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Between Bariloche (41°S) and El Bolsón (42°S), Neogene sediments of the Ñirihuau foreland basin and Paleogene volcanoclastic rocks have been thrust westward beneath basement rocks of the Andean cordillera. North of Bariloche (40°–41°S), Paleogene volcanoclastic rocks within the main cordillera show Neogene deformation. The large-scale Neogene tectonics of the area are revealed by superimposing geological maps with digital topographic data. Fault-slip data provide information on the relative amount of crustal thickening and strike-slip faulting. Throughout the area, major reverse faults and thrusts trend northwest, forming the edges to Cenozoic basins of foreland or ramp styles. Some of these are inverted grabens of Mesozoic age. The dominant strike-slip faults are right-lateral and trend nearly north, parallel to the cordillera. Conjugate left-lateral faults trend nearly east. At a regional scale, based on the fault-slip data, the principal direction of shortening is northeast, in areas where thrusts predominate, but swings around to the north in areas where strike-slip faults predominate. Thus the results indicate a degree of strain partitioning, but they are broadly compatible with the oblique direction of convergence between the Nazca and South American plates. This tectonic style seems to have lasted throughout the Neogene.


Entre las localidades de Bariloche (41°S) y El Bolsón (42°S), sedimentos Neógenos de la cuenca de antepaís Ñirihuau y volcanoclastitas Paleógenas han sido cabalgados desde el oeste por el basamento de la Cordillera de los Andes. Al norte de Bariloche (40°–41°S), volcanoclastitas Paleógenas de la Cordillera también muestran deformación. La tectónica neógena de gran escala se destaca por la superposición de mapas geológicos y topográficos digitalizados. A la escala de los afloramientos, los datos de deslizamientos de falla proveen información relativa a las relaciones entre el espesamiento cortical y el fallamiento de rumbo. En este sentido, a través de toda el área, las fallas inversas y los cabalgamientos mayores se disponen con rumbos noroeste, controlando las cuencas Cenozoicas de antepaís o de tipo rampa. Algunas de ellas invierten grábenes Mesozoicos. Por su parte, las fallas transcurrentes son dominantemente dextrales y se disponen submeridianalmente de modo paralelo a la Cordillera. Juegos conjugados senestrales se orientan sublatitudinalmente. A escala regional, la dirección principal de acortamiento, a partir de datos de desplazamiento de fallas, es noreste donde dominan los cabalgamientos, aunque se desvía hacia el norte donde predominan las fallas transcurrentes. Estos resultados indican un grado de particionamiento de la deformación, que resulta compatible con la dirección oblícua de convergencia entre las placas de Nazca y Sudamérica; estilo tectónico que parece haberse instalado a partir del Neógeno.  相似文献   

We describe and compare the two transform zones that connect the Icelandic rift segments and the mid-Atlantic Ridge close to the Icelandic hot spot, in terms of geometry of faulting and stress fields. The E–W trending South Iceland Seismic Zone is a diffuse shear zone with a Riedel fault pattern including N0°–N20°E trending right-lateral and N60°–N70°E trending left-lateral faults. The dominant stress field in this zone is characterised by NW–SE extension, in general agreement with left-lateral transform motion. The Tjörnes Fracture Zone includes three major lineaments at different stages of development. The most developed, the Húsavík–Flatey Fault, presents a relatively simple geometry with a major fault that trends ESE–WNW. The stress pattern is however complex, with two dominant directions of extension, E–W and NE–SW on average. Both these extensions are compatible with the right-lateral transform motion and reveal different behaviours in terms of coupling. Transform motion has unambiguous fault expression along a mature zone, a situation close to that of the Tjörnes Fracture Zone. In contrast, transform motion along the immature South Iceland Seismic Zone is expressed through a more complicate structural pattern. At the early stage of the transform process, relatively simple stress patterns prevail, with a single dominant stress field, whereas, when the transform zone is mature, moderate and low coupling situations may alternate, as a function of volcanic–tectonic crises and induce changes in stress orientation.  相似文献   

Systematic inversion of double couple focal mechanisms of shallow earthquakes in the northern Andes reveals relatively homogeneous patterns of crustal stress in three main regions. The first region, presently under the influence of the Caribbean plate, includes the northern segment of the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia and the western flank of the Central Cordillera (north of 4°N). It is characterized by WNW–ESE compression of dominantly reverse type that deflects to NW–SE in the Merida Andes of Venezuela, where it becomes mainly strike–slip in type. A major bend of the Eastern thrust front of the Eastern Cordillera, near its junction with the Merida Andes, coincides with a local deflection of the stress regime (SW–NE compression), suggesting local accommodation of the thrust belt to a rigid indenter in this area. The second region includes the SW Pacific coast of Colombia and Ecuador, currently under the influence of the Nazca plate. In this area, approximately E–W compression is mainly reverse in type. It deflects to WSW–ENE in the northern Andes south of 4°N, where it is accommodated by right-lateral displacement of the Romeral fault complex and the Eastern front of the northern Andes. The third, and most complex, region is the area of the triple junction between the South American, Nazca and Caribbean plates. It reveals two major stress regimes, both mainly strike–slip in type. The first regime involves SW–NE compression related to the interaction between the Nazca and Caribbean plates and the Panama micro-plate, typically accommodated in an E–W left-lateral shear zone. The second regime involves NW–SE compression, mainly related to the interaction between the Caribbean plate and the North Andes block which induces left-lateral displacement on the Uramita and Romeral faults north of 4°N.Deep seismicity (about 150–170 km) concentrates in the Bucaramanga nest and Cauca Valley areas. The inversion reveals a rather homogeneous attitude of the minimum stress axis, which dips towards the E. This extension is consistent with the present plunge of the Nazca and Caribbean slabs, suggesting that a broken slab may be torn under gravitational stresses in the Bucaramanga nest. This model is compatible with current blocking of the subduction in the western northern Andes, inhibiting the eastward displacement of slabs, which are forced to break and sink in to the asthenosphere under their own weight.  相似文献   

