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The differential absorption experiment (DAE) was first proposed in the 1950s for the estimation of mesospheric and lower thermospheric electron density using MF/HF radars. The technique was used extensively until the late 1970s, when interest in the technique declined, due to experimental limitations and questions regarding the assumptions of the technique. This paper describes the application of the DAE within the online observations of the Buckland Park MF (BPMF) radar. The experimental limitations of the technique for the BPMF radar are discussed, with particular attention paid to effects of complex gain differences between receiving channels used to decompose the linearly received signals into circular components. Hourly and monthly averaged midday DAE electron densities are presented, revealing good agreement with IRI model estimates. Monthly averaged midnight DAE electron densities are also presented, revealing good qualitative agreement with the IRI model estimates. 相似文献
Two Doppler imaging systems (DIS) or wide-field imaging Fabry-Perot interferometers (FPI), have recently been commissioned, one at the Auroral Station, Adventdalen, Longyearbyen, Svalbard, and the second at the IRF, Kiruna, Sweden. These instruments can provide wide-field (600 * 800 km) images of neutral wind flows in the upper thermosphere, by measuring the Doppler shift of the atomic oxygen forbidden near 630 nm, which is emitted from an altitude of approximately 240 km. From the instrument in Svalbard, at mid-winter, it is possible to observe the dayside polar cusp and the polar cap throughout the entire day, whereas from Kiruna, the night-time auroral oval is observable during the hours of darkness. Measurements of thermospheric dynamics from the DIS can be used in conjunction with observations of ionospheric plasma flows and thermal plasma densities by the EISCAT-Svalbard radar (ESR) and by EISCAT, along with other complementary observations by co-located instruments such as the auroral large-scale imaging system (ALIS). Such combined data sets will allow a wide range of scientific studies to be performed concerning the dynamical response of the thermosphere and ionosphere, and the important energetic and momentum exchange processes resulting from their complex interactions. These processes are particularly important in the immediate vicinity of the polar cusp and within the auroral oval. Early results from Svalbard in late 1995 will be discussed. The DIS in Kiruna observed two interesting geomagnetic disturbances in early 1997, the minor geomagnetic storm of 10, 11 January, and the disturbed period from 7–10 February. During these events, the thermospheric wind response showed some interesting departures from the average behaviour, which we attribute to the result of strong and variable Lorenz forcing (ion drag) and Joule and particle heating during these geomagnetic disturbances. 相似文献
We present a comparison of the electron density and temperature behaviour in the ionosphere and plasmasphere measured by the Millstone Hill incoherent-scatter radar and the instruments on board of the EXOS-D satellite with numerical model calculations from a time-dependent mathematical model of the Earths ionosphere and plasmasphere during the geomagnetically quiet and storm period on 20/30 January, 1993. We have evaluated the value of the additional heating rate that should be added to the normal photoelectron heating in the electron energy equation in the daytime plasmasphere region above 5000 km along the magnetic field line to explain the high electron temperature measured by the instruments on board of the EXOS-D satellite within the Millstone Hill magnetic field flux tube in the Northern Hemisphere. The additional heating brings the measured and