term programme for monitoring toxic substances in the marine environment was established in Hong Kong in 2004, focusing on chemicals of potential ecological and health concern. The programme ran on 3-year cycles, with the first two years monitoring marine water, sediment, biota, and the third year monitoring pollution sources. Twenty-four priority chemicals were measured, including dioxins/furans, dioxin-like PCBs, total PCBs, PAHs, DDTs, HCHs, TBTs, phenol, nonylphenol (NP), NP ethoxylates, PBDEs and metals. Results from the first three years of monitoring indicate that toxic substances in the Hong Kong marine environment were within the range reported for the coastal waters in China and other regions, but generally lower than in the Pearl River Estuary. The levels met the standards for protecting aquatic life and human consumption. Sewage effluent, stormwater and river water were possible sources of phenolic compounds; whereas air deposition or regional pollution, rather than local discharges, may contribute to the dioxins/furans, PAHs and PCBs found in the marine environment.  相似文献   

Evidence has been presented that a number of environmental agents perturbs the function of the sex hormone signalling pathways in marine animals.

In this work the estrogenic/antiestrogenic activity of coastal marine water samples from five sites of the Northern Mediterranean Sea was assayed using a recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast strain (RMY326 ER-ERE) transfected with the human estrogen receptor . Extraction of potential EDCs from seawater was performed in columns packed with XAD-2 resins.

The estrogenic activity was calculated as percentage of the activity of 17β-estradiol (10 nM) and it ranged from 4.8% and 59.03%, significantly depending on sampling site (p = 0.0013) and season (p < 0.05). Antagonistic activity of extracts was also detected and the percentage of inhibition of estradiol-dependent β-galactosidase induction ranged to 52.8%. These results point the reliability of the yeast assay as a first level screening test to assess the quality of aquatic environments.  相似文献   

A lumped water balance model was used to derive a monthly water storage series in the Salado–Juramento southern basin, for the period 1954–1986. The evapotranspiration term was estimated using the Bouchet's complementary relationship. Different evapotranspiration formulas following the concepts of potential evapotranspiration and wet environmental evapotranspiration were used. The regional average groundwater levels and the specific yield were used to tune Bouchet's equation. The extrapolation of the water storage series to a secular period (1901–2002) was achieved using a synthetic annual discharge series. The water storage was deficient for most of the century, i.e. more than 60 years; nevertheless in the last 30 years, the system recovers half of the water previously lost. The singular spectral analysis showed that a significant low‐frequency signal is present in the water storage and precipitation series. The main cause of water storage variability would be given by precipitation, in spite of the vast anthropogenic changes on the basin. Anthropogenic effects would be reflected in the river discharges, where no significant signal is detected before 1970; however, an annual signal is insinuated after that year. The conclusions of this work could be different if we only looked at the 1954–1986 period. The results of that period suggest that the basin is primarily accumulating water instead of being mainly in deficit. Thus, here we demonstrated the importance of the secular analysis to illustrate the complete basin behaviour. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The seasonal nature of Australia’s tropical rivers means that connected groundwater aquifers are an important source of both consumptive and non-consumptive water, particularly during the dry season. The management of these common pool groundwater resources is one of the predominant water issues facing northern Australia. A national program of water reform stipulates the expansion of water trading as a key instrument for water allocation. The effectiveness of new institutional arrangements such as water markets will be determined mostly by how well they coordinate with local environmental requirements, local institutions and local norms. This paper describes a novel application of combined field work, institutional analysis, experimental economics and agent-based modeling to the analysis of a potential water market in the Katherine region of the Northern Territory, Australia. The effectiveness of different versions of the policy instrument is assessed in light of local conditions. Instruments that enable personal relationships and local institutions and norms to play a role in water management are found to be more effective in terms of both farming income and environmental impact.  相似文献   


Sulphide mine waste extensively contaminates the Odiel River (southwest Spain), releasing sulphuric acid into the water body. Acidic water in this river precipitates and dissolves variably hydrated iron sulphate in a complex geological pattern controlled by climate. Local abrupt changes in the water pH in the vicinity of highly contaminated tributaries can be mapped by means of imaging spectroscopy using hyperspectral remote sensing (HyMap) data. Also, increased pH through mixing of acidic river water with marine water can be detected when the river reaches the area influenced by sea tides. Mapping the quality of water with hyperspectral data is confounded by vegetation, either dry or wet, rooted or floating. The spectral features of acidic water measured with a field spectrometer revealed the spectral influence of green vegetation, similar to the influence of the depth and transparency of water. Careful mapping of such parameters with HyMap data must therefore precede any spectral evaluation of water related to acidity in a river course. The spectral features detectable by HyMap data and associated with pH changes caused by contamination in river water by iron sulphide mine waste, and their controls, are described and references established for routine monitoring through hyperspectral image processing.  相似文献   

