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The process of the transformation of fresh organic matter (OM) into more stable and recalcitrant humic substances is still not completely clear. Understanding how OM humification evolves in northern bog environments is extremely important, especially considering that they represent one of the largest terrestrial carbon pools.Structural changes of OM occurring during the humification process have been generally evaluated by indirect measurements of the degree of humification. Several approaches have been used, often providing contrasting results probably because humification is a complex process that evolves differently according to varying pedoclimatic conditions.In the present work, the authors followed the evolution of peat OM along a 165 cm bog profile (covering the mid- to late Holocene) correlating results obtained from both organic petrological and chemical investigation. Data clearly underline a significant agreement between the two perspectives, both showing either a quite immature peat material or the presence of three distinct zones along the profile. In detail, both spectroscopic (i.e., FT-IR and three dimensional fluorescence spectra, humification indexes), and Rock-Eval pyrolysis results (low residual organic carbon content and high hydrogen and oxygen index values) showed the occurrence of a central zone (from 20-30 cm to 120 cm depth) often characterized by high heterogeneity and a low degree of humification when compared to the upper ∼20 and bottom 40 cm sections.  相似文献   

Paludification intensity and peat deposition on Haukkasuo bog in southeastern Finland were studied with peat stratigraphic investigations by taking 79 samples for 14C carbon dating and 164 volumetric samples. Peat formation of Haukkasuo, a concentric raised bog, began about 10 400 cal. BP. Lateral expansion has been largely controlled by the flat clayey floor, which has favoured rapid growth of the bog. During the first 400 years of its existence the bog covered one-fifth, and in the following 2000 years one-half, of its present extent. The long-term carbon accumulation rate averages 22.3 g C/m2/yr in the central part of Haukkasuo and 16.7 g C/m2/yr in its margins. The highest rates of carbon accumulation over 500-year periods were recorded in the central part of the bog in 6500–5500, 3500–2500 and 1500–0 cal. BP. The rate of vertical peat increment was higher than average in these periods, and the peat was mainly slightly humified and, when close to the surface, un compacted. The rate of carbon accumulation was lowest in 5500–3500 and 2500–2000 cal. BP, when the rate of vertical growth was lower than average and the peat was more humified than average. The formation of peat, the rate of vertical peat increment and the succession of peat types in Haukkasuo have mainly been controlled by hydrological changes caused by local factors, although climatic factors might also be important. In particular, the formation of slightly humified peat in 3300–2700 cal. BP and during the last 1300 years can be related to humid climate.  相似文献   

Vorren, K.‐D., Jensen, C. E. & Nilssen, E. 2012 (January): Climate changes during the last c. 7500 years as recorded by the degree of peat humification in the Lofoten region, Norway. Boreas, Vol. 41, pp. 13–30. 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2011.00220.x. ISSN 0300‐9483. Two peat cores from two neighbouring bogs in Lofoten, northern Norway were densely AMS dated and analysed for humification. The two cores have been influenced by human agricultural impact, especially c. 1600 cal. a BP, which may have affected the local hydrology of the bogs. From 7400 cal. a BP onwards, 19 distinct wet‐shifts are recorded in the two cores. Eight or nine of these correspond chronologically to periods of low solar activity. This correlation is most convincing during the last 2000 years. Some wet‐shifts are connected with a solar low‐activity period during the Subboreal/Subatlantic transition, which in central Europe is dated at 2750–2565 cal. a BP. For Lofoten, the corresponding Subboreal/Subatlantic transition – or the wet‐shift marking this transition – is dated at c. 2600 cal. a BP. Some wet‐shifts occur just before or just after solar low‐activity periods, but only four of the nineteen wet‐shifts are clearly not temporally connected with periods of low solar activity. Compared with the wet‐shifts in NW European (mainly British Isles) bogs, there are more frequent wet‐shifts in northern Norway. Compared with other peat cores in northern Norway, especially for the interval 6500–5000 cal. a BP, Lofoten deviates by its lack of wet‐shifts. As in England, Scotland and Ireland, there is regional variability in the temporal formation of wet‐shifts in northern Norway.  相似文献   