Este estudio de caso muestra una metodología para obtener el máximo valor geocientífico de datos aeromagnéticos regionales (espaciamiento entre líneas: 1000 m), a través de su integración con imágenes satelitarias de alta resolución. En este estudio, la interpretación litoestratigráfica de las imágenes Landsat TM a escala regional (1:100,000) ha sido llevada a cabo como precursor de la interpretación geofísica, proveyendo el marco geológico-estructural de base para el análisis de las imágenes geofísicas. Este marco geológico-estructural derivado de las imágenes Landsat muestra las posiciones y vergencias correctas de las estructuras mayores; en este marco, las ubicaciones de las anomalías aeromagnéticas mayores de origen somero relacionadas con rocas extrusivas y subvolcánicas intermedias/máficas, como así también de las estructuras que controlan estos eventos magmáticos de importancia económica, pueden ser correctamente interpretadas.Los resultados del estudio indican la existencia de un centro volcánico/subvolcánico no reconocido previamente, de edad post-pérmica y pre-miocena, probablemente asociado con fallamiento regional transcurrente sinistral desarrollado a lo largo de una sutura acrecional norte-sur reactivada y a una estructura preexistente del basamento precámbrico/paleozoico. El subsecuente evento de corrimientos de tipo ‘piel gruesa’ y vergencia oeste al que está asociado el ascenso del bloque precámbrico de la Sierra de Valle Fértil, desarrolló un distintivo juego de fallas transcurrentes de orientación NO–SE en el área del centro volcánico. Estas estructuras de orientación NO–SE cortan y rotan a estructuras miocenas tardías correspondientes a la tectónica de tipo ‘piel fina’ de la faja plegada y corrida de la Precordillera. Las rocas intrusivas asociadas con el centro volcánico de edad oligocena inferida, forman anomalías dipolares parcialmente remanentes fácilmente reconocibles, están asociadas con alteración y mineralización de oro (minas Cerro Guachi, El Pescado, Gral. Belgrano) y están ubicadas a lo largo de fallas ‘en cola de caballo’ sinistrales de orientación NO–SE. Este evento tectónico-magmático relacionado con la deformación transcurrente es considerado como oligoceno y puede estar relacionado con la convergencia oblicua oligocena y la mineralización de pórfiros de esta misma edad en Chile.  相似文献   

The chemical composition and Rb–Sr ages of mica, feldspar, and whole rock samples from the emerald mineralisation of Capoeirana and Belmont, from emerald-barren pegmatites and of the Borrachudos granitic gneiss, Monlevade banded and granitic gneisses from the area of Nova Era–Itabira–Ferros (Minas Gerais, Brazil) as well as from the Guanhães gneiss (Minas Gerais, Brazil) have been determined. The Borrachudos granitic and Monlevade banded gneiss with connected pegmatitic schlieren and pegmatite veins, as well as the Guanhães gneiss, got their actual textures and mineralogical composition at about 1.9 Ga in the context of the Transamazonic tectonothermal event.The Monlevade banded gneiss belongs to a volcano-metasedimentary greenstone belt sequence, which is the typical country rock of the emerald occurrences. The main emerald-forming event at Belmont and Capoeirana was a metasomatic reaction of Be-rich anatectic pegmatites with Cr-rich ultrabasic rocks during the Transamazonic event. At Capoeirana, K–feldspar-bearing Be-rich pegmatites were transformed during the emerald-forming process into plagioclase–quartz rocks. Rb–Sr ages on biotite of about 480 Ma from the emerald mineralisation result from the rejuvenation of Transamazonic biotite by the Brasiliano event.The widespread macroscopically unmetamorphosed pegmatites of the study area formed in the Brasiliano event at 477±14 Ma. These pegmatites resulted to be emerald-barren although the differentiation degree, as given by diagrams such as Cs vs. K/Rb for muscovite and K–feldspar, starts from ceramic and ends with Be pegmatites. Some pegmatites display a marked internal differentiation.


Foram determinadas as composições químicas e as idades Rb–Sr de mica branca, feldspato potássico e de rochas totais das mineralizações de esmeraldas de Capoeirana e Belmont, de pegmatitos sem esmeraldas e dos gnaisses Borrachudos, Monlevade e Guanhães da região de Nova Era–Itabira–Ferros (Minas Gerais, Brazil). Os gnaisses graníticos Borrachudos, os gnaisses bandados Monlevade, seus respectivos pegmatitos e veios/schlieren pegmatóides, e os gnaisses Guanhães, adquiriram suas texturas e composições mineralógicas atuais há cerca de 1.9 Ga no contexto do evento Transamazônico.As rochas regionais encaixantes típicas das ocorrências de esmeraldas são os gnaisses Monlevade que pertencem a uma sequência metavulcano-sedimentar de tipo greenstone belt. O evento principal de formação de esmeraldas em Belmont e Capoeirana foi uma reação metassomática dos pegmatitos anatéticos ricos em Be com rochas ultrabásicas ricas em Cr durante o evento Transamazônico em torno de 1.9 Ga. Em Capoeirana nesse contexto os pegmatitos com feldspato potássico ricos em Be foram transformados em rochas de plagioclasio–quartzo. As idades Rb–Sr de cerca de 480 Ma de minerais das mineralizações de esmeralda resultaram da reequilibração de biotitas e feldspatos Transamazônicos durante o evento Brasiliano.Os pegmatitos não-metamórficos e sem esmeralda da região estudada foram formados no evento Brasiliano há 477±14 Ma. O grau de diferenciação dos pegmatitos, estudado em diagramas indicadores específicos como por exemplo Cs vs. K/Rb de micas brancas e feldspatos potássicos, varia desde pegmatitos cerámicos até muscovita-pegmatitos, à pegmatitos de metais raros e até berilíferos. Alguns dos pegmatitos apresentam marcante diferenciação interna.  相似文献   