Fluorescence and UV‐VIS techniques were employed for the investigation of natural organic matter (NOM) of a tropical lake. The relationships of absorbance/dissolved organic carbon (A/DOC), fluorescence intensity/dissolved organic carbon (FI/DOC), fluorescence ratio (FR), and peak wavelength with the highest intensity (PW) were used to distinguish the pedogenic or aquagenic origin of NOM. The values of FR, PW and A285/DOC of high waters (HW) or flooded period samples and of low waters (LW) period samples of the dry season, except for September 2002, confirm the predominance of pedogenic material. The spectra of water were similar to the standard fulvic acid (FA), and the spectra of FA from the lake were similar to the nearby soils, indicative of pedogenic predominance. The results confirm that the dissolved NOM of Patos Lagoon – MS (Brazil), in all sampling periods, predominantly consisted of humic substances (FA) of pedogenic origin.  相似文献   

Mathematical simulation is used to study the biotransformation conditions of compounds of organogenic elements (C, N, P, Si) and oil hydrocarbons in the water of southeastern Sakhalin shelf. The input data for calculations were evaluated with the use of Sakhalin Shelf GIS or taken from the reference literature and materials of expedition studies. The values of water discharges through the boundaries of the zones chosen within the shelf water area and through the interface with the Sea of Okhotsk were derived from the characteristics of currents estimated by means of Bergen University oceanic model based on normal long-term monthly thermohaline parameters obtained from the Sakhalin Shelf GIS. The intraannual variations of the concentrations of organic and mineral compounds of C, N, P, and Si, as well as oil hydrocarbons because of biotransformation of substances by organisms of the community (bacteria, phytoand zooplankton) were evaluated in calculations with CNPSi-model. The results of calculations, revealing the features of the dynamics of substances, the biomass of organisms, and their activity in matter biotransformations were analyzed.  相似文献   

Complex formation reactions with the interaction of fulvic and humic acids with zinc and iron ions in a model aqueous system. The complexing ability of humic acids was experimentally proved to be much higher than that of fulvic acids. The complexing ability of fulvic acids is found to decrease over time. The dependence of the complexing ability of heavy metals on the types of ion and humic substances and the proportions of components in the solution is examined. The obtained experimental results on the occurrence forms of heavy metals were compared with their theoretical estimates calculated for natural water bodies.  相似文献   

Research to understand and remediate coastal pollution is moving toward a multitiered approach in which traditional enumeration of fecal indicators is accompanied by molecular analysis of a variety of targets. Technology that rapidly detects multiple microbial contaminants would benefit from such an approach. The Luminex 100 system is a suspension array that assays multiple analytes rapidly in a single well of a microtiter plate. The ability of the system to simultaneously detect multiple fecal indicating bacteria in environmental samples was tested. Primer/probe sets were designed to simultaneously detect the following fecal indicators: the Bacteroides fragilis group, Enterococcus spp., Escherichia coli and Shigella spp., Bacteroides distasonis, and Ent. faecalis. Specificity and sensitivity of the Luminex probes was tested against laboratory cultures. In addition, sequencing, culture plate testing, and specificity testing with environmental isolates were steps taken to validate the function of the assay with environmental samples. Luminex response to cultures and to environmental samples was consistent with sequencing results, suggesting that the technology has the potential to simultaneously detect multiple targets for coastal water quality applications, particularly as progress is made to efficiently extract DNA from water and sediment matrices.  相似文献   

In this paper, we studied the assemblage of Chironomidae from headwaters of Ñireco stream by recording drifting pupal exuviae caught in the debris close to the shore. Samples were collected in three stations along 18 km of the stream every 2 weeks during spring–summer months and monthly during autumn–winter over a year. A total of 15949 exuviae were collected and 55 taxa were identified. The most abundant taxa were Cricotopus spp. with highest numbers of exuviae recorded in each station over the study period. Subfamily Orthocladiinae was the most abundant taxa, followed by Chironominae and Podonominae. The emergence period in the stream occurred between December 1998 and March 1999. Most of the dominant and frequent species were univoltine. The emergence peaks at each sampling station occurred at the highest temperature of the water recorded.  相似文献   

Micromoina arboricola, one of the smallest moinids on record, is currently known from a single tree hole in a tropical forest, containing a small volume of humic water, in quasi absolute darkness. We test whether it has been refuted to this environment by superior competitors, or whether it is genuinely adapted to this life space by culturing it in its native environment, and in a clear water environment supplemented with algal food, yeast and fermented fish ration. Only maturation time is similar between both treatments. Total offspring, number of clutches, average clutch size and longevity are higher in the humic treatment. Population growth is initially higher in the clearwater treatment, but then collapses. In the humic treatment there is a steady ascent towards a stable plateau. We conclude that the species is better adapted to its microcosm than to a ‘normal’ aquatic biotope.  相似文献   

