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Soil reinforcement through the inclusion of oriented or randomly distributed discrete elements such as fibres has recently attracted increasing attention in geotechnical engineering. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to investigate the influence of certain parameters (the strength properties of the fibre, the relative size of the fibres and grains, and the rate of shear) on the shear strength of polypropylene fibre reinforced cohesive soils. A series of consolidated drained or undrained direct shear tests were conducted on unreinforced and reinforced sandy silt and silty clay specimens. Two types of polypropylene fibres with different mechanical indices were used. The fibre content was varied between 0.3% and 1.1% by weight of dry soil. The test results revealed that the inclusion of fibres in soil significantly increases the shear strength. The attainment of the high shear strength is attributed to the micromechanisms involved in the fibre/soil interactions as studied through scanning electron micrographs. The results also showed that the reinforcement effect was more pronounced under undrained shearing conditions. An important outcome from the current work is that, from the data obtained, the strength of the reinforced soil composites is not practically affected by the fibre mechanical indices.  相似文献   

During the last mid-century, the Chlef area was strongly affected by two earthquakes. From the geological context, there were numerous ejections onto the ground level of great masses of sandy soils and large displacements of various forms of some building foundations. These damages are due to soil liquefaction problem. This loss of shear strength can be attributed to many factors. History of recent cases indicates that sand deposited with silt content is much more liquefiable than clean sand. Therefore, a deep understanding of silty sand behavior is needed for the liquefaction assessment of silty sandy soils. Moreover, during seismic shaking, the post-liquefaction behavior of silty sand and, consequently, the stability of structures founded on liquefied soil depend on the steady-state shear strength of soil. The objective of this laboratory investigation is to show the effect of silt contents and the relative density on the mechanical behavior of such soils in monotonic loading. In this context, a series of undrained triaxial tests were performed on reconstituted saturated silty sand samples with different fines content ranging from 0% to 40%. In all tests, the confining pressure was held constant to 100 kPa. The fines content and the global void ratio are expressed by means of the equivalent void ratio. Linear correlations relating the undrained residual shear strength of loose, medium dense, and dense (D r?=?12%, 50%, and 90% before consolidation) sand–silt mixtures to the equivalent void ratio are obtained. The concept of the equivalent void ratio will then be used as a key parameter to express the dilatancy behavior of both clean and silty sand soils. Moreover, from the experimental results obtained, it is clear that the global void ratio cannot be used as a state parameter and may not represent the actual behavior of the soil as well.  相似文献   

本文以有效应力强度理论和Henkel孔隙水压力公式为基础,建立了各种类三轴与平面应变试验条件下正常固结饱和粘土的不排水强度公式及相互关系;初步估计了粘土强度随固结增长的计算公式.  相似文献   

The results of an experimental study of the undrained behaviour of Changi sand under axisymmetric and plane-strain conditions are presented. K0 consolidated undrained plane-strain tests and K0 or isotropically consolidated triaxial tests on very loose and medium dense specimens were conducted. The undrained behaviour of sand at very loose and medium dense states under plane-strain conditions was characterised and compared with that under axisymmetric conditions. It was observed that the undrained behaviour of very loose and medium dense sand under plane strain is similar to that under axisymmetric conditions. However, because of the formation of shear bands in plane-strain tests, the post-peak behaviour of medium dense sand in plane strain is different from that in triaxial tests. It was also established that an instability line for plane-strain conditions can be defined in a way similar to that for axisymmetric conditions. Using the state parameter, a unified relationship between the normalised slope of instability line and the state parameters can be established for both axisymmetric and plane-strain conditions. Using this relationship, the instability conditions established under axisymmetric conditions can be used for plane-strain conditions.  相似文献   