modelled electron temperatures into agreement in the plasmasphere and into very large disagreement in the ionosphere if the classical electron heat flux along magnetic field line is used in the model. A new approach, based on a new effective electron thermal conductivity coefficient along the magnetic field line, is presented to model the electron temperature in the ionosphere and plasmasphere. This new approach leads to a heat flux which is less than that given by the classical Spitzer-Harm theory. The evaluated additional heating of electrons in the plasmasphere and the decrease of the thermal conductivity in the topside ionosphere and the greater part of the plasmasphere found for the first time here allow the model to accurately reproduce the electron temperatures observed by the instruments on board the EXOS-D satellite in the plasmasphere and the Millstone Hill incoherent-scatter radar in the ionosphere. The effects of the daytime additional plasmaspheric heating of electrons on the electron temperature and density are small at the F-region altitudes if the modified electron heat flux is used. The deviations from the Boltzmann distribution for the first five vibrational levels of N 2( v) and O 2( v) were calculated. The present study suggests that these deviations are not significant at the first vibrational levels of N 2 and O 2 and the second level of O 2, and the calculated distributions of N 2( v) and O 2( v) are highly non-Boltzmann at vibrational levels v > 2. The resulting effect of N 2( v > 0) and O 2( v > 0) on NmF2 is the decrease of the calculated daytime NmF2 up to a factor of 1.5. The modelled electron temperature is very sensitive to the electron density, and this decrease in electron density results in the increase of the calculated daytime electron temperature up to about 580 K at the F2 peak altitude giving closer agreement between the measured and modelled electron temperatures. Both the daytime and night-time densities are not reproduced by the model without N 2( v > 0) and O 2( v > 0), and inclusion of vibrationally excited N 2 and O 2 brings the model and data into better agreement. 相似文献
We have developed a lidar to study the temperature structure of the nighttime mesopause region over the Arecibo Observatory (18.35°N, 66.75°W) by measuring the lineshape of the fluorescence spectrum of atomic potassium that is deposited in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT) by meteors. To demonstrate how the potassium lidar can enhance MLT studies at Arecibo, we show recent results for: (1) comparisons with airglow temperature measurements; (2) simultaneous operations with stratospheric and mesospheric temperature profiling by Rayleigh lidar; (3) simultaneous observations of K, Ca +, and E-region electron density profiles; and (4) occurrences of sporadic K layers, and relationships to sporadic E layers. 相似文献
利用X射线掩星技术可以反演得到地球高中层和低热层总的中性大气密度,这是其他手段很难探测到的区域.通过模拟NICER望远镜观测蟹状星云(Crab Nebula)的地球大气掩星过程,在1~10 keV能量范围内,对X射线地球大气掩星期间的光变曲线和能谱建模,通过对不同海拔高度范围内的能谱模型添加噪声,生成能谱仿真数据,通过非线性最小二乘拟合方法对模型和数据进行拟合,得到地球大气密度反演结果.作为NICER望远镜主要的科学仪器,X射线定时仪(XTI)拥有很高的吞吐量和背景噪声的低敏感性,可以模拟生成信噪比很高的光变曲线和能谱数据.通过光变曲线的模拟结果发现,对于能量范围在1~10 keV的X射线,掩星发生在100~200 km的海拔高度范围内,对该掩星过程中1~10 keV的衰减能谱进行提取,并用能谱模型对其进行拟合从而可以反演得到地球中性大气密度.本文中,NRLMSISE-00模型的大气密度被选为真值,用来生成能谱仿真数据,NRLMSIS 2.0模型的大气密度被选为的初值,用来构建模型能谱并与能谱仿真数据进行拟合.通过对不同海拔高度范围内的模型能谱和仿真数据的拟合,得到修正因子γ的最佳拟合值,计算修正因子γ的最佳拟合值与初值的乘积,得到地球大气密度的反演结果.对不同海拔高度范围内的模型能谱和仿真数据的拟合结果进行统计学分析,计算最佳拟合模型和仿真数据之间的2/dof和p值(p-value),从而评价最佳拟合模型和仿真数据之间的拟合优度,并计算地球大气密度的反演结果与真值之间的测量误差,发现100~115 km高度范围内的大气密度反演结果与模型真值之间的测量误差介于-0.067%~10.22%之间,115~180 km高度范围内的大气密度反演结果与真值之间的测量误差介于-3.67%~1.92%之间,180~200 km高度范围内的大气密度反演结果与真值之间的测量误差介于-8.03%~0.305%之间,最后分析了影响反演结果测量误差的因素. 相似文献
