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We study the center-limb (CL) variation of the average profiles of four Ca i lines near 6500 and compare these observations with synthetic data obtained from several line formation models having different thermal structures, line parameters, LTE and non-LTE conditions, and micro and macroturbulence values, to assess the formation characteristics of our Ca i lines in the solar photosphere.Comparison of numerical results with observations indicates that non-LTE is indispensable to fit the CL variation of the central residual intensity for the line 6493, and anisotropic microturbulence is indispensable to improve the CL behavior of the equivalent widths for all lines. The Ca i line analysis favors a cool photospheric model, but this cannot be disentangled clearly from the effects of non-LTE and small-scale velocity fields on the grounds of the present line formation models.  相似文献   

A semi-empirical model of a penumbral chromosphere is presented which represents a specific region of the penumbra located approximately one-fourth the distance outward from the umbra-penumbra interface. The model is based on simultaneous observations of high-resolution spectra of Caii K, H, and 8498 made over a sunspot penumbra (SPO 5007) with the Echelle Spectrograph at the Vacuum Tower Telescope at Sacramento Peak Observatory on 18 December, 1979.Spectral profiles were calculated using a non-LTE line formation procedure with various chromospheric models where the optimum model is determined by matching the synthesized profiles with the observational features. The best fit yields a model with overlying column mass m 0 of 8 × 10–6 g cm–2 which also agrees with the observed K3/H3 intensity ratio of 1.22.This work was supported by the US-Republic of Korea Cooperative Science Program (K-53).  相似文献   

From a high-resolution spectrum of a sunspot umbra (1.1 < < 2.3 m) we derive models of the temperature stratification in the deep layers of the umbra. The observed spectrum is corrected for straylight using the Hi Paschen line at gl = 1.282 m. A method is described for the iterative fitting of empirical temperature models to spectral information, and the method is applied to the present data. We find that the observed profiles of 3 high-excitation lines of Sii and the observed continuum contrast between umbra and photosphere cannot be reproduced with a single one-component model of the umbral atmosphere: the Si i lines require a model that is 460 K hotter at gt 0.5 = 3 than the continuum model. This indicates that hot and cool components coexist within the umbra. A temperature model derived from the relative intensity in the wings of 3 low-excitation lines of Mgi, Ali, and Sii is not significantly different from the continuum model.Based on observations obtained at Kitt Peak National Observatory, which is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. (AURA), under contract with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Coordinated observations of variability of the continuum and the emission-line luminosities (reverberation mapping) in AGNs and quasars have fundamentally altered our understanding of the broad-line regions in active galaxies. The constraints these observations impose on the models of the BLRs have been demonstrated here by an attempt to model the BLR of NGC5548, the most intensively monitored AGN. Two models of a BLR, with one having a power law radial distribution of density and the other a gaussian radial distribution, are described and the modelled line luminosities and centroid of the line response functions are presented. A self-consistent model is presented for the change in theCiv/Lyα ratio as the continuum luminosity changes. It is shown that BLR gas must be composed of a mixture of optically thin and optically thick gas and the proportion of thick and thin gas alters with the luminosity of the ionizing continuum. The observed centroid or the lag of a line, can be a function of the continuum luminosity. The variability of the profile of theCiv line in the spectrum of NGC5548 is investigated. This profile is extremely robust and is not significantly affected by changes in the ionizing continuum. Future models of the kinematics of the BLR clouds will have to be based on very stable cloud motions and include anisotropic line emission.  相似文献   

