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荣成地震台形变观测干扰分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对荣成地震台2套形变仪运行以来影响观测质量的干扰因素进行了总结分析,得出影响观测资料的自然因素主要有感应雷击、降雨影响及气压影响;观测系统因素主要有数采故障、电压影响;人为因素主要有仪器标定和仪器调零。通过对干扰、故障因素的分析,为日常工作中观测人员及时发现地震前兆异常提供参考依据。  相似文献   

结合多年台站工作实践经验,分别对所从事的流体、电磁、形变、测震数字化仪器故障排除方法进行总结,集结成文,希望能在日常工作中快速排除类似故障,为地震监测预报提供连续可靠的观测资料。同时也为区内及国内其他台站同行在仪器故障排除中提供借鉴。  相似文献   

通过对漳州台PET型重力仪运行4年来观测概况的介绍,总结日常观测过程中可能遇到的仪器故障或问题,并初步探讨解决仪器问题的经验办法,提高仪器维护的质量.  相似文献   

通过对永安台FHD-2B型质子磁力仪运行3年来观测概况的介绍,总结日常观测过程中可能遇到的仪器故障或问题,并初步探讨解决仪器问题的经验办法,以提高仪器维护的质量。  相似文献   

永安地震台数字化SWY-Ⅱ水位仪观测概况与仪器维护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
永安地震台数字化SWY-Ⅱ水位仪为中国地震局台站背景场项目观测仪器,通过对永安台数字化SWY-Ⅱ水位仪运行两年来观测概况的介绍,总结日常观测过程中可能遇到的仪器故障,并探讨解决仪器问题的经验办法,提高仪器维护的技术水平。  相似文献   

2017年9月长汀地震台安装了VP宽频带倾斜仪,从这几年的运行情况来看,该仪器自动化程度、观测精度较高,能够为地震分析预报提供比较可靠的观测数据,但其稳定性较差,如:VP宽频带倾斜仪输出零漂较严重,常常需要调零,虽增加了自动调零装置,可通过网络实现远程调零功能,避免因人员进洞对仪器产生干扰,但调零模块经常出现故障,不是电机过载,就是芯片烧坏。本文通过对VP宽频带倾斜仪在日常观测中常见故障进行分析,寻找解决仪器故障的方法,并对VP宽频带倾斜仪日常维修进行总结,以备在今后的观测过程中快速判断仪器故障原因,及时完成仪器维修,确保资料连续可靠。  相似文献   

对RG-BS型测汞仪从日常工作状态、出现的故障、工作参数变化等方面进行阐述,并对仪器工作时抽气量的变化和捕汞管污染引起水汞观测数据的异常进行分析,为提高观测数据的连续性和稳定性、准确运用数据进行分析研究提供参考依据。  相似文献   

为了保证台站观测数据的连续可靠,提高台站运行率,中心站承担的辖区站点仪器和网络运维工作显得尤为重要。本文通过在日常运维过程中遇到对台站网络故障一案例的分析及处置,阐述仪器运维过程中如何查找故障的基本工作思路和操作方法,为中心站负责仪器运维的同事提供一定的经验。  相似文献   

随着数字地震监测仪器的普及和应用,人工、模拟地震观测仪器逐渐被数字仪器所取代,记录方式也由整时记录变成分记录和秒记录。数字仪器在多年运行中,曾出现这样或那样的故障,本文重点通过对多年形变数字观测系统内部所出现的故障,进行分析与讨论,以便在观测工作中更好把握仪器的状况和对仪器出现的故障进行准确分析判定,及时对仪器存在的问题和故障进行解决处理,从而最大程度减少观测数据的断记。  相似文献   

针对地震台站使用的DSQ型水管倾斜仪,对仪器因环境变化、系统故障等原因引起的数据异常表象形态及原因进行剖析总结,提出了观测数据典型异常现象及故障的判定方法和检查思路,对台站做好观测仪器的日常维护维修具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

