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Twenty organic rich outcrop samples from the Belait and Setap Shale formations in the Klias Peninsula area, West Sabah, were analysed by means of organic petrology and geochemical techniques. The aims of this study are to assess the type of organic matter, thermal maturity and established source rock characterization based primarily on Rock-Eval pyrolysis data. The shales of the Setap Shale Formation have TOC values varying from 0.6 wt%–1.54 wt% with a mean hydrogen index (HI) of 60.1 mg/g, whereas the shal...  相似文献   

滇池近代沉积物的元素地球化学特征及其环境意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在滇池水域采集了10个近代沉积物芯柱,系统测定了2个芯柱的常量元素、微量元素、稀土元素含量和8个芯柱的总磷(TP)及磁化率。研究表明,元素垂向分布上多存在分段富集的特征:自下而上,Al2O3、Fe2O3、K2O、TiO2、Cu、Co、Ni、Pb、Zn、Cd、Sr、U、Zr、TP含量逐渐增加;P2O5和CaO含量逐渐升高,在表层沉积物中(12~0cm)达最高;MgO、Na2O、MnO、Cr、V、Rb、Sc、Th、Cs、Ba含量总体较稳定,但在上部有降低趋势;稀土元素总量略微降低,各稀土元素含量也表现出差异变化趋势;磁化率也缓慢增加,反映了不同历史时期物源输入的变化。在此基础上,结合前人对滇池近代沉积物的137Cs定年结果,确定了滇池约150年以来的沉积速率,其污染历史主要开始于20世纪60年代初期,而70年代末期以来的30多年是Cu、Ni、Pb、Zn和Cr等重金属污染的主要时期,还发现20世纪20年代末至30年代末还存在一次沉积环境的改变事件。滇池近代沉积环境的演化与昆明市的工业化、城市化和经济发展历史相吻合,人为活动日趋加剧应是导致滇池近代沉积物污染的主导因素。  相似文献   

Shale gas is one of the most promising unconventional resources both in China and abroad. It is known as a form of self-contained source-reservoir system with large and continuous dimensions. Through years of considerable exploration efforts, China has identified three large shale gas fields in the Fuling, Changning and Weiyuan areas of the Sichuan Basin, and has announced more than 540 billion m~3 of proven shale gas reserves in marine shale systems. The geological theories for shale gas development have progressed rapidly in China as well. For example, the new depositional patterns have been introduced for deciphering the paleogeography and sedimentary systems of the Wufeng shale and Longmaxi shale in the Sichuan Basin. The shale gas storage mechanism has been widely accepted as differing from conventional natural gas in that it is adsorbed on organic matter or a mineral surface or occurs as free gas trapped in pores and fractures of the shale. Significant advances in the techniques of microstructural characterization have provided new insights on how gas molecules are stored in micro- and nano-scale porous shales. Furthermore, newly-developed concepts and practices in the petroleum industry, such as hydraulic fracturing, microseismic monitoring and multiwell horizontal drilling, have made the production of this unevenly distributed but promising unconventional natural gas a reality. China has 10–36 trillion m~3 of promising shale gas among the world's whole predicted technically recoverable reserves of 206.6 trillion m~3. China is on the way to achieving its goal of an annual yield of 30–50 billion m~3 by launching more trials within shale gas projects.  相似文献   

The particulate organic matter in < 63 µm surface sediments from the Mackenzie River and its main tributaries was studied using Rock-Eval pyrolysis and organic petrology. The organic matter in the sediments is dominated by refractory residual organic carbon (RC) of mainly terrigenous nature, as indicated by abundant inertinite, vitrinite, and type III kerogen. Sediments from the tributaries contained significantly more algal-derived organic matter than from the main channel of the river, highlighting the importance of low-energy system dynamics in the tributaries, which allows modest algal production, more accumulation, and better preservation of autochthonous organic matter. This is particularly true for tributaries fed by lacustrine systems, which showed the highest S1 and S2 fractions, and consequently higher total particulate organic carbon (POC) in the basin. Organic petrology of the sediment samples confirms abundant liptinitic materials (i.e., fat-rich structured algae, spores and pollen, cuticles, and resins). Forest fire and coal deposits are also confirmed to contribute to the basin. Assuming that suspended and fine surfacial sediments have a similar OC composition, the Mackenzie River is estimated to deliver a total POC flux of 1.1 Mt C/yr to its delta, of which 85% is residual carbon with liptinitic OC (S1 + S2) and S3 accounting for another 9% and 6%, respectively.  相似文献   

