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  1. The exotic system H 3 ++ (which does not exist without magnetic field) exists in strong magnetic fields:
    1. In triangular configuration for B≈108–1011?G (under specific external conditions)
    2. In linear configuration for B>1010?G
  2. In the linear configuration the positive z-parity states 1σ g , 1π u , 1δ g are bound states
  3. In the linear configuration the negative z-parity states 1σ u , 1π g , 1δ u are repulsive states
  4. The H 3 ++ molecular ion is the most bound one-electron system made from protons at B>3×1013?G
Possible application: The H 3 ++ molecular ion may appear as a component of a neutron star atmosphere under a strong surface magnetic field B=1012–1013?G.  相似文献   

The main results of a study of a catalogue of physical parameters of 1041 spectroscopic binaries are presented. The distribution of spectroscopic binaries over all main parametersM 1, a, e, M1/M2, P, and certain dependencies between some of them have been found.
  1. It appears that among bright (m v?3 m –5 m ) stars withM?1M , about 40% are apparently spectroscopic binaries with comparable masses of components.
  2. The majority of spectroscopic binaries with the ratio of the large semiaxis of the orbit to the radius of the primarya/R 1?20, have eccentricities close to zero. This is probably a consequence of the tidal circularization of orbits of close binaries by viscous friction.
  3. The discovery of duplicity of double-line spectroscopic binaries is possible only if the semiamplitude of radial velocityK 1 is almost 10 times higher than the semiamplitude of the radial velocity of a single-line spectroscopic binary of the same mass.
  4. Double-line spectroscopic binaries witha/R ?6(M 1/M )1/3,M 1M 2?1.5M are almost almost absent, and the number of stars witha/R ?6(M 1/M )1/3,M 1≈1.5M is relatively low.
  5. The distribution of unevolved SB stars over the large semiaxis may be described by the expression d(N d/Nt)≈0.2 d loga for 6(M 1/M )1/3?a/R ?100.
  6. The intial mass-function for primaries of spectroscopic binaries is the same Salpeter function dN d≈M 1 ?2.35 dM 1 for 1?M 1/M ?30.
  7. It is possible to explain the observed ratio of the number of single-line spectroscopic binaries to the number of double-line binaries if one assumes that the average initial mass ratio is close to 1 and that the mass of the postmass-exchange remnant of the primary exceeds the theoretical one and/or that half of the angular momentum of the system is lost during mass-exchange.
  8. The above-mentioned distributions ofM 1 anda and assumptions on the mass of remnant and/or momentum loss also allow us to explain the observed shapes of dN/dM, dN/dq, and dN/da distributions after some selection effects are taken into account.

We have investigated how the gradients of temperature and expansion velocities will change the emergent profiles from an extended medium in spherical symmetry. Variation of the source function and expansion velocities are assumed. The following variations of temperature are employed:
  1. T(r) ; T0 (isothermal case)
  2. T(r) ; T0(r/r0)1/2
  3. T(r) ; T0(r/r0)-1
  4. T(r) ; T0(r/r0)-2
  5. T(r) ; T0(r/r0)-3
The profiles calculated present an interesting feature of broadening.  相似文献   

We examine the propagation of Alfvén waves in the solar atmosphere. The principal theoretical virtues of this work are: (i) The full wave equation is solved without recourse to the small-wavelength eikonal approximation (ii) The background solar atmosphere is realistic, consisting of an HSRA/VAL representation of the photosphere and chromosphere, a 200 km thick transition region, a model for the upper transition region below a coronal hole (provided by R. Munro), and the Munro-Jackson model of a polar coronal hole. The principal results are:
  1. If the wave source is taken to be near the top of the convection zone, where n H = 5.2 × 1016 cm?3, and if B = 10.5 G, then the wave Poynting flux exhibits a series of strong resonant peaks at periods downwards from 1.6 hr. The resonant frequencies are in the ratios of the zeroes of J 0, but depend on B , and on the density and scale height at the wave source. The longest period peaks may be the most important, because they are nearest to the supergranular periods and to the observed periods near 1 AU, and because they are the broadest in frequency.
  2. The Poynting flux in the resonant peaks can be large enough, i.e. P ≈ 104–105 erg cm?2s?1, to strongly affect the solar wind.
  3. ¦δv¦ and ¦δB¦ also display resonant peaks.
  4. In the chromosphere and low corona, ¦δv ≈ 7–25 kms?1 and ¦δB¦ ≈0.3–1.0 G if P ≈104-105 erg cm?2s?1.
  5. The dependences of ¦δv¦ and ¦δB¦ on height are reduced by finite wavelength effects, except near the wave source where they are enhanced.
  6. Near the base, ¦δB¦ ≈ 350–1200 G if P ~- 104–105. This means that nonlinear effects may be important, and that some density and vertical velocity fluctuations may be associated with the Alfvén waves.
  7. Below the low corona most wave energy is kinetic, except near the base where it becomes mostly magnetic at the resonances.
  8. ?0 < δv 2 > v A or < δB 2 > v A/4π are not good estimators of the energy flux.
  9. The Alfvén wave pressure tensor will be important in the transition region only if the magnetic field diverges rapidly. But the Alfvén wave pressure can be important in the coronal hole.