基于SZW.1A型数字式温度计(V2004)的维护管理经验和仪器组成,对SZW.1A型数字式温度计(V2004)的通讯故障原因进行了研究。结果表明,导致SZW-1A型数字式温度计(V2004)通讯故障的主要原因有网络链路故障、网络通讯接口故障和仪器主机故障3大类。针对SZW-1A型数字式温度计(V2004)常见非网络链路通讯故障的判定提出了一套诊断流程,并提出了该型号数字式温度计常见通讯故障的排除方法。这些故障的排除方法,对和SZW-1A型数字式温度计(V2004)有类似硬件组成的SWY-1A型水位仪、SWY-Ⅱ型水位仪、SWDW-1型水位地温综合观测仪等“十五”流体观测仪器的维护,有一定参考意义。  相似文献   

装配式预制混凝土框架结构拟动力试验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文对2个采用橡胶垫螺栓连接梁柱节点的单层两跨的装配式预制混凝土框架结构进行拟动力试验,考察结构的破坏模式,研究结构的强度、刚度、滞回、耗能等抗震性能。试验结果表明:此类装配式预制混凝土框架结构具有较好的抗震性能,当层间位移角达到1/25时,结构仍具有一定的承载能力,采用橡胶垫螺栓连接的梁柱节点抗震性能良好,结构体系破坏模式为柱底弯曲破坏。  相似文献   

Progressive rock‐fall failures in natural rock slopes are common in many environments, but often elude detailed quantitative documentation and analysis. Here we present high‐resolution photography, video, and laser scanning data that document spatial and temporal patterns of a 15‐month‐long sequence of at least 14 rock falls from the Rhombus Wall, a sheeted granitic cliff in Yosemite Valley, California. The rock‐fall sequence began on 26 August 2009 with a small failure at the tip of an overhanging rock slab. Several hours later, a series of five rock falls totaling 736 m3 progressed upward along a sheeting joint behind the overhanging slab. Over the next 3 weeks, audible cracking occurred on the Rhombus Wall, suggesting crack propagation, while visual monitoring revealed opening of a sheeting joint adjacent to the previous failure surface. On 14 September 2009 a 110 m3 slab detached along this sheeting joint. Additional rock falls between 30 August and 20 November 2010, totaling 187 m3, radiated outward from the initial failure area along cliff (sub)parallel sheeting joints. We suggest that these progressive failures might have been related to stress redistributions accompanying propagation of sheeting joints behind the cliff face. Mechanical analyses indicate that tensile stresses should occur perpendicular to the cliff face and open sheeting joints, and that sheeting joints should propagate parallel to a cliff face from areas of stress concentrations. The analyses also account for how sheeting joints can propagate to lengths many times greater than their depths behind cliff faces. We posit that as a region of failure spreads across a cliff face, stress concentrations along its margin will spread with it, promoting further crack propagation and rock falls. Published in 2012. This article is a US Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.  相似文献   

免蒸压免烧结粉煤灰多孔砖砌体力学性能试验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
免蒸压免烧结粉煤灰多孔砖是一种新型承重墙体材料,为使其在地震区村镇建筑中得到推广应用,进行了多孔砖砌体抗压强度和抗剪强度试验,分析了砌体裂缝开展及破坏过程。试验结果表明:免蒸压免烧结粉煤灰多孔砖砌体的受压、受剪破坏过程及特征与普通黏土砖砌体类似,但具有更大的脆性;抗压、抗剪强度均小于普通黏土砖砌体;采用6次多项式的受压本构关系数学模型,反映了免蒸压免烧结粉煤灰多孔砖砌体受压应力-应变全过程,计算值与实测数据比较接近。  相似文献   

Entropy based expressions for measurement of reliability and redundancy have recently been reported. These measures approach assessment of the reliability of the distribution network from the intrinsic redundancy of the network layout. The paper extends earlier work on entropy functions by including a more explicit statement of the alternate paths available in the network and by recognizing that under certain circumstances, e.g., failure of some part of the network work, an outflow link from a node under normal working condition may become an inflow link to the same node. The measures are assessed by comparison with parameters measuring Nodal Pair Reliability and percentage of flow supplied at adequate pressure for a range of networks and link failure conditions in this networks. The entropy measures are shown to reflect changes in the network reliability, as measured by these two comparative parameters, very well.  相似文献   

