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We select 947 star-forming galaxies from SDSS-DR7 with [O III]λ4363emission lines detected at a signal-to-noise ratio larger than 5σ. Their electron temperatures and direct oxygen abundances are then determined. We compare the results from different methods. t2, the electron temperature in the low ionization region, estimated from t3, that in the high ionization region, is compared using three analysis relations between t2- t3. These show obvious differences, which result in some different ionic oxygen abundances. The results of t3, t2, O++/H+and O+/H+derived by using methods from IRAF and literature are also compared. The ionic abundances O++/H+are higher than O+/H+for most cases. The different oxygen abundances derived from Teand the strong-line ratios show a clear discrepancy, which is more obvious following increasing stellar mass and strong-line ratio R23. The sample of galaxies from SDSS with detected [O III]λ4363 have lower metallicites and higher star formation rates, so they may not be typical representatives of the whole population of galaxies. Adopting data objects from Andrews Martini, Liang et al. and Lee et al. data, we derive new relations of stellar mass and metallicity for star-forming galaxies in a much wider stellar mass range: from 106 M to 1011 M.  相似文献   

Magnetohydrodynamic(MHD) processes are important for the transfer of energy over large scales in plasmas and so are essential to understanding most forms of dynamical activity in the solar atmosphere. The introduction of transverse structuring into models for the corona modifies the behavior of MHD waves through processes such as dispersion and mode coupling. Exploiting our understanding of MHD waves with the diagnostic tool of coronal seismology relies upon the development of sufficiently detailed models to account for all the features in observations. The development of realistic models appropriate for highly structured and dynamical plasmas is often beyond the domain of simple mathematical analysis and so numerical methods are employed. This paper reviews recent numerical results for seismology of the solar corona using MHD.  相似文献   

We study the evolution pattern of isolated G-band bright points(GBPs)in terms of their size, intensity and velocity. Using a high resolution image sequence taken with the Hinode/Solar Optical Telescope(SOT), we detect GBPs in each image by the Laplacian and Morphological Dilation algorithm, and track their evolutions by a 26-adjacent method in a three-dimensional space-time cube. For quantifying the evolution, we propose a quantification method based on lifetime normalization which aligns the different lifetimes to common stages. The quantification results show that, on average, the diameter of isolated GBPs changes from 166 to 173 km, then down to 165 km; the maximum intensity contrast changes from 1.012 to 1.027, then down to 1.011; however, the velocity changes from 1.709 to 1.593 km s-1, then up to 1.703 km s-1. The results indicate that the evolution follows a pattern such that the GBP is small, faint and fast-moving at the birth stage, becomes big, bright and slow-moving at the middle stage, then gets small, faint and fast-moving at the decay stage until disappearance. Although the differences are very small, a two-sample t-test is used to demonstrate there are significant differences in means between the distributions of the different stages. Furthermore, we quantify the relationship between the lifetimes of GBPs and their properties. It is found that there are positive correlations between the lifetimes and their sizes and intensities with correlation coefficients of0.83 and 0.65, respectively; however, there is a negative correlation between the lifetimes and velocities with a correlation coefficient of –0.49. In summary, the longer the GBP persists, the bigger, brighter and slower it will be.  相似文献   

A lunar occultation (LO) technique in the near-infrared (NIR) provides angular resolution down to milliarcseconds for an occulted source, even with ground- based 1 m class telescopes. LO observations are limited to brighter objects because they require a high signal-to-noise ratio (S/N ~40) for proper extraction of angular diameter values. Hence, methods to improve the S/N ratio by reducing noise using Fourier and wavelet transforms have been explored in this study. A sample of 54 NIR LO light curves observed with the IR camera at Mt Abu Observatory has been used. It is seen that both Fourier and wavelet methods have shown an improvement in S/N compared to the original data. However, the application of wavelet transforms causes a slight smoothing of the fringes and results in a higher value for angular diameter. Fourier transforms which reduce discrete noise frequencies do not distort the fringe. The Fourier transform method seems to be effective in improving the S/N, as well as improving the model fit, particularly in the fainter regime of our sample. These methods also provide a better model fit for brighter sources in some cases, though there may not be a significant imorovement in S/N.  相似文献   

With the rapid development of large scale sky surveys like the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), GAIA and LAMOST (Guoshoujing telescope), stellar spectra can be obtained on an ever-increasing scale. Therefore, it is necessary to estimate stel- lar atmospheric parameters such as Teff, log g and [Fe/H] automatically to achieve the scientific goals and make full use of the potential value of these observations. Feature selection plays a key role in the automatic measurement of atmospheric parameters. We propose to use the least absolute shrinkage selection operator (Lasso) algorithm to select features from stellar spectra. Feature selection can reduce redundancy in spectra, alleviate the influence of noise, improve calculation speed and enhance the robustness of the estimation system. Based on the extracted features, stellar atmospheric param- eters are estimated by the support vector regression model. Three typical schemes are evaluated on spectral data from both the ELODIE library and SDSS. Experimental results show the potential performance to a certain degree. In addition, results show that our method is stable when applied to different spectra.  相似文献   

