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准确量化地表太阳辐射量是反射率遥感反演之基础,开展城区表面辐射研究具有重要意义。本文选择天空视域因子(V)表征城区下垫面形态特征,并区分太阳直接辐射、天空漫辐射以及环境辐射的不同影响,构建了城区表面太阳辐射模型USSR(Urban Surface Solar Radiation);然后,以Landsat 8可见光和近红外波段遥感数据为例,分析了USSR模型对于量化城区表面太阳辐射的应用前景。研究结论为:(1)USSR模型以天空视域因子为核心要素,清楚量化了城区表面各辐射分量,有效模拟了城区表面太阳辐射传输过程,能够较好地表达城区下垫面形态结构对入射辐射的影响;(2)将USSR模型应用于Landsat 8遥感数据可见光和近红外波段时,基于USSR模型估算得到的城区表面太阳辐射,与不考虑下垫面形态特征影响相比,前者可以较好地表达城区下垫面对入射辐射的“截留”作用;(3)USSR模型估算结果与TEB模型相比,二者具有较高的相关性,间接验证了USSR模型的可用性;(4)对USSR模型的V和下垫面反射率两变量进行敏感性分析,显示随着V值的增加,结果呈递增趋势;通常情况下的地表反射参数P设置值,相对于参数V的影响要弱,呈现不敏感性。本文提出的USSR模型可订正城区表面太阳辐射值,从而拓展城市遥感的应用深度和广度。  相似文献   

地表温度与发射率是地表—大气系统长波辐射和潜热通量交换的直接驱动力,是描述区域和全球尺度上地表能量平衡与水平衡的重要参数,其时空变化信息在气象预测、气候变化、水循环、地质勘探、农林监测和城市热环境等诸多领域具有广泛的应用.热红外遥感作为当前获取区域或全球尺度上地表温度和发射率的最有效手段之一,相较于传统的地面点位测量方...  相似文献   

地形校正是准确获取地形复杂区遥感反射率的重要步骤,对提高山区地表遥感参数定量化反演精度,扩大遥感产品应用广度具有重要意义。从20世纪80年代开始,国内外学者开始对准确获取山区地表遥感反射率进行研究,建立了多种地形校正模型来减少或消除遥感图像中地形效应影响,减少同种地表类型的反射率差异,并将地形校正模型分为经验模型和物理模型。根据构建物理模型时是否考虑地表非朗伯体特性,将物理模型分为朗伯体假设模型和非朗伯体假设模型,本文分别从朗伯体假设模型和非朗伯体假设校正模型展开叙述。从两类模型构建的理论基础,模型特点,局限性等几方面进行分析和讨论,描述了两类模型的发展历程,系统阐述了朗伯体假设模型和非朗伯体假设模型的适用性和不足,剖析了目前地形校正模型存在的问题与挑战。同时,本文也比较了应用于地形校正的效果评价方法,并展望了地形校正方法和地形校正评价方法的未来主要发展方向。  相似文献   

陈峰  赵小锋  全元  柳林 《遥感学报》2014,18(3):657-672
地表温度被认为是影响生态系统的关键因子之一,它与许多地表过程有关。目前,热红外卫星遥感技术是获取有关区域和全球尺度地表温度信息的一个有效、可行的手段。针对不同卫星上搭载的热红外传感器,许多学者开展了大量的研究,其中针对单波段热红外的特点(如Landsat TM/ETM+,CBERS和HJ-1B)提出了单通道(或单窗)算法。该类算法需要准确的地表比辐射率和大气参数(如大气水分含量)。这些参数在现实中又很难轻易获得,从而在一定程度上限制了现有算法的应用。针对HJ-1B高回访频率的特点,本文提出了利用多时相影像的时空信息来直接反演地表温度的Multi-Temporal and Spatial Information-Based Single Channel(MTSC),以解决现有算法对地表比辐射率和大气参数的过度依赖性。实例分析结果显示,基于MTSC法由HJ-1B反演得到的地表温度结果与MODIS地表(陆表和海表)温度产品具有很好的空间一致性;HJ-1B的陆表温度结果总体上被高估了约1 K,而海表温度结果总体上被高估了0.5 K;同时,MTSC法得到的HJ-1B地表温度结果具有更好的细节和空间完整性。最后,通过分析和讨论指出了一些可能的完善途径,如相似像元的确定、修改优化求解中的目标函数、参数的自适应初始化等,以便提高MTSC法的反演精度和实用性。  相似文献   

