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We describe scalar interfaces in turbulent flowsvia elementary notions from fractal geometry. It is shown by measurement that these interfaces possess a fractal dimension of 2.35±0.05 in a variety of flows, and it is demonstrated that the uniqueness of this number is a consequence of the physical principle of Reynolds number similarity. Also, the spatial distribution of scalar and energy dissipation in physical space is shown to be multifractal. We compare thef() curves obtained from one- and two-dimensional cuts in several flows, and examine their value in describing features of turbulence in the three-dimensional physical space.  相似文献   

Computed tomography scan imaging techniques have been used on core samples to investigate the effect of natural open fractures on reservoir flow in the Snøhvit Gas Condensate Field. Firstly, computed tomography (CT) scanning was used to describe the 3D geometrical properties of the fracture network including orientation and fracture density. Two types of fractures were observed: F1 fractures are short and stylolite related and F2 fractures are longer, cross-cutting the core and without any obvious relationship to stylolites. Secondly, monitoring of single and two phase flow experiments on samples containing these two types of natural open fractures was performed under 10 and 80 bar net confining pressure while using CT scanning. 1-phase miscible flooding experiment shows approximately 3 times higher flooding velocity in an open F2 fracture than in the matrix. 2-phase flooding by gas injection into a 100% water saturated core gave early gas breakthrough due to flow in the fracture and thereafter very little water production. The flow experiments showed that the presence of open fractures has a significant local effect on fluid flow even in a case with relatively high matrix porosity (200–300 mD). The sample containing F1 fractures showed a complex flow pattern influenced both by open fractures and stylolites. The CT scan data enables an exact representation of the fracture network in core scale simulation models and therefore improves the understanding of fracture influence on flow in a fractured porous medium. CT scanning of core samples provides an effective tool for integrating geology and fluid flow properties of a porous fractured medium.  相似文献   

Experiments on the immiscible displacement of water by air were performed in two horizontal artificial open rough-walled fractures with different correlation structures. The aperture field of the first fracture has a Gaussian variogram with a finite correlation length, while that of the second one has a power-law variogram, for which no finite correlation length can be assigned. We simulated the displacement process using an invasion percolation model, which takes the in-plane curvature of the interface between water and air into account. The correlation structure of the aperture field has no effect on the irregularity of the shape of the air clusters. However, the correlation structure in combination with the in-plane curvature influences the density of the air clusters and thus has an impact on characteristic properties of the flow. We analyze the model parameters and properties with respect to the fracture properties. The stochastic average of the air clusters for models with different curvature numbers and fields with different correlation lengths is then calculated in order to analyze their influence on continuum approach models.  相似文献   

The remote sensing observational study for infrared radiation of rocks was proceeded during the loading on rocks until failure. The major instruments used in experiments were transient spectrum apparatus, intelligent spectrum apparatus, infrared radiation thermometer, infrared spectrum radiometer, and infrared thermal imaging system. The experiments for 26 kinds of rocks were made. The studies show that infrared radiation temperature of rocks increases along with increasing of stress. The amplitude of infrared radiation spectrum of rocks also increases along with increasing of stress. The observational results of infrared thermal imaging of rocks are consistent with infrared radiation temperature. Before formation of major faults for some rocks, the belt-shape thermal imaging of temperature anomaly displaies in position of future major faults. This study has led the new technology of remote sensing into rock mechanics and tend to establish a new field in rock mechanics — remote sensing rock mechanics (or remote sensing rock physics). The application of remote sensing rock mechanics in prediction of earthquake and rock burst, and in measurement of stress field in rock mass is expected. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,14, Supp., 645–652, 1992. Jin-Shen HAO, Ji-Han LI, Xiao-Hong LIU, Yi-Qiao ZHI, Jin-Kai ZHANG, Yong-Hong Lü, Yi LIU, Yun-Shen YU, He ZHANG, Quan-Quan JI, Xiao-Fan ZHU and Ning CHEN took part in this work. This subject is supported by the Chinese Joint Seismological Science Foundation (91006). Work of Institute of Geophysics, SSB (93A0009).  相似文献   

