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Understanding the undrained strength of fine-grained soils has been of interest to geotechnical researchers from many practical considerations. In several civil engineering applications, water content of soil is quite high being near or above the liquid limit of soils, and understanding the factors responsible for imparting the strength of soil at high water contents is of great significance. Recently, it has been reported in the literature that the shear strength of soils at these limiting water contents has significant variation. However, the reasons and the factors that probably influence for this variation have not been reported in the literature. This experimental investigation is an attempt in the direction of understanding the reasons for the variation in the undrained strength at higher limiting water content, namely liquid limit considering the various influencing factors like clay mineralogy and fine-sand content present in soil used for determining liquid limit. The results from this study are quite revealing and have been explained based on the mechanisms controlling the undrained strength at liquid limit.  相似文献   

Shallow failures of slopes in weathered soil are caused by infiltration due to prolonged rainfall. These failures are mainly triggered by the deepening of the wetting band accompanied by a decrease in matric suction induced by the water infiltration. This paper reports trends of rainfall-induced wetting band depth in two types of weathered soils that are commonly found in Korea. Both theoretical and numerical analyses for wetting band depth are presented based on the soil–water characteristic curve obtained using filter paper as well as tensiometer tests. It is found that the magnitude of wetting front suction plays a key role in the stability of slopes in weathered soils. Theoretical analysis based on modified Green and Ampt model tends to underestimate the wetting band depth for typical Korean weathered soils. It was also deduced that for Korean weathered soils, the factor of safety drops rapidly once the wetting band depth of 1.2 m reached.  相似文献   

Based on the spherical cavity expansion (SCE) problem, Cudmani and Osinov (Can Geotech J 38:622–638, 2001), Osinov and Cudmani (Int J Numer Anal Method Geomech 25:473–495, 2001) developed a semi-empirical method of interpretation of CPT for coarse-grained soils (sand, gravel) using a hypoplastic constitutive model. Using a material-independent shape factor, the cone penetration resistance was related to the limit pressure required to expand a spherical cavity. The shape factor was observed to be a function of the soil state only, in particular the pressure-dependent relative density. This paper presents an analogous interpretation technique for CPT in fine-grained soils using the shape factor concept, Cavity Expansion approach, and a hypoplastic constitutive model. Relations for the shape factor and the limit pressure have been proposed based on the parameters affecting these quantities. A validation of the proposed interpretation technique with experimental results has also been performed.  相似文献   


The effect of sample scale represents a challenge when obtaining engineering parameters in the laboratory compared to those obtained in the field. This study aimed at contributing to existing knowledge numerically using the finite element software PLAXIS 2D. The investigations were analysed in terms of height scale (HS) and diameter scale (DS) through a series of laboratory tests. Its effect on compressibility parameters such as coefficient of consolidation (cv) was noted experimentally and showed that the sample scale greatly influences soil parameters most particularly at DS. The soil behaviour was found to be dependent on both DS and HS with a correlation factor of 0.650 and 0.062, respectively. The experimental data were validated in PLAXIS and a new proposed model was developed in PLAXIS 2D under the DS. The new proposed model developed was found to show no significant difference with the laboratory data.  相似文献   

The Standard Penetration Test (SPT) is one of the oldest and the most common in situ test used in soil explorations. In the recent years with the advent of new technology and techniques in determining the drawbacks in SPT, several researchers have attempted to correlate corrected field measured values with several soil properties. In this context, corrections applied to field values have become critical. In this study a questionnaire including the performance of the standard penetration test and equipment used in practice in Turkey is circulated in order to determine the relevant correction factors. Thus the appropriate corrections are used in acquiring corrected SPT-N values. The relationships between SPT-N and the undrained shear strength (Su) are examined from the statistical point of view by taking the test types and SPT corrections into consideration, and comparison is made with previous studies. It is observed that SPT corrections play an important role on the obtained correlation equations. In addition, the importance of the effects of test types on the correlations is also emphasized. The Standard Penetration Test is found to be sufficient for reliable assessment of Su.  相似文献   

Diffusion is one of the predominant contaminant transport mechanisms in fine-grained soils. Usually, conventional methods such as half-cell and column tests are adopted for establishing diffusion characteristics of such soils. However, these techniques are destructive in nature, quite time-consuming, and require cumbersome chemical analysis of the soil and its pore-solution. Hence, development of a technique that would overcome these limitations and would yield precise results, in extremely short duration, becomes essential. With this in view, a modified Perspex diffusion cell with provision for inserting a series of stainless steel electrodes has been fabricated to monitor the diffusive contaminant transport, indirectly, based on the variation of electrical impedance of the soil. An LCR meter is employed to measure the electrical impedance of the soil across each electrode over a period. Further, the electrical impedance variation is indirectly correlated to the diffusion of contaminants that occurs in the soil. Details of the study and the test setup developed for this purpose are presented in this paper. It has been demonstrated that the technique based on electrical impedance measurement is quite useful and efficient for establishing diffusion characteristics of the fine-grained soil.  相似文献   