Nonhydrolyzable carbon (NHC) and black carbon (BC) were measured upon treatments with the HCl/HF/trifluoroacetic acid method, and with the combustion method at 375 ℃, respectively in three contaminated soils from the urban area of Guangzhou and twenty-two bulk and size-fractionated sediments from the Pearl River Delta and Estuary, China. The isolated NHC and BC fractions were also characterized using elementary analysis, radiocarbon accelerated mass spectroscopy (AMS), solid state ^13C cross-polarization and magic angle spinning unclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (^13C-CP/MAS NMR), Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and Raman microspectrometry. The results showed that the NHC and BC accounted for 25.6%-84.7 % and 4.14%-17.3%, respectively, of the total organic carbon (OC) with averages of 51.9% and 11.2% in the soils and sediments. For the less contaminated, low OC fiver and estuary sediments (WR and C08), the OC and NHC concentrations increased with decreasing particle size.  相似文献   

潮白河是京津冀地区的重要河流。本研究以潮白河中游段为研究区,针对该区段沉积物有机质、氮磷污染程度不明的问题,通过对研究区130个采样点表层沉积物中有机质(OM)、总氮(TN)和总磷(TP)的测定,分析了表层沉积物中有机质和氮磷的分布特征及污染来源,将有机指数和有机氮污染指数评价法相结合开展污染及生态风险评价。结果表明:(1)潮白河中游表层沉积物中OM含量变化范围为0.17%~13.15%,平均含量为5.32%; TN的含量为0.005~1.028 g/kg,平均含量为0.192 g/kg;TP的含量为0.367~4.825 g/kg,平均含量为1.662 g/kg。(2)相关性分析表明,OM与TP、OM与TN均呈弱相关,而TN与TP呈强相关。这是因为TN和TP来源相近,主要来自外源,与OM来源有一定差异。根据TOC/TN特征分析,OM主要受藻类、浮游植物和非纤维束植物等影响。(3)有机指数评价结果显示,潮白河中游段表层沉积物监测点中60%为清洁,33.85%为较清洁,4.62%为尚清洁,1.54%为有机污染。有机污染点主要位于运潮减河入潮白河口和田贾庄排干渠入潮白河口。区域有机氮评价结果以清洁级别为主,整体较好。  相似文献   

Organic matter from Toarcian outcrops and boreholes in several basins around the Mediterranean Sea and Middle East has been studied. Rock-Eval pyrolysis, elemental analyses of kerogens and gas chromatography of chloroform extracts within these different basins have been used to determine the amount, petroleum potential and type of the organic matter. The results have been used to compile a mapping of the organic matter for the Toarcian stage, which shows heterogeneities in the distribution and type of organic matter:
1. (1) Marine organic matter (type II) occurs in different environments of deposition. Whereas high contents (>5% total organic carbon) correspond to thick deposits within the West European realm (Great Britain, North Sea, Paris Basin and Germany), the organic matter is less abundant in the Mediterranean area where lower concentrations (1–2% TOC), preserved in Lower Toarcian thin levels, are limited only to restricted basins (northern Italy, Greece).
2. (2) The predominance of continental organic matter (type III) along the northern margin of the Tethys corresponds to a deltaic environment.
3. (3) There is a predominance of altered organic matter within the carbonated platforms around the Mediterranean Tethys.
These results, supplemented with the data issuing from the literature, add a geochemical dimension to the paleogeography of the Tethys.  相似文献   