The 0.5°×0.5°grid resolution distribution of lightning density in China and its circumjacent regions have been analyzed by using the satellite-borne OTD (Apr 1995-Mar 2000) and LIS (Dec 1997-Mar 2003) databases. It is shown that: (i) Firstly, the variability of the lightning density (LD) is particularly pronounced over the different subareas, 9 times greater over the south than the north side of Himalayas Mountains, 2.5 times greater over the eastern than the western area of China. While the maximum and minimum LD are respectively 31.4fl/km2/a (in Guangzhou region) and less than 0.2fl/km2/a (in the desert of western China). Secondly, the LD of China's continent regularly varies with latitude and distance off coast, which is consistent with annual mean precipitation in varying trend. In conclusion, the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the China's three-step staircase topography and the latitude are three important factors affecting macro-scale characteristics of the LD distribution, (ii) The regional differences 相似文献
本文基于2002年至2010年的GRACE卫星的观测密度统计分析南北极点的热层大气密度的世界时(即磁地方时)变化.研究发现:在9—11月份地球处于行星际磁场为背向太阳的扇区内(背向扇区)时,南极点热层密度在约17:00 UT(13:30 MLT)达到最大值,比日平均值高约22%;而在6—8月份,当地球处于行星际磁场为面向太阳的扇区内(面向扇区)时,北极点热层密度在06:00 UT(12:30 MLT)达到最大值,比日平均值高约13%.南极点的磁纬是-74°,其在15:30 UT处于磁地方时正午,恰与极尖区位置重合.北极点在5:30 UT处于磁地方时正午,此时北极点与极尖区位置最靠近.因此,极点热层大气密度的磁地方时变化可能是其周期性靠近极尖区的结果.南北极点热层密度的磁地方时变化分别在背向和面向扇区内更明显,这可能与行星际磁场By分量对南北半球密度的不同影响有关.统计结果还表明,极点热层大气密度的磁地方时变化在冬季半球内不明显.这可能是由于在冬季半球,沉降于极尖区的粒子相比夏季半球少、沉降高度低,因而能量沉降所引起的热层上部的密度增强较小. 相似文献
The variations of the upper atmosphere air density during geomagnetic disturbances have been investigated by many authors. According to the analysis of satellite orbits, in most cases an increase in the air density may be observed when the index A
phas a maximum. Having ionospheric data from stations in Europe, Asia and Australia we might be able to study the global behaviour of the electron density in the F
2 region during such geomagnetic disturbances when an increase of the air density had been observed. In these cases we found, that at the peak of the ionospheric layer, the electron density decreased 0–3 days later than the A
pmaximum. 相似文献
热层大气密度是空间大气环境的重要参数,经过多年的研究已开发了多种大气模式,但其误差普遍较大,尤其在磁暴期间偏差值甚至超过100%.本文利用中国星载大气密度探测器和CHAMP卫星加速度计在轨获得的连续探测数据,针对近10年(2003—2014)中多次强磁暴事件和多次中等强度扰动事件,即2003年11月、2004年7月和2005年8~9月多次强磁暴事件(Kp值均达到9),2006年4月、2012年4月的两次中等强度磁暴事件(Kp值分别达到7和6),分析和比对不同强度磁扰事件期间不同高度全球大气密度就位探测值与模式值(NRLMSISE00)之间的差别.在2005年8月24日强磁扰事件中,560 km高度中国卫星就位探测值上涨幅度约2~3倍,扰动区中的增变比高达5.7倍,375 km高度CHAMP卫星就位探测值上涨幅度约0.8倍,扰动区中增变比达4.0倍,期间大气密度模式值不仅没有出现明显的涨落,更没有出现强烈的区域扰动;在2003年11月和2004年7月的强磁扰事件中,CHAMP卫星就位探测值均有显著涨变和强烈扰动变化,而模式值无明显扰动变化;在中等强度磁扰事件中,高度560 km附近就位探测值在北、南半球高纬地区显著上涨,远高于模式值,高度350 km附近就位探测值在地球阴影区域显著上涨,上涨幅度也大于模式值.分析结果表明现有大气模式对地磁扰动(尤其是强磁暴事件)期间全球热层大气密度的响应并不明显,需要进一步改善. 相似文献
NRLMSISE-00大气模型广泛应用于航天器定轨和预测等方面,但存在着较大的误差,尤其是在短期变化方面.为了提高低轨道大气密度短期预报的精度,我们提出了一种基于实测数据对NRLMSISE-00大气模型密度结果进行修正预报的方法:利用GRACE(Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment)和CHAMP(Challenging Mini-Satellite Payload)卫星2002—2008年大气密度探测数据对NRLMSISE-00模型进行误差分析,获得模型的修正因子,再对模型的大气密度结果进行修正.采用该修正方法对GRACE-A和CHAMP卫星轨道上的大气密度进行3天短期预报试验验证,结果表明可显著提高大气密度的预报精度,在太阳活动低年,修正后的大气密度预报误差比NRLMSISE-00模型误差降低50%以上. 相似文献
本文利用MAVEN卫星Langmuir Probe and Waves(LPW)仪器的在轨电子浓度探测数据,研究了火星电离层电子浓度随太阳天顶角(Solar Zenith Angle,SZA)的变化以及昼夜电子浓度变化的异同.基于2014年至2017年期间MAVEN的电子浓度数据,我们发现:在200 km以下,白天电离层电子浓度主要受光化学平衡控制,由于白天光电离过程使得昼夜电子浓度差异较大,此时电离层昼夜传输能影响到的最大范围约在SZA=110°;而在200 km以上,白天电离层受输运过程控制,此时昼夜电子浓度差别较小,电离层昼夜间电子浓度变化较为缓慢.通过研究MAVEN在deep-dip(低高度深入探测)期间的电子浓度数据,我们发现火星磁场会显著影响夜间200 km以下的电子浓度分布结构,强磁场中闭合磁力线对电子沉降过程的阻碍作用使得在夜间该区域的电子浓度小于相邻区域.同时,通过比较deep-dip期间昼夜电子浓度随高度的变化,发现夜间电子沉降作用的影响可能主要集中在160 km以下. 相似文献
