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The comprehensive study of sections of the Shatak Complex has revealed that conglomerates at the base of Middle Riphean rocks are not basal but intraformational rocks. Previously described angular unconformities between shales of the Sukhin Subformation (Yusha Formation, R1) and conglomerates of the Kuz”elga Subformation (Mashak Formation, R2) are related to late tectonic movements. Magmatic rocks developed at the base of the Middle Riphean section are represented by sheet intrusions formed in the course of emplacement of a fluid-saturated magmatic melt into partially or completely lithified terrigenous rocks at the graben formation stage during the origination of synkinematic faults that served as magma conduits. It is inferred that distribution of provenances of clastic materials and sedimentation basins in the Burzyanian and Yurmatian should be scrutinized in the study region, because the normal regressive sequence of rocks from the uppermost Yusha Formation to the lowermost Mashak Formation, which was established in the Shatak Ridge, eliminates a clear boundary distinguished between them at present. The idea about an older age of the Mashak conglomerates is substantiated.  相似文献   

Zircons in serpentinites from Nyashevo massif of the Ilmenogorskii complex were dated for the first time by means of the SHRIMP technique. The maximum date of 1892 ± 23 Ma for the zircons accounts for the minimum age of their mantle substrate probably constituting the restite residue. The date is comparable to those for metamorphic rocks of the Selyankino group, as well as of fenite–sand amphibolites of the Ilmenogorskii complex. The Upper Ordovician age limit of 443 ± 12 Ma is adequate for formation of the massif and conforms to the age of the Buldym massif and miaskites. The Early Permian dates of zircons (275.8 ± 2.1 Ma) represent late shear processes in the Ilmenogorskii complex.  相似文献   

Dating of zircon (SHRIMP) from dunite and harzburgite of the Karabash massif was carried out for the first time. Relics of ancient crystals (1940 ± 30 Ma in harzburgite, 1860 ± 16 Ma in dunite) provide evidence for the Paleoproterozoic age of the protolith. The morphological peculiarities of zircon crystals allow us to assume differentiation of the magmatic source 1720 m. y. ago. The major variety of zircons indicates stages of metamorphic evolution in the Neoproterozoic (530–560 Ma) and Early–Late Ordovician (440–480 Ma).  相似文献   

The granitoids of the Neroysk-Patok massif exhibit autometasomatic zones in which potassium enrichment is followed by that of sodium, and later, by acid leaching. Such processes affected the country rocks, as well, and are attributed to the action of postmagmatic solutions. The concentration of rare nietal minerals is closely related to the activity of such solutions. —R.C. Epis  相似文献   

The rodingite belt in the Karabash massif situated 40 km north of Miass is continuously traced for 2.5 km along its central part. Rodingites bear up to 1% sulfide disseminations and gold particles with high Cu content (up to 40 wt %) throughout the belt. The central part of the rodingite belt is especially rich in gold, which was mined at the Zolotaya Gora (Gold Mountain) deposit. The Au-bearing rodingite belt is zonal and was formed during three stages. The inner zone is composed of chlorite-andradite-diopside rock of the first stage, which is crosscut by diopside veinlets of the second stage and calcite veinlets of the third stage. The intermediate zone consists of fine-grained chloritolite of the first stage and coarse-grained chlorite veinlets of the second stage. The outer zone of the metasomatic column is occupied by antigorite and chrysotile-lizardite serpentinites. No relict rocks or minerals of the replaced protolith have been established except sporadic Cr-spinel grains. Native gold was being deposited during all periods of rodingite formation. In terms of the currently adopted concept of evolution of the Ural Foldbelt, the Sm-Nd isochron age of rodingite estimated at 369.4 ± 8.8 Ma corresponds to the period of collisional compression of Silurian-Devonian oceanic and island-arc complexes and upward pushing out of a block of the melanocratic basement underlying these complexes. A proposed model of rodingite formation is based on ore mineralogy, REE geochemistry, and thermobarogeochemical and isotopic study of minerals. It is suggested that in contrast to the barren bimetasomatic rodingite replacing dikes, the studied rodingite are considered to be fissure veins accompanied by metasomatic alteration of host serpentinite. The estimation of initial isotopic composition of fluid components indicates that the ore-bearing fluid is of metamorphic origin (δDfl = ?4 to ?13‰ and δ18Ofl = 5.9 to 8.3‰). The fluid was formed as a product of dehydration of oceanic serpentinite at the base of melanocratic rocks and related gabbroids that moved out to the surface. These rocks were a source of gold and other components (Ca, Al, Ti, Cu, Ni, REE, P, etc.).  相似文献   

Described in the present paper is the evolution of the concept of “clarke” introduced by A. E. Fersman. Based on the data available in literature, the atomic clarkes of chemical elements in the earth’s crust were computed and the logarithmic distribution curves were drawn by means of the micro-computer (PC-1500). Volume percentages of the chemical elements in the orust were also computd and the legarithmic curves also drawn. Finally, the isotopic abundances of each element in the crust were computed.  相似文献   

New data on composition and age of Precambrian granites and volcanic rocks in the southern part of the Lyapin structure (Northern Urals) are considered. The geochemical features of the igneous rocks are similar to those of the rocks formed in both divergent and convergent environments. In the Late Precambrian (583–553 Ma), the investigated area is assumed to have been a part of the active margin above the mantle plume.  相似文献   

Carbonatites that are hosted in metamorphosed ultramafic massifs in the roof of miaskite intrusions of the Il’mensky-Vishnevogorsky alkaline complex are considered. Carbonatites have been revealed in the Buldym, Khaldikha, Spirikha, and Kagan massifs. The geological setting, structure of carbonatite bodies, distribution of accessory rare-metal mineralization, typomorphism of rock-forming minerals, geochemistry, and Sr and Nd isotopic compositions are discussed. Dolomite-calcite carbonatites hosted in ultramafic rocks contain tetraferriphlogopite, richterite, accessory zircon, apatite, magnetite, ilmenite, pyrrhotite, pyrite, and pyrochlore. According to geothermometric data and the composition of rock-forming minerals, the dolomite-calcite carbonatites were formed under K-feldspar-calcite, albite-calcite, and amphibole-dolomite-calcite facies conditions at 575–300°C. The Buldym pyrochlore deposit is related to carbonatites of these facies. In addition, dolomite carbonatites with accessory Nb and REE mineralization (monazite, aeschynite, allanite, REE-pyrochlore, and columbite) are hosted in ultramafic massifs. The dolomite carbonatites were formed under chlorite-sericite-ankerite facies conditions at 300–200°C. The Spirikha REE deposit is related to dolomite carbonatite and alkaline metasomatic rocks. It has been established that carbonatites hosted in ultramafic rocks are characterized by high Sr, Ba, and LREE contents and variable Nb, Zr, Ti, V, and Th contents similar to the geochemical attributes of calcio-and magnesiocarbonatites. The low initial 87Sr/86Sr = 0.7044?0.7045 and εNd ranging from 0.65 to ?3.3 testify to their derivation from a deep mantle source of EM1 type.  相似文献   

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