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Redshift drift is a tool to directly probe the expansion history of the uni- verse. Based on the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker framework, we reconstruct the ve- locity drift and deceleration factor for several cosmological models using observa- tional H(z) data from the differential ages of galaxies and baryon acoustic oscillation peaks, luminosity distance of Type Ia supernovae, cosmic microwave background shift parameter, and baryon acoustic oscillation distance parameter. They can, for the first time, provide an objective and quantifiable measure of the redshift drift. We find that reconstructed velocity drift with different peak values and corresponding redshifts can potentially provide a method to distinguish the quality of competing dark energy mod- els at low redshifts. Better fitting between models and observational data indicate that current data are insufficient to distinguish the quality of these models. However, by comparing with the simulated velocity drift from Liske et al, we find that the Dvali- Gabadadze-Porrati model is inconsistent with the data at high redshift, which origi- nally piqued the interest of researchers in the topic of redshift drift. Considering the deceleration factor, we are able to give a stable instantaneous estimation of a transition redshift of zt ~ 0.7 from joint constraints, which incorporates a more complete set of values than the previous study that used a single data set.  相似文献   

A number of observations suggest that He II in the intergalactic medium(IGM) was fully ionized at z ~ 3, probably by quasi-stellar objects(QSOs). Here we construct a simple model of a QSO to study the reionization of He II and the corresponding thermal evolution of the IGM. We assume that QSOs are triggered by major mergers of dark matter halos, and the luminosity evolution of individual QSOs is described by an initial accretion stage with a constant Eddington ratio and then a powerlaw decay driven by long term disk evolution or fueling. Once a QSO is triggered, it immediately ionizes its surrounding area as an ionized bubble. The resulting changes in size and volume of the bubble are determined by the luminosity evolution of the central QSO. With the emergence of more and more bubbles, they eventually overlap each other and finally permeate the whole universe. During the He II reionization,the IGM temperature increases due to the photoheating by the ionization processes.Applying the bubble model and considering various heating and cooling mechanisms,we trace the thermal evolution of the IGM and obtain the average IGM temperature as a function of redshift, which is very consistent with observations. The increase in IGM temperature due to the reionization of He II may be determined more accurately in the future, which may put robust constraints on the QSO model and the physics of He II reionization.  相似文献   

As we now know, there are at least two major difficulties with general rel- ativity (GR). The first one is related to its incompatibility with quantum mechanics, in the absence of a consistent, widely accepted theory that combines the two theo- ries. The second problem is related to the requirement of the dark sectors-inflaton, dark matter and dark energy by the energy-stress tensor, which are needed to explain a variety of astronomical and cosmological observations. Research has indicated that the dark sectors themselves do not have any non-gravitational or laboratory evidence. Moreover, the dark energy poses, in addition, a serious confrontation between funda- mental physics and cosmology. Guided by theoretical and observational evidences, we are led to an idea that the source of gravitation and its manifestation in GR should be modified. The result is in striking agreement with not only the theory, but also the ob- servations, without requiring the dark sectors of the standard approach. Additionally, it provides natural explanations to some unexplained puzzles.  相似文献   

We build a sample of 298 spectroscopically-confirmed galaxies at redshift z - 2, selected in the z850-band from the GOODS-MUSIC catalog. By utilizing the rest frame 8 p.m luminosity as a proxy of the star formation rate (SFR), we check the accuracy of the standard SED-fitting technique, finding it is not accurate enough to provide reliable estimates of the physical parameters of galaxies. We then develop a new SED-fitting method that includes the IR luminosity as a prior and a generalized Calzetti law with a variable Rv. Then we exploit the new method to re-analyze our galaxy sample, and to robustly determine SFRs, stellar masses and ages. We find that there is a general trend of increasing attenuation with the SFR. Moreover, we find that the SFRs range between a few to 103 M~ yr-1, the masses from 109 to 4 ~ 1011 Mo, and the ages from a few tens of Myr to more than 1 Gyr. We discuss how individual age measurements of highly attenuated objects indicate that dust must have formed within a few tens of Myr and already been copious at 〈 100 Myr. In addition, we find that low luminosity galaxies harbor, on average, significantly older stellar populations and are also less massive than brighter ones; we discuss how these findings and the well known 'downsizing' scenario are consistent in a framework where less massive galaxies form first, but their star formation lasts longer. Finally, we find that the near-IR attenuation is not scarce for luminous objects, contrary to what is customarily assumed; we discuss how this affects the interpretation of the observed M,/L ratios.  相似文献   