Using EISCAT data, we have studied the behavior of the E region electron temperature and of the lower F region ion temperature during a period that was particularly active geomagnetically. We have found that the E region electron temperatures responded quite predictably to the effective electric field. For this reason, the E region electron temperature correlated well with the lower F region ion temperature. However, there were several instances during the period under study when the magnitude of the E region electron temperature response was much larger than expected from the ion temperature observations at higher altitudes. We discovered that these instances were related to very strong neutral winds in the 110–175 km altitude region. In one instance that was scrutinized in detail using E region ion drift measurement in conjunction with the temperature observations, we uncovered that, as suspected, the wind was moving in a direction closely matching that of the ions, strongly suggesting that ion drag was at work. In this particular instance the wind reached a magnitude of the order of 350 m/s at 115 km and of at least 750 m/s at 160 km altitude. Curiously enough, there was no indication of strong upper F region neutral winds at the time; this might have been because the event was uncovered around noon, at a time when, in the F region, the E × B drift was strongly westward but the pressure gradients strongly northward in the F region. Our study indicates that both the lower F region ion temperatures and the E region electron temperatures can be used to extract useful geophysical parameters such as the neutral density (through a determination of ion-neutral collision frequencies) and Joule heating rates (through the direct connection that we have confirmed exists between temperatures and the effective electric field). 相似文献
The continuous increase in concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is expected to cool higher levels of the atmosphere. There is some direct and indirect experimental evidence of long-term trends in temperature and other parameters in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT). Here we look for long-term trends in the annual and semiannual variations of the radio wave absorption in the lower ionosphere, which corresponds to the MLT region heights. Data from central and southeastern Europe are used. A consistent tendency to a positive trend in the amplitude of the semiannual wave appears to be observed. The reality of a similar tendency in the amplitude of the annual wave is questionable in the sense that the trend in the amplitude of the annual wave is probably induced by the trend in the yearly average values of absorption. The phases of both the annual and semiannual waves display a forward tendency, i.e. shift to an earlier time in the year. A tentative interpretation of these results in terms of changes of the seasonal variation of temperature and wind at MLT heights does not contradict the trends observed in those parameters. 相似文献
A primitive equation model is used to study the sensitivity of baroclinic wave life cycles to the initial latitude-height distribution of humidity. Diabatic heating is parametrized only as a consequence of condensation in regions of large-scale ascent. Experiments are performed in which the initial relative humidity is a simple function of model level, and in some cases latitude bands are specified which are initially relatively dry. It is found that the presence of moisture can either increase or decrease the peak eddy kinetic energy of the developing wave, depending on the initial moisture distribution. A relative abundance of moisture at mid-latitudes tends to weaken the wave, while a relative abundance at low latitudes tends to strengthen it. This sensitivity exists because competing processes are at work. These processes are described in terms of energy box diagnostics. The most realistic case lies on the cusp of this sensitivity. Further physical parametrizations are then added, including surface fluxes and upright moist convection. These have the effect of increasing wave amplitude, but the sensitivity to initial conditions of relative humidity remains. Finally, control and doubled CO 2 life cycles are performed, with initial conditions taken from the time-mean zonal-mean output of equilibrium GCM experiments. The attenuation of the wave resulting from reduced baroclinicity is more pronounced than any effect due to changes in initial moisture. 相似文献