The northernmost part of the oil-producing Austral Basin, known as Aisén Basin or Río Mayo Embayment (in central Patagonian Cordillera; 43–46°S), is a special area within the basin where the interplay between volcanism and the initial stages of its development can be established. Stratigraphic, paleontologic and five new U–Pb SHRIMP age determinations presented here indicate that the Aisén Basin was synchronous with the later phases of volcanism of the Ibáñez Formation for at least 11 m.yr. during the Tithonian to early Hauterivian. In this basin marine sedimentary rocks of the basal units of the Coihaique Group accumulated overlying and interfingering with the Ibáñez Formation, which represents the youngest episode of volcanism of a mainly Jurassic acid large igneous province (Chon Aike Province). Five new U–Pb SHRIMP magmatic ages ranging between 140.3 ± 1.0 and 136.1 ± 1.6 Ma (early Valanginian to early Hauterivian) were obtained from the Ibáñez Formation whilst ammonites from the overlying and interfingering Toqui Formation, the basal unit of the Coihaique Group, indicate Tithonian, early Berriasian and late Berriasian ages. The latter was a synvolcanic shallow marine facies accumulated in an intra-arc setting, subsequently developed into a retro-arc basin.  相似文献   

The Central Andean gravity high, a relic of an old subduction complex?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Central Andean gravity high (CAGH) is a positive anomaly in isostatic residual gravity with its center located at the western flank of the Central Andes at about 24°S. The gravity was analyzed by various methods to draw quantitative conclusions about the sources of this anomaly and their process of formation. Methods include the analysis of the gravity gradients, power spectrum, wavelength filters, and Euler deconvolution.Numerical investigations of gravity field in the area of the CAGH indicate the presence of a dense body of nearly 400 km length and about 100–140 km width, that masses lie at varying depths between 10 and 38 km. A correlation between the location of the residual anomalies and the topographic lows in the area between the Salars de Atacama and Pipanaco is observed, which indicates the strong influence of the anomalous-causing rocks of the CAGH within the formation process of the Andean orogen. An influence of these causing bodies of rock on the trend of Holocene volcanic arc is likely. Genesis of the anomalous dense formations of rock could be traced back to Ordovician–Silurian time when a pre-Andean subduction zone is postulated in the region of northern Chile with its corresponding volcanic arc in the region of the CAGH.


El campo de gravedad alto de los Andes Centrales (CAGH) consiste en una pronunciada anomalía positiva de la gravedad isostática, cuyo centro se encuentra en el borde oeste de los Andes Centrales a los 24°S. En este estudio se analizó el campo de gravedad mediante distintos métodos, de manera de poder establecer conclusiones cuantitativas sobre el causante de esta anomalía y el proceso de formación de este causante.La investigación numérica de las anomalías gravimétricas del CAGH indica la presencia de un cuerpo de alta densidad con aproximadamente 400 km de largo y 100–140 km de ancho, que se encuentra a profundidades variables entre 10 y 38 km. Se observa una correlación entre la posición de la anomalía residual y los bajos topográficos en los areas de Salares de Atacama, Arizaro, Antofalla y Pipanaco, la cual indica una fuerte influencia de rocas productoras de la anomalía en el CAGH, dentro del proceso de formación del orógeno andino. Es probable que estos cuerpos de rocas causantes de la anomalía tengan incluso influencia en el alineamiento del arco volcánico holocénico. La generación de cuerpos de rocas con una densidad anómala puede remontarse al Ordovícico–Silúrico, tiempo para el que postula una subducción pre-Andina en la región del norte de Chile y que corresponde con el arco volcánico en la región del CAGH.  相似文献   

Geochemical data from basalts, basaltic andesites, and andesites of the Mesozoic–Cenozoic (143–44 Ma) from Livingston, Greenwich, Robert, King George, and Ardley Islands of the South Shetland archipelago, Antarctica, are presented. The rocks have variable SiO2 of approximately 46–61 wt%, Al2O3 of 15–26 wt%, and total alkali (K2O+Na2O) of 2–6 wt%. Most samples have low Mg#, Cr, and Ni, which indicates that they have undergone significant fractional crystallization from mantle-derived melts. The presence of olivine cumulatic in the samples from Livingston and Robert Islands explains some high MgO, Ni, and Cr values, whereas low Rb, Zr, and Nb values could be related to undifferentiated magmas. N-MORB-normalized trace element patterns show that South Shetland Islands volcanic rocks have a geochemical pattern similar to that found for other island arcs, with enrichment in LILE relative to HFSE and in LREE relative to HREE. The geochemistry pattern and presence of calcic plagioclase, orthopyroxene, Mg-olivine, and titanomagnetite phenocrysts suggest a source related to the subduction process. The geochemical data also suggest magma evolution from the tholeiitic to the calc-alkaline series; some samples show a transitional pattern. Samples from the South Shetland archipelago show moderate LREE/HREE ratios relative to N-MORB and OIB, depletion in Nb relative to Yb, and high Th/Yb ratios. These patterns probably reflect magma derived from a lithospheric mantle source previously modified by fluids and sediments from a subduction zone.


