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为了解决农村气象信息传递"最后一公里问题",聊城市气象局做了积极探索,利用移动公司的MAS系统实现了"气象灾害预警村村通"。文章介绍了气象灾害预警村村通的实施方法步骤、实现流程、预警服务情况等,为各部门在防灾减灾气象服务中提供参考。  相似文献   

立足于预报业务技术体制改革和本地预报业务服务工作实际需要 ,对MICAPS系统进行综合性二次开发 ,使MICAPS系统发挥更大功效 ;为预报员提供更加方便、快捷和具有本地特色的人机交互工作平台  相似文献   

在市级MICAPS系统基础上进行了二次开发,编制了单站测风、历史资料存储、雨量处理等业务软件,使MICAPS系统更为完善.  相似文献   

提出了MICAPS本地化、二次开发的主要内容、要求和基本原则。介绍了4个方面的本地化和5个方面的二次开发工作,以及实际应用效益。  相似文献   

1开发背景 随着MICAPS系统的广泛使用,9210工程下发的各类MICAPS资料迅速增加,面对庞大的气象卫星广播资料(每天的资料接近1G),筛选本地可用的资料,最大限度地利用现有资料,提高看图效率,简化、优化MICAPS系统显得尤为重要。优化、完善、本地化MICAPS系统已经成为新疆预报员需要解决的首要问题。因此,我们对原MICAPS系统进行了仔细的研究,  相似文献   

徐晓亮  孙正 《气象》2001,27(9):56-56
Micaps是当前预报员主要的工作平台 ,已广泛应用在日常业务中。我们对其进行了深入的二次开发和本地化 ,并应用独特的编程技术 ,将 Micaps结合进海洋气象系统中 ,利用其强大的资料检索和分析功能、标准化的气象符号以及准确的经纬度定位等功能 ,制作青岛远海、近海、港口等区域的海区天气预报。1  Micaps的独特运用( 1 )利用 Windows 的 API 函数将Micaps内置于整个海洋系统中 ,可以直接运行在系统界面里。 Micaps既可以随着系统的启动自动运行 ,也能随着系统的关闭自动退出。( 2 )现有版本的 Micaps没有提供直接将Micaps窗口显示的内…  相似文献   

应用C#语言编程,针对河南省本地业务需求,对灾害性天气短时临近预报业务系统(简称SWAN系统)灾害性天气监测模块进行了二次开发,实现了实时业务运行。添加了SWAN系统服务器端灾害性天气实时监测模块的监测功能,使系统服务器端定时处理雷暴和冰雹灾害性天气报文、及时准确地生成雷暴和冰雹灾害性天气监测产品,改进了客户端灾害性天气实时报警功能,使客户端界面能直接清晰地显示灾害性天气图标而非灾害性天气信息提示框,解决了实际业务中强对流天气多发时段内SWAN系统客户端显示界面灾害性天气监测产品与其他预警、预报产品之间辨别困难的不足。通过2014年7月一次河南省大范围强对流天气实例,对比分析了二次开发前后该系统在实际业务中的应用情况可知:对灾害性天气监测模块进行二次开发后的SWAN系统平台有助于预报员更及时、快捷地了解灾害性天气实况,在河南夏季强对流天气多发时段的灾害性天气监测和预警预报工作中具有更良好的应用效果。  相似文献   

简要介绍了在M/CAPS系统中,综合图随机定义、降水资料显示方式改进、省城范围内的小图报资料显示和其他物理量生成等思路与方法。  相似文献   

杨成芳  吴炜 《山东气象》1998,18(4):46-49
利用MICAPS系统提供的数据接口和二次开发环境进行了MICAPS系统的二次开发工作,主要实现了不同内容图形图象的翻页调阅,增加欧洲中心数值预报场的客观误差 针对性地做了一些重要天气了辅助资料综合图和一些常用综合图,并分类存放,可方便快捷地调阅资料,并在省台新一代天气预报业务系统中应用。  相似文献   

介绍乐山市气象局MICAPS系统本地化和二次开发应用情况,给出了T106产品的正确解码方法.  相似文献   

MICAPS3.0的本地化和二次开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
MICAPS3.0系统的主要用途是为预报员提供一个天气分析显示的工作平台。气象预报和服务人员通过此平台检索各种气象数据,显示气象数据的图形和图象,对各种气象图形进行编辑加工,诊断分析气象条件,进行中期、短期、短时天气预报制作。  相似文献   

结合 Micaps系统中数据处理模块的维护经验 ,针对其存在的问题提出了相应的解决措施 ;结合本地需求进行了二次开发  相似文献   

在河南GPRS无线雨量查询系统的基础上进行二次开发,对南阳市的自动雨量站点的雨量信息进行处理,自动对网页进行刷新,在达到设置的预警雨量时,自动发出预警声音,及时提醒值班员发布暴雨预警信号.  相似文献   