In this first study of lignin geochemistry in the world’s longest river on an island, surface sediments were collected along the Kapuas River, three lakes in the upper river, a tributary in the lower river and a separate river during June-July 2007 and December 2007-January 2008. The samples were analyzed for lignin-derived phenols and bulk elemental and stable carbon isotope compositions. Λ values (the sum of eight lignin phenols, expressed as mg/100 mg organic carbon (OC)) ranged from 0.13 to 3.70. Ratios of syringyl/vanillyl (S/V) and cinnamyl/vanillyl (C/V) ranged from 0.34 to 1.18 and 0.28 to 1.40, respectively, indicating the presence of non-woody angiosperm tissues. The high vanillic acid to vanillin (Ad/Al)v (0.71-2.01) and syringic acid to syringaldehyde (Ad/Al)s (0.72-2.12) ratios indicate highly degraded lignin materials. In the upper Kapuas River, highly degraded soil materials discharged from lands that were barren as a result of deforestation activities were detected in the locations directly in those vicinities. The middle Kapuas River showed rapid organic matter degradation, probably due to the presence of fresh terrestrial and phytoplankton organic matter fueling the biogeochemical cycling. The Kapuas Kecil River, one of the two branches in the lower reach of the Kapuas River, showed higher levels and diagenesis of sedimentary organic matter due to input from anthropogenic sources and increased marine organic matter near the mouth. This study shows that different stretches along the river exhibit different levels and composition of sedimentary organic matter, as well as different carbon dynamics, which is directly attributable to the varying landscapes and quality of organic matter.  相似文献   

张亮  刘文涛  贾磊  夏真  胡梦茜  崔振昂 《地质通报》2021,40(2-3):341-349
2015—2016年开展1:5万三亚海岸带综合地质调查,在三亚近岸海域采集328站位表层沉积物、完成5站位定点海流观测,获取了三亚海域表层沉积物粒度分布特征和水动力特征,并研究其指示的沉积环境。结果表明,研究区沉积物类型主要是粘土质粉砂、砂、砂质粉砂、砾石质砂、粉砂和粉砂质砂,其中粘土质粉砂是最主要沉积物类型,平均粒径为0.22~7.37φ。沉积物输运趋势显示,沿岸不同岸段出现侵蚀淤积趋势,东西瑁洲岛离岸输运,研究区南部存在多个沉积中心。海流结果表明,研究区属往复流,涨潮方向为西北向,落潮方向为东南向,余流方向主要为东南向。对水深、沉积物粒度参数进行了主成分分析和聚类分析,综合考虑水动力、物源和地形因素及其相互作用,将研究区划分为3类沉积环境。这种划分方法能揭示不同控制因素下的沉积环境差异,研究结果可为三亚海域生态环境保护、海洋工程建设提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Raman spectroscopy was used as a supplementary method to characterise the thermal maturity of Ediacaran organic matter (OM) from the East European Craton. Because this method is based on organic particles measurement, it appears to be a good supplementary method in addition to the acquisition of biomarker data, which is based on extractable organic matter and may be affected by potential contamination. Raman spectroscopy seems to be particularly useful for lower Palaeozoic rocks, which do not contain vitrinite. Here, we compared C31 22S/(S + R) homohopane ratio results (obtained using gas chromatography – mass spectrometry), with various Raman parameters including: G_STA, Gmax position, Dmax/Gmax, FWHMG, RAR, D_STA, and PDmax. Close correlations were observed between C31 22S/(S + R) and G_STA, Gmax position, Dmax/Gmax, and FWHMG, reaching values of R2 = 0.5‒0.6, whereas no correlation existed between homohopane ratio and the RAR, D_STA, and PDmax parameters. Raman spectroscopy results divided Ediacaran samples into two distinctive groups: (i) immature (Russian, Lithuanian, and Belarusian), characterised by relatively higher values of G_STA, Dmax/Gmax, and FWHMG and relatively lower values of PGmax, and (ii) mature (Polish and Ukrainian), with relatively lower values of G_STA, Dmax/Gmax, and FWHMG and relatively higher values of PGmax. Within each group no statistically confirmed differences were found. However, significant discrepancies were observed between the hopane ratio and Raman parameters in Lithuanian samples, in relation to other samples from the group (i). Values of the C31 22S/(S + R) ratio for Lithuanian samples are close to those for the group (ii) and significantly higher than those for the group (i). However, all Raman parameters are the same as those of the rest samples from the group (i), indicating the immature character of OM from Lithuanian rocks. We interpret this discrepancy as representing contamination of the cores with drilling fluids, resulting in increased values for the C31 22S/(S + R) ratio. In this case, Raman spectroscopy is a useful tool for detecting extract contamination and appears to be an effective and decisive method in the case of rocks suspected of contamination.  相似文献   

