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论鄂尔多斯历史农业   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
王生伟 《中国沙漠》2003,23(2):195-204
鄂尔多斯是古"河套人"的故乡,是中国北方各民族最早活动的历史舞台。这里以其悠久的历史、丰富的物产、灿烂的草原文化闻名遐迩。特殊的草原自然环境,吸引了大漠南北众多游牧民族和部落的人民在这里劳动、生息、繁衍,与中原王朝分庭抗礼;濒临中原腹地的战略位置和宜耕宜牧的资源条件,警示着中原王朝不惜国力加强对这一地区的控制。鄂尔多斯地处黄河流域,是中国原始农业的起源和发展中心之一。中原王朝控制之下,以农业著称,游牧民族占据时,则以畜牧业见长。亦耕亦牧,形成了农牧结合的经济结构,为多民族地区的形成和社会发展做出了历史性的贡献。然而,掠夺性的经营,以牺牲自然环境为代价,加速了该地区的沙漠化。今天,实行农牧业产业化,退耕还林还草,休牧轮牧,是建设山川秀美的鄂尔多斯的必由之路。  相似文献   

国内外有机农业发展演化与区域比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对世界有机农业发展演化进行梳理,将其发展历程分为产生、发展和增长阶段,并介绍了各阶段的主要特点。以大洋洲、北美洲、欧洲和亚洲有机农业发展较好的区域进行典型性对比分析,选取有机农田面积、有机农业从业人员和有机产品销售等标志性指标,综述了世界有机农业的发展动态,并对各地区有机农业发展的成功经验进行总结。简述我国有机农业的发展演化,从有机产品贸易额、有机农产品产区分布和有机企业空间分布总结了我国有机农业的发展现状,并提出我国未来有机农业的发展对策。  相似文献   

Data on the consequences of pyrogenic digression of pine and larch forests are presented: progressive thinning and decline of the economic value of tree stands, local deforestation, and disturbance of the ecological functions.  相似文献   

发展现代农业是应对当今世界农业发展面临的粮食安全与资源安全双重挑战的有效方式,同时农业养分管理与调控是现代农业发展的关键课题。现代农业养分管理与调控是一种系统的综合策略,是和谐农业资源与农业生物关系的综合管理策略过程,其目的是使农业的综合生产能力得到提高、系统的稳定性和持续性进一步增强,实现农业的持续增长。本研究针对中国农业生产面临的人多地少的严峻情况、农业土壤养分过量累积而利用率较低的劣势以及农业生产增肥不增产的复杂难题,阐述了现代农业发展中农业养分管理与调控的方向。  相似文献   

国外都市农业发展经验对我国的启示   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
国外都市农业发展较早,积累了相当多的经验,而我国都市农业仍属新生事物。笔者简要介绍了日本、德国、新加坡和荷兰发展都市农业的成功做法和经验,进一步分析了都市农业的基本功能,并结合我国国情提出了六个方面的措施与建议,即:科学规划,合理布局;加强政府对都市农业的支持力度;拓宽投资、融资渠道;提高都市农业的科技含量,扩大都市农业园区的规模;高度重视观光休闲农业的建设和发展;加强宣传,转变观念。  相似文献   

Hydrochemical regime of saline lakes in the Southeastern Transbaikalia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Results from hydrochemical investigations into macrocomponent composition of some of the lakes in the Southeastern Transbaikalia are presented. The region's saline lakes, as a rule, are soda-chloride or chloride-soda lakes according to their chemical composition. The lakes hydrochemistry is determined by a combination of evaporative concentration of salt composition, intra-water body hydrobiological processes, especially by the production of organic matter and reduction of sulfates as well as by hydrogenic sedimentation.  相似文献   

A study is made of the northern spurs of the Tsagan-Daban Range in the Transbaikalia which are represented by Central-Asian and North-Asian taiga geosystems. The investigations of landscape structure were made in two key areas characterized by an alternation of mountain ranges and intermontane depressions (creek valleys).  相似文献   

Presented are the latest findings from investigating bottom sediments in Lake Arakhlei, containing continuous records of the vegetation evolution in the Beklemishevskaya depression and its mountain surroundings for the last 13 500 years.  相似文献   