In 65 samples, we got values (unusually replicable and consistent for this type of work) of concentration, 14C/13C (AMS) age, and δ13C for: peat, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), peat fractions, and dissolved CO2 and CH4 at 50-cm intervals down to 700 cm in Ellergower Moss, a rainwater-dependent raised (domed) bog in southwest Scotland. (1) We attribute the consistency of the results to Ellergower Moss being unusually homogeneous, with unusually low hydraulic conductivity, and containing only a few gas spaces; and to the sampling methods including 18-month equilibration of in situ samplers. (2) The dissolved gas concentration depth profiles are convex and very similar to each other, though CO2 is 5-10 times more concentrated than CH4, while the profile of DOC is concave. (3) The age profile of peat is near linearly proportional to depth; that for DOC is about 500-1000 yr younger than the peat at the same depth; the dissolved gases are 500-4300 years younger than the peat. The age of the operational peat fractions humic acid and humin is similar to that of whole peat. (4) The δ13C profile for deep peat is almost constant; δ13C-CO2 is more enriched than the peat (δ13C-CO2 35‰ more); δ13C-CH4 is the same amount more depleted. Nearer the surface both dissolved gases become steadily more depleted, δ13C is about 20‰ less at the surface. (5) A simulation shows that mass flow can account for the concentration and age profiles of DOC, but for the gases diffusion and an additional source near the surface are needed as well, and diffusion accounts for over 99% of the dissolved gas movements. (6) The same processes must operate in other peatlands but the results for Ellergower should not be extrapolated uncritically to them.  相似文献   

天目山泥炭类脂物记录的微生物特征和植被演替   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为进一步了解泥炭中微生物特征和植被的变化,对采自浙江天目山的样品进行了类脂生物标志物与有机碳同位素(δ13Corg)的测定。有机碳δ13Corg值整体偏负,显示C3植物占优势的特点。正构烷烃的分布特征表明,大多数样品来源于陆生高等植物和低等菌藻类生物,其中高碳数正构烷烃主要以C29为主峰,显示植被类型以木本植物为主,但草本植物的相对比例也发生了多次变化,且这种变化与有机质的相对贡献量密切相关。在深度100~68cm,不同来源的有机质,特别是低等菌藻类的相对贡献量都相对较少;在深度68~30cm,低等菌藻类生物的贡献逐渐变大;而表层泥炭的有机质主要来源于高等植被,菌藻类的输入较少。泥炭有机碳同位素与类脂生物标志物的综合特征表明,该区植被经历了几次明显变化,并据此可将研究区中全新世以来环境演化分为早(4100~3200aB.P.)、中(3200~700aB.P.)、晚(700aB.P.以来)三个环境演化阶段,其结论与前人的环境演化与全球气候变化研究具有较好的可比性。  相似文献   

A proxy climate record from a raised bog in County Fermanagh, Northern Ireland, is presented. The record spans the interval between 2850 cal. yr BC and cal. yr AD 1000 and chronological control is achieved through the use of tephrochronology and 14C dating, including a wiggle‐match on one section of the record. Palaeoclimatic inferences are based on a combination of a testate amoebae‐derived water table reconstruction, peat humification and plant macrofossil analyses. This multiproxy approach enables proxy‐specific effects to be identified. Major wet shifts are registered in the proxies at ca. 1510 cal. yr BC, 750 cal. yr BC and cal. yr AD 470. Smaller magnitude shifts to wetter conditions are also recorded at ca. 380 cal. yr BC, 150 cal. yr BC, cal. yr AD 180, and cal. yr AD 690. It is hypothesised that the wet shifts are not merely local events as they appear to be linked to wider climate deteriorations in northwest Europe. Harmonic analysis of the proxies illustrates statistically significant periodicities of 580, 423–373, 307 and 265 years that may be related to wider Holocene climate cycles. This paper illustrates how the timing of climate changes registered in peat profiles records can be precisely constrained using tephrochronology to examine possible climatic responses to solar forcing. Relying on interpolated chronologies with considerable dating uncertainty must be avoided if the climatic responses to forcing mechanisms are to be fully understood. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

When examining the peat deposit discovered in Vydrinaya bog, South Baikal region, the authors encountered anomalous Zn and Cu concentrations for highmoors being up to 600–500 ppm on a dry matter basis in the Early Holocene beds (360–440 cm) formed 11 000–8500 years ago. It has been demonstrated that Zn and Cu are present inside the plant cells of peat moss in the form of authigenic sulfide minerals of micron size. Apart from Zn and Cu, native Ag particles (5–7 um) have been encountered in the peat of the Vydrinaya bog at a depth of 390–410 cm; these particles formed inside the organic matter of the plasma membrane of peat moss containing Ca, Al, S, and Cu. This study suggests probable patterns of the formation of zinc sulfides, copper sulfides, and native silver in peat moss. The results obtained indicate that biogenic mineral formation plays a significant role in this system, which is a very important argument in the discussion on the ore genesis, in which physicochemical processes are normally favored, while the role of living matter is quite frequently disregarded.  相似文献   


