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对2000~2010年的西部地区12个省(区)人口和经济(GDP)面板数据进行了分析,模拟人口和经济与城镇化水平的关系,分析了中国西部地区"十五"和"十一五"期间城镇化、经济和人口发展变化特征,及人口、经济发展水平与省(区)城镇化水平之间的关系。研究结果发现:2000~2010年,西部地区实际的城镇化水平平均值是39.0%,远低于全国平均值(47.2%)。西部地区平均GDP年均增长率12.34%,高于全国平均水平(10.48%)。四川、内蒙古、广西、陕西、重庆对全国的GDP贡献率最高,且波动最大。"十一五"期间,西部地区内蒙古城镇化水平最高,高于全国平均水平,西藏的城镇化水平最低;重庆在2008年后城镇化水平超过全国平均水平;其他各省城镇化水平均低于全国平均水平。西部地区城镇化水平与经济呈正相关关系,地区经济越活跃,城镇化发展水平越高;西部地区人口和城镇化水平存在正负两种相关有关系,在排除GDP的影响外,重庆、四川、内蒙古的人口和城镇化呈现负相关关系,其他省区呈现正相关关系。"十五"和"十一五"期间西部12个省(区)经济和城镇化水平均有大幅度提高,区域发展政策对西部地区城镇化水平的发展具有政策引导和宏观调控作用。 相似文献
E.G. Nechayeva 《Geography and Natural Resources》2009,30(2):113-118
The role of the Ob-Irtysh valley in the dynamics and evolution of the soil-earth materials factor of taiga-plain landscape is considered. The study demonstrates the mechanisms of operation of the soil-earth materials factor that is responsible for the formation of zonal forest facies along the valley which undergo swamping at the final stage of their functioning. The progressive development of this regional process leads to marked changes of the biogeochemical situation, and to a deterioration of habitat quality. The problem is complicated by technogenic impacts on the landscape sphere of the oil and gas production complex of Western Siberia. 相似文献
The main object for this study, Sibirskie Uvaly, is a small mountain ridge along the right bank of the Ob, the origin of which has been hotly debated. We have ascertained that the influence of ancient glaciation is manifested only indirectly in the structure of Sibirskie Uvaly. Their origin is associated to a greater extent with the self-development of the river network, tectonics and the advance of sea. 相似文献
Sarah-Patricia Breen 《社会与自然资源》2018,31(6):698-716
Rural regions face many challenges when managing drinking water systems. Current management approaches lack the ability to deal with the complexity that surrounds these infrastructure systems and the critical service they provide, in particular, the links between these systems and the economy and environment. This research explores the potential for an alternative approach. The proposed new regionalism-based approach recognizes and accounts for the myriad of influencing factors, using different mechanisms to support and encourage drinking water systems in fulfilling their potential role in supporting regional resilience. Using a case study approach, data collected from semistructured interviews indicate that elements of the proposed approach are already in use within the Kootenay Development Region of British Columbia, Canada. Results indicate that while the need for an alternate management approach is recognized, and elements of the proposed approach are increasingly applied, substantive barriers remain, such as the existing institutional and jurisdictional structure. 相似文献
E. G. Nechaeva 《Geography and Natural Resources》2011,32(2):152-157
