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Stability of the libration points of a rotating triaxial ellipsoid   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The problem of stability of the equilibrium points (the libration points) in the problem of motion of a mass point in the neighbourhood of a rotating triaxial ellipsoid is investigated in the strict sense.In the plane of parameters, depending on the form and dynamical characteristics of the ellipsoids, the regions of stability and instability of the libration points are obtained.It is shown that the libration points of the ellipsoids, the form and dynamical characteristics of which are close to the planets of the solar system, are stable.
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Nonlinear stability of the triangular libration point in the photogravitational restricted three body problem was investigated in the whole range of the parameters. Some results obtained earlier are corrected. The method for proper determination of cases when stability cannot be determined by four order terms of the hamiltonian was proposed.  相似文献   

The configuration space around the triangular libration points in the Earth-Moon system is partitioned according to the stability of the motion. The regions aroundL 4 andL 5 are established where particles placed with zero initial velocity will librate. The complexity of the partitioning is revealed.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the existence and stability of the non-collinear libration points in the restricted three-body problem when both the primaries are ellipsoid with equal mass and identical in shape. We have determined the equations of motion of the infinitesimal mass which involves elliptic integrals and then we have investigated the existence and stability of the non-collinear libration points. This is observed that the non-collinear libration points exist only in the interval 52°<φ<90° and form an isosceles triangle with the primaries. Further we observed that the non collinear libration points are unstable in 52°<φ<90°.  相似文献   

A number of criteria for linear stability of libration points in the perturbed restricted three-body problem are presented. The criteria involve only the coefficients of the characteristic equation of the tangent map of the libration points and can be easily applied. With these criteria the effect of drag on the linear stability of the triangular libration points in the classical restricted three-body problem is investigated. Some of Murray et al.'s results are improved.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the restricted problem of three rigid bodies (an axisymmetric satellite in the gravitation field of two triaxial primaries). The collinear and triangular equilibrium solutions are obtained. The effect of the primaries on the location of the libration points of a spherical satellite has been studied numerically.  相似文献   

Raymond F. Jurgens 《Icarus》1982,49(1):97-108
Their measurements were based on the spectral properties of a rough rotating triaxial ellipsoid. This paper presents the theory by which theoretical spectra based on a backscattering model of the form cosnθ, or any reasonable backscattering model, can be computed. Some general properties of these spectra are demonstrated, and simple measurements of the apparent radar cross section, center frequency, and effective bandwidth as a function of time are shown to be useful in determining the sizes of the semi-major axes, the exponent n in the scattering model, the backscatter efficiency of the surface material, the rotation period, and the declination of the observer above or below the rotation equator. Some of these parameters are correlated, and multiple estimation may be difficult unless the observations span a period sufficiently long so as to present a wide range of declinations to the observer. However, the departure from a spherical shape aids in separating the scattering properties from the target dimensions and facilities the simultaneous estimation of all free parameters.  相似文献   

The stability of the triangular libration points in the case when the first and the second order resonances appear was investigated. It was proved that the first order resonances do not cause instability. The second order resonances may lead to instability. Domains of the instability in the two-dimensional parameter space were determined.  相似文献   

The location and the stability in the linear sense of the libration points in the restricted problem have been studied when there are perturbations in the potentials between the bodies. It is seen that if the perturbing functions satisfy certain conditions, there are five libration points, two triangular and three collinear. It is further observed that the collinear points are unstable and for the triangular points, the range of stability increases or decreases depending upon whetherP> or <0 wherep depends upon the perturbing functions. The theory is verified in the following four cases:
  1. There are no perturbations in the potentials (classical problem).
  2. Only the bigger primary is an oblate spheroid whose axis of symmetry is perpendicular to the plane of relative motion (circular) of the primaries.
  3. Both the primaries are oblate spheroids whose axes of symmetry are perpendicular to the plane of relative motion (circular) of the primaries.
  4. The primaries are spherical in shape and the bigger is a source of radiation.

This paper studies families of symmetric periodic satellite orbits around a rotating triaxial ellipsoid. Existence of the families of orbits is established, and Morse's lemma is used to analyze their bifurcations. Several consequences of the many symmetries of the ellipsoid are discussed.  相似文献   

We obtain the possible ellipsoidal and hyperboloidal equilibrium figures of the light subsystem with internal fluxes of matter of constant vorticity inside a gravitating homogeneous triaxial ellipsoid. We obtain the domains of stability of these equilibrium figures with respect to second-form oscillations.Translated fromAstrofizika, Vol. 38, No. 2, 1995.  相似文献   

Results from the OSO-6 Rutgers Zodiacal Light Analyzer experiment show photometric perturbations above the background in the anti-Sun line of sight. Sixteen successive lunations were examined, and the accumulated perturbations show a maximum value in the direction of the L4 and L5 Earth-Moon libration points. This is interpreted as a counterglow from a cloud of particles at the libration points. The average brightness of these libration clouds is 20 S10 Vis. The average angular size of the libration clouds is approximately 6 degrees. Their position varies from one lunation to the next, within an ellipsoidal zone centered on the libration point direction, with its semi-major axis, of approximately 6 degrees, nominally in the ecliptic and its semi-minor axis, of approximately 2 degrees perpendicular to the ecliptic. The position of these clouds with respect to the Lagrangian L4 and L5 points, is towards the Moon in the northern summer and away from the Moon in the northern winter.  相似文献   