全球变暖背景下频发的极端气候事件, 严重影响了经济社会可持续发展。研究过去人类活动背景下的气候变化特征可为预测气候变化趋势、制定应对策略提供历史借鉴。本研究选取福建梅花山国家级自然保护区山间泥炭岩芯(长度238cm)119个沉积物进行腐殖化度分析, 结合粒度和烧失量记录, 重建近千年来福建地区高分辨率气候历史。研究结果显示, 在东亚季风区的低纬亚高山山间盆地, 泥炭沉积物腐殖化度越高, 指示气候越冷干; 腐殖化度越低, 指示气候越暖湿。梅花山泥炭腐殖化度在980~1529A.D.呈现低值(均值8.4%), 指示中世纪暖期较强的东亚季风和暖湿气候; 1529~1926A.D.呈显著高值(均值24.8%), 指示明清小冰期较弱的季风和冷干气候; 1926A.D.以来波动下降(均值22.8%), 对应了现代暖期。梅花山泥炭腐殖化度记录与区域沉积记录显示出对东亚季风的同步响应。研究结果记录了小冰期的第二次和第三次冷期, 分别为1589~1757A.D.和1842~1926A.D.。梅花山泥炭腐殖化度记录的近千年气候变化可能受太阳辐射、热带辐合带和厄尔尼诺/南方涛动等的共同驱动。


Only one quantitative method is described in the literature to estimate the consolidation coefficient of lignite seams. More studies concentrate on the compaction of plant tissues, which explains why the obtained results are overestimated. Moreover, most studies do commonly not determine the consolidation of the whole peat bog but usually those of some of its elements only. We propose a new approach, which conceptually is fairly close to the Hager et al. (Fortschr Geol Rheinld Westf 29:319–352, 1981) method. Our method has been tested on an example of the first Middle-Polish Lignite Seam and the second Lusatian Lignite Seam from some Wielkopolska lignite deposits in central Poland. The consolidation coefficients, C c, range between 2.34 and 2.56 for the second Lusatian Lignite Seam and between 1.80 and 2.14 for the first Middle-Polish Lignite Seam.  相似文献   

Rb/Sr geochronology on a folded greenstone-granitoid complex in the Agnew area, Western Australia, yields four distinct ages of igneous activity that conform with stratigraphic and intrusive relationships. They are (using λ 87Rb = 1.42 · 10?11a?1, NBS 70A = 522 ppm Rb and 65.3 ppm Sr):

Experimental investigations on pyrite synthesis indicate that before pyrite can be produced by a reaction involving ferrous iron, the disulphide ion must be formed; in experiments described the ion was obtained by the action of H2S in aqueous solution on elemental sulphur. Conditions under which the experiments were conducted indicate that pyrite will not form above pH 6.0. The reaction to produce pyrite is fastest when oxygen is excluded and elemental sulphur is produced from the oxidation of H2S by ferric iron. A reaction between FeS and elemental sulphur will yield pyrite at a much slower rate, although the same basic reaction is involved. An attempt has been made to relate the occurrence of pyrite in different sedimentary environments to this basic chemistry.
Zusammenfassung Wie Versuche zeigen, ist die Voraussetzung der Pyrit-Bildung das Vorliegen von S 2 2– -Ionen, die dann mit FeII reagieren. Die S 2 2– -Ionen wurden durch Einwirken einer verdünnten H2S-Lösung auf elementaren Schwefel erhalten. Pyrite entstehen in diesen Experimenten somit nur unterhalb pH 6. Pyrit erhält man am schnellsten, wenn Sauerstoff abwesend ist und der H2S durch FeIII oxidiert wird. Die Umsetzung von FeS mit elementarem Schwefel liefert Pyrit wesentlich langsamer, wenn auch die zugrunde liegenden Reaktionen sich entsprechen. Es wird versucht, sedimentäre Pyrit-Vorkommen entsprechend diesen Reaktionsabläufen zu deuten.

In this study, the retention of Ca and other metals (Pb, Cu, Fe, Zn and Mn) in the Oostriku peat bog (central Estonia) was modelled. Equilibrium sorption of metals on amorphous ferric oxyhydroxide and solid organic matter was simulated at steady-state. Ferric oxyhydroxide formation and possible precipitation of other metals (Mn, Pb and Cu) in the peat was also assessed. Evolution of metal sorption fronts along a peat profile over time was simulated with a dynamic model to test if metal–metal competition effects could cause Pb and Cu to sorb at higher amounts in the uppermost peat than in the lower peat, as observed in the field. The predicted sorbed amounts of metals were compared with those previously observed in the peat. In general, good agreement between both batch and dynamic model results and the independent observations at the Oostriku peat site was obtained. This suggests that the relatively simple model approach employed here might be generally useful for assessing other peat sites and similar applications.  相似文献   