The structural evolution of Typhoon Morakot(2009) during its passage across Taiwan was investigated with the WRF model. When Morakot approached eastern Taiwan, the low-level center was gradually filled by the Central Mountain Range(CMR), while the outer wind had flowed around the northern tip of the CMR and met the southwesterly monsoon to result in a strong confluent flow over the southern Taiwan Strait. When the confluent flow was blocked by the southern CMR, a secondary center(SC) without a warm core formed over southwestern Taiwan. During the northward movement of the SC along the west slope of the CMR, the warm air produced within the wake flow over the northwestern CMR was continuously advected into the SC, contributing to the generation of a warm core inside the SC. Consequently, a well-defined SC with a warm core, closed circulation and almost symmetric structure was produced over central western Taiwan, and then it coupled with Morakot's mid-level center after crossing the CMR to reestablish a new and vertically stacked typhoon. Therefore, the SC inside Morakot was initially generated by a dynamic interaction among the TC's cyclonic wind, southwesterly wind and orographic effects of the CMR, while the thermodynamic process associated with the downslope adiabatic warming effect documented by previous studies supported its development to be a well-defined SC. In summary, the evolution of the SC in this study is not in contradiction with previous studies, but just a complement, especially in the initial formation stage.  相似文献   

ASOM二次监控平台设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姜小云  吴俞  李静 《气象科技》2013,41(3):480-483
通过研究ASOM系统在监控各类气象探测设备正常运行,及时掌握设备运行状况、收集整理气象探测保障相关信息,最终实现对气象探测设备的高效保障时存在的一些问题,例如自动气象站监控不及时、天气雷达等设备监控没有声光报警等,并寻找相应的解决办法,从而实现了ASOM系统的二次监控平台。实际运行监控业务工作表明,该二次监控系统平台有效解决了ASOM系统目前存在的这些问题,使得ASOM系统对气象探测设备运行监控更加方便、及时、可靠和准确。  相似文献   

Using National Centers for Environmental Prediction reanalysis data for the period 28 June to 12 July during 2001 to2013, the secondary circulation(SC) associated with the mei-yu front was quantitatively diagnosed by numerically solving a primitive version of the Sawyer-Eliassen equation. Results demonstrate that a direct SC exists near the mei-yu front zone during mid-summer and the synoptic-scale geostrophic deformations are the main factors determining SC structures. About94% of the sinking s...  相似文献   

The results of wind-tunnel experiments indicate that the flow close to the surface behind shelterbelts is quite sensitive to the orientation of the barrier to the mean flow direction, and that orientation is more important for short than long windbreaks. The implications of these findings are discussed in the context of field experiments to validate mathematical models of shelter effects.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic emissions alter biogenic secondary organic aerosol(SOA) formation from naturally emitted volatile organic compounds(BVOCs). We review the major laboratory and field findings with regard to effects of anthropogenic pollutants(NOx, anthropogenic aerosols, SO_2, NH_3) on biogenic SOA formation. NOx participate in BVOC oxidation through changing the radical chemistry and oxidation capacity, leading to a complex SOA composition and yield sensitivity towards NOx level for different or even specific hydrocarbon precursors. Anthropogenic aerosols act as an important intermedium for gas–particle partitioning and particle-phase reactions, processes of which are influenced by the particle phase state, acidity, water content and thus associated with biogenic SOA mass accumulation. SO_2 modifies biogenic SOA formation mainly through sulfuric acid formation and accompanies new particle formation and acid-catalyzed heterogeneous reactions. Some new SO_2-involved mechanisms for organosulfate formation have also been proposed.NH_3/amines, as the most prevalent base species in the atmosphere, influence biogenic SOA composition and modify the optical properties of SOA. The response of SOA formation behavior to these anthropogenic pollutants varies among different BVOCs precursors. Investigations on anthropogenic–biogenic interactions in some areas of China that are simultaneously influenced by anthropogenic and biogenic emissions are summarized. Based on this review, some recommendations are made for a more accurate assessment of controllable biogenic SOA formation and its contribution to the total SOA budget. This study also highlights the importance of controlling anthropogenic pollutant emissions with effective pollutant mitigation policies to reduce regional and global biogenic SOA formation.  相似文献   

蒋昱鑫 《气象》2015,41(9):1049-1057
次级环流在台风的发展和维持中起着重要作用,基于梯度风平衡的Sawyer Eliassen(SE)方程常用于台风次级环流的诊断。然而梯度风平衡关系在台风边界层及边界附近有较大误差,这导致SE方程求解出的次级环流在边界层也会有较大误差。本文在梯度风平衡方程中保留包含径向摩擦力项在内的超梯度力项,得到包含超梯度力作用的SE方程,从方程形式上看超梯度力主要是通过调节与斜压性相关的系数来影响次级环流的。对“森拉克”(2008)台风次级环流的诊断结果显示,在不人为改变边界层流场结构的情况下,新的SE方程能显著改善次级环流的求解效果,避免眼墙外侧边界层附近的虚假对流并且减小虚假入流。  相似文献   

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