The regularities of landscape-geochemical changes shared by open woodlands, and by the northern and middle taiga are demonstrated with an example of the swamping process of valley forests. The character of these changes is shown for forests on loamy and sandy deposits. The tendencies of the structural-functional transformations ascertained in this study are considered in the context of regional biogeochemical problems faced by the plain-taiga territory of Western Siberia. 相似文献
非洲地区人口与经济空间耦合研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
采用2003―2012 年非洲52 个国家(地区)的人口、GDP 和国土面积数据,运用地理集中度、耦合指数与区域重心等方法分析了近十年非洲地区人口与经济的耦合特征。结果表明:人口地理集中度呈现出东西高、中部低格局;经济地理集中度总体呈现出四周高、中部低的“盆地状”格局,整体上两者呈现出中度的正向相关性。根据耦合指数,非洲地区可划分为5 个类型:经济极化型、经济超前人口发展型、协调发展型、经济滞后人口发展型与经济严重滞后人口发展型。非洲地区人口重心与经济重心均位于几何重心的东南方,2003―2009 年,两者耦合关系明显;2010―2012 年,两者延伸轨迹出现一定程度的偏移,经济危机与政治危机是造成两者偏移的重要原因。 相似文献
Presented are the technique and results of studying the landscape structure of the north-west of Western Siberia on the basis of the Hansen mosaic dataset consisting of elements covering the entire territory of the Earth. To study this area used a synthesis of classical methods of thematic system mapping as described in the doctrine of geosystems of V. B. Sochava, and automated interpretation of remote sensing data and mapping using GIS technologies. The method of geoinformational mapping of the landscape structure with the use of MultiSpec and Quantum GIS software programs for the purpose of drawing up real-time raster landscape maps is shown. In drawing up the map and the legend, the principle of geomic system-hierarchical representation of the territory as a complex multi-level “bottom-up” structure from topological-level geosystems (groups and classes of landscape facies) to regional-level geosystems (geoms, groups and classes of geoms) was used. Compilation of operational raster landscape maps of the north-west of Western Siberia involved multilevel automated interpretation of the Hansen mosaic dataset and mapping of areas (clusters) on images with different brightness characteristics, with the landscape structure of key areas and stationary physical and geographical profiles. A characteristic of this approach also implies using a dynamic classification of geosystems based on the study of their variable states. Such an approach permits a monitoring of changes in landscape structure and its areas and the intensity of anthropogenic impacts on forest and marsh landscapes, and determination of permissible pressure on geosystems in areas with high technogenic pressure of the oil and gas complex represented by the north-west of Siberia. An automated processing of data based on a supervised classification of territorial objects allows for the elimination of inaccuracies arising in visual image interpretation. Raster landscape maps can be used both for a further generation of vector maps and as a real-time information base for purposes of environmental management and protection. 相似文献
The principle of structural-dynamical landscape science was used in mapping the taiga of the Ob’-Irtysh, Lower Irtysh and Tobol regions. The spatiotemporal dynamics of the regions’ geosystems is outlined, and their productivity is assessed from forest inventory data and NDVI indices as calculated on the basis of Landsat-5 TM images. 相似文献