Scattering of seismic waves can be shown to have a frequency dependenceQ –1 3–v if scattering is produced by arrays of inhomogeneities with a 3D power spectrumW 3D(k) k –v. In the earth's crust and upper mantle the total attenuation is often dominated by scattering rather than intrinsic absorption, and is found to be frequency dependent according toQ –1 , where –1<–0.5. IfD 1 is the fractal dimension of the surface of the 3D inhomogeneities measured on a 2D section, then this corresponds respectively to 1.5<D 11.75, since it can be shown that =2(D 1–2). Laboratory results show that such a distribution of inhomogeneities, if due to microcracking, can be produced only at low stress intensities and slow crack velocities controlled by stress corrosion reactions. Thus it is likely that the earth's brittle crust is pervaded by tensile microcracks, at least partially filled by a chemically active fluid, and preferentially aligned parallel to the maximum principal compressive stress. The possibility of stress corrosion implies that microcracks may grow under conditions which are very sensitive to pre-existing heterogeneities in material constants, and hence it may be difficult in practice to separate the relative contribution of crack-induced heterogeneity from more permanent geological heterogeneities.By constrast, shear faults formed by dynamic rupture at critical stress intensities produceD 1=1, consistent with a dynamic rupture criterion for a power law distribution of fault lengths with negative exponentD. The results presented here suggest empirically thatD 1-1/2(D+1), thereby providing the basis for a possible framework to unify the interpretation of temporal variations in seismicb-value (b-D/2) and the frequency dependence of scattering attenuation ().This is PRIS contribution 046.  相似文献   

The subsurface temperature field of a rock slope is a key variable influencing both bedrock fracturing and slope stability. However, significant unknowns remain relating to the effect of air and water fracture flow, which can rapidly transmit temperature changes to appreciable depths. In this work, we analyze a unique set of temperature measurements from an alpine rock slope at ~2400 m a.s.l. in southern Switzerland. The monitored area encompasses part of an active slope instability above the village of Randa (VS) and is traversed by a network of open cracks, some of which have been traced to >80 m depth. We first describe distributed temperature measurements and borehole profiles, highlighting deep steady temperatures and different transient effects, and then use these data to approximate the conductive temperature field at the site. In a second step, we analyze the impact of air and water circulation in deep open fractures on the subsurface thermal field. On multiple visits to the study site in winter, we consistently noted the presence of warm air vents in the snowpack following the trace of deep tension cracks. Measurements showed that venting air changed temperature gradually from ~3 to 2 °C between December and May, which is similar to the rock temperature at around 50 m depth. Comparison with ambient air temperature suggests that winter conditions favor buoyancy‐driven convective air flow in these fractures, which acts to cool the deep subsurface as the rock gives up heat to incoming air. The potential impact of this process on the local thermal field is revealed by a disturbed temperature profile in one borehole and transient signals observed at depths well below the thermal active layer. Seasonal water infiltration during snowmelt appears to have little impact on the temperature field in the monitored area. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A better understanding of solute transport and retention mechanism in rock fractures has been challenging due to difficulty in their direct observations in microscale rough‐walled fractures. Six representative troughs in a rough‐walled fracture were selected for microscale observations of eddy formation with increasing flow velocity and its effect on spatiotemporal changes of solute concentration. This experimental study was enabled by a microscale visualization technique of micro particle image velocimetry. With increasing flow velocity (Re ≤ 2.86), no eddies were generated, and solutes along the main streamlines transported rapidly, whereas those near the wall moved slowly. A larger amount of solutes remained trapped at all troughs at Re = 2.86 than Re < 1. For Re = 8.57, weak eddies started to be developed at the troughs on the lee side, which little contributed to overall solute flushing in the fracture. Accordingly, a large of amount of water was needed for solute flushing. The flow condition of 1 < Re < 10, before a full development of eddies, was least favourable in terms of time and amount of remediation fluid required to reach a target concentration. After large eddies were fully developed at troughs on the lee side for Re = 17.13, solutes were substantially reduced by eddies with less amount of water. Fully developed eddies were found to enhance solute transport and recovery, as opposed to a general consensus that eddies trap and delay solutes. Direct inflow into troughs on the stoss side also made a great contribution to solute flushing out of the troughs. This study indicates that fully developed eddies or strong inflows at troughs are highly possible to form for Re > 10 and this flow range could be favourable for efficient remediation.  相似文献   