The wind set-up of water level in a river is of great importance in many practical cases, notably in the river mouth section where the slope of the free water table is very small (sometimes 10−5) and the wind shear stress acting at the water surface generates significant changes in the vertical velocity profile. If the wind is blowing opposite to the main flow, an increase of water depth is observed. In the outlet area, the increase of water depth can reach up to 0.5 m (Lower Odra River). The paper presents an analysis of wind set-up of water level based on hydrodynamic principles.  相似文献   

Probability distributions of water flow and its turbidity after passing through water intake structures are considered. Heavy tails with a power distribution are shown to exist. These distributions are used to find the dependence between water turbidity at the inlet to the water station and water flow in the river. Quantiles of these distributions are estimated to characterize the levels of water flow and turbidity with a given exceedance probability.Translated from Vodnye Resursy, Vol. 32, No. 2, 2005, pp. 196–204.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Dolgonosov, Korchagin.  相似文献   

引调水是改善平原河网地区水环境的重要方法之一,通过构建太湖流域走马塘东南片平原河网区一维水动力水质数学模型,研究不同引调水方案对区域水环境改善效果,确定引调水过程中的异质性因子.从决策目标、水质指标、空间指标3个层面综合考虑,构建环境效益与经济效益结合的多目标函数及评价体系,对引调水方案进行评估优选.结果表明:引调水流量较大时,能够在一定程度上改善区域水环境状况,规划方案下引调水5 d后,高锰酸盐指数、氨氮、总磷的平均改善率分别为30.7%、22.2%、26.4%;引调水时,区域河网中不同空间点位、不同水质指标之间的水质改善过程与效果都存在一定异质性;引调水水量、调度模式及污染源分布都会对调水后的河网区水质产生差异性影响;本研究建立的多目标评价体系较现有方法能够有效涵盖引调水中存在的异质性因子,从多个目标层面优选引调水方案,实现水量水质综合优化调控,为平原河网地区水环境长效管理与科学决策提供理论参考.  相似文献   

Changes in the concentration of iron and dissolved organic matter (DOM), and in the colour and fluorescence properties in the River Kiiminkijoki were investigated as functions of the seasonal flow regime over a two-year period. The iron concentration in filtrates and the ratio of Fe to DOC in the river increased under low flow conditions and decreased during the flood periods. The colour of the dissolved organic matter increased with increasing iron content, the effect being more pronounced during the warm period of the year than in winter. The ratio of fluorescence to DOC increased during the warm period of the year but not in winter, and decreased rapidly with discharge at the beginning of the flood period in autumn. The results give indications of the origin, formation, nature, and fate of the DOM in the river water. Temperature-dependent microbiological processes in the formation and sedimentation of iron-organic colloids seem to be important. Estimates are given for the amounts and transport rates of iron discharged into the Gulf of Bothnia by the river.  相似文献   

Increases in the maritime transportation of Hazardous and Noxious Substances (HNS), alongside the need for an effective response to HNS spills have led environmental managers and the scientific community to focus attention on HNS spill preparedness and responsiveness. In the context of the ARCOPOL project, a weight-of-evidence approach was developed aimed at prioritizing HNS that pose major environmental risks to European waters. This approach takes into consideration the occurrence probability of HNS spills in European Atlantic waters and the severity of exposure associated with their physico-chemical properties and toxicity to marine organisms. Additionally, a screening analysis of the toxicological information available for the prioritization of HNS was performed. Here we discuss the need for a prioritization methodology to select HNS that are likely to cause severe marine environmental effects as an essential step towards the establishment of a more effective preparedness and response to HNS incidents.  相似文献   

Rio Agrio in Patagonia, Argentina is a geogenically acidic stream that derives its low-pH waters from condensation of acidic gases near its headwaters on the flanks of the active Copahue Volcano. This study reports the results of three diel (24-h) water samplings in three different pH regimes (3.2, 4.4 and 6.3) along the river. Changes in the concentration and speciation of Fe dominated the diel chemical changes at all three sites, although the timing and intensity of these cycles were different in each reach. At the two acidic sampling sites, total dissolved Fe and dissolved Fe(III) concentrations decreased during the day and increased at night, whereas dissolved Fe(II) showed the reverse pattern. These cycles are explained by Fe(III) photoreduction, as well as enhanced rates of precipitation of hydrous ferric oxide (HFO) during the warm afternoon hours. A strong correlation was observed between Fe(III) and As at the furthest upstream (pH 3.2) site, most likely due to co-precipitation of As with HFO. At the downstream (pH 6.3) location, Fe(II) concentrations increased at night, as did concentrations of rare earth elements and dissolved Al. Photoreduction does not appear to be an important process at pH 6.3, although it may be indirectly responsible for the observed diel cycle of Fe(II) due to advection of photochemically produced Fe(II) from acidic upstream waters.  相似文献   

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