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PredictingurbanizationlevelbymainelementanalysisandmultiplelinearregresiontakingXiantaodistrictinHubeiProvinceasanexampleLi...  相似文献   

Using the Tunkinsky rift as an example, this paper examines the morphostructural and geomorphological aspects concerning the manifestation of the elements of the Gobi orogenesis mechanism that is responsible for the formation of inversion uplifts in the rift hollows, a process that complicates the recent intracontinental riftogenesis in the south of East Siberia.  相似文献   

Presented is the predictive topo-ecological concept, based on empirical-statistical models of geosystems. Using the geosystems of the Volga basins as an example, this study considers the mechanisms of local and regional response to the global warming expected in the 21st century. A general process of “savannization” of mixed and broad-lived forests is predicted for the Middle band of the Russian Plain with the development of the thermoarid climatic trend. The prognostic non-representativity of the known palaeographical scenarios of the warm epochs during the Pleistocene and Holocene is demonstrated.  相似文献   


One motivation for the need of maps to be organized hierarchically in different resolutions is the fact that in most applications low-resolution maps require less heavy computations than maps represented at higher resolutions. Spatial data structures that permit generation of lower levels or resolution in a hierarchical fashion already exist, e.g., quad-trees and resolution pyramids. Many other spatial data structures that are non-hierarchical, and therefore do not permit the generation of resolution hierarchies, also exist. One such structure is the run-length-code (RLC), which has many powerful advantages that make the structure feasible in geographical information systems. In this article an approach to the problem of generating a resolution hierarchy from RLC is described and discussed.  相似文献   

根据1999年4月~2000年4月对长江口滨海某研究断面上24个观测点的定期(每周一次)滩面高程测量结果的分析,定量化地探讨了滩面垂直淤积速率和稳定性的横向差异。结果表明:(1)滩面的年垂直淤积速率在淹没机率为30%左右的沼泽中下部(位于平均小潮高潮线与平均高潮线之间)达到49.5cm/a的最大值。自这点向岸和向海垂直淤积速率逐渐降低,向岸在近堤处(接近平均大潮高潮位)达到最小值2.2cm/a(仅为最大值的1/22),向海在光滩—沼泽交界处出现另一低值,而在光滩上又有所增大。(2)由于植被的抗冲护滩功能,沼泽带滩面的相对稳定性远大于光滩带。分析认为:上述滩面冲淤过程的差异是潮水淹没机率、波浪和潮流能量以及植被分布上横向差异的综合体现。  相似文献   

谢波  王潇  伍蕾 《地理科学进展》2021,40(7):1141-1153
随着美丽中国、健康中国等战略的提出,城市绿色空间对于居民健康的重要作用日益凸显。然而,现有研究较少运用自然实验的方法探讨城市绿色空间与居民心理健康的关系。论文以中国最大的城中湖绿道——武汉东湖绿道为例,基于2016、2019年东湖绿道周边52个居住小区的1020份跟踪问卷调查数据,运用准自然实验方法与混合效应双重差分模型,探索城市绿色空间干预对周边小区居民心理健康的影响。研究发现,东湖绿道的建设显著促进了周边2 km范围小区居民心理健康水平的提升。控制变量中,居民心理健康水平与年龄呈正相关关系,与家庭收入水平则呈负相关关系;居民心理健康水平与小区的社会凝聚力、小区周边500 m范围的建筑密度、居住用地比例和地铁站密度呈正相关关系,与公交站密度则呈负相关关系。建议通过完善以绿道为核心的城市绿色空间网络,提高绿道可达性与邻里社会凝聚力,以此提升城市居民的心理健康水平。  相似文献   


Abstract. Geographers use spatial reasoning extensively in large-scale spaces, i.e., spaces that cannot be seen or understood from a single point of view. Spatial reasoning differentiates several spatial relations, e.g. topological or metric relations, and is typically formalized using a Cartesian coordinate system and vector algebra. This quantitative processing of information is clearly different from the ways human draw conclusions about spatial relations. Formalized qualitative reasoning processes are shown to be a necessary part of Spatial Expert Systems and Geographical Information Systems.

Addressing a subset of the total problem, namely reasoning with cardinal directions, a completely qualitative method, without recourse to analytical procedures, is introduced and a method for its formal comparison with quantitative formula is defined. The focus is on the analysis of cardinal directions and their properties. An algebraic method is used to formalize the meaning of directions. The standard directional symbols (N, W, etc.) are supplemented with a symbol corresponding to an undetermined direction between points too close to each other which greatly increases the power of the inference rules. Two specific systems to determine and reason with cardinal directions are discussed in some detail.