积极开展国际间的区域经济合作是地区经济发展的一个新趋势,也是我国对外开放的重要组成部分。中国新疆与俄罗斯西西伯利亚地区地理位置毗连,广泛开展双方的地区间经济合作,不仅有利于促进中俄共同繁荣与发展,而且有利于巩固本地区乃至中亚的安全与稳定。两地区均远离各自国家的经济和政治中心,属于较为落后的内陆地区,在边界特征、相邻经济体方面具有特殊性,且在政治制度、经济体制和产业结构上存在较大的差异性,经济互补性强。基于此,双方应通过边境区位再造、改善区位条件,并采取灵活松散的、开放性的和以项目合作为主要内容的次区域合作方式。经过分析,认为具有独特地域经济特点的新—西区域合作应由国家和地方政府、国际和地区组织共同推动,并充分考虑本地差异性较强的实际,采取跨境旅游休闲型经济特区、境外经济合作区、科技园区等多样化的发展方式,促进新—西地区社会经济发展。 相似文献
知识经济是相对于传统经济的、新型的、富有生命力的经济类型它以知识创新、转化和利用为特征,能带来巨大的经济效益,利于提高社会、生态效益,协调人与自然的关系。它既是人类知识进步和发达国家或地区生产力高度发展的结果,又为发展中国家或地区的生产组织的选择指明了方向。文章结合知识经济,内涵,讨论了发展中国家或地区在知识经济时代的生产组织选择的重点和方向问题。 相似文献
黄淮海平原典型区域的水问题和水管理 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
本文简要介绍了黄淮海平原典型区域的水问题及其变化规律。沧州—衡水地区的水问题主要有 :水资源严重匮乏、深层地下水严重超采以及风暴潮影响严重。文中估算了该区的缺水损失 ,并建立了漏斗中心水位埋深与地下水超采的经验关系。黄河三角洲地区的水问题主要有 :水资源尚嫌不足、黄河断流影响大以及地下水超采有所发展。文中提出了黄河断流的开源对策。安阳地区的水问题主要有 :水资源不足与地下水位下降速率加剧。文中亦建立了该区地下水水位与地下水超采量的经验关系。此外 ,本文还预测了各典型区引黄、引江灌溉的发展前景 ,2 0 1 0水平年外流域调水可望占可供水量的 32 %以上。 相似文献
GRAEME HUGO 《New Zealand geographer》1999,55(2):25-35
New Zealand origin academics have played a key role in the academic study of Australia's population in the post-war period. The paper argues that New Zealanders have contributed not only to the furthering of knowledge of the processes of change in the Australian population but have been important in the teaching of population geography in Australian universities, made inputs into policy relating to population and been influential in the development of the Australian Population Association. Major contributions have been made by New Zealanders not only in the traditionally strong areas of population geography such as internal and international migration but also in the areas of fertility, mortality and ageing. 相似文献
HUAN YONG HU 《地理学报》1935,(1)
The Province Anhwei lies between the two great rivers of Yangtse andHwaiho. Along the Yangtse there is a narrow strip of alluvial land where riceis its most important crop. To the north of Hwaiho it forms the southern part 相似文献
HUAN YONG HU 《地理学报(英文版)》1935,(1)
The Province Anhwei lies between the two great rivers of Yangtse andHwaiho. Along the Yangtse there is a narrow strip of alluvial land where riceis its most important crop. To the north of Hwaiho it forms the southern part 相似文献
石油供应与需求是当今世界关注的问题。西欧的石油资源十分贫乏。本世纪五十年代到六十年代,随着中东石油的开发,西欧大量增加原油进口。结果,石油在共能源消费结构中所占的比重迅速提高,西欧也成为世界上最大的原油净进口地区。在西欧各个地区的能源消费结构中石油所占的比重是不相同的。这一差异首先是由当地能源(特别是煤炭)的地理分布特点所决定的。煤炭资源比较丰富的英国、比利时、西德等国,能源消费结构中石油所占的比重较低。而当地能源十分贫乏的国家如意大利、葡萄牙、希腊等就主要依靠进口原油。西欧的原油供应主要来自西亚与非洲。在西欧各原油进口国与世界各主要原油出口地区间有着不同的组合关系。如北非原油主要到地中海沿岸各国,西非原油则多去北海沿岸国家,苏联原油则供应地中海沿岸及与东欧相邻的几国。这一组合关系主要与它们之间的相对位置有关。在“石油危机”后,西欧的石油消费量略有减少,而能源消费结构中石油所占的比重下降较多。未来的趋势是:由于其他能源利用的扩大,石油的消费量将继续下降。但在本世纪末以前,石油仍将是西欧最主要的能源。在西欧各国之间,由于能源资源与石油消费水平的差异,将表现出不同的变化趋势。 相似文献
西北干旱地区水资源与生态环境保护 总被引:67,自引:5,他引:62
西北干旱地区的水资源主要是地表水。地表水具有时空分布不均、河川径流补给来源的多样性和与地下水转换频繁等许多特点。西北干旱地区的生态环境在人工绿洲内部有所改善 ,但在绿洲外 ,正在进一步恶化 ,包括土地沙漠化、冰川退缩、湖泊干涸、下游河道断流、沙尘暴频次增加、天然草地大面积退化、天然植被遭到破坏等。这些问题都需要用水来解决。当前生态环境恶化的典型事例有 3处 :塔里木河下游、黑河额济纳地区和石羊河民勤地区。 相似文献