聚丙烯纤维加筋灰土的三轴强度特性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
施利国  张孟喜  曹鹏 《岩土力学》2011,32(9):2721-2728
加筋技术作为20世纪一项重大发明,广泛运用于挡土墙、堤坝、桥台、护坡等工程中。加筋技术的快速发展推动了加筋材料的快速演变,催生了土工织物、土工格栅、土工格室等一大批土工合成材料,但加筋材料有一弱点:即筋材与填料间容易出现潜在破坏面。过去填料使用的是黏土、砂土,其强度都比较稳定,时间对其强度的影响极小。对于灰土这一类材料,其强度受时间影响较大,是否适于作为加筋土填料需进行研究。选取聚丙烯纤维作为加筋材料,研究了聚丙烯纤维加筋灰土的强度与变形特性。试验中,将3种不同百分比(0.05%,0.15%和0.25%)的聚丙烯纤维分别掺入到灰土比为1:9,2:8,3:7的灰土试样中,配制试样。通过三轴试验研究了不同纤维加筋率、不同灰土比、不同龄期及不同围压对加筋灰土的影响。试验结果表明:与普通的灰土相比,聚丙烯纤维加筋灰土其峰值偏应力和抗剪强度均有不同幅度提高  相似文献   

常剪应力路径下含气砂土的三轴试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孔亮  刘文卓  袁庆盟  董彤 《岩土力学》2019,40(9):3319-3326
天然气水合物完全分解时,产生的气体使得能源土孔隙压力急速增加,有效应力减小,进而引起土体液化破坏。此时深海能源土斜坡的应力状态与静力液化失稳过程可简化为含气土在常剪应力排水(或不排水)应力路径下的破坏问题。以此为背景,提出了制备含气砂土试样的改进充气管法,并开展了含气砂土的常剪应力路径三轴试验。22组试验结果表明:同一孔隙比的含气密砂在不同围压与常剪应力下具有相同的失稳线;含气砂土试样失稳时的应力比和体变均随初始相对密实度的增大而增大;含气密砂在常剪应力路径下饱和度对失稳特征影响的规律性在排水与不排水条件下均不明显,但在不排水条件下含气砂土的孔压(或体变)对变形的敏感性降低;含气密砂在常剪应力路径到达失稳点之后,排水条件下是瞬变的液化鼓胀破坏,不排水条件下是渐变的剪切破坏。  相似文献   

在三维各向异性弹塑性本构关系基础上,求解不排水条件和破坏条件,导出各种不同试验条件下K0团结粘土的各向异性不排水剪强度表达式。对常规超固结比定义下的不排水剪强度进行研究,将理论计算结果与试验结果进行比较,验证所提理论的合理性。  相似文献   

巫山加筋土的三轴试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用常规三轴仪,研究了巫山县集仙中路1号加筋土挡墙加筋填土在不固结、不排水条件下的变形破坏机理和抗剪强度性质。试验结果表明,该加筋填土的抗剪强度性质虽较不加筋土有一定提高,但由于筋带表面网格细微,与土体之间的咬合摩擦力较弱,易在筋带与土体之间产生人为的滑动面,从而造成加筋土抵抗小,变形的能力减低;同时试验还表明,加筋层数和围压也是决定加筋土性质的重要因素。  相似文献   

The presented results of cyclic triaxial tests on sand demonstrate that the cumulative effects due to small cycles obey a kind of flow rule. It mainly depends on the average stress ratio about which the cycles are performed. This so-called “cyclic flow rule” is unique and can be well approximated by flow rules for monotonic loading. Amongst others it is shown that the cyclic flow rule is only moderately influenced by the average mean pressure, by the strain loop (span, shape, polarization), the void ratio, the loading frequency, the static preloading and the grain size distribution curve. A slight increase of the compactive portion of the flow rule with increasing residual strain (due to the previous cycles) was observed. These experimental findings prove that the cyclic flow rule is an essential and indispensable concept in explicit (N-type) accumulation models.  相似文献   

一个试样多级加荷三轴固结不排水剪试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经过宁波、温州百余组软黏土一个试样多级加荷三轴固结不排水剪试验(简称多级剪)和常规多个试样试验(简称多样剪)的对比研究,表明对有剪切滑动面的软黏土两者差别较大;而对无剪切滑动面的软黏土在掌握一定试验经验和技巧下,可用多级剪代替。  相似文献   

本文以动三轴试验和原位测试数据为基础,以天津地区砂性土为例,探讨砂性土振动液化机理及孔隙水压力变化规律,采用多种方法分析判别砂性土液化,为高烈度地区重要工程建筑抗震设计提供重要数据。  相似文献   