随着航空航天高分辨率观测手段的逐步成熟,定量遥感在有效解决了光学地表多尺度效应后,更高分辨率的光学偏振效应在地表、大气、仪器3大要素方面逐步全面凸显出来,并直接决定或影响高分辨率观测系统的定量遥感效能实现和质量保障。例如,植被冠层极其微弱的多次散射反射偏振效应,如果不加扣除其模型误差达到136%;大气衰减本质是大气偏振效应,是遥感反演的最大误差源,误差达到5%—30%,偏振手段扣除大气误差目前已可以降低一半以上的误差;观测仪器扣除多次散射透射偏振光后,可以实现5 nm分辨率下0.1—0.3 nm高光谱定标能力,并借助偏振强化光噪声分离出中心波长偏移和带宽退化的误差根源。借助偏振"强光弱化,弱光强化",能够实现稳定度达10~(-8)月球辐亮度基准观测,为遥感辐亮度定标不确定度由7%到1%—2%跨越提供可能。  相似文献   

遥感是一门应用性极强的现代地球信息学科,在总结分析遥感学科理论发展与遥感应用新特征基础上,进行遥感学科发展与应用理论探索,是推动遥感学科与应用迈上新台阶的重要任务。本文通过对现有遥感学科组成及分类体系的分析,首先提出了一种基于方法论的遥感学科分类新方法,在分析遥感应用中普遍存在的跨时空特征基础上,从遥感应用新视野提出了跨时空遥感的理论,最后结合典型案例剖析了跨时空遥感的应用。跨时空遥感理论的建立顺应遥感学科发展的需要,遥感应用时空观的提出对今后遥感应用具有参考价值。  相似文献   

王念  卢致宇  徐建红  张红  张霄羽 《遥感学报》2021,25(8):1848-1861
地表温度和近地表大气温度是地球系统、大气系统以及地—气相互作用物理过程的重要参量.在陆地—大气的相互作用过程中,水汽含量、NDVI指数、下垫面变化等因素会对地—气热量传输造成一定的影响.本文首先利用地表温度产品(MYD11A1)以及气温站点数据(GSOD)获得全国尺度下地表温度年最大值、近地面气温年最大值.在此基础上,...  相似文献   

孔祥生  钱永刚  张安定  李兆恒 《测绘科学》2012,37(6):184-186,137
普朗克黑体辐射定律是遥感类课程教学的重点和难点,本文以定律分析为核心,从数值模拟大气层顶太阳光谱辐照度曲线、卫星传感器光谱响应函数卷积计算、地物行星反射率计算及地表温度反演4个方面入手,对黑体辐射定律理论教学和实践教学内容进行优化设计和教学实现。实践证明,该教学改革不仅可以使学生更容易理解和掌握黑体辐射定律揭示的基本规律,而且以此为基础,能够使学生通过实践加深对地物两大特性(反射特性和热辐射特性)的理解,提高学生对遥感类课程的兴趣。  相似文献   

欧阳晓莹  周书贵 《遥感学报》2021,25(8):1633-1645
基于卫星数据的热红外图像模拟可以为热红外大气校正、地表温度和发射率反演和前期验证提供数据支撑,同时也可以为热红外传感器的波段设置和优化提供参考.热红外图像模拟是进行热红外定量遥感研究的有效手段.本研究利用Terra星上搭载的ASTER (Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and ...  相似文献   

地表发射率不同的估算方法对地表温度的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着遥感技术的日益成熟,用热红外波段反演地表温度的方法也日趋完善,其中一个关键参数--地表发射率的估算,直接影响着地表温度的反演结果。基于TM6的热红外波段,分别采用最常用的Van的地表发射率估算方法和综合了覃志豪与Sobrino的估算方法,对北京地区的地表温度进行了反演,并在此基础上对这2种估算方法所得结果进行了比较,从而为找出更为有效的地表发射率估算公式提供依据。结果表明,对于农林地2种估算方法都比较适合,但是对于水体和城市等人口密集地区,则需要和当地的实测数据进行比对,从而确定更为合适有效的估算方法,以得到更为精确的地表温度结果。  相似文献   

