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An analysis is made of the geobotanical forecasting technique. Mapping is known to be recognized as the most powerful method of forecasting-geobotanical investigations. A close interrelation between geobotanical forecasting and vegetation mapping is demonstrated. To improve objectivity of the findings used cartographic models of modern and predicted vegetation which most fully represent the entire structuralcenotic diversity of plant communities in Prebaikalia, the central region of Baikalian Siberia. The predictive constructions are based on analyzing modern vegetation which always includes structural features of its future that manifest themselves in primary and stable derivative communities. We developed the legend and compiled the map (sc 1:200 000) of the region’s modern vegetation. The state of the natural environment of the Lena- Angara interfluve is assessed having regard to the various functions of plant communities in geosystems. The 1:200 000 map of probability-forecasted (within 200 years) vegetation is presented for Lena-Angara interfluve. It is shown that complete recovery of the primary structure will not occur within 200 years. It is found that it is necessary to carry out predictive-cartographic investigations for the whole of Baikalian Siberia as vegetation of this region is characterized by a decreased activity of recovery processes occurring under the influence of anthropogenic factors. The reason has to do with the harsh natural conditions where it is not worthwhile to pursue extensive nature management, such as is universally the case to date, leading to undesirable economic consequences, because the degree of disturbance to vegetation in a number of areas of Prebaikalia has now reached as critical level. It is concluded that a further policy of nature management on this territory must be built upon the new principles to be approved by government documents.  相似文献   

We bring up the issue related to the need and importance of undertaking an assessment of the present status of vegetation in Prebaikalia. The vegetation of this region has long been experiencing strong anthropogenic destructions, especially in the southern, more developed, areas. Anthropogenic impacts on vegetation continue to be enhanced thus influencing the processes of spontaneous development of vegetation and decreasing its ecological potential. Assessment of the present status of vegetation as a complex self-evolving autotrophic natural entity having its own evolutionary history of development and dynamical potential is used in reference to identifying and evaluating the degree of disturbance of its native (spontaneous) florocenotic structure. To improve objectivity of research results uses a cartographic method supported by GIS technologies. On the basis of the principles of a structural-dynamical classification of plant communities as suggested by V. B. Sochava, we compiled a universal geobotanical medium-scale (1:500 000) map for Prebaikalia. The map was generated for two purposes: inventory, i.e. identifying the typological belonging of existing plant communities in the region, and for assessment–dynamical purpose to identify the epitaxon structure of the entire vegetation cover. These efforts were accompanied by a formalized assessment of the age structure of tree stands of the region’s forest communities as well as a clear differentiation between forest and non-forest vegetation by identifying new burns and felling areas. The findings formed the basis for generating a detailed 1:500 000 map of disturbances to Prebaikalia’s vegetation displaying 11 kinds of vegetation disturbances ranging from the persisting native communities to those substituted by agrocenoses and introductions of urban settlements. A general outline of the present status of vegetation is provided as well as the main directions for nature management optimization in the region within the framework of the state ecological policy.  相似文献   

This paper considers the theoretical and methodological aspects of landscape-hydrological analysis in substantiating the possible development of recreational activities within the boundaries of the central ecological zone of the Baikal natural territory (BNT CEZ) in Irkutsk oblast. The hydrological characteristics of the landscapes in terms of their sensitivity and resistance to natural changes and external influences are given. We carried out a landscape-hydrological zoning for the BNT CEZ territory within the boundaries of Irkutsk oblast having regard to the conditions of runoff formation, the characteristic features of its regulation in various landscapes, and to the possibility of preserving the natural water regime and the waterecological state in utilizing the territory. It is determined that the main factors for the landscape differentiation in assessing the advisability of recreational development without damage to the Lake Baikal ecosystem and to the natural waters of BNT CEZ as a whole are the hydrological properties of landscapes and resistance of natural complexes to impacts. It is found that the level of realization of the main hydrological functions of landscapes, i. e. the runoff formation, runoff regulation and water protection functions, characterizes the involvement of the natural complex in the formation of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the local runoff, in the replenishment processes of dynamical reserves of subsurface waters, the regulation of natural floods and freshets, the preservation of the water-ecological potential of the territory. As a result a landscape-hydrological framework zoning of the territory using the landscape planning tools, three zones have been identified: the zone of the preservation of the existing state, the zone of regulated use, and the zone of territorial development. The proposed zones have general recommendations for the preservation of the hydrological and water-ecological indicators of the natural complexes which imply abandoning any activity in areas of particularly high value and highly sensitive to impacts, and the possibility of developing recreational activities in sustainable areas, subject to environmental protection measures.  相似文献   