From this example and some other previous work, a comprehensive set of research steps is laid out, following a mathematically based taxonomy. It includes the extension of distance and direction reasoning to extended objects and the definitions of other metric relations that characterize situations when objects are not disjointed. The conclusions compare such an approach with other concepts.  相似文献   

It is challenging to find relevant data for research and development purposes in the geospatial big data era. One long-standing problem in data discovery is locating, assimilating and utilizing the semantic context for a given query. Most research in the geospatial domain has approached this problem in one of two ways: building a domain-specific ontology manually or discovering automatically, semantic relationships using metadata and machine learning techniques. The former relies on rich expert knowledge but is static, costly and labor intensive, whereas the second is automatic and prone to noise. An emerging trend in information science takes advantage of large-scale user search histories, which are dynamic but subject to user- and crawler-generated noise. Leveraging the benefits of these three approaches and avoiding their weaknesses, a novel methodology is proposed to (1) discover vocabulary-based semantic relationships from user search histories and clickstreams, (2) refine the similarity calculation methods from existing ontologies and (3) integrate the results of ontology, metadata, user search history and clickstream analysis to better determine their semantic relationships. An accuracy assessment by domain experts for the similarity values indicates an 83% overall accuracy for the top 10 related terms over randomly selected sample queries. This research functions as an example for building vocabulary-based semantic relationships for different geographical domains to improve various aspects of data discovery, including the accuracy of the vocabulary relationships of commonly used search terms.  相似文献   

张建忠  孙根年 《地理研究》2012,31(11):2104-2414
旅游地的成长是一个由发现引入、加速成长、走向成熟到最终衰退的生命过程。旅游地生命周期理论是关于旅游地成长的管理理论,在实践中必须采用动态的管理措施来实现旅游产品创新和旅游地系统提升。运用旅游地生命周期理论,以1986~2010年乔家大院旅游人次、游客增长率以及指数模拟曲线等指标系统分析了大院旅游地生命周期。研究表明:乔家大院旅游地经历了4个阶段,即:探索阶段(1986年以前)、参与阶段(1987~1995年)、发展与巩固阶段(1996~2008年)、衰退阶段(2009年~至今)。乔家大院已经进入“衰退期”,不仅要对资源整合营销,而且要改善旅游环境,营造良好运营氛围的战略;同时适应市场需求,深挖文化因子;实行产品差异化策略,打造特色大院旅游产品和提升大院旅游地体验性,打造大院体验旅游创新产品。  相似文献   

高速城镇化和机动化阶段,面临与日剧增的环境压力,城市交通的多目标发展成为交通可持续发展的关键。在提升居民出行满意度的同时,降低交通碳排放是目前及未来城市交通可持续发展关注的核心目标,是城市交通效率的主要内涵。由此,本文从交通出行便捷与交通碳减排双目标综合评估的角度,提出基于中观尺度的城市交通出行满意度和交通碳排放的定量测算方法;并利用数据包络分析(Data Envelopment Analysis, DEA)法探讨城市交通综合效率评价方法。对北京市城六区的实证结果显示,在三环以内地区,城市交通综合效率较高,五环以外大部分地区较差。交通综合效率较高的地区集中分布于:①西三环至西四环万寿路街道的公主坟-五棵松地区。②北三环和平里街道安贞桥附近地区。③东北三环的三里屯地区。而综合效率较差的地区大多位于城市外围,例如西北六环周边,西南五环至西南六环部分地区,以及东五环外常营地区等,交通碳排放较高是这些地区交通效率较差的主要原因。此外,交通效率的空间差异与地理空间环境的差异性呈现高度的相关。例如,交通效率较差的地区大多是高档别墅区集聚的地区,以及城市五环周边公共交通不完善的部分居住区。通勤中机动化比例较高和通勤距离较长是碳排放强度较高的主要原因。  相似文献   

旅游地成长与产业结构演变关系——以张家界为例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在探讨旅游地与旅游地产业结构成长动力因子的基础上,分析旅游地产业演进机制,建构产业结构成长及其成长态模型,将旅游地产业划分为发展产业、成长产业、成熟产业和衰退产业四种类型。根据本底趋势线理论分析张家界成长周期,以产业增长率和产业地位指数为测度旅游地成长与旅游地产业结构成长演变关系的度量指标,利用张家界市1990~2010年相关统计数据,结合所建构模型,分析了成长周期与张家界及其产业结构成长的演变过程。结果发现:(1)张家界旅游成长近二十年来呈现的是单周期波动;(2)随着张家界旅游成长,其三次产业成长虽遵循产业结构的一般演化规律,但具体到国民经济各产业部门却有较大差别;(3)在成长周期内,各产业结构成长情况有差异,批发零售贸易餐饮业、工业、金融保险业和其它产业是成长产业,第一产业、交通运输仓储邮电业、建筑业和房地产业是衰退产业;(4)在成长周期内,各产业结构成长态情况亦有差异,房地产业和金融保险业是衰退产业,建筑业、批发零售餐饮业、交通运输仓储邮电业是发展产业,其它服务业和工业是成长产业,第一产业是成熟产业。  相似文献   