An analytical procedure involving Rock-Eval pyrolysis of whole-rocks was adopted on fresh outcrop samples covering the three lithostratigraphic units in the Afikpo Basin of the Lower Benue Trough. Three petroleum systems are present in the Cretaceous delta frame: the Asu-River Group, the Eze-Aku Group and proto-Niger Delta sequences. The Afikpo Basin has been correlated to three petroleum systems in the Lower Congo Basin, Niger Delta and the Anambra Basin. The organic geochemistry of the shales, carbonaceous mudstones and coal beds show relatively moderate to high total organic carbon contents. The best potential hydrocarbon source rocks are the Eze-Aku Group and proto-Niger Delta shales, carbonaceous mudstones and coal beds where maturation was attained. The high total or-ganic contents, thermal maturity and terrigenous characters of the Asu-River Group, Eze-Aku Group and proto-Niger Delta sediments, suggest the presence of a large amount of natural gas with a small quantity of oil accumulation. Variations in source rock facies were observed from one lithostratigraphic unit to another, and initial HI values as a function of TOC were proposed for each lithostratigraphic unit. The results also show that TOC, HI, OI, S2 and Tmax vary from older to younger rocks. The Tmax values discriminate the rocks into immature and mature source rocks. Source rocks with high Tmax suggest high geothermal gradient/or recycled organic matter. Also high Tmax and S2 yield indicate late and post maturity. Recycled organic matter is characterized by low Tmax. The principal source rocks for gas in the Afikpo Basin are the Eze-Aku Group and proto-Niger Delta beds deltaic systems, consisting mainly of III to IV kerogens with a subordinate amount of type II organic matter. Based on the obtained results, it is concluded that the Cretaceous shales, carbonaceous mudstones and coals in the Afikpo Basin of the Lower Benue Trough are capable of generating and expelling hydrocarbons in the case of sufficient maturity.  相似文献   

系统分析了2011旱涝急转前后长江口表层沉积物中常量元素、微量元素和有机碳等地球化学特征的变化及其影响因素,探讨了旱涝急转状况对河口沉积地球化学分区的影响。结果显示,洪涝期河口沉积物粒度总体有变粗的趋势,尤其是南支水道至三角洲前缘区。洪涝期含量下降的组分主要有Al2O3、K2O和Na2O等,含量增加主要有TFe2O3、CaCO3、CaO、TiO2、Mn和P等。干旱期常量元素组分与黏土的正相关性更高,但S4站的情况相反,这可能主要跟径流携带的流域物质的输入状况和该区特有的沉积动力条件有关。洪涝期大多数沉积物中微量元素的平均含量表现为不同程度增加,反映了研究区洪涝期沉积物粒度整体变粗和流域洪水导致的入海物质通量升高的影响。不同时期TOC和TN均具有较好的正相关关系,有机质C/N值指示洪涝期陆源贡献大于干旱期:但C/N值整体相对偏低,这可能跟物源贡献和微生物作用有关。洪涝期各元素变量在主因子载荷图上的分布更加分散,反映了洪涝期粒度对元素组合分布的控制作用有所减弱和径流携带流域物质的输入有所增强。基于各样品的因子得分,发现旱涝急转前后河口沉积物样品的元素地球化学分区基本一致。  相似文献   

Matrix-supported diamicton and uniform to laminated, silty, fine-grained sediment deposited from about 42,500 to 27,600 cal yr B.P. under slackwater conditions nearly filled two caves in southwestern Illinois. At some point, most of the sediment was flushed from the caves and from about 22,700 to 4000 cal yr B.P., floods deposited a drape of sandy and silty sediment on remnant slackwater successions, cobbly alluvium, and bedrock (especially from 7700 to 4000 cal yr B.P.). Clay mineral analyses of the slackwater cave sediment reveal a provenance of chiefly Petersburg Silt, a smectite- and illite-rich proglacial lacustrine unit present in the overlying Illinois Episode glacial succession. Today, remnants of the ancient subterranean slackwater deposits nearly fill several secondary passages and, in at least two locations, cover a cobble-mantled strath terrace 1.3 to 1.5 m above active stream channels. Slumping and sinkhole formation appear to have been important mechanisms for deposition of the ancient subterranean deposits. Slumping of these surficial deposits and associated vegetation can occur along the flanks of sinkholes (in addition to sinkhole formation) and enter caves; however, the finer organics, some of them comminuted during transport into the caves, become part of the cave alluvium. This finer organic fraction is the modern analog of the humified organic matter disseminated in slackwater sediment dated in this investigation by radiocarbon methods. Twenty-four 14C ages on humified organic matter provide chronologic control. The δ13C values of the organic matter reflect the proportion of C4-type to C3-type vegetation growing in and around swallets and sinkholes at the time of redeposition. Drought-tolerant C4-type vegetation was more prevalent relative to C3-type vegetation from 42,500 to 31,200 cal yr B.P. compared to conditions from 28,800 cal yr B.P. to the present. The δ13C values are consistent with the results from other investigations of speleothems and organic matter from loessial paleosols.  相似文献   