An assessment is made of the uniqueness of modern vegetation in Prebaikalia as a biogeographical entity. It is shown that its complex structural-cenotic diversity is represented on the new universal geobotanical map of vegetation at a scale of 1:500 000. The map legend, constructed on the principles of V. B. Sochava’s multidimensional and multistage structural-dynamical classification of plant communities, displayed more than 160 cenotic subdivisions of vegetation of Prebaikalia representing its different types. An analysis is made of the development paths of vegetation for assessing its evolutionary potential. The study revealed the main stages of philocenogenesis in the Late Cainozoic. Its main directions have been revealed, which are important for understanding the characteristics of the region’s modern vegetation cover. The heterogeneity and heterochronicity of modern cenotic diversity of vegetation is shown. Emphasis is placed on the evolutionary processes of vegetation of Prebaikalia in the Holocene which can last for at least 40 thousand years. In this connection, it is proposed to change interpretation of the Holocene Optimum as an optimum for the evolution of the dark-coniferous taiga of Siberia. It is shown that the genetic linkages of the cenotic structure of modern vegetation cover in Prebaikalia are clearly pronounced via regional-typological categories of vegetation reflecting profound links of modern vegetation with natural-geographical regions where its philogenetic processes were taking place in interaction with the general evolution of the natural environment. An analysis is made of the significance of the floristic and cenotic boundaries having an important biogeographical significance. Such boundaries, on the one hand, are the footprint of the past evolutionary processes in vegetation, and in the natural environment as a whole, and, on the other, indicate the dynamical potential of possible changes in vegetation under global climate change.  相似文献   

We outline the essentials of landscape planning of a territory from the water factor at the stage of assessments and summarizations of a natural character. We explore the possibilities of assessing the water potential and the goals of ecologically oriented land use planning. We formulate a number of recommendations and suggest a target-oriented zoning of the lake’s watershed basin with respect to the water factor with a focus on maintenance of the quantity and quality of waters entering Lake Baikal.  相似文献   

We examine the complicated situation with demarcation of the boundary of the Lake Baikal water protection zone. It was found that although the principles of ecological zoning, a unique legal instrument regulating the development of a territory with a special nature conservation status and the preservation of the Lake Baikal ecosystem, have been developed and implemented, it was not until 2015 that the boundaries of the water protection zone of Lake Baikal itself were defined. The boundaries of the water protection zone along the boundary of the central ecological zone of Lake Baikal as established by a Decree of the RF Government combined severe restrictions on water use of the two zones across the territory with the area more than 50 thou km2. It is concluded that there is a need to reconsider the decision and develop the project of the water protection zone of Lake Baikal substantiated from the landscape-hydrological perspective. It is demonstrated that the substantiation of the size of the water protection zone must rely on the hydrological runoff-forming and runoffregulating functions of landscapes that determine the formation and transformation of the local runoff between the watershed and the draining water body. The approach to implementing the water protection zoning project on the landscape-hydrological principles is developed to provide maximum protection of Lake Baikal against the input of pollutants with the subsurface and surface runoff from the neighboring coastal territories due to the natural processes of self-purification in landscapes and soil-ground layers. The main criterion is defined for the width of the water protection zone: all pollutants beyond the imposed limits of the zone are drained by the inflows from the lake and do not enter directly Lake Baikal; also, the protection of subsurface waters from the vertical penetration of pollutants is taken into account. For the settlements situation on the shores of Lake Baikal, it is proposed to delineate the boundary of the lake’s water protection zone having regard to the existing and future plans of development and engineering-technological infrastructuring of the territory.  相似文献   