A long slope consisting of spatially random soils is a common geographical feature. This paper examined the necessity of three-dimensional(3 D) analysis when dealing with slope with full randomness in soil properties. Although 3 D random finite element analysis can well reflect the spatial variability of soil properties, it is often time-consuming for probabilistic stability analysis. For this reason, we also examined the least advantageous(or most pessimistic) cross-section of the studied slope. The concept of"most pessimistic" refers to the minimal cross-sectional average of undrained shear strength. The selection of the most pessimistic section is achievable by simulating the undrained shear strength as a 3 D random field. Random finite element analysis results suggest that two-dimensional(2 D) plane strain analysis based the most pessimistic cross-section generally provides a more conservative result than the corresponding full 3 D analysis. The level of conservativeness is around 15% on average. This result may have engineering implications for slope design where computationally tractable 2 D analyses based on the procedure proposed in this study could ensure conservative results.  相似文献   

A total stress model applicable to clays under undrained conditions is presented. The model involves three strength parameters: the undrained shear strengths in triaxial compression, triaxial extension, and simple shear. The amount of physical anisotropy implied by the model is a function of the relative magnitude of these three strengths assuming a Mises-type plastic potential. Elastoplastic deformation characteristics below failure are accounted for by a hardening law requiring two additional parameters that can be related to the axial strains halfway to failure in triaxial compression and extension. Finally, elasticity is accounted for by Hooke law. The result is a relatively simple model whose parameters can all be inferred directly from a combination of in situ and standard undrained laboratory tests. The model is applied to a problem involving the horizontal loading of a monopile foundation for which full scale tests have been previously conducted. The model shows good agreement with the measured data.  相似文献   

This paper deals with a new critical state–based constitutive model for soft rocks and fine-grained soils. The model, formulated in the single-surface plasticity framework, is characterised by the following main features: (i) a generalised three-invariant yield surface capable of reproducing a wide set of well-known criteria, (ii) the dependency of the elastic stiffness on the current stress state by means of a hyperelastic formulation, (iii) the ability of simulating the plastic strain–driven structure degradation processes by a set of appropriate isotropic hardening laws, and (iv) a nonassociate flow rule in the meridian plane. The adopted formulation is hierarchical, such that the various features of the model can be activated or excluded depending on the specific kind of geomaterial to be modelled and on the quality and quantity of the related available experimental results. The constitutive model was implemented in a commercial finite element code by means of an explicit modified Euler scheme with automatic substepping and error control. The procedure does not require any form of stress correction to prevent drift from the yield surface. The performance of the model is first analysed by means of a wide set of parametric analyses, in order to highlight the main features and to evaluate the sensitivity of the formulation with reference to the input parameters. The model is then adopted to simulate the experimental response observed on three different geomaterials, ranging from soft clays to soft rocks.  相似文献   

Establishing the soil water retention curve, SWRC or the soil water characteristic curve, SWCC, is very useful for determination of unsaturated properties of soils. However, it has been observed that SWRC of a soil is not unique and depends on various factors such as the initial moisture content, density of soil, method of compaction, soil fabric and the path (drying or wetting) adopted for establishing it. In this context, many techniques and instruments have been employed by earlier researchers for determination of the SWRC of soils. However, these techniques entail weighing of the samples during prolonged testing, manually, and hence yield discrete data points. In this situation, AquaSorp® Isotherm Generator (manufactured by Decagon Devices Inc., USA) has been found to be quite useful for continuous determination of the drying-path SWRC of fine-grained soils. This device has been primarily employed for food products, powders and amorphous materials. Hence, demonstration of the utility and limitations of this device for SWRC determination of fine-grained soils becomes essential. With this in mind, extensive studies were conducted on commercially available soils (Kaolinite and Bentonite) by employing this device. In order to understand the influence of specimen specific parameters on the obtained SWRCs, the molding water content and thickness of the specimens were varied and the results have been evaluated critically. Details of the methodology adopted for these investigations, and the findings of the study are presented in this technical note. Based on a critical comparison of the results obtained from this device with those obtained from the dewpoint potentiameter, WP4®, the utility of this device for continuous determination of drying-path SWRC of the soils has also been demonstrated.  相似文献   