We examine the effects of acoustic-gravity waves with long and short periods on the solar profile of the K i7699 line using a dynamic model of line formation.First we studied the kinetic equilibrium of the K i atoms in a static atmosphere confirming, with up-to-date atomic data and atmospheric model, that a good fit of the resonance line 7699 is possible only when non-LTE effects are accounted for.Then the static non-LTE line source function and lower-level population are used as input data for calculating the line formation in the presence of waves.The time behaviour of the synthetic profiles corresponding to 300 s and 30 s waves is extensively discussed. The characteristic redshift induced by the 30 s wave is explained within the framework of the S-S line formation model. Long-period waves yield an anticorrelation between the asymmetry at different residual intensities and the line core shift, as observed. The short-period waves with velocity amplitude of about 100 m s–1 (at the base of the photosphere) produce a mean bisector whose lower part has a slope in agreement with the observed one. The efficiency of waves to produce macro and microturbulence is also discussed.Currently NAS/NRC Senior Research Associate at Sacramento Peak Obs., New Mexico, U.S.A.  相似文献   

Eclipse observations of total line intensities (Cr i: two groups of lines; Ti ii, Fe ii and Cr ii: two lines each) are interpreted in terms of departures from LTE. The same method as described in Paper III (van Dessel, 1974) is used. The HSRA model is used to compute the LTE populations. A distribution of NLTE-coefficients is obtained for each group of lines. The lines discussed in the present paper are seen to remain in emission down to some 1000 km inside the limb. As a consequence, interpretation is less simple than for the Fe i lines (Paper III); population and excitation temperatures are found to be rather divergent from Holweger's temperature, which was used for a first approximation.  相似文献   

The EUV observations from the SMM satellite of two sunspots are presented here. These observations show the sunspots (a) to be regions of lower intensity than the surrounding plage, contrary to that found by previous authors, and (b) to have line intensities which vary little over a period of several hours. An upper limit to mass flows of 2km s-1 is derived, indicating a relatively simple energy balance for the chromosphere-corona transition zone with thermal conduction being balanced by radiative losses. Electron densities derived from Niv to Civ line ratios imply electron pressures (log N eTe) of 15.0 to 15.3.  相似文献   

The non-LTE equations for the transfer of polarized radiation are solved for a two-level model of the Ca ii K ion in the atmospheric models of Gingerich et al. (1971) and Vernazza et al. (1981). The line formation model treats partial redistribution effects, including collisions. The effects of magnetic fields and of quantum mechanical interference are neglected. The response of the intensity, percentage polarization and Q Stokes parameter to changes in the calcium abundance, van der Waals damping parameter and atmospheric models is discussed.  相似文献   

We present theoretical Ca ii K-line profiles and filtergram contrasts for several recent models of solar faculae. The line profiles vary greatly between models and between complete and partial frequency redistribution non-LTE calculations for any given model. The filtergram contrasts are relatively insensitive to the line formation theory which greatly simplifies the calculation for comparison with observations. All of the models considered exhibit K-line contrasts smaller than the mean value observed by Mehltretter.Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under contract with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

The Imaging Vector Magnetograph (IVM) at the Mees Solar Observatory, Haleakalā, Maui, Hawai’i, obtained many years of vector magnetic-field data in the photospheric Fe i 630.25 nm line. In the latter period of its operation, the IVM was modified to allow routine observations in the chromospheric Na i D1 line, as well as the Fe i line. We describe the sodium observational data in detail, including the data-reduction steps that differ from those employed for the Fe i 630.25 nm line, to obtain calibrated Stokes polarization spectra. We have performed a systematic comparison between the observational data and synthetic NLTE Na i D1 Stokes spectra derived for a variety of solar-appropriate atmospheric and magnetic configurations. While the Na i D1 Stokes polarization signals from the solar atmosphere are expected to be weak, they should generally be within the IVM capability. A comparison between synthetic spectra and observational data indicates that this is indeed the case.  相似文献   

This paper mainly deals with the development of a method for the interpretation of eclipse observations in the extreme limb - lower chromosphere transition region. We compute line profiles emitted by a column of 1 cm2 cross section along the line of sight and, by integration, profiles and total (flash) intensities from a slice of 1 cm width beyond the Moon's edge, at various heights with respect to the solar limb. The solar models used are mentioned in Section 1; method and approximations are described in Section 2. Calculations have been made for some Fei lines with various equivalent widths (Table I); the results are discussed in Section 3. It appears that the method enables one to distinguish between the various models. Particularly line intensities just inside the limb are very important.We compared our computed results with some observations made by Houtgast (Section 4). The main conclusion is that a BCA-type temperature distribution alone does not agree with observations; we have to assume an excitation temperature of Holweger's type.Investigation performed at the Astronomical Institute, Utrecht; present address: Royal Belgian Observatory, 1180 Brussels.  相似文献   