王树英  阳军生  张学民 《岩土力学》2014,35(7):1849-1854
通过室内三轴试验研究美国中部密西西比河流域低塑性粉土的液化重固结后剪切强度。研究成果表明,正常固结低塑性粉土液化后不排水剪切强度Su随重固结度的增加而提高,而且呈现类固结现象。类似于未受震动的情况,液化完全重固结后不排水剪切强度比Su,OC/Su, NC与固结比OCR呈幂指数关系,只是幂指数相对于未受震动情况稍大。随着OCR的增加,完全重固结引起的不排水剪切强度变化?Su, recon先提高后降低,当OCR =3.42时,?Su, recon达到最大值。液化完全重固结后不排水剪切行为不具有准稳态现象,随着轴应变增加,应力逐渐增加直至达到临界状态。另外,液化完全重固结后不排水剪切应力-应变曲线可被有效固结应力? ′c归一化。最终提出了计算液化完全重固结后低塑性粉土不排水剪切强度的计算公式。  相似文献   

王家全  畅振超  唐毅  唐滢 《岩土力学》2020,41(9):2851-2860
为探究循环动载作用下加筋砾性土填料的动力特性,在不同加筋层数和围压下对加筋砾性土进行了固结不排水动三轴试验,研究加筋层数和围压对加筋砾性土动力特性的影响,并进一步分析了加筋砾性土轴向累积应变发展机制。研究表明:加筋层数增加时,轴向累积应变减小,回弹模量增大,且加筋作用的影响幅度逐渐衰减;增大围压时,土体轴向累积应变减小,回弹模量和动孔压均随之增大;随着加筋层数和振次的增加,滞回曲线逐渐向应力轴靠近,滞回圈面积逐渐减小,土体耗能作用减弱。基于安定理论和间接影响带理论,揭示了加筋作用对轴向累积应变发展的影响机制。建立了能够反映加筋层数的加筋砾性土轴向累积应变预测模型,其条件参数a、b、g与加筋层数呈线性关系,可有效预测循环荷载下加筋砾性土路基沉降变形规律。  相似文献   

黄仙枝  白晓红 《岩土力学》2005,26(9):1464-1468
大型三轴固结排水剪切试验表明:土工带加筋后土体的破坏强度和破坏应变均得到提高。从加筋土和未加筋土的强度包线看出,加筋前后土体的强度曲线基本平行,摩擦角相等,粘聚力提高。通过分析加筋土的应力-应变关系试验曲线,研究土工带加筋素碎石土的抗剪强度特性,提出土工带加筋土的抗剪强度表达式。为进一步研究土工带素碎石土加筋机理提供试验基础。  相似文献   

徐正明  薛强  赵颖 《岩土力学》2011,32(6):1713-1718
采用水玻璃、生石灰和絮状木质纤维作为污泥改性剂对城市污泥改性后,在不同养护龄期和不同改性剂配比下对改性污泥复合材料开展三轴固结不排水力学强度和破坏特征试验研究。改性剂设置3种配比5%、10%和15%,在相同围压下,养护5 d改性污泥复合材料破坏强度相对于原污泥相应地提高到1.25~1.426、1.12~1.33、1.2~1.5;养护10 d分别提高到1.33~1.45、1.154~1.35、1.56~1.67,改性剂配比5%和10%试验比15%硬化速度较快。养护10 d改性污泥在主应力差为20 kPa时,初始切线模量发生很大的突变,并且10%和15% 组有3%~5%应变延时期。养护10 d时5%和10%配比的试样内摩擦角 值大于15%配比的试样,而黏聚力 值明显小于15%配比的试样。基于Konder应力-应变双曲线方程,利用主应力差渐近值作为归一化因子,建立改性污泥在三轴固结不排水条件下的主应力差-应变关系方程  相似文献   