We present stellar parameters and abundances of 15 elements (Na, Mg, A1, Si, Ca, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Y and Ba) for 23 field RR Lyrae variables based on high-resolution (R ~ 60 000) and high signal-to-noise (S/N~ 200) spectra obtained using the High Dispersion Spectrograph on the Subaru Telescope. Six stars in the sample have more than one spectrum observed at different pulsation phases. The derived abundance ratios of [X/Fe] for 14 elements (except for Ba) do not vary during the pulsation cycle. An interesting curve of [Ba/Fe] versus phase is detected for the first time and it shows decreasing [Ba/Fe] with increasing temperature at a given metallicity. Combining with data in the literature, abundances of most RR Lyrae stars as a function of [Fe/H] follow the same trends as those of dwarf stars, but [Sc/Fe] and [Y/Fe] ratios of RR Lyrae stars at solar metallicity are lower than those of dwarf stars. The kinematics of RR Lyrae stars indicate that three comparatively metal-rich RR Lyrae stars might originate from the thick disk and they show higher [a/Fe] ratios than RR Lyrae stars with thin disk kinematics. Among 23 RR Lyrae stars, two special objects are found with abnormal abundances; TV Lib has high [a/Fe], [Sc/Fe], [Y/Fe] and [Ba/Fe] ratios while TW Her has solar [a/Fe] but significantly lower [Sc/Fe], [Y/Fe] and [Ba/Fe] ratios as compared with other RR Lyrae stars.  相似文献   

Some historical records, which have held since the beginning of modern solar activity cycles, are being broken by the present Sun: cycle 23 records the longest cycle length and fall time; latitudes of high-latitude sunspots belonging to a new cycle around the minimum time of the cycle are statistically the lowest at present, compared with those of other cycles; there are only one or no sunspots in a month appearing at high latitudes for 58 months, which is the first time that such a long duration has been observed. The solar dynamo is believed to be slowing down due to: (1) the minimum smoothed monthly mean sunspot number is the smallest since cycle 16 onwards, and even probably among all modern solar cycles; and (2) once the time interval between the first observations of two neighboring sunspot groups is larger than 14 d, it should be approximately regarded as an observation of no sunspots on the visible solar disk, called a spotless event. Spotless events occur with the highest frequency around the minimum time of cycle 24, and the longest spotless event also appears around the minimum time for observations of the Sun since cycle 16. Cycle 24 is expected to have the lowest level of sunspot activity from cycle 16 onwards and even probably for all of the modern solar cycles.  相似文献   

This review summarizes new trends in studies of magnetic reconnection in solar flares. It is shown that plasmoids play a very important role in this primary flare process. Using the results of magnetohydrodynamic and particle-in-cell simulations, we describe how the plasmoids are formed, how they move and interact, and how a flare current sheet is fragmented into a cascade of plasmoids. Furthermore, it is shown that during the interactions of these plasmoids electrons are not only very efficiently accelerated and heated, but electromagnetic(radio) emission is also produced.We also describe possible mechanisms for the triggering of magnetic reconnection.The relevant X-ray and radio signatures of these processes(such as radio drifting pulsation structures, narrowband dm-spikes, and the loop-top and above-the-loop-top X-ray sources) are then described. It is shown that plasmoids can also be formed in kinked magnetic ropes. A mapping of X-points of the magnetic reconnection on the chromosphere(as e.g. a splitting of flare ribbons) is mentioned. Supporting EUV and white-light observations of plasmoids are added. The significance of all these processes for the fast magnetic reconnection and electron acceleration is outlined. Their role in fusion experiments is briefly mentioned.  相似文献   

Solar radiophysics is a rapidly developing branch of solar physics and plasma astrophysics. Solar radiophysics has the goal of analyzing observations of radio emissions from the Sun and understanding basic physical processes operating in quiet and active regions of the solar corona. In the near future, the commissioning of a new generation of solar radio observational facilities, which include the Chinese Spectral Radio Heliograph(CSRH) and the upgrade of the Siberian Solar Radio Telescope(SSRT), and the beginning of solar observations with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array(ALMA), is expected to bring us new breakthrough results of a transformative nature. The Marie-Curie International Research Staff Exchange(MC IRSES) “RadioSun” international network aims to create a solid foundation for the successful exploitation of upcoming solar radio observational facilities, as well as intensive use of the existing observational tools, advanced theoretical modeling of relevant physical processes and observables, and training a new generation of solar radio physicists. The RadioSun network links research teams from China,Czech Republic, Poland, Russia and the UK. This mini-volume presents research papers based on invited reviews and contributed talks at the 1st RadioSun workshop in China. These papers cover a broad range of research topics and include recent observational and theoretical advances in solar radiophysics, MHD seismology of the solar corona, physics of solar flares, generation of radio emission, numerical modeling of MHD and plasma physics processes, charged-particle acceleration and novel instrumentation.  相似文献   

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