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B. C. Low 《Solar physics》1988,115(2):269-276
The theoretical force-free magnetic fields in the first paper of this series, modeling magnetic configurations associated with polarity intrusion in active regions, are established to be all stable to linear ideal hydromagnetic perturbations under the boundary condition that anchors the lines of force rigidly to the photosphere. It is shown first that these force-free fields belong to an even larger class found by Chang and Carovillano (1981). A proof by the energy principle is then given to establish that all force-free magnetic fields in the larger class are absolutely stable. The physical implications of this result are discussed.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

B. C. Low 《Solar physics》1982,77(1-2):43-61
This paper presents a new class of exact solutions describing the non-linear force-free field above a spatially localized photospheric bipolar magnetic region. An essential feature is the variation in all three Cartesian directions and this could not be modelled adequately with previously known symmetric force-free fields. Sequences of force-free fields are constructed and analyzed to simulate the slow growth of a pair of spots on the photosphere. The axis connecting the spots executes rotational motion, distorting the photospheric neutral line separating fluxes of opposite signs. We show directly from the analytic solutions that the resulting reversal of the positions of the spots relative to the background field is associated with (i) the creation of magnetic free energy, (ii) the severe shearing of localized low-lying loops in the vicinity where the photospheric transverse field aligns with the photospheric neutral line, and (iii) the emergence and disappearance of flux from the photosphere at these highly stressed regions. The model relates theoretically for the first time these different magnetic field features that have been suggested by observation and theoretical considerations to be flare precursors. A general formula, based on the virial theorem, is also given for the free energy of a force-free field, strictly in terms of the field value at the photosphere. This formula has obvious practical application.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

This paper treats the prominence model of Low (1993) to examine more complicated sheet currents than those used in the original model. Nonlinear force-free field solutions, in Cartesian coordinates, invariant in a given direction, are presented to show the possibility of an inverse-polarity prominence embedded in a large twisted flux tube. The force-free solution is matched to an external, unsheared, potential coronal magnetic field. These new solutions are mathematically interesting and allow an investigation of different profiles of the current intensity, magnetic field vector and mass density in the sheet. These prominence models show a general increase in magnetic field strength with height in agreement with observations. Other prominence properties are shown to match the observed values.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the implications of the observed inverse correlation between solar wind speed at Earth and the expansion rate of the Sun-Earth flux tube as it passes through the corona. We find that the coronal expansion rate depends critically on the large-scale photospheric field distribution around the footpoint of the flux tube, with the smallest expansions occurring in tubes that are rooted near a local minimum in the field. This suggests that the fastest wind streams originate from regions where large coronal holes are about to break apart and from the facing edges of adjacent like-polarity holes, whose field lines converge as they transit the corona. These ideas lead to the following predictions:
  1. Weak holes and fragmentary holes can be sources of very fast wind.
  2. Fast wind with steep latitudinal gradients may be generated where the field lines from the polar hole and a lower-latitude hole of like polarity converge to form a mid-latitude ‘apex’.
  3. The fastest polar wind should occur shortly after sunspot maximum, when trailing-polarity flux converges onto the poles and begins to establish the new polar fields.

A. W. Hood  U. Anzer 《Solar physics》1990,126(1):117-133
A class of 2-D models of solar quiescent prominences, with normal polarity, is presented. These represent an extension to the Kippenhahn-Schlüter model for which the prominence configuration matches smoothly onto an external non-potential coronal solution of a constant field. Using typical prominence values a model is constructed which also matches the coronal conditions. It is found that the magnetic field component along the prominence influences the internal structure of the prominence. A simple extension to the basic models is indicated as a means of taking a lower boundary of the prominence and eliminating parasitic polarities in the photosphere.  相似文献   

The first successful radio astronomical results of measurements of the magnetic field of solar prominences are presented. The accuracy of polarization and magnetic field observations is 3 · · 10−4 and 2 G, respectively. The observations were made by the 22-meter radio telescope of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory at wavelengths of 8 and 13.5 mm. It has been found that the value of the magnetic fields coincides with the optical one (from 7 to 30 G), but the image of radio polarization differs from the intensity.  相似文献   

We describe observations with a new magnetograph capable of recording the whole profile of emission lines in prominences. Two recordings are used simultaneously to study the Zeeman effect in circularly polarized light. The spectral scan is produced by the action of piezo ceramics of a Perot-Fabry inter ferometer combined with a narrow band interference filter.The instrument is calibrated using 100% circularly polarized light and an emission line produced in Laboratory conditions in a simulated longitudinal magnetic field. The magnetograph was attached to the large coronagraph (Ø 53 cm) of Kislovodsk to give a series of measurements of the H line of several quiescent and active prominences. The observed values of the longitudinal component of the magnetic field are between: -25 G + 13 G with a noise level at ±2 G for a corresponding resolution of 8 arc sec.Effects produced by the instrumental polarization are discussed.S.A.S. Institut d'Astrophysique du CNRS, 98bis, Bd Arago, F 75014 Paris.  相似文献   

