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The recent discovery, by the Chandra satellite, that jets of blazars are strong X-ray emitters at large scales     , lends support to the hypothesis that emitting plasma is still moving at highly relativistic speeds on these scales. In this case in fact the emission via inverse Compton scattering off cosmic background photons is enhanced and the resulting predicted X-ray spectrum accounts well for the otherwise puzzling observations. Here we point out another reason to favour relativistic large-scale jets, based on a minimum power argument: by estimating the Poynting flux and bulk kinetic powers corresponding to, at least, the relativistic particles and magnetic field responsible for the emission, one can derive the value of the bulk Lorentz factor for which the total power is minimized. It is found that both the inner and extended parts of the jet of PKS     satisfy such a condition.  相似文献   

The properties of thermal material co-existing with non-thermal emitting plasma and strong magnetic fields in the powerful jets of active galactic nuclei (AGN) are examined. Theoretical and observational constraints on the physical properties of this 'cold' component are determined. While the presence of a thermal component occupying a fraction ∼ 10−8 of the jet volume is possible, it seems unlikely that such a component is capable of contributing significantly to the total jet energy budget, since the thermal reprocessing signatures that should appear in the spectra have not, as yet, been detected.  相似文献   

Internal shocks propagating through an ambient radiation field are subject to a radiative drag that, under certain conditions, can significantly affect their dynamics, and consequently the evolution of the beaming cone of emission produced behind the shocks. The resultant change of the Doppler factor combined with opacity effects leads to a strong dependence on the viewing angle of the variability pattern produced by such systems; specifically, the shape of the light curves and the characteristics of correlated emission. One implication is that objects oriented at relatively large viewing angles to the observer should exhibit a higher level of activity at high synchrotron frequencies (above the self-absorption frequency), and also at gamma-ray energies below the threshold energy of pair production, than at lower (radio/millimetre) frequencies.  相似文献   

Allowing for the conical shape of ultrarelativistic blazar jets with opening angles of a few degrees on parsec-scales, we show that their bulk Lorentz factors and viewing angles can be much larger than the values usually inferred by combining their flux-variability and proper-motion measurements. This is in accord with our earlier finding that such ultrarelativistic (Lorentz factor,  Γ > 30  ) conical jets can reconcile the relatively slow apparent motions of Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) knots in TeV blazars with the extremely fast flows implied by their rapid γ-ray variability. This jet geometry also implies that de-projected jet opening angles will typically be significantly underestimated from VLBI measurements. In addition, de-projected jet lengths will be considerably overestimated if high Lorentz factors and significant opening angles are not taken into account.  相似文献   

Jet physics is again flourishing as a result of Chandra’s ability to resolve high-energy emission from the radio-emitting structures of active galaxies and separate it from the X-ray-emitting thermal environments of the jets. These enhanced capabilities have coincided with an increasing interest in the link between the growth of super-massive black holes and galaxies, and an appreciation of the likely importance of jets in feedback processes. I review the progress that has been made using Chandra and XMM-Newton observations of jets and the medium in which they propagate, addressing several important questions, including: Are the radio structures in a state of minimum energy? Do powerful large-scale jets have fast spinal speeds? What keeps jets collimated? Where and how does particle acceleration occur? What is jet plasma made of? What does X-ray emission tell us about the dynamics and energetics of radio plasma/gas interactions? Is a jet’s fate determined by the central engine?  相似文献   

By considering a small sample of core-dominated radio-loud quasars with X-ray jets, I show, as has been argued previously by others, that the observations require bulk jet deceleration if all of the X-ray emission is to be explained using the widely adopted beamed inverse-Compton model, and argue that jets even in these powerful objects must have velocity structure in order to reconcile their radio and X-ray properties. I then argue that the deceleration model has several serious weaknesses, and discuss the viability of alternative models for the decline in X-ray/radio ratio as a function of position. Although inverse-Compton scattering from the jets is a required process and must come to dominate at high redshifts, adopting an alternative model for the X-ray emission of some nearby, well-studied objects can greatly alleviate some of the problems posed by these observations for the beamed inverse-Compton model.  相似文献   

