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海水淡化,亦称海水脱盐,是通过装置和设备除去海中盐分并获得淡水的工艺过程。概括地说,海水淡化的方法可分为蒸馏法和膜法。其中蒸馏法主要有:多级闪蒸(MSF)、低温多效(LT-MED)和压汽蒸馏(MVC)三种技术。前两种技术主要采用蒸汽作热源,多与电厂结合;压汽蒸馏技术是利用热泵蒸发技术,它仅使用电能,应用对象主要是没有热源的岛屿地区。膜法主要指反渗透(RO)技术,它利用半透膜,在压力下允许水透过而使盐分和杂质截留的技术。[编者按] 相似文献
素来享有“鱼仓”之称的东海渔场,传统的大黄鱼、小黄鱼、乌贼、带鱼“四大鱼产”,现只剩下一种带鱼,近两年带鱼也正面临着万船围捕、超限利用的严重局面。因此,如何采取果断有力措施,切实保护好被渔民视作“命根子鱼”的带鱼资源,是当前海洋水产资源保护的突出重点。本文就针对近两年海洋水产资源保护出现的新矛盾,提出加强资源保护的新思路和新对策,愿与行家们共讨。 相似文献
《Marine Policy》2005,29(2):139-146
Regarding the regime of military and intelligence gathering activities in the EEZ, China argues that the freedoms of navigation and overflight in the EEZ have certain restrictions including that the activity must be peaceful and not threaten to use force against the coastal State. This includes military surveys, military maneuvers, and military reconnaissance which are a form of battlefield preparation. These activities are also subject to due regard for the rights of the coastal State. China also argues that there are serious shortcomings regarding the regime of marine scientific research (MSR) in the EEZ and that marine surveys or military surveys carried out by MSR platforms require the consent of the coastal State. 相似文献
Abstract As the quest for deep-sea mineral resources is gaining momentum, environment and ocean mining have become important aspects of study. Because many of these deposits occur in international waters, the concern for environmental conservation in view of the effects of deep-sea mining is resulting in these effects being studied in different oceans, and efforts to develop regulations governing this exploitation are also underway at national and international levels. The impact assessment of deep-sea mining needs to encompass a variety of subjects, including environmental, socioeconomic, technological, and legal aspects. At the same time, effects of in situ environmental conditions on mining activities also need to be considered for effecient performance by the mining system. Differences in the degree of impact have been noticed during the mining simulation experiments by different investigating agencies. Therefore, interparameter comparisons, standardization of methods, and improvement in mining design are important considerations for proper utilization of resources, conservation of environment, and cost efficiency of the mining operations. 相似文献
Environment and Deep-Sea Mining: A Perspective 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
As the quest for deep-sea mineral resources is gaining momentum, environment and ocean mining have become important aspects of study. Because many of these deposits occur in international waters, the concern for environmental conservation in view of the effects of deep-sea mining is resulting in these effects being studied in different oceans, and efforts to develop regulations governing this exploitation are also underway at national and international levels. The impact assessment of deep-sea mining needs to encompass a variety of subjects, including environmental, socioeconomic, technological, and legal aspects. At the same time, effects of in situ environmental conditions on mining activities also need to be considered for effecient performance by the mining system. Differences in the degree of impact have been noticed during the mining simulation experiments by different investigating agencies. Therefore, interparameter comparisons, standardization of methods, and improvement in mining design are important considerations for proper utilization of resources, conservation of environment, and cost efficiency of the mining operations. 相似文献
中国海域天然气水合物资源远景 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
南海东北部活动陆缘和北部被动陆缘以及东海冲绳海槽南部具有形成天然气水合物的良好成矿条件。从水深来看,上述3个有代表性的地区最小水深都在300m以上,有利于水合物的稳定存在;从沉积厚度和沉积速率来看,上述3个地区新生代地层厚度一般都在3000~6000m,有利于提供水合物形成所需的充足气源;从地球物理、地球化学等调查结果来看,上述3个地区普遍存在重要的地球标志——似海底反射BSR等,以及重要的地球化学标志——底水甲烷异常、孔隙水氯异常等。通过对上述海区的区域地质条件、地球物理和地球化学异常的综合分析认为,上述3个地区可能更适宜水合物的形成和聚集,因而可能会有很好的远景。 相似文献
海洋文化产业作为朝阳产业,顺应当今时代特征和发展趋势。进入21世纪,海洋文化产业出现新业态、具有新特点、呈现新趋势,其中滨海休闲业、滨海体验业、保健养生业、商务旅游业、现代节庆会展业、大型演艺业、数字动漫业等都极具成长性。为推动海洋文化产业的快速发展,应及时出台相关规划并采取有力保障措施。 相似文献
一、加快海洋经济发展要有新思路、新举措上海作为我国最大的沿海城市面向新世纪,面对新的形势和任务,共创上海海洋经济的新发展,对于今后五年抓住机遇、用好机遇,立足于建立适应现代化国际大都市功能的新型产业体系和以“三港二网”为骨架的现代化基础设施体系的形成有着重要的意义。对上海来说,海洋经济不仅是整个经济的组成部分,而且是一个不可缺少且具有优势和潜力的组成部分。市委、市府全面客观分析了国内外各种因素,从实现上海现代化国际大都市战略目标的高度,提出了加快本市海洋经济发展的新思路。陈良宇市长最近指出:“开… 相似文献
辽宁海洋产业历经事业恢复发展(1949—1965年)、传统产业鼎立(1966—1979年)、多元产业兴立(1980—2005年)、海陆产业互动(2006—2013年)等阶段,取得长足的发展和辉煌的业绩。海洋经济三次产业结构从过去的"倒三角形"过渡到"哑铃形",现已转向"金字塔形",在不断调整中得到完善和优化。辽宁海洋产业现已发展成为集第一、第二、第三产业为一体,融传统、新兴、未来产业为特色的产业体系。但是,产业门类偏少、组织协调不力、环境压力较大、技术装备落后、要素尚未整合、单位产出偏低、资金投入不足等问题仍未得到有效解决,需要在以后推进海洋产业发展中克服和改进。 相似文献