The historical factors of the development of organic agriculture in the Baikal region are considered on the basis of ethnoecological experience of traditional agriculture management in the 18th–19th centuries. It is pointed out that the historical method of developing the territory of Transbaikalia is based on nomadic ethnic culture, self-consciousness of the Buryat ethnos, and on the stereotype of behavior in the natural environment and constitutes a unique historical experience of adaptation of the Buryats in the steppe and forest-steppe landscapes of Transbaikalia. And the preservation of nomadic traditions and the Buryat culture of economic managing deserve the attention of researchers. The historical-geographical approach makes it possible to demonstrate the adaptive character of nomad livestock breeding and the use of the territory of Transbaikalia region by the Buryat ethnos in the past, using a conditionally allocated cattle-breeding model as an example. It is shown that the livestock husbandry (nomadic) model of agrarian nature management under consideration reflected a specific “strategy of adaptation” of traditional (nomadic) nature management to the natural environment of the region, which was at a certain socio-economic level of development and represented a natural model for the existence of the Buryat ethnos formed under the influence of the unique landscapes of Transbaikalia and historical traditions. The livestock husbandry model of the economy in the past was the main system of using the territory of Transbaikalia by the Buryat population and reflected the dynamic stereotype of behavior in a given natural environment. The main features of nomadic livestock husbandry are identified, which confirms that the livestock husbandry model was an ecologically correct form of farming, and traditional agriculture is an alternative to intensive forms of agriculture, a kind of management with a focus on the manufacture of ecologically clean products of livestock husbandry as well as being the prototype of organic agriculture in the Baikal region.  相似文献   

We examine the theoretical and applied aspects related to the concept of the ecological potential of vegetation as an important factor for pursuing of the public environmental policy. Taking into consideration the ecological potential in the nature management system is essential. A map fragment illustrating the ecological potential of the Baikal region is provided.  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of the documents on the preservation and sustainable use of natural resources within the Lake Baikal drainage basin. An analysis is made of the results of the environmental activity during the period of planned economy and post-perestroika. In the reform years, Baikal was included on the List of the World Natural Heritage Sites, the Federal Law “On the protection of Lake Baikal” was adopted as well as three federal target programs of the protection of the lake and socioeconomic development of the Baikal natural territory. Due to funding shortages, however, they are hardly implemented. The latest legal acts substantially restrict the rights of local residents to land privatization, the development of the social infrastructure, and to use natural resources. Furthermore, in spite of a large number of federal nature conservation directives, closure of many enterprises and reductions in emissions, the ecological situation on Lake Baikal is not improving. Among the problems is the negative attitude of local residents toward the restriction of their constitutional rights to property and economic activity. In addition, all ecological legislative acts are adopted without any public discussion and funding of environmental protection expenditures is not a priority. An improvement of the ecological situation on Baikal is possible only through a further development of the region’s environmentally safe economy and by raising the living standards of the local population on the principles of sustainable development with due regard for the interests of future generations.  相似文献   

An analysis is made of the development and functioning of territorial nature conservation on the Baikal natural territory in terms of the economic model as an adjunct to the previously suggested institutional model. Based on using three main components of the economic model, it is shown that under environment activity-specific conditions, where the administrative methods of management are dominant, the stage of stabilization and enhancement of budgetary financing of specially protected natural territories leaves room for a compromise between nature conservancy objectives and the enlargement of the kinds of economic activities. Such an approach is capable of providing controlled access to the Baikal natural territory, and to the World Nature Heritage site, Lake Baikal.  相似文献   