王秋生 《岩土力学》2008,29(12):3179-3185
临界状态土力学中孔隙比-平均有效压力 坐标下 压缩线和临界状态线可以简化为平行的直线,倾斜的椭圆屈服面是能够考虑土体各向异性的数学表达最简单的屈服面形式。结合临界状态土力学理论和倾斜的椭圆屈服面方程,给出了轴对称和平面应变情况下 固结软黏土的临界不排水强度比的解析式,通过一些试验数据对这些解析式进行了验证,最后给出了便于工程应用的临界不排水强度比关于有效内摩擦角的简易表达式。  相似文献   

周建  蔡露  罗凌晖  应宏伟 《岩土力学》2019,40(12):4848-4856
土体的各向异性与沉积环境和应力历史密切相关。以能够考虑土体特性的各向异性不排水抗剪强度公式为基础,利用圆弧滑动方法,并考虑破坏面上强度的折减( ),推导各向异性软土基坑抗隆起稳定极限平衡解。对软土基坑抗隆起稳定进行研究,系统分析了开挖深度H、围护结构插入深度D、最下道支撑与坑底相对距离He/H等几何因素及土体有效内摩擦角 、各向异性强度比k及强度沿深度非均质变化的斜率 等强度参数的影响。最后结合工程实例,验证了公式的适用性,为软土基坑工程抗隆起分析提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

Stability analysis of slopes in soils with strain-softening behaviour   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents a numerical approach to analyse the stability of slopes in soils with strain-softening behaviour. In these materials, a progressive failure can occur owing to a reduction of strength with increasing strain. Such a phenomenon can be analysed using methods that are able to simulate the formation and development of the shear zones in which strain localises. From a computational point of view, this presents many difficulties because the numerical procedures currently used are often affected by a lack of convergence, and the solution may depend strongly on the mesh adopted. In order to overcome these numerical drawbacks, in the present study use is made of a non-local elasto-viscoplastic constitutive model within the framework of the finite element method. The Mohr–Coulomb yield function is adopted, and the strain-softening behaviour of the soil is simulated by reducing the strength parameters with the increasing deviatoric plastic strain. To assess the reliability of the proposed approach, some comparisons with the results obtained using other constitutive models for soils with strain-softening behaviour are presented. Finally, a slope subjected to a prescribed process of weathering is considered, and the effects of this process on the slope stability are discussed.  相似文献   

Evaluation of landslide triggering mechanisms in model fill slopes   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
Hong Kong is particularly susceptible to landslide risk due to the steep natural topography and prolonged periods of high intensity rainfall. Compounding the risk of slope failure is the existence of loose fill slopes which were constructed prior to the 1970s by end-tipping. A clear understanding of the underlying triggering mechanisms of fast landslides in fill slopes is required to analyse landslide risk and to optimise slope stabilisation strategies. The work described here had the objective of evaluating two candidate triggering mechanisms—static liquefaction and the transition from slide to flow due to localised transient pore water pressures—against observations of slope behaviour obtained from highly instrumented centrifuge model tests. These results indicate that static liquefaction is unlikely to occur if the model fill is unsaturated and the depth to bedrock large, as the high compressibility and mobility of air in the unsaturated void spaces allows the model fill slope to accommodate wetting collapse without initiating undrained failure. In contrast, high-speed failures with low-angle run-outs are shown to be easily triggered in model fill slopes from initially slow moving slips driven by localised transient pore water pressures arising from constricted seepage and material layering.  相似文献   

SBPT测定饱和黏土不排水强度的数值分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郝冬雪  陈榕  栾茂田  武科 《岩土力学》2010,31(7):2324-2328
自钻式旁压试验(SBPT)因其扰动小、测试深度大、可以获得应力-应变、超孔隙水压力-时间等数据,在确定地基土性参数和地基承载力上有广阔的应用前景。然而由于用以解释SBPT的柱孔扩张理论(Gibson解)所采用的平面应变假设与实际旁压腔几何特征存在差异,导致试验所确定的黏土不排水剪切强度su与其他原位试验或室内试验结果存在差别。针对旁压腔几何尺寸及应变区间的选择对确定su的影响,基于修正剑桥模型,采用低渗透系数控制加载过程中不排水条件,利用有限元法模拟SBPT,建议了不同应力历史下确定su的应变区间,并给出考虑几何尺寸影响时相应应变区间上su的修正系数。  相似文献   

杨洲  程晓辉  麻强  刘伟  谢庄子 《岩土力学》2022,43(1):218-226
目前国内工程界对高填方地基的排水稳定性关注较多,然而针对地下水位较高、排水性能较差的原状地基,由快速填筑引起的不排水稳定性问题更为突出。综述了现行规范中关于边坡不排水稳定性分析的相关条文及国内外常用方法。通过分析总应力摩擦角的应力路径相关性以及计算原状地基典型点位的总应力加载路径,解释了采用三轴固结不排水(consolidated-undrained,简称CU)总应力强度指标进行不排水分析,会高估高填方地基的不排水稳定性,该方法存在理论缺陷和工程隐患。以简单假想边坡模型和某高填方机场实际工程为算例,利用简化Bishop法,选用5种不排水分析指标或模型,分别计算其不排水稳定性安全系数。结果表明:CU总应力法会高估高填方地基的不排水稳定性;其余4种方法计算得到的不排水稳定性安全系数比较接近,相对适用。  相似文献   

