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针对城市的外延式扩展过程中存在的问题,该文基于多时相遥感数据,采用监督分类法初分、决策树分类法再分的解译方法高精度地提取了唐山市中心建设用地,定量分析其在1978—2014年的时空扩展特征。研究发现,唐山市城市建设用地在研究期间呈外延扩张态势,市中心以高速填充—中速填充—快速填充—快速外延式扩展为主要特点;受地质条件影响,唐山市城市扩张方向为地质条件较好的西北方向;城市扩展过程中仍存在土地利用率不高的问题,城市空间紧凑度日趋离散,但内部联系理论上相对紧密。该研究对于了解城市空间扩展形态、方向和规律提供了方法和数据参考,可为优化城市发展布局提供一定数据支撑。 相似文献
Hannes Taubenböck Michael Wurm Christian Geiß Stefan Dech Stefan Siedentop 《International Journal of Digital Earth》2019,12(6):679-698
Measuring spatial patterns is a crucial task in spatial sciences. Multiple indicators have been developed to measure patterns in a quantitative manner. However, most comparative studies rely on relative comparisons, limiting their explanatory power to specific case studies. Motivated by advancements in earth observation providing unprecedented resolutions of settlement patterns, this paper suggests a measurement technique for spatial patterns to overcome the limits of relative comparisons. We design a model spanning a feature space based on two metrics – largest patch index and number of patches. The feature space is defined as ‘dispersion index’ and covers the entire spectrum of possible two-dimensional binary (settlement) patterns. The model configuration allows for an unambiguous ranking of each possible pattern with respect to spatial dispersion. As spatial resolutions of input data as well as selected areas of interest influence measurement results, we test dependencies within the model. Beyond, common other spatial metrics are selected for testing whether they allow unambiguous rankings. For scenarios, we apply the model to artificially generated patterns representing all possible configurations as well as to real-world settlement classifications differing in growth dynamics and patterns. 相似文献
岷江上游典型流域植被覆盖度的遥感模型及反演 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
本文在对岷江上游典型流域研究区实地踏勘和定位观测的基础上,综合利用Aster和ETM遥感数据、地面实测数据和常规观测数据等资料,研究了植被指数与植被覆盖度之间的相关性,确定了岷江上游典型流域植被覆盖度模型。以遥感图像中单个像元作为测算单位,对植被指数NDVI进行了计算,并对岷江上游毛儿盖地区植被覆盖度进行了反演。利用研究区实测数据、生态环境本底遥感调查数据和水文气象数据,对上述模型反演结果进行验证和精度分析。结果表明,模型反演结果精度较高,能较真实的反应研究区植被覆盖度实际状况。 相似文献
基于空间分析的徐州市居民点分布模式研究 总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7
居民点空间分布的研究是聚落地理学的主要内容之一,运用空间分析的方法研究居民点的分布能更准确地刻画出其空间分布的本质规律。本文根据2004年TM遥感图像和城市地图得到徐州市城乡居民点空间分布的信息,继而运用样方分析(QA)法、最近邻距离指数(NNI)、K(d)函数、热点探测技术(NNH)研究了徐州市居民点空间分布格局与模式。结果显示:徐州市居民点的空间分布具有明显的空间依赖性,总体上呈现出集聚分布的特点;随着研究尺度的变大,居民点空间分布的集聚性指数也增大;居民点空间分布的热点区域在微观尺度上具有空间随机性、在中观尺度上具有轴带延伸性、宏观尺度上具有面状集中性的特点。 相似文献
Sergio Colombo Mario Chica-Olmo Francisco Abarca Hugh Eva 《ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing》2004,58(5-6):330-341
Tropical forest mapping is one of the major environmental concerns at global and regional scales in which remote sensing techniques are firmly involved. This study examines the use of the variogram function to analyse forest cover fragmentation at different image scales. Two main aspects are considered here: (1) analysis of the spatial variability structure of the forest cover observed at three different scales using fine, medium and coarse spatial resolution images; and (2) the study of the relationship between rescaled images from the finest spatial resolution and those of the medium and coarse spatial resolutions. Both aspects are analysed using the variogram function as a basic tool to calculate and interpret the spatial variability of the forest cover. An example is presented for a Brazilian tropical forest zone using satellite images of different spatial resolutions acquired by Landsat TM (30 m), Resurs MSU (160 m) and ERS ATSR (1000 m). The results of this study contribute to establishing a suitable spatial resolution of remotely sensed data for tropical forest cover monitoring. 相似文献
《International Journal of Digital Earth》2013,6(2):134-154