Dados geoquímicos de basaltos, andesitos basálticos e andesitos mesozóicos–cenozóicos (143–44 Ma) das ilhas Livingston, Greenwich, Robert, King George e Ardley do Arquipélago Shetland do Sul, Antártica são discutidas neste artigo. As rochas tem conteúdos de SiO2 variando de 46 a 61%, Al2O3 de 15 a 26% e álcalis (K2O+Na2O) de 2 a 6%. A maior parte das amostras tem conteúdos baixos de Mg#, Cr e Ni, indicando que sofreram significante cristalização fracionada de fusões derivadas do manto. A presença de fases cumuláticas nas amostras das ilhas Livingston e Robert explicaria os elevados valores de MgO, Ni, Cr, enquanto que baixos valores de Rb, Zr e Nb observados nas amostras destas ilhas poderiam estar relacionados a magmas não diferenciados. Os padrões de elementos-traço normalizados pelo N-MORB mostram que as rochas vulcânicas das Ilhas Shetland do Sul têm padrão geoquímico similar àqueles encontrados em outros arcos de ilhas com enriquecimento em LILE em relação aos HFSE e em ETRL em relação aos ETRP. O padrão geoquímico e a ocorrência de fenocristais de plagioclásio cálcico, ortopiroxênio, olivina magnesiana e titanomagnetita sugerem origem relacionada a processos de subducção. Dados geoquímicos obtidos para as amostras do arquipélago Shetland do Sul sugerem um magma evoluindo de toleítico para cálcico-alcalino, observando-se em algumas amostras um padrão transicional. As amostras do arquipélago Shetland do Sul mostram em relação ao N-MORB e OIB, moderadas razões ETRL/ETRP, empobrecimento em Nb relativo a Yb e elevada razão Th/Yb Estes padrões refletem, provavelmente, magma derivado de uma fonte mantélica litosférica, que foi modificada por fluídos e sedimentos da zona de subducção.  相似文献   

La composición de elementos trazas y de isótopos de las secuencias magmáticas del terciario inferior en dos localidades de la Sierra Madre Occidental al norte de México, muestran una variación que manifiesta la composición y la edad del basamento por el cual fueron eyectadas. La corteza subyaciente en San Buenaventura corresponde a la parte asociada al basamento Norte Americano, en cambio en El Divisadero, la corteza subyaciente correspondería a los terranos alocthonos acrecionados durante el Mesozoico.En estas localidades las rocas volcánicas aparecen fuertemente diferenciadas, variando en su composición de basáltica a riolítica (SiO2=50–76%). Las secuencias erupcionadas en los terranos de acreción presentan la más baja dispersión en su cociente isotópico, con un cociente mínimo inicial de Sr (>0.7044, corregido por la edad), y máximo de Nd (<0.5126) y de Pb (206Pb/204Pb 18.9).Los cocientes isotópicos correspondientes a la serie continental presentan una dispersión variable y una distribución fuera de la serie de los terranos hacia la composición más típica de la corteza antigua (87Sr/86Sr 0.710 y 143Nd/144Nd 0.5123). Las rocas volcánicas de la zona continental, muestran valores relativamente altos en elementos incompatibles en comparación con las rocas de los terranos acrecionados (Ce/Yb=25–45 vs. 13–33, respectivamente), y al mismo tiempo están empobrecidos en algunos elementos incompatibles como U y Rb (p.e. Th/U=3.8–7.5 vs. 2.5–4.0, respectivamente), lo cual indica una posición estratigráfica superior, con cocientes de 87Sr/86Sr, 208Pb/204Pb, y Th/U más altos, y 143Nd/144Nd más bajos.Los resultados tienen implicaciones sobre la composición original y la petrogénesis de las rocas volcánicas. Los cocientes isotópicos de los dos lugares revelan una composición que se sitúa entre las rocas de composición máfica de la Sierra Madre Occidental y los xenolithos intermediarios y félsicos característicos del norte de México o del sud-oeste de los Estados Unidos de América. La relación entre los cocientes isotópicos de las secuencias y la edad del basamento, así como el hecho de que la totalidad de los resultados obtenidos presenten una disposición bien definida, demuestran la fuerte contribución de la corteza en la química de los magmas silicatados. En la serie continental los cocientes de isótopos covarían con los cocientes de Th/Pb y U/Pb, aproximándose a la composición observada en los xenolithos intermediarios y en las rocas de composicion félsica. Esto indica claramente que no se trata de una fusión anatéxica de la corteza inferior, sino más bien de una interacción del magma basáltico del manto y la corteza. La contribución de la corteza es del orden de 20–70%. La estrecha variación del cociente isotópico en la zona de la secuencia de terranos acrecionados refleja la interacción del magma basáltico con una corteza relativamente joven, cuya composición isotópica es similar a los magmas derivados del manto. Los altos cocientes de Th/U y de Th/Rb indican que la contaminación de la corteza tiene lugar en su parte inferior. Además, los cocientes menos radiogénicos de 206Pb/204Pb y 207Pb/204Pb en la serie continental indican que el empobrecimiento de elementos fuertemente incompatibles en la corteza inferior corresponde a un rasgo antiguo. Los cambios seculares de los cocientes isotópicos de la sección estratigráfica indica que la contribución de la corteza superior aumenta con el tiempo, predominando al principio una corteza inferior máfica y, más tarde, una corteza intermediaria de rocas félsicas. Analizando rocas volcánicas externas a las dos secciones fuertemente muestreadas, las diferencias obtenidas en su composición isotópica de las rocas volcánicas, los terranos acrecionados y el basamento antiguo permiten deducir la localización del límite corteza continental-corteza oceánica.
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Mineralizing fluids of the shallow epithermal Au–Ag deposits of the El Barqueño district, Jalisco, Mexico
Antoni Camprubí, , Eduardo González-Partida and Alexander Iriondo
Centro de Geociencias, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Campus Juriquilla, Carretera 57 km. 15.5, 76023 Santiago de Querétaro, Qro., Mexico  相似文献   