Theapplicationofmicrowaveremotesensingtechnologyinrock mechanicsNai-GuangGENG(耿乃光);Zheng-FangFAN(樊正芳);Quan-QuanJI(籍全权);Cheng-...  相似文献   

The central focus of this work is to study the processes acting well below the surface of a moving rock or debris avalanche during travel over stationary substrate material. Small‐scale physical models at a linear scale of 1:104 used coal as avalanche analogue material and different granular material simulating sedimentary substrates varying in frictional resistance, thickness and relative basal boundary roughness, as well as inerodible, non‐deformable runout path conditions. Substrate materials with the least frictional resistance showed the greatest response to granular flow overriding, becoming entirely mobilized beneath and ahead of the moving mass and producing the longest runout observed with a unique deposit profile shape. With a smooth substrate basal contact, failure occurred along this plane and avalanche and substrate became coupled during runout. With a rough base, however, temporary force chains of grain contacts in the substrate prevailed longer, imparted their resistance to motion/shear into the granular flow, and the flow rear section consequently halted earlier than when moving over substrates with a weak base. Reducing substrate thickness diminished the effect of basal contact roughness on granular flow runout and deposit length. Inerodible, non‐deformable substrate conditions caused changes in granular flow behaviour from essentially en masse sliding on low‐friction surfaces to increasing granular agitation over rougher paths. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The frequency dependent mechanism of local fluid flow was found to be the decisive absorption and dispersion mechanism in fluid containing sandstones. In the ultrasonic frequency range local fluid flow and grain surface effects control the behaviour of highly porous and highly permeable rock if a pore fluid is present. Both mechanisms depend less on macroscopic rock parameters like porosity and permeability than essentially on microscopic parameters like crack size, crack density and grain contact properties. To demonstrate directly the important influence of the microstructure on the rock elastic and anelastic properties the microstructure of a sandstone was artificially changed by thermal cracking. The cracked rock exhibits a clearly changed behaviour at low uniaxial as well as at high hydrostatic pressure despite small changes of porosity and permeability. Fluid effects increase due to cracking. The experimental results are explained by means of a rock, model and local fluid flow. These results emphasize that it is the microstructure which controls the elastic and anelastic rock behaviour, even at high hydrostatic pressure.  相似文献   

Rock fragments can act as a controlling factor for erosional rates and patterns in the landscape. Thus, the objective of this study is to better understand the role that rock fragments incorporated into the soil matrix play in concentrated flow hydraulics and erosion. Laboratory flume experiments were conducted with soil material that was mixed with rock fragments. Rock fragment content ranged from 0 to 40 per cent by volume. Other treatments were slope (7 and 14%) and flow discharge (5·7 and 11·4 l min?1). An increase in rock fragment content resulted in lower sediment yield, and broader width of flow. Rock fragment cover at the soil surface, i.e. surface armour, increased with time in experiments with rock fragments. Flow energy was largely dissipated by rock fragment cover. For more turbulent flow conditions, when roughness elements were submerged in the flow, hydraulic roughness was similar for different rock fragment contents. In experiments with few or no rock fragments a narrow rill incised. Flow energy was dissipated by headcuts. Total sediment yield was much larger than for experiments with rock fragments in the soil. Adding just a small number of rock fragments in the soil matrix resulted in a significant reduction of sediment yield. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Development of environmental flow standards at the regional scale has been proposed as a means to manage the influence of hydrological alterations on riverine ecosystems in view of the rapid pace of global water resources management. Flow regime classification forms a critical part in such environmental flow assessments. We present a national-scale classification of hydrological regimes for Iran based on a set of hydrological metrics. It describes ecologically relevant characteristics of the natural hydrological regime derived from 15- to 47-year-long records of daily mean discharge data for 539 streamgauges within a 47-year period. The classification was undertaken using a fuzzy partitional method within Bayesian mixture modelling. The analysis resulted in 12 classes of distinctive flow regime types that differ in various hydrological aspects. This classification is being used for further research in regional-scale environmental flow studies in Iran.
Editor D. Koutsoyiannis  相似文献   