Entropy based expressions for measurement of reliability and redundancy have recently been reported. These measures approach assessment of the reliability of the distribution network from the intrinsic redundancy of the network layout. The paper extends earlier work on entropy functions by including a more explicit statement of the alternate paths available in the network and by recognizing that under certain circumstances, e.g., failure of some part of the network work, an outflow link from a node under normal working condition may become an inflow link to the same node. The measures are assessed by comparison with parameters measuring Nodal Pair Reliability and percentage of flow supplied at adequate pressure for a range of networks and link failure conditions in this networks. The entropy measures are shown to reflect changes in the network reliability, as measured by these two comparative parameters, very well.  相似文献   

本文介绍了三榀钢支撑钢筋混凝土框架结构(包括两榀复合耗能支撑框架、一榀普通支撑框架)在低周反复荷载作用下的试验结果。对复合耗能支撑框架结构在低周反复荷载作用下的工作性能(包括受力性能、破坏形态、滞回曲线、骨架曲线、延性和耗能能力等)进行了探讨,揭示了复合耗能支撑框架结构良好的抗震性能。  相似文献   

This paper presents general composed analytical models to predict the behavior of reinforced concrete (RC) bridge columns. The analytical models were developed in OpenSees to represent the common hysteretic behavior of RC bridge columns. The proposed composed models can accommodate flexure failure, flexure‐shear failure, and pure shear failure, which are observed in existing RC bridge piers. The accuracy of the models was verified using data from the static cyclic‐loading experiments of 16 single columns and one multi‐column bent and dynamical experiment from two pseudo‐dynamic tests. The results showed that the analytical models could simulate the nonlinear behavior until the post‐failure behavior, including the strength degradation, the buckling of the reinforcement, and the pinching effect. Therefore, a global view of the behavior of reinforcement concrete is prescribed as simply as possible from the academic perspective, and these models are expected to provide sufficient accuracy when applied in engineering practice. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

汶川地震后,紫坪铺水库蓄水是否触发了汶川地震在国内外学术界引起了广泛关注.除定性讨论外,许多学者也采用定量分析的方法进行了计算,但因计算结果不同而得出了不同的结论.本文从目前紫坪铺水库蓄水不同研究组定量计算中出现的争议为出发点,通过对水库蓄水定量计算基本原理和可能引起计算结果差异可能因素的分析,找出定量计算中的关键影响因素,了解目前水库蓄水定量计算中存在的不确定性问题所在.初步结果显示:计算方法、模型维数、扩散模型、震源参数和扩散系数等的取值不同是造成计算结果差异的主要因素,特别是裂隙岩体的扩散系数.在紫坪铺水库定量计算中模型维数的差别使得汶川地震震源处的库仑应力变化计算结果相差约3倍;仅考虑断层渗透率(把岩体渗透率视为无穷大)或仅考虑均匀各向同性的岩体渗透率(忽视断层渗透率),均具有片面性;震源机制解断层走向倾角的差异,会显著影响库仑应力大小计算结果,可到达2~7倍;不同扩散系数下,孔隙压力相差可达几百倍."紫坪铺水库蓄水是否能够触发汶川大地震的发生?",鉴于目前的研究成果,库仑应力变化在kPa量级,尚不能排除触发的可能性,但得出的蓄水震源处的库仑应力变化太低,在背景构造应力场不明确的情况下,也不能确定一定有联系.在未来的工作中需有针对性的进行野外考察和室内试验,改进模型,采用高性能模拟分析计算,并在此基础上对中国和世界多个水库地震触发机制进行对比研究,探讨不同机制下水库地震触发机制特点,进一步量化分析水库地震发生的力学机制及水库对构造活动的影响和作用机理.  相似文献   

Seismic damage of highway bridges during the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
Many highway bridges were severely damaged or completely collapsed during the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake.A field investigation was carried out in the strongly affected areas and over 320 bridges were examined. Damage to some representative highway bridges is briefly described and a preliminary analysis of the probable causes of the damage is presented in this paper. The most common damage included shear-flexural failure of the pier columns, expansion joint failure, shear key failure, and girder sliding in the transversal or longitudinal directions due to weak connections between girder and bearings. Lessons learned from this earthquake are described and recommendations related to the design of curved and skewed bridges, design of bearings and devices to prevent girder collapse, and ductility of bridge piers are presented.Suggestions for future seismic design and retrofitting techniques for bridges in moderate to severe earthquake areas are also proposed.  相似文献   

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