K–Ar and Ar/Ar ages of dikes emplaced in the onshore basement of the Santos Basin, Resende area, SE Brazil: implications for the south Atlantic opening and Tertiary reactivation     
Eliane Guedes  Monica Heilbron  Paulo M. Vasconcelos  Cludio de Morisson Valeriano  Júlio Csar Horta de Almeida  Wilson Teixeira  Antonio Thomaz Filho 《Journal of South American Earth Sciences》2005,18(3-4):371-382
New K–Ar and 40Ar/39Ar data of tholeiitic and alkaline dike swarms from the onshore basement of the Santos Basin (SE Brazil) reveal Mesozoic and Tertiary magmatic pulses. The tholeiitic rocks (basalt, dolerite, and microgabbro) display high TiO2 contents (average 3.65 wt%) and comprise two magmatic groups. The NW-oriented samples of Group A have (La/Yb)N ratios between 15 and 32.3 and range in age from 192.9±2.2 to 160.9±1.9 Ma. The NNW-NNE Group B samples, with (La/Yb)N ratios between 7 and 16, range from 148.3±3 to 133.9±0.5 Ma. The alkaline rocks (syenite, trachyte, phonolite, alkaline basalts, and lamprophyre) display intermediate–K contents and comprise dikes, plugs, and stocks. Ages of approximately 82 Ma were obtained for the lamprophyre dikes, 70 Ma for the syenite plutons, and 64–59 Ma for felsic dikes. Because Jurassic–Early Cretaceous basic dikes have not been reported in SE Brazil, we might speculate that, during the emplacement of Group A dikes, extensional stresses were active in the region before the opening of the south Atlantic Ocean and coeval with the Karoo magmatism described in South Africa. Group B dikes yield ages compatible with those obtained for Serra Geral and Ponta Grossa magmatism in the Paraná Basin and are directly related to the breakup of western Gondwana. Alkaline magmatism is associated with several tectonic episodes that postdate the opening of the Atlantic Ocean and related to the upwelling of the Trindade plume and the generation of Tertiary basins southeast of Brazil. In the studied region, alkaline magmatism can be subdivided in two episodes: the first one represented by lamprophyre dykes of approximately 82 Ma and the second comprised of felsic alkaline stocks of approximately 70 Ma and associated dikes ranging from 64 to 59 Ma.


Novos dados K–Ar e 40Ar/39Ar de enxames de diques toleíticos e alcalinos localizados no embasamento onshore da Bacia de Santos (SE Brasil) apontam para diferentes pulsos magmáticos ocorridos entre o Jurássico e o Terciário. Os diques de rochas toleíticas (basalto, diabásio e microgabro), são mais velhos, exibem altos teores de TiO2 (3,65% peso na média) e podem ser subdivididos em dois grupos magmáticos. O Grupo A aflora a norte da Bacia de Resende, compreende diques orientados na direção NW, com razões (La/Yb)N entre 15 e 32,3, e idades entre 192.9±2.2 e 160.9±1.9 Ma. O Grupo B aflora a sul e a leste da Bacia de Resende, engloba diques orientados na direção NNW e NNE, com razões (La/Yb)N entre 7 e 16, e idades obtidas entre 148.3±3 e 133.9±0.5 Ma. As rochas alcalinas (sienito, traquito, fonolito, basalto alcalino e lamprófiro) possuem teores médios de K, e afloram como diques, plugs e stocks.. As idades obtidas são de ca. 82 Ma para os diques lamprofíricos, de ca. 70 Ma para os plugs sieníticos, e entre 64 e 59 Ma para os diques félsicos. Como estas idades Jurássicas para diques toleíticos ainda não foram descritas para a região sudeste do Brasil, pode-se especular que durante o emplacement dos diques do GrupoA o cenário tectônico indicaria esforços extensionais anteriores à abertura do Oceano atlântico Sul, e contemporânea ao derrame basáltico do Karoo na África do Sul. Já os diques do Grupo B são contemporâneos ao magmatismo Serra Geral e ao enxame de diques de Ponta Grossa, e portanto este episódio está diretamente relacionado à separação entre o Brasil e África no Cretáceo. O magmatismo alcalino está associado a diversos episódios tectônicos que sucedem à abertura do Oceano Atlântico Sul e que resultaram no desenvolvimento das Bacias terciárias do sudeste brasileiro. Está provavelmente relacionado à chegada da Pluma de Trindade e as idades obtidas para a região em estudo indicam que o magmatismo lamprofírico é mais antigo (ca. 82 Ma), seguido pelos plútons sieníticos (ca. 70 Ma) e diques associados (64 a 59 Ma.)  相似文献   