We select 947 star-forming galaxies from SDSS-DR7 with [O III]λ4363emission lines detected at a signal-to-noise ratio larger than 5σ. Their electron temperatures and direct oxygen abundances are then determined. We compare the results from different methods. t2, the electron temperature in the low ionization region, estimated from t3, that in the high ionization region, is compared using three analysis relations between t2- t3. These show obvious differences, which result in some different ionic oxygen abundances. The results of t3, t2, O++/H+and O+/H+derived by using methods from IRAF and literature are also compared. The ionic abundances O++/H+are higher than O+/H+for most cases. The different oxygen abundances derived from Teand the strong-line ratios show a clear discrepancy, which is more obvious following increasing stellar mass and strong-line ratio R23. The sample of galaxies from SDSS with detected [O III]λ4363 have lower metallicites and higher star formation rates, so they may not be typical representatives of the whole population of galaxies. Adopting data objects from Andrews Martini, Liang et al. and Lee et al. data, we derive new relations of stellar mass and metallicity for star-forming galaxies in a much wider stellar mass range: from 106 M to 1011 M.  相似文献   

Magnetohydrodynamic(MHD) processes are important for the transfer of energy over large scales in plasmas and so are essential to understanding most forms of dynamical activity in the solar atmosphere. The introduction of transverse structuring into models for the corona modifies the behavior of MHD waves through processes such as dispersion and mode coupling. Exploiting our understanding of MHD waves with the diagnostic tool of coronal seismology relies upon the development of sufficiently detailed models to account for all the features in observations. The development of realistic models appropriate for highly structured and dynamical plasmas is often beyond the domain of simple mathematical analysis and so numerical methods are employed. This paper reviews recent numerical results for seismology of the solar corona using MHD.  相似文献   

We study the evolution pattern of isolated G-band bright points(GBPs)in terms of their size, intensity and velocity. Using a high resolution image sequence taken with the Hinode/Solar Optical Telescope(SOT), we detect GBPs in each image by the Laplacian and Morphological Dilation algorithm, and track their evolutions by a 26-adjacent method in a three-dimensional space-time cube. For quantifying the evolution, we propose a quantification method based on lifetime normalization which aligns the different lifetimes to common stages. The quantification results show that, on average, the diameter of isolated GBPs changes from 166 to 173 km, then down to 165 km; the maximum intensity contrast changes from 1.012 to 1.027, then down to 1.011; however, the velocity changes from 1.709 to 1.593 km s-1, then up to 1.703 km s-1. The results indicate that the evolution follows a pattern such that the GBP is small, faint and fast-moving at the birth stage, becomes big, bright and slow-moving at the middle stage, then gets small, faint and fast-moving at the decay stage until disappearance. Although the differences are very small, a two-sample t-test is used to demonstrate there are significant differences in means between the distributions of the different stages. Furthermore, we quantify the relationship between the lifetimes of GBPs and their properties. It is found that there are positive correlations between the lifetimes and their sizes and intensities with correlation coefficients of0.83 and 0.65, respectively; however, there is a negative correlation between the lifetimes and velocities with a correlation coefficient of –0.49. In summary, the longer the GBP persists, the bigger, brighter and slower it will be.  相似文献   

A lunar occultation (LO) technique in the near-infrared (NIR) provides angular resolution down to milliarcseconds for an occulted source, even with ground- based 1 m class telescopes. LO observations are limited to brighter objects because they require a high signal-to-noise ratio (S/N ~40) for proper extraction of angular diameter values. Hence, methods to improve the S/N ratio by reducing noise using Fourier and wavelet transforms have been explored in this study. A sample of 54 NIR LO light curves observed with the IR camera at Mt Abu Observatory has been used. It is seen that both Fourier and wavelet methods have shown an improvement in S/N compared to the original data. However, the application of wavelet transforms causes a slight smoothing of the fringes and results in a higher value for angular diameter. Fourier transforms which reduce discrete noise frequencies do not distort the fringe. The Fourier transform method seems to be effective in improving the S/N, as well as improving the model fit, particularly in the fainter regime of our sample. These methods also provide a better model fit for brighter sources in some cases, though there may not be a significant imorovement in S/N.  相似文献   

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