The jet/grain model proposed by Ramatyet al. (1984, hereafter abbreviated as RKL) for production of the narrow gamma-ray lines reported from SS433 is examined and shown to be untenable on numerous grounds. Most importantly:
  1. The huge Coulomb collisional losses (W c?2×1041 erg s?1) from the jet, which would necessarily accompany non-thermal production of the gamma rays, demands a jet acceleration/collimation process acting over a very long range and with a power at least 102 times the Eddington limit for any stellar object.
  2. There is a collisional thick target limit (irrespective of jet mass) to the gamma ray yield per interstellar proton. Consequently, the gamma-ray data demand an improbably high interstellar density (?109 cm?3).
  3. For the grains to be kept cool enough (?3000 K) to survive the heating rateW c either by radiation or jet expansion would demand a ‘jet’ wider than its length and so inconsistent with narrow lines. In the case of radiative cooling, the resultant IR flux would exceed the observed values by a factor ?104.
  4. Light scattered on the jet grain mass required would be highly polarized, contrary to observations, unless the jet was optically thick to grains, again precluding their radiative cooling.
  5. To avoid unacceptable precessional broadening of the gamma-ray lines demands an emitting jet length ?0.5 days atv=0.26c. This increases the necessary mass loss rate by a factor ?10 over the values obtained by RKL who assumed a 4-day ‘flare’.
  6. The model also predicts rest energy gamma-ray lines which are not observed.

From a comparative study between stellar and gas data it is seen that turbulent and hydrodynamic motions in the Galaxy are common to both types of materials:
  1. Galactic clusters have sizes and intrinsic dispersions compatible with the modified form of the Kolmogorov law seen in molecular clouds: undimensional velocities σ(km s?1)=0.54d 0.38 (pc). This indicates that ‘typic’ clusters were born from ‘typic’ dark clouds as these of the Lynds's catalogue (diametersd<10 pc, dispersions σ<1.5 km s?1 hydrogen densitiesn H>200 atom cm?3). These clouds have mass enough to form galactic clusters (1000–3000M ).
  2. The cluster formation is related to the supersonic range of the Kolmogorov relationship σ(d>1 pc) while the AFGKM stars are related to the subsonic range of the same relationship σ(d<0.3 pc), the intermediate transition zone is probably related to OB stars and/or trapezia.
  3. The effects of the magnetic fields in the clouds are also discussed. It seems to be that in the clouds the magnetic energy does not exceed the kinetic energy (proportional toσ 2(d)) and that this determinates the freezing criteria. The hypotheses introduced here can be checked with 21 cm Zeeman splitting.
  4. Low-density globular clusters are also coherent with the Kolmogorov relationship. Some hypotheses about their origin and the type of clouds where they were born are discussed. This last part of the study lets open the possibility of further studies about evolution of globular clusters.

In this paper we study the dependence on depth and latitude of the solar angular velocity produced by a meridian circulation in the convection zone, assuming that the main mechanism responsible for setting up and driving the circulation is the interaction of rotation with convection. We solve the first order equations (perturbation of the spherically symmetric state) in the Boussinesq approximation and in the steady state for the axissymmetric case. The interaction of convection with rotation is modelled by a convective transport coefficient k c = k co + ?k c2 P 2(cos θ) where ? is the expansion parameter, P 2 is the 2nd Legendre polynomial and k c2 is taken proportional to the local Taylor number and the ratio of the convective to the total fluxes. We obtain the following results for a Rayleigh number 103 and for a Prandtl number 1:
  1. A single cell circulation extending from poles to the equator and with circulation directed toward the equator at the surface. Radial velocities are of the order of 10 cm s?1 and meridional ones of the order of 150 cm s?1.
  2. A flux difference between pole and equator at the surface of about 5 percent, the poles being hotter.
  3. An angular velocity increasing inwards.
  4. Angular velocity constant surfaces of spheroidal shape. The model is consistent with the fact that the interaction of convection with rotation sets up a circulation (driven by the temperature gradient) which carries angular momentum toward the equator against the viscous friction. Unfortunately also a large flux variation at the surface is obtained. Nevertheless it seems that the model has the basic requisites for correct dynamo action.