陕西镇坪双河口铌矿床地质地球化学特征与成因探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱伟 《地质与勘探》2018,54(5):929-939
为了进一步深入认识陕西双河口铌矿床的赋矿特征与矿床成因,本文做了详细的岩石学、矿物学、矿床地球化学研究。结合区域上已有的研究成果,认为镇坪双河口铌矿床是以铌为主的大型矿床,该矿床赋矿地层为奥陶系-志留系斑鸠关组,控矿构造为北西向次级断裂带,赋矿岩石以黑云母粗面岩为主,热液蚀变发育,铌矿化与钠长石化、钠铁闪石化、黑云母化关系密切。矿区粗面质火山岩富碱质,具有Eu负异常,含矿粗面岩富钠、轻稀土元素。矿床成因类型为岩浆热液型,早期岩浆结晶分异初步富集铌-稀土元素,岩浆期后碱质交代作用进一步富集成矿。  相似文献   

The chemical structure, source(s), and formation pathway(s) of kerogen-like organic matter (KL) were investigated in recent sediments from the northwestern Black Sea, off the Danube delta. Three sections from a sediment core collected at the mouth of the Sulina branch of the delta, under an oxic water column, were examined: S0 (0–0.5 cm bsf), S10 (10–13 cm bsf), and S20 (20–25 cm bsf). The bulk geochemical features of these sediments (total organic carbon, organic C/N atomic ratio, δ13Corg) were determined. Thereafter, KL was isolated from the samples, as the insoluble residue obtained after HF/HCl treatment. KL chemical composition was investigated via spectroscopic (FTIR, solid state 13C and 15N NMR) and pyrolytic (Curie point pyrolysis–gas chromatography–mass spectrometry) methods, and the morphological features were examined by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Similar morphological features and chemical composition were observed for the three KLs and they suggested that the selective preservation of land-plant derived material as well as of resistant aliphatic biomacromolecules (probably derived from cell walls of freshwater microalgae) was the main process involved in KL formation. Besides, some melanoidin-type macromolecules (formed via the degradation-recondensation of products mainly derived from proteinaceous material) and/or some encapsulated proteins also contributed to the KL chemical structure.  相似文献   

研究目的】白洋淀为雄安新区核心生态功能区,为支撑白洋淀湿地生态修复与保护,系统开展了全淀区表层沉积物环境质量调查。【研究方法】在白洋淀湿地采集表层沉积物样品484组,查明了白洋淀表层沉积物重金属地球化学特征,并采用地累积指数法、潜在生态风险指数法等多种方法开展了重金属生态风险评价。【研究结果】白洋淀表层沉积物重金属含量普遍偏高于河北省表层土壤重金属含量背景值,府河入淀口及白沟引河入淀口为重金属元素主要富集区,入淀河流输入为白洋淀重金属主要来源;环境地球化学综合评价结果为清洁无污染等级分布面积144.54 km2,占表层沉积物分布总面积的96.68%;各重金属污染程度由重到轻排序为Cd>Cu>Hg>Pb>Zn>Ni>Cr>As,Cd元素污染程度等级以中度和偏中度为主,Cu元素以轻度和清洁为主,其他元素以清洁无污染为主;重金属潜在生态风险以轻度和中度为主,河流入淀口所在淀区重金属潜在生态风险高于其他淀区,潜在生态风险由高到低排序为南刘庄>烧车淀>小白洋淀>王家寨>藻苲淀>捞王淀>池鱼淀>泛鱼淀。【结论】白洋淀表层沉积物环境质量总体较好,南刘庄等局部淀区存在重金属污染潜在生态风险,以Cd元素污染最为突出。创新点:采用地累积指数法、潜在生态风险指数法等多种方法,系统评价白洋淀湿地表层沉积物重金属污染程度和生态风险;重金属地球化学特征分析与主成分分析法相结合,揭示表层沉积物重金属污染主要来源为河流输入。  相似文献   