卫星遥感在自然灾害管理和应对中发挥了越来越多的作用。火点遥感在火灾频发的时候也被寄予厚望。梳理了火山、环境、气候、火灾等方面对火点遥感的需求,中国火灾监测的行业用户对时空分辨率需求迫切程度不同;概述了用于火点遥感监测的卫星数据源特点,光谱维度上以热红外敏感波段最重要,卫星轨道特点也是影响火点遥感监测能力重要因素;在分析火点遥感物理原理和方法的基础上,综述了当前火点遥感方法的研究进展及优缺点。按照火灾发生的灾前、灾中、灾后3个阶段,分别讨论了当前火点遥感提供信息支撑的能力。火点遥感用于发现火灾仍需要与地面监测等手段联合使用。  相似文献   

天宫一号数据地表温度反演及其在城市热岛效应中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
针对天宫一号高光谱成像仪红外波段数据提出了一个单通道地表温度反演算法,算法的输入参数为大气水汽含量和地表发射率.利用模拟数据和黑河流域生态—水文过程综合遥感观测联合试验的地面实测数据对算法进行了精度评价,结果表明算法的均方根误差为2.72 K,能够满足大多数应用研究的需求.以北京市二环以内为研究区域,采用4个时相的天宫一号高光谱红外波段数据进行了城市热岛效应研究,结果表明天宫一号高光谱红外波段数据适合用来进行街区尺度的城市热岛效应研究,具有很大的应用潜力.  相似文献   

In this study, field-based spectroradiometer measurements were carried out in 72 plots with eight rice varieties along with three nitrogen applications. The critical wavelengths for the studied rice varieties at which the effects of nitrogen applications on spectral reflectance response were found significant, are ρ550, ρ560, ρ655, ρ750, ρ755, ρ780, ρ810, ρ840, ρ900, ρ920, ρ1000, ρ1010, ρ1020. Using the critical wavelengths, three derived vegetation indices were compared with established indices (VI and GRI) sensitive to nitrogen. VI1 and VI2 were efficiently able to discriminate the level of nitrogen treatments for most of the rice genotypes whereas VI and GRI were unable to find significant difference in nitrogen treatments for rice genotypes except two. Furthermore, nitrogen difference plots exhibited that the paddy crop growth has started earlier with N3 (150 kg/ha) than N2 (100 kg/ha) application. Quantitative analysis of rice genotypes revealed that VI2 can be applied functionally for the assessment of nitrogen stress in rice agriculture system.  相似文献   

A new approach to estimate soil moisture (SM) based on evaporative fraction (EF) retrieved from optical/thermal infrared MODIS data is presented for Canadian Prairies in parts of Saskatchewan and Alberta. An EF model using the remotely sensed land surface temperature (Ts)/vegetation index concept was modified by incorporating North American Regional Reanalysis (NAAR) Ta data and used for SM estimation. Two different combinations of temperature and vegetation fraction using the difference between Ts from MODIS Aqua and Terra images and Ta from NARR data (Ts−Ta Aqua-day and Ts−Ta Terra-day, respectively) were proposed and the results were compared with those obtained from a previously improved model (ΔTs Aqua-DayNight) as a reference. For the estimation of SM from EF, two empirical models were tested and discussed to find the most appropriate model for converting MODIS-derived EF data to SM values. Estimated SM values were then correlated with in situ SM measurements and their relationships were statistically analyzed. Results indicated statistically significant correlations between SM estimated from all three EF estimation approaches and field measured SM values (R2 = 0.42–0.77, p values < 0.04) exhibiting the possibility to estimate SM from remotely sensed EF models. The proposed Ts−Ta MODIS Aqua-day and Terra-day approaches resulted in better estimations of SM (on average higher R2 values and similar RMSEs) as compared with the ΔTs reference approach indicating that the concept of incorporating NARR Ta data into Ts/Vegetation index model improved soil moisture estimation accuracy based on evaporative fraction. The accuracies of the predictions were found to be considerably better for intermediate SM values (from 12 to 22 vol/vol%) with square errors averaging below 11 (vol/vol%)2. This indicates that the model needs further improvements to account for extreme soil moisture conditions. The findings of this research can be potentially used to downscale SM estimations obtained from passive microwave remote sensing techniques.  相似文献   