Surface‐wetting properties are an important cause of changing the groundwater and two‐phase fluid flows. Various factors affecting the surface wettability were investigated in a parallel‐walled glass fracture with non‐aqueous phase liquid (NAPL) (gasoline, diesel, trichloroethylene, and creosote) wetted surfaces. First, the effect of the duration of NAPL exposure on wettability change was considered at pre‐wet fracture surfaces using the various NAPL species, and the result showed that the surface became hydrophobic after the exposure time of NAPL exceeded 2000 min. Second, the initial wetting state of the surface affected the timing when the wettability change begins as well as the extent of the wettability change in an NAPL‐wetted rock fractures. Under the dry condition, the wettability change was completed within a very short time of exposure to NAPL (~5 min), and then it finally reached the intermediate and weakly NAPL wetting (contact angle of 118°). Under the pre‐wet condition, a relatively long time of exposure (~5000 min) was needed to observe the obvious change of the surface wettability, which was changed up to strongly NAPL wetting (contact angle of 142°). Third, the wettability changed by NAPL exposure was stable and maintained for a long time, regardless of water flushing rate and temperature. Finally, the wettability change by the exposure of NAPL on parallel fracture surfaces was evaluated at various groundwater flow velocities. Result showed that groundwater flow velocity has an important impact upon measured contact angle. Although fracture surfaces were exposed to NAPL at the low groundwater flow velocity, the wettability was not changed from hydrophilic to hydrophobic when the contact time between NAPL and mineral surfaces was not sufficient owing to the pulse‐type movement of NAPL. This implies that the variation of exposure pattern due to groundwater flow on the wettability change can be an important factor affecting the wettability change of fracture surface and migration behaviour at natural fractured rock aquifers in case of NAPL spill. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Local cubic law (LCL) is one of the most commonly applied physical laws for flow in single fractures (SF) and fractured media. The foundation of LCL is Darcian flow. This experimental study examines if LCL is valid for flow in a single rough fracture and how the fracture roughness and Reynolds number (Re) affect flow. Similar to the Moody diagram for flow in pipes, a diagram for flow in a single rough fracture has been generated to relate the friction coefficient with Re and the roughness. Under the experimental condition of this study, flow appears to be substantially different from Darcian flow. The flow law of qenJm appears to be valid for describing the flow scheme where q, e, and J are the unit width flux, the average aperture, and the hydraulic gradient. The value of the power index m is found to be around 0·83 ~ 0·98, less than what has been used in Darcian flow (m = 1). The power index n is around 11·2 and 13·0, much greater than the n value used in the LCL (n = 3), and it increases with the average velocity. The Moody type of diagram shows that the friction factor for flow in SFs is influenced by Re and the roughness. It decreases with Re when Re is small, and becomes less sensitive to Re when Re is large enough. It also increases with the roughness. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Rock plucking is the vertical removal of chunks of rock along intersection joint planes by flowing water. The plucking of durable jointed rock in a natural stream alters stream morphology and potentially damages a bridge substructure situated on a rock foundation by local erosion. Despite its importance, the mechanics of bedrock erosion by plucking are not well understood. In this study, we conduct laboratory experiments to investigate the threshold of block entrainment through plucking near a flow obstruction under sub-critical conditions. In a laboratory flume, we reproduce a wide range of typical lateral flow contraction scenarios that occur around a large rock or bridge substructure and investigate the process of the vertical entrainment of blocks near the obstruction. Two different modes of block removal process (impulsive plucking and accumulative plucking) are observed near the bluff structure. We find that under severe flow contraction, blocks are more likely to escape quickly via impulsive plucking because higher flow contraction and the resulting strong local turbulence around the structure generate large instantaneous uplift force that removes the block within a short period of time; however, we observe accumulative plucking under weaker flow contraction near the bluff structure. From the experimental results, we develop a formula for the threshold point of block dislocation caused by plucking with respect to the degree of lateral flow contraction. The results indicate that increasing the flow contraction ratio reduces block stability because of higher flow acceleration and the increased turbulence effect near the upstream edge of the obstruction. The results of this study should be useful to those who estimate the rate of rock erosion by plucking in natural open channels around a bluff structure.  相似文献   

