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The results of the palynologic and paleobotanic analyses have allowed determining the Paleocene (including Danian) and Eocene deposits in the series of coal-bearing sediments of southeastern flanks of the Raichikhinsk brown coal field. Their age was corroborated by the palynologic and paleobotanic data. The detailed biostartigraphic data were obtained in the area““ Pioneer““ for the first time. The coal-bearing strata were correlated with those from the sections of the Arkhara-Boguchan brown coal field and the stratotype of the Tsagajan Formation of the Bureya Belogor‘ye.  相似文献   

The palynological assemblage from Wulaga dinosaur site in Jiayin from southeastern Zeya-Bureya Basin was studied. The high content of pteridophytes spores is characteristic for this assemblage. The further characters are in decrease of abundance-tricolpate pollen, Ginkgocycadophytus, pollen of Taxodiaceae, Cup ressaceae and Taxaceae ( TCT) , bisaccate pollen of Pinaceae, and triporate pollen. The bone-bearing burials of Wulaga dinosaur site formed under conditions of vast swampy river valley covered by ferns and taxodialeans. Tricolpate pollen, produced by plants, close to those of Platanaceae, Fagaceae, Betulaceae, and Juglandaceae, counts in favor of valley river open canopy forests.  相似文献   

The palynological assemblage from Wulaga dinosaur site in Jiayin from southeastern Zeya-Bureya Basin was studied. The high content of pteridophytes spores is characteristic for this assemblage. The further characters are in decrease of abundance-tricolpate pollen, Ginkgocycadophytus, pollen of Taxodiaceae, Cupressaceae and Taxaceae (TCT) , bisaccate pollen of Pinaceae, and triporate pollen. The bone-bearing burials of Wulaga dinosaur site formed under conditions of vast swampy river valley covered by ferns and taxodialeans. Tricolpate pollen, produced by plants, close to those of Platanaceae, Fagaceae, Betulaceae, and Juglandaceae, counts in favor of valley river open canopy forests.  相似文献   

采用钻孔资料对鸡西盆地北部含煤岩系中穆棱组进行了高分辨率层序地层划分,共识别出3个长期、7个中期、58个短期基准面旋回。中、长期基准面旋回由上升、下降2个半旋回构成对称型结构,短期基准面旋回分为对称型和非对称型结构。通过各种级别基准面旋回特征分析,讨论了穆棱组的沉积动力学特征和沉积延续时间。认为穆棱组在鸡西盆地北部条带经历了3次盆地范围内较大规模的湖侵—湖退沉积和7次中等规模、58次小的湖侵—湖退沉积作用,延续时间为5.8 Ma。  相似文献   

Brown alga ( Undaria pinnatifida) was treated with alginate lyase and hydrolyzed using 17 kinds of proteases and the inhibitory activity of the hydrolysates for the angiotensin-I-converting enzyme (ACE) was measured. Four hydrolysates with potent ACE-inhibitory activity were administered singly and orally to spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs). The systolic blood pressure of SHRs decreases significantly after single oral administration of the brown alga hydrolysates by pro- tease S ' Amano' (from Bacillus stearothermophilus) at the concentration of 10 (mg protein) (kg body weight)^ - 1. In the 17 weeks of feeding experiment, 7-week-old SHRs were fed standard diet supplemented with the brown alga hydrolysates for 10 weeks. In SHRs fed 1.0 and 0.1% brown alga hydrolysates, elevating of systolic bloodpressure was significantly suppressed for 7 weeks. To elucidate the active components, the brown alga hydrolysates were fractionated by 1-butanol extraction and HPLC on a reverse-phase column. Seven kinds of ACE-inhibitory peptides were isolated and identified by amino acid composition analysis, sequence analysis, and LC-MS with the results Val-Tyr, Ile-Tyr, Ala-Trp, Phe-Tyr, Val-Trp, Ile-Trp, and Leu-Trp. Each peptide was determined to have an antihypertensive effect after a single oral administration in SHRs. The brown alga hydrolysates were also confirmed to decrease the blood pressure in humans.  相似文献   

Ey1 has the unique desultory-weak or gap seismic reflection structure as its one of the most important characteristics.It is very important to clarify sedimentary characteristics and its origin for Yitong Graben and its sedimentary facies and tectonic evolution.On the basis of the research of core analyses,well logging data analyses,sedimentary facies analyses and seismic reflection structure analyses,the authors have concluded the sedimentary characteristics of Ey1,and have carried out Ey1 sedimentary environments and its origin.The result shows that Ey1 desultory-weak or gap seismic reflection may be a series of small scale secondary sediment fans superimposition.  相似文献   

Eyl has the unique desultory-weak or gap seismic reflection structure as its one of the most important characteristics. It is very important to clarify sedimentary characteristics and its origin for Yitong Graben and its sedimentary facies and tectonic evolution. On the basis of the research of core analyses, well logging data analyses, sedimentary facies analyses and seismic reflection structure analyses, the authors have concluded the sedimentary characteristics of Eyl, and have carried out Eyl sedimentary environments and its origin. The result shows that Eyl desultory-weak or gap seismic reflection may be a series of small scale secondary sediment fans superimposition.  相似文献   

Ey1 has the unique desultory-weak or gap seismic reflection structure as its one of the most important characteristics. It is very important to clarify sedimentary characteristics and its origin for Yitong Graben and its sedimentary facies and tectonic evolution. On the basis of the research of core analyses, well logging data analyses, sedimentary facies analyses and seismic reflection structure analyses, the authors have concluded the sedimentary characteristics of Ey1, and have carried out Ey1 sedimentary environments and its origin. The result shows that Ey1 desultory-weak or gap seismic reflection may be a series of small scale secondary sediment fans superimposition.  相似文献   

The Berezovsk coal mine in western Siberia has yielded the most diverse Middle Jurassic limnic and terrestrial vertebrate assemblage of Asia.The vertebrate remains were recovered by screen washing from flood-plain deposits on top of a thick coal seam of the Bathonian Itat Formation.A total of 29 vertebrate taxa has been recorded so far,including hybodontiform sharks,acipenseriforms,palaeonisciforms,amiiforms,dipnoans,anu-rans,caudates,turtles,squamates,choristoderans,crocodyliforms,pterosaurs,dinosaurs,tritylodontids,and a diverse mammaliaform and mammalian assemblage (eleutherodontids,docodontans,?amphilestids,dryo-lestids,and zatherians).The caudates are among the oldest in the fossil record and the anurans represent the oldest Asian record of this group.Among the mammals,Anthracolestes is the oldest and most basal known mem-ber of Dryolestidae and so far the only record from Asia.The vertebrate assemblage from the Berezovsk coal mine is very similar to that from the British Forest Marble Formation (Bathonian)and suggests a limited provin-cialism in the Middle Jurassic Laurasian landmass.  相似文献   

The data on the coal production and consumption in Jilin Province for the last ten years were collected,and the Grey System GM( 1,1) model and unary linear regression model were applied to predict the coal consumption of Jilin Production in 2014 and 2015. Through calculation,the predictive value on the coal consumption of Jilin Province was attained,namely consumption of 2014 is 114. 84 × 106 t and of 2015 is 117. 98 ×106t,respectively. Analysis of error data indicated that the predicted accuracy of Grey System GM( 1,1) model on the coal consumption in Jilin Province improved 0. 21% in comparison to unary linear regression model.  相似文献   

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