Abstract The development of spatial decision support for environmental resource management, e.g. forest and agroecosystem management, biodiversity conservation, or hydrological planning, started in the 1980s and was the focus of many research groups in the 1990s. The combined availability of spatial data and communication, computing, positioning, geographic information system (GIS)- and remote sensing (RS)-technologies has been responsible for the implementation of complex SDSS since the late 1990s. The regional GIS-based modelling of environmental resources, and therefore ecosystems in general, requires setting-up an extensive geo and model database. Spatial data on topography, soil, climate, land use, hydrology, flora, fauna and anthropogenic activities have to be available. Therefore, GIS- and RS-technologies are of central importance for spatial data handling and analysis. In this context, the structure of spatial environmental information systems (SEIS) is introduced. In SEIS, the input data for environmental resource management are organised in at least seven sub-information systems: base geodata information system (BGDIS), climate information system (CIS), soil information system (SIS), land use information system (LUIS), hydrological information system (HIS), spatial/temporal biodiversity information system (STBIS), forest/agricultural management information system (FAMIS). The major tasks of a SEIS are to (i) provide environmental resource information on a regional level, (ii) analyse the impact of anthropogenic activities and (iii) simulate scenarios of different impacts. 相似文献
The Alberta Oil Sands (AOS) is a unique area in Canada undergoing significant disturbance and recovery due to a variety of anthropogenic and natural factors. Accurately quantifying these changes in space and time is important for assessing ecosystem status and trends. In this research, we implemented an approach to combine Landsat time series for the period 1984–2012 with ancillary change datasets to derive detailed change attribution in the AOS. Detected changes were attributed to causes including fire, forest harvest, surface mining, insect damage, flooding, regeneration, and several generic change classes (abrupt/gradual, with/without regeneration) with accuracies ranging from 74% to 100% for classes that occurred frequently. Lower accuracies were found for the generic gradual change classes which accounted for less than 3% of the affected area. Timing of abrupt change events were generally well captured to within ±1 year. For gradual changes timing was less accurate and variable by change type. A land-cover time series was also created to provide information on “from-to” change. A basic accuracy assessment of the land cover showed it to be of moderate accuracy, approximately 69%. Results show that fire was the major cause of change in the region. As expected, surface mine development and related activities have increased since 2000. Insect damage has become a more significant agent of change in the region. Further investigation is required to determine if insect damage is greater than past historical events and to determine if industrial development is linked to the increasing trend observed. 相似文献
Greenery in an urban environment is an important consideration when studying temperature, and such enquiry can benefit human health. The purpose of this paper is to investigate how ambient temperature in urban areas is affected by forests and parks. The focus is on biophysical parameters related to these green areas, such as impervious surface percentages, albedo, areal coverage, elevation, and leaf area index (LAI). Geographic information systems and remote sensing were used to quantify green spaces using a pixel-based method. It was found that coverage area has little correlation with temperature. Factor analysis was used to determine the minimum number of independent factors, which explained 63% of the variance of that temperature. Only elevation, LAI and albedo were significant biophysical factors. Guidelines for greenery programmes should include these significant data-sets to understand the influence of green areas on heat reduction. 相似文献