GNSS遥感研究与应用进展和展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
全球导航卫星系统遥感(GNSS remote sensing)属卫星导航应用与遥感的一个交叉学科范畴。GNSS系统除传统的导航、定位、授时等功能外,可免费提供全球覆盖、高时间分辨率的L波段(1—2 GHz)微波信号用于遥感探测。继GNSS折射信号被率先用于地震、大气水汽等的探测以来,利用GNSS反射信号进行海洋、陆表参数估算,近年来成为国际GNSS应用研究前沿热点。随着中国自主北斗导航系统的蓬勃发展,将会为GNSS遥感带来新的发展契机和空间。本文从GNSS遥感的两个重要学科分支,即GNSS折射信号遥感(GNSS refractometry)和GNSS反射信号遥感GNSS-R(GNSS Reflectometry),回顾在这一交叉学科领域近几十年的发展,并简要分析GNSS遥感发展面临的机遇与挑战。  相似文献   

This paper describes an effort to map the habitat for the Eastern Tehama Deer Herd located in Northern California. The range of this herd encompasses almost 600,000 hectares (1.5 million acres). Knowledge of the spatial distribution of suitable habitat is prerequisite to managing the deer herd. Remote sensing and GIS are appropriate tools for such an assessment. Remotely sensed data were used to map vegetation/land cover. These data along with elevation, aspect, slope, juxtaposition, and various buffer zones were input into a GIS and a model was used to produce a map of habitat suitability. The accuracy of the vegetation/land cover map was assessed and methods for validating the habitat suitability map are presented.  相似文献   

Global change has a significant impact on the lives of humankind. Earth observation can help to better understand our earth and cope with global change. With the availability of more reliable environmental data sets, digital earth is becoming a popular way to monitor the Earth and provide information to researchers and decision makers on environment protection, disaster mitigation, and social benefits. Therefore, accessing data with lowering costs is essential for digital earth. Nevertheless, there are big challenges in ensuring the feasibility of access to Chinese remote sensing data. This paper outlines some of the main challenges in realizing data sharing, provides an analysis of the core reasons leading to these challenges, and proposes recommendations to overcome the challenges. Amongst the main challenges are differences in data policy to gain access to satellite data, diverse data formats, and delivery mechanisms. The major challenge for the decision makers is to define a more open policy and for the scientist the challenge is to implement these polices for the benefit of all. This paper proposes that governments should adopt policies encouraging more open distribution and access to their data, in order to generate an improved digital earth with increased benefits to human society.  相似文献   

Since the beginning of the twenty-first century,several countries have made great efforts to develop space remote sensing for building a high-resolution earth observation system.Under the great attention of the government and the guidance of the major scientific and techno-logical project of the high-resolution earth observation system,China has made continuous breakthroughs and progress in high-resolution remote sensing imaging technology.The development of domestic high-resolution remote sensing satellites shows a vigorous trend,and consequently,a relatively stable and perfect high-resolution earth observation system has been formed.The development of high-resolution remote sensing satellites has greatly pro-moted and enriched modern mapping technologies and methods.In this paper,the develop-ment status,along with mapping modes and applications of China's high-resolution remote sensing satellites are reviewed,and the development trend in high-resolution earth observa-tion system for global and ground control-free mapping is discussed,providing a reference for the subsequent development of high-resolution remote sensing satellites in China.  相似文献   

面向定量遥感的高分辨遥感综合定标场及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蓬勃发展的信息化时代对于稳定精准的定量遥感信息获取提出了迫切需求.遥感对地物目标信息的精准获取,从根本上取决于对遥感载荷性能及其长期业务运行期间状态变化的综合定标."十一五"以来,中国科学院定量遥感信息技术重点实验室牵头国内优势单位,系统性设计实现了面向定量遥感的高分辨遥感综合定标技术体系,研建形成"包头高分辨遥感综合...  相似文献   

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