Geochemistry and geochronology of pre-Brasiliano rocks from the Transversal Zone, Borborema Province, Northeast Brazil     
J. M. S  J. M. Bertrand  J. Leterrier  M. H. F. Macedo 《Journal of South American Earth Sciences》2002,14(8):676
Proterozoic metamorphosed sequences are identified in the Transversal Zone (TZ) domain of the Borborema geological province, Northeast Brazil. This TZ domain is located between the well-known E–W Patos and Pernambuco continental shear zones. In its eastern part, in the Taquaritinga region, a large mass of augen gneisses with a conspicuous horizontal to subhorizontal tectonic foliation forms one of the most important rock types in the region that displays U–Pb zircon ages ca. 1.52 Ga. Paleoproterozoic orthogneisses dated by U–Pb on zircon at ca. 1.97 Ga and older paragneisses and banded gneisses represent basement rocks, which were cross-cut by these Mesoproterozoic augen gneisses, and have been in turn intruded by plutonic rocks in upper Neoproterozoic (U–Pb and Rb–Sr, ca. 0.6 Ga) times.Chemical analyses of major, minor, and trace elements (including REE) for the basement orthogneisses indicate calcalkaline affinities and a signature very similar to volcanic arc granites, representing crustal accretion during the Paleoproterozoic Transamazonian/Eburnean orogenesis in the region. In turn, the chemical data for augen gneisses indicate that they are relatively homogeneous and evolved metaluminous metaplutonic rocks with characteristics very similar to A-type granites generated and emplaced in an extensional anorogenic setting. Relatively high 87Sr/86Sr initial ratio and negative Nd(t) are signatures of crustal components in these rocks.Based on geochemical, geochronological, and structural data, the Taquaritinga region is composed of Paleoproterozoic (>1.97 Ga) rocks intruded by Mesoproterozoic (ca. 1.5 Ga) anorogenic granites and Neoproterozoic granites (ca. 0.6 Ga). These data also suggest that the tectonometamorphic structures displayed by Meso and Neoproterozoic suites were developed by the Brasiliano/Pan-African orogeny and that the record of Transamazonian/Eburnean orogeny is restricted to basement rocks. This means that there is no evidence for a compressional event in Mesoproterozoic times (Cariris Velhos=Grenville) as suggested for the central and western part of the TZ. It is important to remark that the Taquaritinga augen gneisses are, up to now, the only unit that represents magmatic pulses associated with extensional episodes with this age (ca. 1.5 Ga) in the TZ and in the whole Borborema Province.


A zona Transversal da Província Borborema está geologicamente situada entre os lineamentos Pernambuco e Patos. Na sua parte oriental, na região de Taquaritinga (PE), dominam augen gnaisses com uma penetrativa e proeminente foliação tectônica subhorizontal, com idade de cristalização de 1.52 Ga obtida em zircão. Estas rochas são intrusivas em ortognaisses e paragnaisses do embasamento com idade mínima em torno de 1.97 Ga, e são intrudidas por rochas plutônicas associadas ao Ciclo Brasiliano (ca. 0.6 Ga).Análises de elementos maiores, menores e traços (incluindo terras raras) nos augen gnaisses mostram caráter metaluminoso para esta suíte ígnea e fortes semelhanças com os granitos tipo-A gerados em ambiente anorogênico. Razões iniciais 87Sr/86Sr relativamente altas e Nd(t) negativos são assinaturas indicadoras de forte contribuição crustal nestes augen gnaisses.A conjunção dos dados geoquímicos, geocronológicos e de campo indicam que na região de Taquaritinga onde são identificadas rochas de idades paleo (>1.95 Ga), meso (ca. 1.5 Ga) e neoproterozóicas (ca. 0.6 Ga), o ciclo orogênico Transamazônico é restrito às rochas do embasamento, e que todas as estruturas dúcteis identificadas nas rochas meso e neoproterozóicas foram desenvolvidas durante o Ciclo orogênico Brasiliano. Não foram encontradas evidências que atestem a existência do Ciclo Cariris Velhos nesta parte da Província Borborema. Contudo, está bem marcado que nesta Zona Transversal e na Província Borborema, os augen gnaisses de Taquaritinga são, até o momento, os únicos marcadores de pulsos magmáticos associados com eventos extensionais crustais datados do Mesoproterozóico inferior.  相似文献   

The 3.4–3.5 Ga São José do Campestre massif, NE Brazil: remnants of the oldest crust in South America     
E. L. Dantas  W. R. Van Schmus  P. C. Hackspacher  A. H. Fetter  B. B. de Brito Neves  U. Cordani  A. P. Nutman  I. S. Williams 《Precambrian Research》2004,130(1-4):113-137

Overprinted strike-slip deformation in the southern Valley and Ridge in Pennsylvania     
Richard P. Nickelsen   《Journal of Structural Geology》2009,31(9):865
Two major faults, over 32 km long and 6.4 km apart, truncate or overprint most previous folds and faults as they trend more northerly than the previous N25°E to N40°E fold trends. The faults were imposed as the last event in a region undergoing sequential counter-clockwise generation of tectonic structures. The western Big Cove anticline has an early NW verging thrust fault that emplaces resistant rocks on its NW limb. A 16 km overprint by the Cove Fault is manifested as 30 small northeast striking right-lateral strike-slip faults. This suggests major left-lateral strike-slip separation on the Cove Fault, but steep, dip-slip separation also occurs. From south to north the Cove Fault passes from SE dipping beds within the Big Cove anticline, to the vertical beds of the NW limb. Then it crosses four extended, separated, Tuscarora blocks along the ridge, brings Cambro-Ordovician carbonates against Devonian beds, and initiates the zone of overprinted right-lateral faults. Finally, it deflects the Lat 40°N fault zone as it crosses to the next major anticline to the northwest. To the east, the major Path Valley Fault rotates and overprints the earlier Carrick Valley thrust. The Path Valley Fault and Cove Fault may be Mesozoic in age, based upon fault fabrics and overprinting on the east–west Lat 40°N faults.  相似文献   