多速率Kalman滤波方法可用于低采样率的位移和高采样率的加速度数据融合,而未知的噪声协方差信息则显著制约着多速率Kalman滤波精度.本文通过将多速率Kalman滤波转换为传统的单速率Kalman滤波,建立了Kalman滤波增益的自协方差矢量与未知的加速度谱密度和观测噪声参数间的线性函数模型,并采用最小二乘估计方法对未知的噪声协方差参数进行估计,进而有效地提高了多速率Kalman滤波精度. 数值仿真和震动台实验结果验证了本文方法的正确性和有效性. 相似文献
本文利用CryoSat-2测高数据与Landsat 8光学数据,针对南极Amery冰架区域开展接地线提取研究.首先通过Landsat 8光学影像三次Hermite多项式插值处理,在坡度分析的基础上利用表面曲率改进方法获取接地线特征点;同时对CryoSat-2测高数据进行坡度分析和表面曲率计算,通过沿轨梯度分析方法提取接地点;最后将Landsat 8与CryoSat-2数据获取的接地点进行最小二乘融合得到融合接地线.实验结果表明,融合结果利用高空间分辨率光学数据不仅能保证接地线提取精度,同时测高数据还能够弥补光学数据受云遮挡导致的数据空缺,保持接地线的完整性.与MOA产品比较可以看出,融合数据点与MOA接地线平均距离为367 m,标准差为601 m,所有数据点中距离小于1 km的点占总数的93.19%,与MOA产品具有较好一致.本文提出的融合算法可以实现空间连续的接地线提取结果,对后续研究南极物质平衡、冰流速计算等具有重要的意义. 相似文献
本文利用CryoSat-2测高数据与Landsat 8光学数据,针对南极Amery冰架区域开展接地线提取研究.首先通过Landsat 8光学影像三次Hermite多项式插值处理,在坡度分析的基础上利用表面曲率改进方法获取接地线特征点;同时对CryoSat-2测高数据进行坡度分析和表面曲率计算,通过沿轨梯度分析方法提取接地点;最后将Landsat 8与CryoSat-2数据获取的接地点进行最小二乘融合得到融合接地线.实验结果表明,融合结果利用高空间分辨率光学数据不仅能保证接地线提取精度,同时测高数据还能够弥补光学数据受云遮挡导致的数据空缺,保持接地线的完整性.与MOA产品比较可以看出,融合数据点与MOA接地线平均距离为367 m,标准差为601 m,所有数据点中距离小于1 km的点占总数的93.19%,与MOA产品具有较好一致.本文提出的融合算法可以实现空间连续的接地线提取结果,对后续研究南极物质平衡、冰流速计算等具有重要的意义. 相似文献
The quality of satellite radar altimetric data is very important in studies of geodesy,geophysics,and oceanography.Over coastal oceans,altimeter waveforms are contaminated by the terrain and physical environments so that the accuracy of altimeter data is lower than that over open oceans.Here we develop a new multi-subwaveform parametric retracker(MSPR) to improve the quality of altimeter data for the recovery of gravity anomaly in coastal oceans.The least squares collocation method is used to recover the residual gravity anomaly over the coastal water from altimetric data.The waveform data records from Geosat/GM around Taiwan Island are practically retracked with MSPR.When compared with the Taiwan geoid height,the results retracked by MSPR are more accurate than those retracked by the well-known β-5-parmeter method and from the geophysical data records(GDRs).The gravity anomalies over Taiwan coastal waters are calculated from the retracked altimeter data with the least squares collocation.When we compared gravity anomalies computed using altimeter GDRs with the ship-borne gravity data over Taiwan coastal ocean,we found that the results from retracked data are more accurate than those from GDRs. 相似文献
大气水汽作为重要的温室气体之一, 其在全球气候变化研究及极端天气预警中起到重要作用.全球导航卫星系统(Global Navigation Satellite System, GNSS)水汽层析技术作为重构高时空分辨率大气水汽三维分布的重要手段之一, 目前得到了快速的发展和应用.但受GNSS观测信号几何特征的限制, 传统水汽层析模型仍无法解决观测分布不均和空余体素块多的问题.本文首次利用遥感(Remote Sensing, RS)卫星高水平分辨率信号的观测几何优势, 提出一种联合GNSS/RS多源数据的水汽层析方法, 用于反演高精度的三维大气水汽分布.利用徐州地区GNSS观测数据与MODIS、MERSI两种遥感水汽数据对该方法的可行性及精度进行验证.结果表明: 相比于传统GNSS层析模型, GNSS/RS层析模型的观测信号数量和网格穿刺率分别提高了38.41%和55.56%.分别以研究区域的探空站(58027)水汽廓线和ERA5再分析资料为参考值, 发现GNSS/RS层析模型的各类精度指标均优于传统模型, 其中平均均方根误差分别提高了29.68%和20.31%, 并且在不同高度层上GNSS/RS层析水汽产品质量也优于传统模型, 这表明GNSS/RS层析模型可有效改善层析结果质量, 反演出精确、可靠的大气水汽三维分布信息. 相似文献
Ad hoc techniques for estimating the position and the scale parameters of the Generalized Pareto distribution are introduced. The estimators proposed are simple linear combinations of the order statistics: they provide valuable estimates of the parameters of interest, both when the shape parameter is known and when it is unknown (this latter case being of great relevance in practical applications), and show a good performance as well when the sample
size is small. The procedures are tested on simulated data, and comparisons with other techniques are shown. 相似文献