Long-term temperature data on a soil layer 3.2 m in thickness have been used in the differentiation of a topographically highly complicated permafrost on the territory of Transbaikalia. It was found that the geographical ranges are most clearly identified from mean annual temperature values. The schematic map displays the areas with the temperatures –4 to–1°C,–1 to 1°C and 1 to 4°C which are in good agreement with the permafrost distribution pattern (continuous and discontinuous permafrost, and permafrost islands). A classification of the thermal conditions of soils is carried out according to the highest mean monthly temperature at all depths. We identified four types which are characterized by the qualitative assessment as warm, moderately warm, cold and very cold. A relevant cartographic model shows the distribution of the thermal regime of soils for a warm season. The dot method was used to provide a clear display of available information on soil temperature, and it was possible to show the existence of small areas of the types of thermal regime and their fragmentation. Current changes in soil temperature were determined for August, which are in good agreement with regional changes in ground air temperature. In either case, we observed positive linear trends. Assessments of thermal resources of the soil layer and their geographical patterns belonging to the widespread depression-valley and valley natural systems as well as to the relatively planate surfaces of Transbaikalia can be used for scientific and practical purposes.  相似文献   

An increase in the extremality of natural processes is a consequence of warming, aridization, and desertification. The authors consider the processes of warming, aridization, and desertification to be the parts of a single system and major destabilizing factors of ecological balance. Destabilization is expressed in the growth of natural processes extremality. Ecosystems of Transbaikalia were once characterized by a different natural contrast and amplitude. Warming, aridization and desertification have led to an increase of environmental regimes tensions. This is demonstrated quantitatively by the root-mean-square difference of atmospheric and soil parameters. Quantitative indicators of aridization are estimated using Walter-Gossen climate charts. Permafrost zone response information to the long-term warming is provided as well.  相似文献   

Alluvial, aeolian and pedogenic horizons were detected in floodplain deposits of small rivers of Southeastern Transbaikalia. The occurrence of pedogenic horizons in floodplain deposits indicates that they were formed at periods of an enhancement in erosion activity at the end of the dry cold phase and at the beginning of the dry warm phase during the overall course of heat availability and humidification of climate in the latter half of the Holocene. An enhancement in fluvial activity corresponded to the cold humid phase, whereas an intensification of the aeolian process was taking place during the dry cold phase.  相似文献   

We report results from a hydrochemical and microbiological investigation of Soda Lake Beloye characterized by high pH values (8.30–9.21). It is shown that the water of the lake under investigation is dominated by magnesium, chlorine and hydrocarbonate ions. A study is made of the numbers of different physiological groups of destructive bacteria, the most numerous of which are saprophytic bacteria (up to 10 mil. cells/mm).  相似文献   

Long-term data from meteorological stations have been used in assessing the thermal state of the soil layer in large depressions of the Prebaikalia and Northern Transbaikalia. We examine the characteristics of temperature distribution in depth over an annual cycle for seasonally frozen and permafrost soils. For the Baikalian type depressions we carried out a spatial differentiation of the lowest and highest (having regard to the temperature lag) mean monthly soil temperatures. It is concluded that within a single depression the thermal regime of the soil fluctuates over a very broad range. On the other hand, an identical situation with the temperature regime can occur in different depressions.  相似文献   

苏南地区农业生产模式创新与运作风险分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对苏南地区农业生产模式变迁过程进行了回顾与比较,详细分析了农村家庭承包制在农业产业化进程中表现出的制度性缺陷,并从现代农业发展的内在要求、发达国家经验和苏南实际情况出发,总结出苏南农业生产模式创新的理性选择是家庭农场制。在新生产模式下,随着经营规模扩大和市场参与程度提高,经营主体面临风险大幅度上升。文章从自然、经济、社会3个角度分析了家庭农场制运作风险,提出了依靠健全农业法制建设、完善农业社会化服务体系和加强政府支农力度等方面保证现代农业稳定发展的应对策略。  相似文献   

从日本、美国、英国3个国家案例分析中总结出规划管理和部门协调的经验并探讨对中国"多规融合"实践的启示。日本的国土规划体系包含多类规划,但规划间关系明确,各部门交叉进行规划制定,并在规划实施中紧密配合。美国一般对规划不进行集中统一管理,各个城市和区域的规划实践比较多元,相关法律对于部门协调有明确的规定。同时,综合规划与城市投资计划、环境影响评估相协调,部分州通过城市增长管理来控制城市蔓延。英国的空间规划体系比较单一,从中央到地方呈现二级或三级体系,由地方政府制定地方发展框架总领空间规划。结合国外经验的启示,从制度改革、法律保障、规划内容与实施三方面为国内"多规融合"实践提出建议。  相似文献   