Morphological and microtectonic analysis of Quaternary deformation from Puná and Santa Clara Islands, Gulf of Guayaquil, Ecuador (South America)     
J.F. Dumont  E. Santana  W. Vilema  K. Pedoja  M. Ordez  M. Cruz  N. Jimnez  I. Zambrano 《Tectonophysics》2005,399(1-4):331
This paper presents the neotectonic study of Santa Clara and Puná Islands sited in the Gulf of Guayaquil eastern part. Both islands are located on the south-western segment of the fault zone bounding to the east the North Andean Block. Fault motion and morphostructural analysis were carried out from Pleistocene age terrain. A two step deformation characterises the South Puná tectonics. The first step involves the Zambapala Cordillera uplift that post-dates Pleistocene sediments and pre-dates a marine terrace correlated with the M.I.S. 11 or 13 (440–550 ka). The second step is the formation of a pull-apart that shows evidence of 2.9 km dextral offset since the M.I.S. 11 or 13, giving an offset mean rate of 5.3 to 6.6 mm/yr. This rate is higher than the one calculated on the Pallatanga Fault northeast of the study area, in the Western Andean Cordillera, suggesting that deformation is split in different fault segments from the Gulf of Guayaquil to the continent. The Zambapala Cordillera uplift and transpression deformation requires a compressive event that may have been induced by the subduction process during the early Pleistocene.  相似文献   

Late Quaternary activity and dextral strike-slip movement on the Karakax Fault Zone, northwest Tibet   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Aiming Lin  Ken-ichi Kano  Jianming Guo  Tadashi Maruyama   《Tectonophysics》2008,453(1-4):44
Field observations and interpretations of satellite images reveal that the westernmost segment of the Altyn Tagh Fault (called Karakax Fault Zone) striking WNW located in the northwestern margin of the Tibetan Plateau has distinctive geomorphic and tectonic features indicative of right-lateral strike-slip fault in the Late Quaternary. South-flowing gullies and N–S-trending ridges are systematically deflected and offset by up to ~ 1250 m, and Late Pleistocene–Holocene alluvial fans and small gullies that incise south-sloping fans record dextral offset up to ~ 150 m along the fault zone. Fault scarps developed on alluvial fans vary in height from 1 to 24 m. Riedel composite fabrics of foliated cataclastic rocks including cataclasite and fault gouge developed in the shear zone indicate a principal right-lateral shear sense with a thrust component. Based on offset Late Quaternary alluvial fans, 14C ages and composite fabrics of cataclastic fault rocks, it is inferred that the average right-lateral strike-slip rate along the Karakax Fault Zone is ~ 9 mm/a in the Late Quaternary, with a vertical component of ~ 2 mm/a, and that a M 7.5 morphogenic earthquake occurred along this fault in 1902. We suggest that right-lateral slip in the Late Quaternary along the WNW-trending Karakax Fault Zone is caused by escape tectonics that accommodate north–south shortening of the western Tibetan Plateau due to ongoing northward penetration of the Indian plate into the Eurasian plate.  相似文献   

Ice flow direction during late Paleozoic glaciation in western Paraná Basin, Brazil     
A. L. D. Gesicki  C. Riccomini  P. C. Boggiani   《Journal of South American Earth Sciences》2002,14(8)
The recent discovery of ice-striated surfaces associated with the late Paleozoic Aquidauana Formation suggests that glaciers coming from southwest Africa reached westernmost parts of the Paraná Basin in central Brazil. Abrasion features were developed by glaciers moving from SSE towards NNW, mainly on an unconsolidated bed. These records expand to about 1,050,000 km2, the coverage of the late Paleozoic glaciation in the region of the Paraná Basin in Western Gondwana.


A recente descoberta de superfícies estriadas associadas à Formação Aquidauana, de idade permocarbonífera, sugere que as geleiras provenientes do sudoeste da África alcançaram as porções ocidentais da Bacia do Paraná, na região central do Brasil. As feições de abrasão foram geradas pelo deslocamento de geleiras de SSE para NNW, principalmente sobre substrato inconsolidado. Estes novos registros evidenciam que a glaciação neopaleozóica cobriu uma área de pelo menos de 1.050.000 km2 na região ocupada pela Bacia do Paraná no Gondwana Ocidental.  相似文献   

Seismic studies of the Brasília fold belt at the western border of the São Francisco Craton, Central Brazil, using receiver function, surface-wave dispersion and teleseismic tomography     
Marcelo Assumpo  Meijian An  Marcelo Bianchi  George S.L. Frana  Marcelo Rocha  Jos Roberto Barbosa  Jesús Berrocal 《Tectonophysics》2004,388(1-4):173
The Tocantins Province in Central Brazil is composed of a series of SSW–NNE trending terranes of mainly Proterozoic ages, which stabilized in the Neoproterozoic in the final collision between the Amazon and São Francisco cratons. No previous information on crustal seismic properties was available for this region. Several broadband stations were used to study the regional patterns of crustal and upper mantle structure, extending the results of a recent E–W seismic refraction profile. Receiver functions and surface wave dispersion showed a thin crust (33–37 km) in the Neoproterozoic Magmatic Arc terrane. High average crustal Vp/Vs ratios (1.74–1.76) were consistently observed in this unit. The foreland domain of the Brasília foldbelt, on the other hand, is characterized by thicker crust (42–43 km). Low Vp/Vs ratios (1.70–1.72) were observed in the low-grade foreland fold and thrust zone of the Brasília belt adjacent to the São Francisco craton. Teleseismic P-wave tomography shows that the lithospheric upper mantle has lower velocities beneath the Magmatic Arc and Goiás Massif compared with the foreland zone of the belt and São Francisco craton. The variations in crustal thickness and upper mantle velocities observed with the broadband stations correlate well with the measurements along the seismic refraction profile. The integration of all seismic observations and gravity data indicates a strong lithospheric contrast between the Goiás Massif and the foreland domain of the Brasília belt, whereas little variation was found across the foldbelt/craton surface boundary. These results support the hypothesis that the Brasília foreland domain and the São Francisco craton were part of a larger São Francisco-Congo continental plate in the final collision with the Amazon plate.  相似文献   