Multiple proxies from a 319-cm peat core collected from the Hudson Bay Lowlands, northern Ontario, Canada were analyzed to determine how carbon accumulation has varied as a function of paleohydrology and paleoclimate. Testate amoeba assemblages, analysis of peat composition and humification, and a pollen record from a nearby lake suggest that isostatic rebound and climate may have influenced peatland growth and carbon dynamics over the past 6700 cal yr BP. Long-term apparent rates of carbon accumulation ranged between 8.1 and 36.7 g C m? 2 yr? 1 (average = 18.9 g C m? 2 yr? 1). The highest carbon accumulation estimates were recorded prior to 5400 cal yr BP when a fen existed at this site, however following the fen-to-bog transition carbon accumulation stabilized. Carbon accumulation remained relatively constant through the Neoglacial period after 2400 cal yr BP when pollen-based paleoclimate reconstructions from a nearby lake (McAndrews et al., 1982) and reconstructions of the depth to the water table derived from testate amoeba data suggest a wetter climate. More carbon accumulated per unit time between 1000 and 600 cal yr BP, coinciding in part with the Medieval Climate Anomaly.  相似文献   

Biogeochemical processes in a forested tropical peat deposit and its record of past atmospheric dust deposition were assessed using the vertical distribution of lithophilic and plant essential elements in a dated core profile from Borneo, SE Asia. Peat formation started ∼22,120 14C yr before present (BP), and Ca/Mg mass ratios of the solid peat and very low ash contents indicate a strongly ombrotrophic character throughout the deposit, implying that most of the inorganic fraction has been supplied exclusively by atmospheric inputs. Concentration profiles of Mn, Sr, and Ca suggest a very minor influence of chemical diagenesis in the underlying sediments. Silicon, Ca, Mg, P, S, and K show a strong and extended zone of enrichment in the top 200 cm of the profile, indicating that biological accumulation mechanisms are much more extensive than in temperate peat bogs.In the lower core sections, where the element distribution is dominated solely by past atmospheric deposition, average Al/Ti ratios are similar to the upper continental crust (UCC), whereas Fe is slightly enriched and Si is strongly depleted: this condition favors highly weathered tropical soil dust as the main inorganic mineral source. Significant correlation of Al, Fe, Si, S, Ca, and Ti with the lithophilic elements Y and Zr suggests that the distribution of these elements is controlled by sources of atmospheric mineral dust. The Ca/Mg, Ca/K, and Mg/K ratios of the collected rainwater samples are similar to the global average of continental rainwater and suggest a continental character for the site. This is supported by the similarity of the average concentration of Br, Mg, Ca, and S to that in temperate continental and maritime bogs in Switzerland and Scotland.The concentration profiles of Si, Fe, Al, and Ti show distinct peaks within the profile, implying enhanced dust deposition, reduced rates of peat accumulation, or possibly both owing to climatic changes during the Holocene. Enhanced dust deposition between ∼10,830 and 9060 14C yr BP is tentatively interpreted as a Younger Dryas-like event with dust fluxes of ∼10.8 mg/m2/yr. The variations in Al/Ti and Fe/Ti profiles suggest that mineral dust sources have been changing constantly during the Holocene, with local sources being dominant between ∼7820 and 9500 14C yr BP and long-range transport (derived most likely from China) being important during the late Pleistocene and early Holocene and from ∼7820 14C yr BP to the present.  相似文献   

Oxygen-isotope and pollen analyses were carried out on late- and postglacial (Late Weichselian and Holo-cene) sediment samples of the raised bog. The 18O/16O-ratio results provide the first unequivocal proof for the Eastern Alps of the climatic deterioration of the Younger Dryas period. High NAP-values in the pollen diagram and a strong negative deviation in the oxygen-isotope curve characterize this period. The earlier Gerzensee fluctuation is also indicated by small changes in the oxygen-isotope curve. During the postglacial the Frosnitz climatic deterioration (6,000–6,500 B.P.) is evidenced as a fluctuation in the lake-level. The oxygen-isotope values indicate that the air temperature conditions remained unchanged at that time.  相似文献   