In the preceding paper by Vengeret al. (1984) the results of observations of neutral gas in the vicinity of some galacticHii regions were considered; and it was demonstrated that 17 of the regions observed are surrounded by expandingHi envelopes. This paper describes a model of interaction between theHii regions and the surrounding interstellar medium constructed on the basis of the said results. It is assumed that the main dynamic factor in the envelope formation mechanism is the total stellar wind from the stars which ionze theHii regions. The employment of the observations of the line at =21 cm, of the radio continuum and IR dust continuum made it possible to determine the differential mass spectra of the stars exciting theHii zones and calculate some characteristics of the stellar population. The mass spectrum index of the objects considered turned out to be much higher than that for the mass spectra of background stars and scattered clusters of stars.  相似文献   

Measurements of the ionized Ca ii K line are one of the major resources for long-term studies of solar and stellar activity. They also play a critical role in many studies related to solar irradiance variability, particularly as a ground-based proxy to model the solar ultraviolet flux variation that may influence the Earth’s climate. Full disk images of the Sun in Ca ii K have been available from various observatories for more than 100 years and latter synoptic Sun-as-a-star observations in Ca ii K began in the early 1970s. One of these instruments, the Integrated Sunlight Spectrometer (ISS) has been in operation at Kitt Peak (Arizona) since late 2006. The ISS takes daily observations of solar spectra in nine spectra bands, including the Ca ii K and H lines. We describe recent improvements in data reduction of Ca ii K observations, and present time variations of nine parameters derived from the profile of this spectral line.  相似文献   

A variety of new optical observations have been made over the bright core of the supermassiveHii region 30 Doradus and the ionized filamentary material surrounding this object. In addition, a more detailed analysis of previously published interstellar absorption andHi emission profiles has been undertaken.The velocity and density structure of this complex region is discussed and the new results analysed here shown to be compatible to the model of 30 Doradus presented in Cantóet al. (1980) and Meaburn (1980).  相似文献   

R. Fisher  T. Pope 《Solar physics》1971,20(2):389-399
Nine coronal emission lines representing five stages of Fe ionization and one stage of Ni were observed in an enhanced coronal region. The data from these observations are presented along with a density model of the enhanced region obtained from the FeXIII and NiXV emission line ratios as a function of position angle. The electron densities obtained from FeXIII lines range from N e = 108 to 109 cm–3, and are slightly lower for NiXV line data. Estimates of the variation of temperature over the enhanced region are inferred from the observed line intensities.  相似文献   

Simultaneous observations of a solar limb flare in the X-ray and ultraviolet regions of the spectrum are presented. Temporal and spectral X-ray observations were obtained for the 25–300 keV range while temporal, spectral, and spatial X-ray observations were obtained for the 30–0.3 keV range. The ultraviolet observations were images with a 10 spatial resolution in the lines of O v (T e 2.5 × 105 K) and Fe xxi (T e 1.1 × 107 K). The hard X-ray and O v data indicate that the impulsive phase began in the photosphere or chromosphere and continued for several minutes as material was ejected into the corona. Impulsive excitation was observed up to 30 000 km above the solar surface at specific points in the flare loop. The Fe xxi observations indicate a preheating before the impulsive phase and showed the formation of hot post-flare loops. This later formation was confirmed by soft X-ray observations. These observations provide limitations for current flare models and will provide the data needed for initial conditions in modeling the concurrent coronal transient.  相似文献   