深厚表土层冻结法凿井工程中,深部土体由于经历了高压冻融作用,导致其工程性质变化,认识冻融作用对其强度与变形影响,对于冻融病害防治有一定意义。本文通过室内试验对深部重塑黏土进行了有载冻融,并对不同干密度、围压、冻结温度和融化温度条件下的深部冻融重塑黏土进行三轴剪切试验,探讨有载冻融作用下深土重塑土抗剪强度的变化规律。研究结果表明:冻融作用使深部重塑黏土的偏应力-应变关系由软化型转变成硬化型;同时,经冻融作用后其抗剪强度与割线模量都产生了一定的下降,在本试验条件下,抗剪强度最高下降了48.8%,割线模量E_()最大下降了72.0%。通过对各影响因素的显著性分析,发现初始干密度对抗剪强度和割线模量影响最为显著,围压对两者的影响最弱。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the settlement behaviour of a strip footing seating on the crest of an embankment and subjected to cyclic loading. The embankment fill is a dense sand and the issue is the gradual accumulation of settlement over a large number of load repetitions. Cyclic triaxial tests were first conducted to develop a consistent but simple material model for numerical implementation. Particular emphasis was placed on linking the stress-strain behaviour of an unload-reload cycle to the accumulation of permanent strain, with only five input parameters required to model the cyclic behaviour. The material model was implemented in a numerical analysis to compute the settlement behaviour obtained from model tests conducted by another researcher. It is pertinent to highlight that the same soil, compacted to same density at same moisture content, was used for both the cyclic triaxial tests and model tests. Reasonable to good agreement between the experimental and numerical results was achieved.  相似文献   

辽西地区冻风积土动力特性试验分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
动荷载作用下冻土的动力学参数是寒区工程抗震设计的关键。基于大量室内动三轴试验,研究了地震荷载作用下,辽西冻风积土的动强度σd、动变形εd、动弹性模量Ed和动阻尼比λd等动力学参数与土体含水量w、温度T、围压σ3c、动应力幅值σdamx和频率f等条件的关系。试验中采用三水平六因素的设计方法共进行了18组试验。试验结果表明,在相同振次水平条件下,冻土的动变形随动应力幅值的增大和温度上升而增大;在相同温度条件下,冻土的动剪切强度τd随着围压的增加而增加;低温冻土(-15℃)的动强度和动弹性模量要高于高温冻土(-2℃)的动强度和动弹性模量;冻土的动阻尼比随着变形和频率的增加而降低,随着含水量的增加而增加。上述规律为辽西风积土地区建设工程提供了较为可靠的抗震设计依据。  相似文献   

王振祥  王军  钟萍 《江苏地质》2021,45(4):438-443
为探究长江漫滩相软土的抗剪强度特征,采用静三轴仪对南京长江漫滩相原状软土进行一系列试验,探讨不同固结条件下漫滩相软土抗剪强度的变化规律。结果表明:当固结度在60%~100%时,增大初始有效围压可在一定程度上提高抗剪强度;在相同围压下,抗剪强度随固结度的增加均规律性增大。以完全固结时的抗剪强度值τf,100%为参考,给出不同固结度下τf对应的折减系数,同时分别给出内摩擦角和黏聚力随固结度的变化关系,为长江漫滩区建设工程地基设计与施工提供参考依据。  相似文献   

基于有效固结应力法确定结构性黏性土不排水抗剪强度   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
曹宇春  杨建辉 《岩土力学》2013,34(11):3085-3090
由于结构性的存在使得很多天然黏性土的强度和变形特性不同于重塑土和非结构性土。首先回顾了适用于确定重塑土和非结构性土不排水抗剪强度的有效固结应力法,并推导了相应的方程。在此基础上,对于结构性黏性土,采用两段不同斜率(内摩擦角正切)和截距(黏聚力)的直线模拟其抗剪强度包络线,建立了确定其不排水抗剪强度的有效固结应力法方程;当有效应力小于结构屈服应力时,有效固结应力方程中有效应力部分需乘以0.8的修正系数;只要已知剪切前的有效应力,利用相应的有效固结应力法公式,可确定结构性土体的不排水抗剪强度。利用连云港结构性软黏土的等压固结三轴试验数据,验证了有效固结应力法的适用性。分析表明:对于连云港软黏土的不排水抗剪强度,有效固结应力法的计算结果与试验结果吻合较好;对于结构屈服应力,有效固结应力法的预测结果与试验数据点的拟合结果有一定偏差,但并不明显。  相似文献   

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