Quaternary faulting along the Caribbean-North American plate boundary in Central America     
David P. Schwartz  Lloyd S. Cluff  Thomas W. Donnelly 《Tectonophysics》1979,52(1-4)
Recent detailed mapping along the Motagua fault zone and reconnaissance along the Chixoy—Polochic and Jocotán—Chamelecón fault zones provide new information regarding the nature of Quaternary deformation along the Caribbean—North American plate boundary in Central America.The southern boundary of the Motagua fault zone is defined by a major active left-slip fault that ruptured during the February 4, 1976 Guatemala earthquake. The recurrent nature of slip along the fault is dramatically demonstrated where stream terraces of the Río El Tambor show progressive left-slip and vertical (up-to-the-north) slip. Left-slip increases from 23.7 m (youngest mappable terrace) to 58.3 m (oldest mappable terrace) and vertical slip increases from 0.6 m to 2.5 m. The oldest mappable terrace crossed by the fault appears to be younger than 40,000 years and older than 10,000 years.Reconnaissance along the Chixoy—Polochic fault zone between Chiantla and Lago de Izabal has located the traces of a previously unmapped major active left-slip fault. Geomorphic features along this fault are similar to those observed along the active trace of the Motagua fault zone. Consistent and significant features suggestive of left-slip have so far not been observed along the Guatemala section of the Jocotán—Chamelecón fault zone.In Central America, the active Caribbean—North American plate boundary is comprised of the Motagua, Chixoy—Polochic, and probably the Jocotán—Chamelecón fault zones, with each accommodating part of the slip produced at the mid-Cayman spreading center. Similarities in geomorphic expression, apparent amount of left-slip, and frequency and magnitude of historical and instrumentally recorded earthquakes between the active traces of the Motagua and Chixoy—Polochic fault zones suggest a comparable degree of activity during Quaternary time; the sense and amount of Quaternary slip on the Jocotán—Chamelecón fault zone remain uncertain, although it appears to be an active earthquake source. Uplift of major mountain ranges on the north side of each fault zone reflects the small but consistent up-to-the-north vertical component (up to 5% of the lateral component) of slip along the plate boundary. Preliminary findings, based on offset stream terraces, indicate a late Quaternary slip rate along the Caribbean—North American plate boundary of between 0.45 and 1.8 cm/yr. Age dating of offset Quaternary terraces in Guatemala will allow refinement of this rate.  相似文献   

Tableau de répartition stratigraphique des Grands Foraminifères caractéristiques du Crétacé moyen de la région Méditerranéenne     
Groupe de Travail Europen des Grands Foraminifres  A. Arnaud  P. -Y. Berthou  L. Brun  A. Cherchi  M. Chiocchini  P. De Castro  E. Fourcade  A. Garcia Quintana  M. Hamaoui  M. Lamolda  E. Luperto Sinni  M. Neumann  B. Prestat  R. Schroeder  G. Tronchetti 《Cretaceous Research》1981,2(3-4)
Le Groupe de Travail Européen des Grands Foraminifères présente un tableau de répartition stratigraphique de 42 espèces bien définies du Crétacé moyen de la région méditerranéenne. La répartition stratigraphique proposée pour chaque espèce est fondée soit sur des propres observations soit sur des données de la littérature supprimer et est contrôlée par la présence d'Ammonites ou de Foraminifères planctoniques.A summarizing account is presented of the deliberations of the research group for Large Foraminifers of the IGCP Project “Mid-Cretaceous Events”. Large Foraminifers are of incontestable value for dating carbonate platform sequences owing to the absence of many other diagnostic groups of organísms. A table of stratigraphical distributions for 42 species is presented.  相似文献   

K-Ar ages of basic rocks in the Patia Valley, southwest Colombia     
Hughes A.F. De Souza  Armando Espinosa  Michel Delaloye 《Tectonophysics》1984,107(1-2)
The Patia Valley situated between the Western and Central Cordilleras of the southwest Colombian Andes contains two areas in which Mesozoic basic and ultrabasic rocks crop out in abundance. Late Cretaceous Diabase Group pillow basalts which make up much of the Western Cordillera are at least 81 ± 5 Ma in the E1 Tambo-E1 Peñol area. 105-97 Ma hornblende and whole-rock dates from the ophiolitic Los Azules complex indicate an Albian age of formation, although many dates are lower (65-62 Ma) owing the low-grade ocean-floor metamorphism. The metamorphic age distribution here supports an end of Cretaceous emplacement for the complex rather than the Early-Mid Cretaceous emplacement suggested for North Colombian ophiolites similarly aligned along the Romeral fault system. Tertiary dacites intruding the Low Azules complex are 36-15 Ma.  相似文献   

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