The paper explores the extent of regional variations in farm financial performance in the broadacre livestock sector in Australia between 1984-85 and 1990-91. Widespread regional shifts are demonstrated. From a series of multivariate analyses, it is suggested that financial performance has been maintained by shifting the burden of production into more marginal physical environments, with the implication that the practices may be environmentally unsustainable.  相似文献   

Presented is a detailed characterization of the present state and pollution of soil cover in the influence area of the Dzhidinskii tungsten-molybdenum plant which takes into consideration the spatial geological inhomogeneity and the functional purpose of urban territories. As part of the investigation, we determined the content levels of heavy metals and metalloids in background soils, and the elements which are the main pollutants of urban soils in the zones of different functional purposes, ascertained the degree of technogenic geochemical transformation of soil cover in the city of Zakamensk, and identified the leading soiland landscape-geochemical factors for accumulation of heavy metals and metalloids in the urban topsoil (0?10 cm) horizons. An assessment was also made of the ecological hazard of soil pollution by a set of heavy metals and metalloids in the main functional zones of the city. A soil-geochemical survey was carried out, and the ICP-MS method was used to determine the total content levels of 14 heavy metals and metalloids of hazard classes I?III as well as Be, Sn, Cs and Bi. The elements were determined, which are the main pollutants of the soils in Zakamensk: W, Bi, Cd, Pb and Mo. The study revealed a need to take into account the metallogenic specific character and geological inhomogeneity of the area by using the local coefficients of concentration (EF l ) and dispersal (DF l ) which must be calculated not with respect to the average regional background but from the individual (for each parent material) background value in order to more accurately determine the degree of technogenic geochemical transformation of soils, and the ecological hazard of pollution. It is suggested that the ecological hazard should be assessed on the basis of the Integrated Pollution Index (IPI) which is calculated with respect to the world’s average concentrations of heavy metals and metalloids in soils and takes into account hazard classes of elements.  相似文献   

旅游者在目的地的餐饮消费占旅游者总花费的近三分之一,所以加强旅游者餐饮需求与目的地农业生产联系尤为重要,其中游客对旅游目的地餐饮业的感知影响着游客在目的地的餐饮消费行为和回到客源国后的后续餐饮消费行为。本文以在安徽六安天堂寨景区旅游者餐饮感知的结构性访谈为数据来源,用规范的质性研究程序即翻录数据,整理数据;数据分解与初次注解;完整注解数据;数据段分类与联接;理论建构,研究游客对旅游目的地的餐饮感知评价,初步得出旅游者对目的地餐饮感知的7个评价维度即餐饮价格、地方特色、餐饮产品、关联产业、餐饮开发、餐饮产品的原真性、餐饮卫生维度,在每个感知维度下构建二级评价因子并确定相应的权重。文章基于游客餐饮感知信息初步建构出餐饮业与地方农业的联系机制的研究构架图;最后基于游客视角得出了加强旅游地餐饮业与区域经济联系的管理建议。文章对于研究游客餐评价体系,制定加强旅游业与地方农业联系的政策有一定指导意义。  相似文献   

三峡库区石碗溪小流域农业生态综合治理   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
小流域是大江大河的基本单元,也是长江流域水土流失治理的重点。三峡库区小流域数量众多,其环境质量影响着三峡工程的安危。石碗溪流域位于三峡库区开县境内,山地多平地少,人地矛盾突出,陡坡地耕种普遍,水土流失与生态环境退化严重。在实地调查研究的基础上,深入分析了该流域由于自然和人为原因共同导致的农业生态环境退化,生态功能降低等问题。针对这些问题,从流域实际情况出发,以流域内不同海拔及坡度区的气候、水文、土壤状况的分异为依据,利用Arcview软件,将流域划分为4个不同的综合治理区域,在此基础上,提出了适合当地农业发展的流域生态治理模式,从而为整个流域的可持续发展提供了技术指导。  相似文献   

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