实验室频段的双孔岩石模型与喷射流   总被引:2,自引:6,他引:2  

S. Lallahem  J. Mania 《水文研究》2006,20(7):1585-1595
Chalk crops out from a wide belt around the Paris basin, France, covering an area of about 70 000 km2. In this region, the chalk presents the most important unconfined aquifer because of its extent and the size of its resources ((11–12) × 109 m3 year?1). The assessment of underground outflow depends on the vertical feeding, the infiltration and the hydrometry. This paper analyses the regional structural map, interprets the groundwater reaction under rainfall, explains the water circulation in such media where the reservoir geometry plays an essential role on aquifer response, and determines different aquifer physical parameters. Attempts are made to identify the rapid transfer of groundwater at the level of faults and their important fissures. Based on a quantitative study of the seasonal and interannual piezometry fluctuations, it is noted that the mode and the piezometric chronology events are controlled by major parameters of geological and hydrogeologic contexts, aquifer hydraulic characteristics, the position of upstream and downstream basin limits, groundwater depth and replenishment time. This paper ends with determination of groundwater physical parameters of the diffusivity (T/S, T and S) values by examination of the groundwater replenishments periods. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Comprehensive studies, based on isotope geochemistry of C, H, O, S and Sr, chronology, common element and trace element geochemistry of fluid inclusions for the epithermal Au, As, Sb and Hg deposits in the Youjiang Basin and its peripheral areas, suggested that the ore fluid was the basin fluid with abundant metallic elements and the large-scale fluid flow of the same source in the late Yenshan stage was responsible for huge epithermal mineralization and silicification. The ore fluid flowed from the basin to the platform between the basin and the platform and migrated from the inter-platform basin to the isolated platform in the Youjiang Basin. The synsedimentary faults and paleokast surface acted respectively as main conduits for vertical and lateral fluid flow.  相似文献   

从天然气水合物稳定区底界的地震似海底反射BSR(Bottom Simulating Reflector)深度计算得到的BSR热流包含了海底地貌(热流在凹地型会聚,在凸地形发散)和增生楔内部流体活动的影响。从BSR热流中移除地貌效应的贡献就能揭示出流体是否发生了汇聚。在难以使用解析方法计算地貌效应的复杂海底区域,三维有限元方法可以高精度的模拟地貌对背景热流的影响,从而可以对BSR热流进行地貌效应校正,得到平坦地形条件下的BSR热流,并进一步通过与背景热流值的对比,识别目前仪器所不能探测的流体汇聚区。在北卡斯卡底(Cascadia)俯冲边缘陆坡中部的研究区应用该方法,显示黄瓜岭(Cucumber Ridge)高地及其周围的海底热流正异常显著(高出背景热流值10-20%),同时这些区域在地震成像上与海底的裂隙系统相对应,指示了流体沿着这些高渗透率通道进行汇聚,并且很可能导致较高的水合物富集度。  相似文献   

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