对中国大洋矿产资源开发研究协会DY851和DY853航次获得的东太平洋晚新生代沉积物(包括61个表层沉积物样品和16个沉积物柱状岩芯)进行了系统的地球化学和数理统计分析,揭示了东太平洋海盆CC区晚新生代沉积环境地球化学演化的一些特征。认为洋底扩张、沉积区离东太平洋洋脊的距离、海底的地热强度及地热活动频率影响了研究区CCD的深度和CCD波动的频率及幅度,从而在一定程度上制约了研究区的沉积环境。  相似文献   

田飞  王永  袁路朋  汤文坤 《地学前缘》2022,29(2):317-326
本文选择浑善达克沙地南缘濒临干涸的碱湖为研究对象,综合分析湖泊及流域表层沉积物的粒度、总有机碳(TOC)及其同位素(δ13CTOC)指标的空间分布特征及环境指示意义。结果表明,湖泊水域区及滩地区的黏土与粉砂组分含量高,TOC含量多低于1%,而东缘的盐生草甸砂组增加,同时TOC含量升高至10.75%;δ13CTOC值表现为从西向东,即水域区(-24.88‰)、滩地区(-25.17‰)、盐生草甸(-27.93‰)呈逐渐偏负的趋势。水域区表层沉积物粒度端员组分分析表明,粗粒端员(近源风成组分及洪积组分)含量的增加指示湖泊退缩及流域植被退化;水域区低TOC指示水生植物基本消失,陆源C3植物成为湖泊沉积物有机质的主要来源,控制了δ13CTOC的波动。当湖泊彻底干涸,裸露滩地的粒度初始以细粒组分(黏土、粉砂)为主,而后强烈的风蚀作用将富盐细粒带走,沉积物的粒度变粗,盐度降低,盐生植被入侵。此后沉积物的TOC含量显著增加,而δ13CTOC值逐渐偏负可能与上覆盐生植被演替过程中C3植物生物量增加有关。因此,乌日图音淖尔现代沉积过程及机理的研究,加深了对浑善达克沙地碱湖干涸过程中沉积及生态演化过程的认识,也为古环境的重建提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

代晓光 《地质与勘探》2022,58(4):809-821
地物化综合信息在热液充填型萤石矿找矿的应用探索具有重要意义。本文以冀北步古沟一带萤石找矿为例,通过综合物化探方法进行有效性试验,总结该地区萤石矿地物化找矿技术方法组合。在地质调查基础上,系统开展了1:5万水系沉积物地球化学测量、1:1万土壤剖面测量、高精度磁法测量、天然电场选频测量、电阻率联合剖面测量及高密度电阻率测量等找矿技术方法探索。结果表明,1:5万水系沉积物测量及1:1万土壤剖面测量等化探方法可辅助锁定找矿目标区;高精度磁法及天然电场选频测量,可初步判定断裂的位置;电阻率联合剖面及高密度电阻率法测量可进一步探测含矿断裂构造的位置、产状及延伸。通过以上试验研究,建立了冀北地区萤石矿地物化找矿技术方法组合,经工程验证在研究区内新发现萤石矿点1处,取得了较好的效果。实践表明,该套地物化找矿技术方法组合可进一步指导冀北地区的萤石矿找矿工作。  相似文献   

The main goal of this study was to quantitatively and qualitatively characterize the sedimentary organic matter (OM) and demonstrate the usefulness of geochemistry and palynofacies analysis for obtaining paleoenvironmental data for the Holocene in southernmost Brazil. The results indicate that during the time interval from 10,586 cal yr BP to the present, the study area housed a wetland characterized by different hydrologic regimes. The basal peaty deposits correspond to a phase influenced mainly by the groundwater table, whereas the upper deposits composed of silty organic mud indicate fluvial influence related to river overflow events. In a similar manner, the TOC (total organic carbon) and TS (total sulfur) contents are higher in the basal portion of the profile, decreasing toward the top. These findings could be related to granulometry alterations that are linked to hydrologic regimes or anthropogenic interference in the landscape dynamics. Anomalous TS content observed in one of the samples might be due to an external source and perhaps related to the presence of thermal springs in the region. These types of areas have potential as a modern reference that can be applied in the reconstruction of past analogous environments such as coal deposits associated with fluvial paleoenvironments.  相似文献   

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