On the assumption that solar flares are due to instabilities which occur in current sheets in the Sun's atmosphere, one may classify magnetic-field configurations associated with flares into two types. One is characterized by closed current sheets, magnetic-field lines adjacent to these sheets beginning and ending at the Sun's surface. The other is characterized by open current sheets, magnetic-field lines adjacent to these sheets beginning at the Sun's surface but extending out into interplanetary space. Flares associated with open current sheets can produce Type III radio bursts and high-energy-particle events, but flares associated with closed current sheets cannot. The flare of July 6, 1966 apparently consisted of one flare of each type.  相似文献   

Ao-Ao Xu  Gui Ping Wu 《Solar physics》1995,159(2):265-273
The stability of the Lundquist field is analysed in the light of the energy principle. The results show: (1) form = 0 disturbances, the Lundquist field is stable; (2) form = 1 disturbances, the Lundquist field will turn unstable in certain conditions. Whether the field will remain stable or not depends on parameters such as the helical pinch angle and radius and length of the prominence. Comparison between theory and observations reveals that a kink instability in the Lundquist field may be a critical physical reason for eruptive prominences with helical patterns.  相似文献   

Observations of the longitudinal magnetic field of several prominences were made with the D3, H, and H lines. There is no significant difference in the magnetic field measured with the helium and hydrogen lines. The possibility of a true difference in the fields on a scale much finer than that of our observations is not excluded.  相似文献   

Kiev Polytechnic Institute. Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 30, No. 1, pp. 208–219, January–February, 1989.  相似文献   

Using two- and three-dimensional hydromagnetic simulations for a range of different flows, including laminar and turbulent ones, it is shown that solutions expressing the field in terms of Euler potentials (EP) are in general incorrect if the EP are evolved with an artificial diffusion term. In three dimensions, standard methods using the magnetic vector potential are found to permit dynamo action when the EP give decaying solutions. With an imposed field, the EP method yields excessive power at small scales. This effect is more exaggerated in the dynamic case, suggesting an unrealistically reduced feedback from the Lorentz force. The EP approach agrees with standard methods only at early times when magnetic diffusivity did not have time to act. It is demonstrated that the usage of EP with even a small artificial magnetic diffusivity does not converge to a proper solution of hydromagnetic turbulence. The source of this disagreement is not connected with magnetic helicity or the three-dimensionality of the magnetic field, but is simply due to the fact that the non-linear representation of the magnetic field in terms of EP that depend on the same coordinates is incompatible with the linear diffusion operator in the induction equation.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of poloidal magnetic field advection and bending of an initially vertical field owing to radial inflow in thin accretion discs. For a ratio of kinematic viscosity to magnetic diffusivity of order unity, significant bending of an externally applied vertical field cannot occur in a disc with no internal dynamo. However, we show that if poloidal field is generated by a dynamo operating near its critical state, then significant field bending may be possible. Our results are of particular relevance to wind launching from accretion discs.  相似文献   

The possible existence of strong magnetic fields in stars is discussed and a method of constructing highly distorted models of magnetic, rotating stars developed. For stars with both poloidal and toroidal fields at the surface a force-free outer boundary condition is necessary. Non-linear solutions of the force-free equations must be used. The force-free equations and the structure equations for a white dwarf are solved simultaneously by a finite difference method.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

A sub-flare and surge were observed on June 13, 1990, with the Marshall Space Flight Center vector magnetograph and coaligned H telescope. This activity occurred at the site of a parasitic polarity near a large, mature sunspot. Analysis of the vector magnetic field showed that while flux emergence and other field changes occurred sporadically throughout a period of 4 days, the sub-flare and surge only took place after an increase in magnetic shear in the field of the parasitic polarity. This event also provided an example of relaxation of magnetic shear following the flare and surging.  相似文献   

The existence of the 22-year modulation of cosmic ray intensity is pointed out, using data of the ion chamber at Huancayo and the neutron monitors at Ottawa and Deep River for about four solar cycles. The modulation consists of two discrete states (high and low intensities), corresponding respectively to those of the polarity of the polar magnetic field of the Sun. This can be interpreted on the basis of the following hypothesis; when the polar magnetic field of the Sun is nearly parallel to the galactic magnetic field, they could easily connect with each other, so that galactic cosmic rays could intrude more easily into the heliomagnetosphere along the magnetic line of force, as compared with those in the anti-parallel state of the magnetic fields. The observed intensity difference between two states is about 4.3 ± 0.2% for neutron monitor (Pc = 1.5GV). The abnormal increase in proton (0.28–0.42 GV) and electron (0.41-3.24 GV) fluxes in the 20th solar cycle and the sudden appearance of anomalous components (He+, etc.) since 1972 can be also explained on the basis of the present hypothesis. The transition between the two states has a time lag behind the polarity reversal, depending on the cosmic ray rigidity, such as about 1 year for the neutron monitor (Pc = 1.5 GV) and about 3.5 years for low rigidity components (P < 1 GV). These time lags could be explained on the basis of the generalized Simpson's coasting solar wind model and the general diffusion-convection theory on some assumptions.  相似文献   

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