To assess whether the biochemical characteristics of peat can provide clues for past ecosystem changes or not, a study was carried out combining elemental analysis, micro-morphological counts and neutral monosaccharide determination of peat organic matter (OM) and the dominant living plants from a formerly cut-over peat bog in the Jura Mountains. Peat profiles (up to 50 cm depth) from two distinctive zones (bare peat, FRA and a regenerating stage, FRC) were compared with the reference profile (FRD) taken from an unexploited area of the bog. The results show contrasting OM composition along the profiles. In the upper sections of the FRD and FRC profiles, high C/N ratios and sugar contents (in the same range as in the source plants) and the large predominance of well preserved plant tissues indicate good preservation of primary biological inputs. In contrast, in peat from the FRA profile and deeper levels of the FRC profile, lower C/N ratios, lower amounts of sugars and a predominance of amorphous OM and mucilage suggest more extensive OM degradation. These features delineate a clear threshold between an uppermost “new” regenerating peat section and an “old” catotelm peat below. Nevertheless, even in the latter, the sugar contents remain relatively high (>80 mg/g) compared with other organic and mineral soils. Analysis of typical peat-forming plants and of bulk peat and fine grained fractions allowed identification of the following source indicators: xylose and arabinose for Cyperaceae; rhamnose, galactose and mannose for mosses; and ribose (and to a lesser extent, hemicellulosic glucose) possibly for microbial synthesis.  相似文献   

Carolina bays are nearly ubiquitous along ~ 1300 km of the North American Atlantic Coastal Plain, but relatively few bays have been examined in detail, making their formation and evolution a topic of controversy. The Lake Mattamuskeet basin, eastern North Carolina, USA, is a conglomeration of multiple Carolina bays that form a > 162 km2 lake. The eastern shoreline of the lake is made up of a 2.9-km-wide plain of parabolic ridges that recorded rapid shoreface progradation. The lower shoreface deposit contains abundant charcoal beds and laminae dated 6465–6863 cal yr BP, corresponding with initiation of a lacustrine environment in the eastern part of the lake. A core from the western part of the lake sampled a 1541–1633 cal yr BP charcoal bed at the base of the lacustrine unit, indicating formation of this part of the basin postdates the eastern basin. Lake Mattamuskeet has no relationship to the Younger Dryas or a linked impact event because rim accretion significantly postdates 12,000 cal yr BP. The shoreline progradation, and association of charcoal beds with the oldest lake sediment in both main parts of the basin, suggest that fire and subsequent hydrodynamic processes were associated with initial formation of these Carolina bays.  相似文献   

一种刚玉夕线钾长片麻岩的岩石学矿物学特征及形成环境   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刚玉夕线钾长片麻岩是产于新太古代迭布斯格岩群中的一种低Si、高Al、高K的特殊岩石,主要包括刚玉钾长金红石片麻岩、黑云夕线钾长金红石片麻岩2种岩石组合,呈互层状产出。刚玉、夕线石和钾长石是通过白云母的变质分解和白云母 SiO2的变质反应而生成的。形成温度约为720~760℃,压力约为0.6~0.8GPa。由于温度和压力稍高,岩石中已开始出现重熔钾长石细脉。环带状次生白云母的出现属退变质反应。变质程度为区域中高温变质作用,达高角闪岩相,与围岩的变质程度一致。其原岩是在较短的稳定条件下由富K、富Al的花岗质岩石经强烈风化搬运进入大陆边缘沉积盆地,再经化学分解和沉积作用而形成的不同的原岩组合。  相似文献   

Syrovetnik  K.  Puura  E.  Neretnieks  I. 《Environmental Geology》2004,45(5):731-740
Oxidation of sulphides leads to the dissolution of metals, which are transported with water and accumulate at geochemical barriers. Such barriers can form in peat bogs. This paper gives an introduction into the long-term processes in Oostriku peat bog where high accumulations of heavy metals are observed. Peat and water samples are analysed for Fe, As and heavy metals (Cd, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn) using different methods. A concept is based on the observations. Metals are leached by sulphide oxidation in the carbonate rocks upstream of the peat. The water feeds the peat from below. The metals are sorbed and precipitated in the peat. The sulphide oxidation is simulated to examine the origin and metal speciation in the water. The simulated solution is compared with the groundwater entering the peat. The results showed a fair agreement for the major constituents. There were considerable differences for species with low concentrations.  相似文献   

Ma87Sr/86Sr initial (IR)
(1) Differentiated gabbro-granophyre from a stratigraphically old (Kathleen Valley) greenstone sequence> 2718 ± 500.7007 ± 0.0004
(2) Voluminous tonalite, the Lawlers Tonalite2652 ± 200.70152 ± 0.00012
2576 ± 140.70218 ± 0.00021
(3) A less voluminous leucogranite, and a large complex pegmatite cutting the Perseverance nickel orebody2588 ± 180.7624 ± 0.0068
(4) Aplitic leucotonalite (very minor volumes but widespread)2474 ± 140.70193 ± 0.00012
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