This paper considers the restricted circular three-body problem with respect to the radiation repulsion force acting upon a particle on the part of one of the main bodies (the Sun). The characteristic of the family of stationary particular solutions of the problem (libration points) representing the relative equilibrium positions in a rotating Cartesian system is given. On the basis of the KAM theory with the help of a computer a nonlinear analysis of the triangular libration points stability for the planar case is carried out. These libration points are proved to be strictly stable by Liapunov practically in the whole area of fulfilling the necessary stability conditions. Instability is discovered at the resonant curve of the third order and at the greater part of the resonant curve of the fourth order. The plotted results of the investigation allowed us to draw a conclusion about the Liapunov stability of the triangular libration points in a problem with respect to the radiation pressure for all the planets of the Solar system.  相似文献   

The motion of two mutually attracting triaxial rigid bodies has been considered. Thirty six particular solutions corresponding to the libration points and analogous to the points Spoke, Arrow and Float (Duboshin, 1959) have been found. The stability of these libration points has been discussed in two categories of cases. In the first category, different shapes of the bodies have been taken and in the second category, the mass and the linear dimensions of one of the bodies have been taken small in comparison to the other.  相似文献   

J.I. Katz 《Icarus》1975,25(2):356-359
The behavior of a test particle placed at a triangular libration point of the Earth-Moon system is calculated using Newton's equations for the four-body problem, with arbitrarily chosen initial conditions. If the orbits of the massive bodies have their real eccentricities, then the test particle leaves the vicinity of the libration point in three years, much faster than if the orbits were circular. Very small particles are affected by solar radiation pressure, and may leave even faster.  相似文献   

The location and the stability of the libration points in the restricted problem have been studied when small perturbation and are given to the Coriolis and the centrifugal forces respectively. It is seen that the pointsL 4 andL 5 form nearly equilateral triangles with the primaries and the pointsL 1,L 2,L 3 remain collinear. It is further observed that for the pointsL 4 andL 5, the range of stability increases or decreases depending upon whether the point (, ) lies in one or the other of the two parts in which the (, ) plane is divided by the line 36-19=0 and the stability of the collinear points is not influenced by the perturbations and they remain unstable.  相似文献   

It is shown that due to degeneracy rather high Eddington-Vogt circulation velocities occur in cooling white dwarfs. The conclusion is that in fast rotating white dwarfs angular momentum is redistributed within a time scale short compared to the cooling time of the star. This might be important for the theory of very oblate rotating white dwarfs.It is shown that similar mechanisms work in the interior of degenerate, rotating cores of evolved stars, where circulations are driven by contraction energy and by neutrino losses. The circulations redistribute the core's matter within time scales shorter than or comparable with the evolution time scale.  相似文献   

We study the fourth-order stability of the triangular libration points in the absence of resonance for the three-body problem when the infinitesimal mass is affected not only by gravitation but also by light pressure from both primaries. A comprehensive summary of previous results is given, with some inaccuracies being corrected. The Lie triangle method is used to obtain the fourth-order Birkhoff normal form of the Hamiltonian, and the corresponding complex transformation to pre-normal form is given explicitly. We obtain an explicit expression for the determinant required by the Arnold-Moser theorem, and show that it is a rational function of the parameters, whose numerator is a fifth-order polynomial in the mass parameter. Particular cases where this polynomial reduces to a quartic are described. Our results reduce correctly to the purely gravitational case in the appropriate limits, and extend numerical work by previous authors.  相似文献   

In the present paper we have studied the stability of the triangular libration points for the doubly photogravitational elliptic restricted problem of three bodies under the presence of resonances as well as under their absence. Here we have found the conditions for stability.  相似文献   

This study analyzes a recently discovered class of exterior transfers to the Moon. These transfers terminate in retrograde ballistic capture orbits, i.e., orbits with negative Keplerian energy and angular momentum with respect to the Moon. Yet, their Jacobi constant is relatively low, for which no forbidden regions exist, and the trajectories do not appear to mimic the dynamics of the invariant manifolds of the Lagrange points. This paper shows that these orbits shadow instead lunar collision orbits. We investigate the dynamics of singular, lunar collision orbits in the Earth–Moon planar circular restricted three-body problem, and reveal their rich phase space structure in the medium-energy regime, where invariant manifolds of the Lagrange point orbits break up. We show that lunar retrograde ballistic capture trajectories lie inside the tube structure of collision orbits. We also develop a method to compute medium-energy transfers by patching together orbits inside the collision tube and those whose apogees are located in the appropriate quadrant in the Sun–Earth system. The method yields the novel family of transfers as well as those ending in direct capture orbits, under particular energetic and geometrical conditions.  相似文献   

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