The soil water retention characteristics curve (SWRC) has been reported to be quite useful for estimation of unsaturated soil properties. However, the uniqueness of SWRC is questionable due to hysteresis associated with the drying- and wetting-path SWRCs and this poses great challenge in utilising the SWRC for reliable estimation of unsaturated soil properties. Although hysteresis associated with SWRCs has been extensively studied for coarse-grained soils, due to limited studies on wetting-path SWRC for fine-grained soils, the hysteresis for fine-grained soils is not well understood. The present work attempts to address this gap, by studying the drying- and wetting-path SWRCs for eight different fine-grained soils by employing Dew point Potentiameter (WP4C®), Environmental Chamber and Controlled Water Sprinkling method. The study employs the concept of ‘Suction Hysteresis’, ψh, for quantification of hysteresis. Further, the influence of various soil-specific properties on the variation of ψh-water content relationship (viz., slope of variation of suction hysteresis, Sψh) has also been studied and demonstrated. The findings of the study are quite encouraging and it has been realised that extensive studies on soils of different characteristics would be quite useful in quantifying the variation of SWRC during drying and wetting cycles.  相似文献   

Slope stability analysis is a geotechnical engineering problem characterized by many sources of uncertainty. Some of these sources are connected to the uncertainties of soil properties involved in the analysis. In this paper, a numerical procedure for integrating a commercial finite difference method into a probabilistic analysis of slope stability is presented. Given that the limit state function cannot be expressed in an explicit form, an artificial neural network (ANN)-based response surface is adopted to approximate the limit state function, thereby reducing the number of stability analysis calculations. A trained ANN model is used to calculate the probability of failure through the first- and second-order reliability methods and a Monte Carlo simulation technique. Probabilistic stability assessments for a hypothetical two-layer slope as well as for the Cannon Dam in Missouri, USA are performed to verify the application potential of the proposed method.  相似文献   

边坡可靠度分析中通常假定采用平稳或准平稳随机场表征土体参数的空间变异性,然而大量现场试验数据表明,土体参数如不排水抗剪强度沿土体埋深常呈现明显的非平稳分布特征,即其均值和标准差均随埋深发生变化,因此亟需发展土体参数非平稳随机场模型及其模拟方法。针对目前不能有效单独模拟土体参数趋势分量和随机波动分量的不确定性,提出了一种有效的不排水抗剪强度参数非平稳随机场模型,并给出了土体参数二维非平稳随机场模拟方法计算流程,同时将新提出的模型与现有非平稳随机场模型及平稳随机场模型进行了系统比较。最后通过不排水饱和黏土边坡算例验证了提出模型的有效性,并揭示了不排水抗剪强度非平稳分布特征对边坡可靠度的影响规律。结果表明:提出模型能够有效地单独模拟土体参数趋势分量和随机波动分量的不确定性,考虑土体参数均值和标准差随埋深增加而增大的特性,可为表征土体参数非平稳分布特征提供了一条有效的途径。此外,与采用非平稳随机场模拟土体参数空间变异性相比,采用常用的平稳随机场模型会低估边坡失效概率,从而造成偏危险的边坡工程设计方案。  相似文献   


A simplified approach is presented for estimating permanent displacements in slopes as a result of both vertical and horizontal seismic accelerations. A study of 52 earthquake records showed that the time difference between maximum horizontal and vertical accelerations varied between 0 and 10.3 s. The approach is illustrated for an earth dam embankment by analysing the effects of five of the above earthquake records. The approach combines a pseudo-static slope stability analysis for estimation of the critical (or yield) horizontal-vertical acceleration combinations, and a Newmark type displacement analysis. Guidelines are presented for conservative choice of soil strength parameters of saturated clays for use in the stability analysis. While permanent displacements of up to 40 cm were predicted without considering the vertical acceleration component, no additional displacement above 3.5 cm resulted when this component was included. The predicted additional displacement was consistently less than 10%, and in 50% of the analyses, vertical acceleration led to smaller predicted displacements. The simple approach may be applied in analysis for any slope using real earthquake records. Using existing, empirical expressions for permanent displacement, based only on horizontal accelerations, the effect of the vertical accelerations may be conservatively estimated by increasing the displacement by 10%.  相似文献   

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