We examine the current ecological problems of the Balkhash region. An assessment is made of the ecological status of the territory and water resources among which Lake Balkhash and the Ili, Karatal and Lepsy were assessed as the most severely polluted rivers. Lake Balkhash is represented not only as a fishery water body but also as the unique center of the region’s ecological integrity. A rationale is provided for the need to carry out a geoecological monitoring as well as comprehensive measures for maintaining stability of the Lake Balkhash level, preventing the water bodies from pollution, the protection of the lakes’ floodplains, the preservation of tugai forests and saxaul vegetation, and a monitoring of desertification processes. Based on studying and analyzing the spatiotemporal physical-geographical characteristics of the territory of the Balkhash region, we constructed a fragment of the geoecological regionalization map. A study into the spatialregular distribution revealed the region’s dominant plant communities. The main pollution sources have been identified: mining industries, housing and communal facilities, influences from settlements, and agrocenoses, specifically irrigated agriculture. As a result of our investigations, it was found that all landscapes of the region have been undergoing changes due to anthropogenic impacts to become anthropogenic modifications of natural landscapes. It was further found that irrational consumption and ill thought-out strategies for utilization of biological resources, coupled with an inadequate scientific regulation of anthropogenic impacts, continue to inflict damage to the region’s bioresources.  相似文献   

The composition of the territorial groups of mineral deposits as revealed to date within the Russian part of the Baikal natural territory is considered. The importance of mineral resources for the development of productive forces of the region under consideration, and for Russia in general, and the degree of ecological danger from mining production systems are characterized.  相似文献   

The need to improve the assessment of the wildfire hazard in nature reserves is considered. It is suggested that the natural vegetation fuel map compiled by using a specially developed determinant of the types of main conductors of burning having regard to the period of a fire-hazardous season should be used for such purposes. The types of prime conductors of burning constitute the major group of vegetation fuels which determines the possibility of the spread of burning across the territory covered by vegetation. A classification of this group was carried out on the basis of long-term pyrological investigations in different regions of the RF. The vegetation fuel maps are presented for the Stolby nature reserve, separately for the spring (autumn) and summer seasons, because the southern-taiga forests are characterized by a predominance of the grass forest types with the involvement of gramineous species. The map of the current wildfire hazard is compiled and presented as an example, on the basis of the vegetation fuel map for the spring (autumn) periods of the season for drought class II according to the weather conditions. This map is representative of the possibility or impossibility of the spread of burning for each area in the nature reserve in the event that the source of fire (of anthropogenic or natural origins) appears. It is shown that vegetation fuel map can be compiled for any nature reserve by using the determinant of the types of prime conductors of burning.  相似文献   

We discuss the results of ecological examination of 27 tourist sites on the territory of Pribaikalsky National Park in the central ecological zone of Lake Baikal in relation to the problem-targeted ecologo-socio-economic aspects.  相似文献   

An analysis is made of the data from experimental investigations into the influence of fires on changes in the soil-protective functions of Siberian stone pine and pine forests in the southern part of the central ecological zone of the Baikal natural territory. The study revealed a negative influence of ground fires of the litter-humus type on changes in reserves and qualitative functional composition of forest litter and its moisture retention capacity as well as in water-physical properties of soils. Quantitative indices are provided for the liquid and solid overland runoff forming in burnt-over areas, depending on slope steepness, and on the intensity and temporal remoteness of past fires.  相似文献   

甘肃黄土高原区生态建设与可持续农业发展对策   总被引:11,自引:6,他引:11  
通过对甘肃黄土高原区的生态环境现状和成因的分析,指出是人类的掠夺性行为加速了本区脆弱生态环境的恶变,并提出了甘肃黄土高原区生态环境建设与可持续农业发展的对策。  相似文献   