Blazars are the only (with one or two exceptions) extragalactic objects which were detected and identified at gamma-ray energies so far. It is suspected that most of the unidentified gamma-ray sources may be the blazars as well. Because the entire electromagnetic spectrum of these objects is dominated by non-thermal radiation from relativistically moving jets, the effects such as the Klein–Nishina regime in the Compton scattering may play a major role in shaping some parts of the blazar spectrum. Within the framework of external radiation Compton model, we present how these effect influence the spectra of blazars for which the production of gamma rays is dominated by Comptonization of external radiation.  相似文献   

We present model fits to spectral energy distributions in the optical and near-infrared of >100 flat-spectrum radio quasars from the Parkes Half-Jansky Flat-spectrum Sample. We find that ∼40 per cent of the sources have power-law spectral energy distributions (SEDs), while a similar number show evidence for two primary components: a blue power law and optical synchrotron emission. The blue power law is similar to the dominant component observed in the spectra of optically selected quasars. There is strong evidence that the synchrotron component has a turnover in the ultraviolet–optical rest frame of the spectrum. In the remaining sources, it is likely that the synchrotron peaks at longer wavelengths. This mixture of two components is supported by optical polarization measurements in a subgroup of the sources. The sources with power-law SEDs show evidence for an excess number of red power-law slopes compared with optically selected quasars. There are additional spectral components in some of the sources, such as dust and the underlying galaxy, which have not been considered here.  相似文献   

Based on the Königl's inhomogeneous jet model, we estimate the jet parameters, such as bulk Lorentz factor Γ, viewing angle θ and electron number density n e from radio very long-baseline interferometry and X-ray data for a sample of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) assuming that the X-rays are from the jet rather than the intracluster gas. The bulk kinetic power of jets is then calculated using the derived jet parameters. We find a strong correlation between the total luminosity of broad emission lines and the bulk kinetic power of the jets. This result supports the scenario that the accretion process is tightly linked with the radio jets, though how the disc and jet are coupled is not revealed by present correlation analysis. Moreover, we find a significant correlation between the bulk kinetic power and radio extended luminosity. This implies that the emission from the radio lobes is closely related with the energy flux transported through jets from the central part of AGNs.  相似文献   

High brightness temperatures ( T b) implied by quasar intraday variability may be explained by coherent emission, or else by physically implausible bulk relativistic Lorentz factors Γ ≥ 100. Previous theory asserts that various absorption mechanisms will block escape of such coherent, high-brightness sources. Yet this same theory fails to account for laboratory experiments detecting collective emission. Probably this is because present theory is inadequate, and should not be used to rule out collective radiation processes.  相似文献   

We present a numerical simulation of the bulk Lorentz factor of a relativistic electron–positron jet driven by the Compton rocket effect from accretion disc radiation. The plasma is assumed to have a power-law distribution n e(γ) ∝ γ− s with 1 < γ < γmax and is continuously reheated to compensate for radiation losses. We include the full Klein–Nishina (hereafter KN) cross-section, and study the role of the energy upper cut-off γmax, spectral index s and source compactness. We determine the terminal bulk Lorentz factor in the cases of supermassive black holes, relevant to AGN, and stellar black holes, relevant to galactic microquasars. In the latter case, Klein–Nishina cross-section effects are more important and induce a terminal bulk Lorentz factor smaller than in the former case. Our result are in good agreement with bulk Lorentz factors observed in Galactic (GRS 1915+105, GRO J1655−40) and extragalactic sources. Differences in scattered radiation and acceleration mechanism efficiency in the AGN environment can be responsible for the variety of relativistic motion in those objects. We also take into account the influence of the size of the accretion disc; if the external radius is small enough, the bulk Lorentz factor can be as high as 60.  相似文献   

It has been commonly accepted that the bulk velocity of extragalactic jets varies in all directions. We examined the synchrotron radiation of a jet with velocity structure in the direction perpendicular to its axis and found that the spectral energy distribution (SED) is not strongly influenced by this circumstance, that there is only a small increase in the emission intensity and almost no shift in the peak frequency. For objects with smaller inclined angles θ0 between the jet axis and the line of our sight, such as Blazars, the effect is more important. When θ0 exceeds a critical value there is no longer any change in the SED. To compare the bulk speed with different velocity structure, an equivalent speed (β) is defined which would reproduce the same spectral profile. There possibly exists a stress fμ(y) between layers of the outflow when the velocity is not the same in the jet.  相似文献   

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