The emission of the Ca ii K line from a spinning cylindrical spicule model is considered. In order to reproduce the observed spicule K line profiles, the model must have both radial and axial gradients in N e and T e. The rotating spicule model is optically thin at all heights and is hotter and more dense than a stationary model computed in a previous paper. It is proposed that the so-called Type I and Type II spicules may be structurally the same features, with different rotational velocities.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Ionization equilibrium is a useful assumption which allows temperatures and other plasma properties to be deduced from spectral observations. Inherent to this assumption is the premise that the ion stage densities are determined solely by atomic processes which are local functions of the plasma temperature and electron density. However, if the time scale of plasma flow through a temperature gradient is less than the characteristic time scale for an important atomic process, deviations from the ionization stage densities expected for equilibrium will occur which could introduce serious errors into subsequent analyses. In the past few years, significant flow velocities in the upper solar atmosphere have been inferred from observations of emission lines originaing in the transition region (about 104–106 K) and corona. In this paper, three models of the solar atmosphere (quiet Sun, coronal hole, and a network model) are examined to determine if the emission expected from these model atmospheres could be produced from equilibrium ion populations when steady flows of several kilometers per second are assumed. If the flows are quasi-periodic instead of steady, spatial and temporal averaging inherent in the observations may allow for the construction of satisfactory models based on the assumption of ionization equilibrium. Representative emission lines are analysed for the following ions: C iii, iv, O iv, v, vi, Ne vii, viii, Mg ix, x, Si xii, and Fe ix–xiv. Two principle conclusions are drawn. First, only the iron ions are generally in equilibrium for steady flows of 20 km s–1. For carbon and oxygen, ionization equilibrium is not a valid assumption for steady flows as small as 1 km s–1. Second, the three models representing different solar conditions behave in a qualitatively similar manner, implying that these results are not particularly model dependent over the range of temperature gradients and electron densities thus far inferred for the Sun. In view of the flow velocities which have been reported for the Sun, our results strongly suggest caution in using the assumption of ionization equilibrium for interpreting spectral lines produced in the transition region.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

We compute a new grid of plage models to determine the difference in temperature versus mass column density structure T(m) between plage regions and the quiet solar chromosphere, and to test whether the solar chromosphere is geometrically thinner in plages. We compare partial redistribution calculations of Mg ii h and k and Ca ii K to NRL Skylab observations of Mg ii h and k in six active regions and Ca ii K intensities obtained from spectroheliograms taken at approximately the same time as the Mg ii observations. We find that the plage observations are better matched by models with linear (in log m) temperature distributions and larger values of m 0 (the mass column density at the 8000 K layer in the chromosphere), than by models with larger low chromosphere temperature gradients but values of m 0 similar to the quiet Sun. Our derived temperature structures are in agreement with the grid originally proposed by Shine and Linsky, but our analysis is in contrast to the study by Kelch which implies that stellar chromospheric geometrical thickness is not affected by chromospheric activity. We conclude that either the stellar Mg ii observations upon which the Kelch study was based are of poorer quality than had been assumed, or that the spatial averaging of inhomogeneous structures, which is inherent in the stellar data, does not lead to a best fit one-component model similar in detail to that of a stellar or a solar plage.Visiting Astronomer at Kitt Peak National Observatory, which is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under contract with the National Science Foundation.Staff member, Quantum Physics Division, National Bureau of Standards.  相似文献   

During the total solar eclipse, 1965 May 30, a 25 cm aperturef/8.0 telescope and Fabry-Perot interferometer were operated aboard the USAF-AEC aircraft. High resolution spectra of the Fexiv emission line, 530.3 nm, were obtained. Deconvolved intensity vs wavelength profiles of the second order fringe overlay a helmet structure on the NM limb at out to 1.37R . The profiles yield coronal temperatures, absolute intensities and Doppler velocities in regions of apparently open magnetic field structure and within the closed field lines of the helmet. Together with white light intensities the observations are interpreted to provide temperatures and turbulent velocities in and around this coronal structure. Comparison is made with a model by Billings and Roberts. We suggest a model with radial flow (solar wind) velocities of 60 km s–1 satisfies the observations in the open field line region.Work performed under the auspices of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, and portions of the analysis at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colo.  相似文献   

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