We investigated the Ria Formosa Natural Park located in the lagoon of the same name; it is famous for a great diversity of bird species and offers outstanding possibilities for the development of a special type of ecological tourism, birdwatching, that attracts birdwatchers from across the globe. It is shown that the existing natural resources on this territory should be complemented by an appropriate infrastructure and the rules in order to ensure tourism sustainability and development in connection with a high ecological significance of the territory and a heavy demand from visitors. Using landscape approach and methods of geoinformationbased landscape-interpretation mapping, extrapolating the density of different bird species, calculating integral indicators for assessing ornithological resources as well as infrastructure development techniques, we undertook a planning procedure of the birdwatching tourism infrastructure, including trails and observation points. As initial data, we used vegetation and soil maps, topographic maps, space images, data on the density of bird species in different biotopes, and field investigations. We generated the population density maps for each bird species as well as the biotope assessment map for all bird species, based on calculating the sum of the products of densities of each species by the ecological value of the species. Also, the landscape map was used to develop the territorial zoning map, having regard to the possibilities and limitations of constructing trails of different classes. Using spatial cross-matching of the assessment maps for ornithological resources and the trail zoning map, we identified places holding promise for the construction of the birdwatching tourism infrastructure. It is shown that the suggested method provides a means of making a proximate assessment of the territory from different perspectives, based on knowledge of a territory’s landscape structure; it is a prompt and inexpensive technique as contrasted to field investigations of the entire territory; however, it calls for further detailed investigation into promising areas.  相似文献   

The resolution of the issues related to the prevention of ecological problems having a technogenic as well as a natural character relies on a knowledge of the formation patterns of hydrological processes, which makes it possible to rationally manage water resources, ecologically transform landscapes, and minimize the consequences of socio-economic development of the territory. The theoretical foundations of landscape-hydrological analysis, combined with the principles of instrumental landscape planning, determine the system of basin management, and some methods for tackling the water-ecological problems.  相似文献   

On the basis of the topographic maps from 1933, 1951 and 1962 (sc 1:10 000, 1:25 000 and 1:100 000, respectively) and the satellite image from 2014 (sc 1:10 000), we determined changes in the channel of the small Brynica river (Southern Poland) as well as in the land-use pattern along this river valley after its melioration. Terrain regulation and drainage brought about an intensification of the overland runoff, and a decrease in irrigation of the territory. Due to soil overdrying, some tracts of the valley are experiencing a moisture deficiency. Peat drying can lead to negative consequences, because shallow peats mostly occur on the study territory. Disappearance of peaty soils acts to decrease the degree of suitability of the riverside territories for economic purposes as well as their capacity for recovery. The schematic map of vegetation distribution along the river valley prior to and after melioration as compiled from results of field observations displays differences between mosaic quasi-natural vegetation and areas of typical agrocenoses. The preservation of the natural values along the Brynica valley is possible through balanced economic management, while the differentiation of topography contributes to creating favorable conditions for the formation of biodiversity.  相似文献   

李仕冀  李秀彬  谈明洪 《地理学报》2015,70(10):1622-1631
生态脆弱地区的生态环境状况改善和治理一直是各级政府部门和学者关注的焦点问题。过去10余年,中国城镇化进程发展迅速,生态脆弱地区乡村劳动力大量迁出。那么劳动力人口迁出会在多大程度上影响脆弱地区植被覆被状况的变化呢?本研究利用2000-2010年的NDVI数据、气象观测数据和社会经济数据,采用趋势线分析、显著性检验和多元回归分析等方法,对内蒙古地区植被覆被状况的变化进行了分析,并在县级尺度上定量评估了乡村劳动力人口迁移对区域植被覆被状况的影响。结果表明:① 2000-2010年,内蒙古自治区植被覆被总体呈上升趋势,其中超过28%的地区植被覆被状况显著改善,只有约2%的地区存在较强的退化趋势;② 植被覆被显著退化的地区呈条带状分布于内蒙古自治区中部农牧交错带北部边缘;植被覆被显著改善的地区主要位于内蒙古自治区的东南部与西部地区;③ 2000-2010年,农业劳动力对植被覆被状况的影响已经超过了气候等自然因素的作用,农业劳动力迁出对植被覆被状况提高有显著的促进作用。  相似文献   

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