Geographical design of riparian buffers with long-term vegetation cover for environmental restoration in agricultural watersheds needs to assess how much farmland is located in the buffers of a concerned watershed. Traditionally, this assessment was done by field surveying and manual mapping, which was a time-consuming and costly process for a large region. In this paper, remote sensing (RS) and geographical information system (GIS) as cost-effective techniques were used to develop a catchments-based approach for identifying critical sites of agricultural riparian buffer restoration. The method was explained through a case study of watershed with 11 catchments and results showed that only four of the catchments were eligible in terms of higher priority for riparian buffer restoration. This research has methodological contributions to the spatial assessment of farming intensities in catchments-based riparian buffers across a watershed and to the geographical designs of variable buffering scenarios within catchments. The former makes the catchments-based management strategy possible, and the latter provides alternative restoration scenarios to meet different management purposes, both of which have direct implementations to the environmental restoration of riparian buffers in the real world. This study, thus, highlights the great potential of RS and GIS applications to the planning and management of riparian buffer restoration in agricultural watersheds. 相似文献
Geographical design of riparian buffers with long-term vegetation cover for environmental restoration in agricultural watersheds needs to assess how much farmland is located in the buffers of a concerned watershed.Traditionally,this assessment was done by field surveying and manual mapping,which was a time-consuming and costly process for a large region.In this paper,remote sensing(RS) and geographical information system(GIS) as cost-effective techniques were used to develop a catchments-based approach for ... 相似文献
RS与GIS技术在库区地质灾害调查中的应用研究 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
本文以黄河班多一级水电站库区地质灾害调查为例,利用RS与GIS技术进行地质灾害信息提取与分析。在对卫星影像信息进行增强处理的基础上,通过GIS数据管理和空间分析功能对多源数据进行叠加分析,利用可视化工具—虚拟地理信息系统(VirtualGIS)构建研究区三维场景,多方位、多角度挖掘地质灾害信息。结果表明:采用RS与GIS技术可以快速、准确、高效地提取地质灾害信息和与之相关的地表信息,实现地质灾害调查与分析的目的。 相似文献
应用遥感和GIS技术提取城市建成区及驱动力分析——以南京市为例 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
本文以南京市为例,应用2001年11月16日Landsat7 ETM+和2005年中巴资源卫星遥感影像(校正后的4、3、2波段假彩色合成影像),采用遥感和GIS相结合的技术,对南京市建成区进行动态监测,并结合相关资料分析南京市建成区扩张特点以及驱动力。结果表明,南京市建成区主要是向西南和东北方向扩展,扩张特点为近郊城市化、郊区近郊化、农村城镇化。这种变化主要是受区位因素、社会经济和政策等因素影响。 相似文献
基于GIS的烟威地区旅游资源空间分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
本文应用GIS技术,对烟威地区旅游资源的结构和空间分布进行分析。以烟台、威海、蓬莱三个主要旅游城市为中心,以30km为最大缓冲半径,以5km为间隔距离做缓冲分析,揭示以三市为驻足地进行旅游的旅游景点空间分布信息及距可达景点的空间距离。基于区域内三条主要交通线路,以8km为最大缓冲半径,以2km为间隔距离做缓冲分析,为自驾车旅游者提供可达景点的空间信息。最后总结了该地区旅游资源空间分布的特征,提出了该地区旅游资源的开发理念及旅游发展的整体思路和方向。 相似文献
针对在湿地动态变化监测中,经典的土地利用转移矩阵无法实现湿地类型变化信息的定位可视化表达的问题,提出了一种新的时空变化信息的可视化分析方法。利用由空间单元和时序单元集成的时空复合单元建立转移图谱单元分类体系,较好地记录每一个图谱单元湿地类型的起始和终止状态,实现了湿地时空变化信息的定位表达;基于遥感制图和地学图谱的湿地空间演变规律特征图谱,采用图表和图谱的形式展示湿地类型变化的数量及空间位置变化信息,实现了湿地时空变化的可视化表达。基于银川平原湿地的实验结果表明:该方法能够清晰、直观地显示1999—2013年期间银川平原湿地的时空变化,能够为该地区合理利用湿地资源提供科学的理论依据。 相似文献
GIS与模糊综合评判方法在垃圾填埋场选址中的应用 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
随着环境保护的呼吁声越来越高,人们对环境污染物之一的垃圾的处理越来越关注,选址工作在垃圾填埋场的整个建设过程中的地位非常重要.本次选用ETM++遥感影像提取基础地理信息,结合垃圾填埋场建址的标准,利用GIS空间分析功能分析出适合场址的几个候选区.利用层次分析法选取相关评价指标,建立模糊综合评判模型对几个候选区进行评价;... 相似文献
基于NDVI和LSMM的干旱区植被信息提取研究——以新疆吐鲁番市为例 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
植被是干旱区生态建设重要的组成部分,而植被覆盖度是生态环境变化的重要指示,是评价生态系统健康的前提条件.本文在遥感等技术的支持下,以landsatTM影像为数据源,选用归一化植被指数(NDVI)和线性光谱混合分析模型(LSMM)两种方法进行分析比较,提取吐鲁番市近20年植被覆盖度,并对该地区植被覆盖度的演变特征进行分析.结果表明:①LSMM方法能较好地提取干旱区植被信息,指标简单且分类精度较高.②NDVI方法提取植被时,受到很多限制,在干旱区不宜采用. 相似文献
Kuntal Ganguly Rajiv Kumar K. Mruthyunjaya Reddy P. Jagadeeswara Rao Manoj Raj Saxena G. Ravi Shankar 《国际地球制图》2017,32(7):777-796
This study investigated land use/land cover change (LULCC) dynamics using temporal satellite images and spatial statistical cluster analysis approaches in order to identify potential LULCC hot spots in the Pune region. LULCC hot spot classes defined as new, progressive and non-progressive were derived from Gi* scores. Results indicate that progressive hot spots have experienced high growth in terms of urban built-up areas (20.67% in 1972–1992 and 19.44% in 1992–2012), industrial areas (0.73% in 1972–1992 and 3.46% in 1992–2012) and fallow lands (4.35% in 1972–1992 and ?6.38% in 1992–2012). It was also noticed that about 28.26% of areas near the city were identified as new hot spots after 1992. Hence, non-significant change areas were identified as non-progressive after 1992. The study demonstrated that LULCC hot spot mapping through the integrated spatial statistical approach was an effective approach for analysing the direction, rate, spatial pattern and spatial relationship of LULCC. 相似文献