地缘环境研究是当前国内政治地理研究的重点和热点,在概念、内涵、分析框架、空间分异、系统模拟等领域已取得较大进展,但对于地缘战略交汇区这一特殊地缘政治区域的地缘环境研究鲜有涉及.论文基于地缘战略的空间和权力属性,融合政治地理学的地缘环境、地缘位势,国际关系学的现实主义、自由主义和建构主义等理论,兼顾主体间性的哲学思想,构...  相似文献   

叶帅  胡志丁  葛岳静  黄宇  胡伟 《地理研究》2021,40(9):2591-2605
地缘环境是“一带一路”倡议背景下加强世界地理研究的现实需求及国内地缘政治学复兴的创新转型。当前地缘环境研究聚焦在普遍属性分析的规范化指导层面,空间异质性的客观存在要求对其进行分类讨论和解析。论文基于地缘战略实践的空间视角,尝试划分出单一战略型、战略交汇型及永久中立国型3种类属的国别地缘环境,构建了以国家危机事件为问题导向的战略交汇型国别地缘环境解析思路和分析框架,并以乌克兰为例进行实证研究,结果表明:① 无论是自然地理还是社会经济文化,乌克兰都呈现出显著的地域分异,为外部势力的介入提供了可能性和可操作性。② 因果关联作用下,共同的斯拉夫历史渊源导致乌克兰在社会文化领域对俄罗斯的依赖程度较高。主观建构作用下,出于对乌克兰特殊的战略位置及优越资源条件的觊觎,俄罗斯和欧美都在积极建构与乌克兰的地缘关系,但这种基于国别利益而主观建构的关系波动较为剧烈。同时,双边互构的地缘关系维系时间明显长于单边建构的。③ 俄罗斯、欧美和乌克兰之间不仅形成了空间和物质上的显性结构,还有隐性的主观理念结构以及历史演变的过程结构。显著分异的地理环境、高度依赖的地缘关系及主体间的地缘结构综合作用下的乌克兰,国家危机事件频繁出现。在中国国家崛起的关键时期,深化对地缘战略交汇区国别地缘环境的研究对处理周边地缘危机事件具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

Most calibration data sets used to infer past environmental conditions from biological proxies are derived from many sites. An alternative strategy is to derive the calibration data set from within a single site. Transfer functions derived from such intra-site calibration data sets are usually applied to fossil assemblages from the focal lake, but a recent development has been to apply these transfer functions to other sites. Transfer functions derived from intra-site calibration data sets can have impressive cross-validation performance, but that gives little indication of their performance when applied to other sites. Here, we develop transfer functions for lake depth from intra-lake chironomid calibration data sets in Norway and Alaska and test the resulting models by cross-validation and against known depth in external lakes. Lake depth is a statistically significant predictor of chironomid assemblages at all these lakes, and most intra-lake transfer functions perform reasonably well under cross-validation, but their performance against external data is erratic. Downcore reconstructions from transfer functions developed on different lakes are dissimilar. Ignoring the poorly performing transfer functions, only 3 of 14 downcore reconstructions are statistically significant. Few assemblages downcore had good modern analogues in the calibration data set, even when the core was from the same lake as the calibration data set. We conclude that intra-site calibration data sets can find site-specific rather than general relationships between species and the environment and thus should be applied with care and to external sites only after careful and critical validation.  相似文献   

以位于内蒙古鄂尔多斯高原上的伊金霍洛旗为研究区域,以景观生态学的数量分析方法为基本手段,在土地利用现状分类体系下,以其1984、1991和1998年3个年度的土地利用图为基础。从区域和斑块类型两个尺度上,对其景观格局进行了数量分析。结果表明,在三个典型年度。天然草地为伊金霍洛旗的景观基质,景观格局指数的所有变化均是在此基础上发生和演变的。从整个景观尺度的格局指数变化情况显示,伊金霍洛旗景观的破碎化程度在增加;同时景观的异质性程度在下降,景观愈来愈有少数景观斑块类型所控制。而在斑块类型这一尺度上的格局指数变化说明,不同类型斑块的复杂性的变化趋势基本相同,即均有不同程度的增长,但增加幅度有限;同时还说明,不同类型斑块内部其大小差异的幅度在不断缩小。但从不同年度的变化情况来看,无论是区域还是不同的斑块类型,其格局指数的变化并不与总体的变化趋势同步。  相似文献   

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