Image processing performed on a series of photographs of the superluminal Seyfert galaxy, 3C 120, shows the outer optical disc to consist of fragmented segments generally pointing toward the centre. One long arm of peculiar, separated knots comes off to the W and SW. A peculiar companion is seen along the line of the NW radio jet. In the interior, optical jets are detected which are aligned along the direction of the outer radio jets. A region of the sky 45 ×; 25 degrees around 3C120 is investigated. It is found that:
  1. A nebulous filament about 3/4 degree in length points to 3C 120.
  2. Hydrogen clouds of redshiftz = ?130 and ?210 km s?1 are situated at 3 and 1 degrees on either side of 3C 120.
  3. Eleven low-surface-brightness galaxies with 4500 <z < 5300 km s?1 fall within a radius of 8 degrees.
  4. Seven quasars withz ? 1.35 and radio fluxesS b ? 0.3 fall within a radius of 10 degrees.
It is concluded that the concentration of these objects in the vicinity of this unique, active galaxy has a negligible chance of being accidental and that all those objects of diverse redshift are at the same nearby distance. This smaller distance reduces the supposed superluminal motions in 3C 120 to quite precedented ejection velocities.  相似文献   

An observational study of maps of the longitudinal component of the photospheric fields in flaring active regions leads to the following conclusions:
  1. The broad-wing Hα kernels characteristic of the impulsive phase of flares occur within 10″ of neutral lines encircling features of isolated magnetic polarity (‘satellite sunspots’).
  2. Photospheric field changes intimately associated with several importance 1 flares and one importance 2B flare are confined to satellite sunspots, which are small (10″ diam). They often correspond to spot pores in white-light photographs.
  3. The field at these features appears to strengthen in the half hour just before the flares. During the flares the growth is reversed, the field drops and then recovers to its previous level.
  4. The magnetic flux through flare-associated features changes by about 4 × 1019 Mx in a day. The features are the same as the ‘Structures Magnétiques Evolutives’ of Martres et al. (1968a).
  5. An upper limit of 1021 Mx is set for the total flux change through McMath Regions 10381 and 10385 as the result of the 2B flare of 24 October, 1969.
  6. Large spots in the regions investigated did not evince flux changes or large proper motions at flare time.
  7. The results are taken to imply that the initial instability of a flare occurs at a neutral point, but the magnetic energy lost cannot yet be related to the total energy of the subsequent flare.
  8. No unusual velocities are observed in the photosphere at flare time.

The radiation fluxes of the NGC 1275 galaxy central region are being observed on the 1.25-m telescope, using a scanning spectrophotometer with the entrance aperture 10″ in three Δλ=80 Å spectral regions: Hβ, 4959+5007 Å [OIII] and continuum. There were 35 nights of observations during 1982–1987. With the time resolution of half an hour 379 measurements were obtained in each spectral region. The analysis of these results shows:
  1. The standard deviations of measurements in each spectral region 2–3 times exceed the errors of observations.
  2. The radiation flux distribution resembles to normal one only for Hβ line.
  3. Two-humps forms of continuum flux distribution curve is like that of radio emission in 8 mm and 2.6 cm wavelengths.
  4. Various forms of fluxes distribution curves of Hβ and [OIII] lines permit us to suppose that the location of these lines emission regions near the sources of excitation are different.

The Weinberg relation (which connects the Hubble constantH to the mass of a typical elementary particle) is an empirical relation hitherto unexplained. I suggest an explanation based on the Zel'dovich energy tensor of vacuum in a Robertson-Walker universe with constant deceleration parameter,q = const. This model leads to
  1. the Weinberg relation,
  2. a varying cosmological term Λ scaling asH 2,
  3. a varying gravitational constantG scaling asH,
  4. a matter creation process throughout the universe at the rate 10?47 g s?1 cm3,
  5. a deceleration parameter in the range -1 to 1/2, which allows a horizon-free universe and makes the lawG/H = constant, consistent with the Viking lander data on the orbit of planet Mars.

We used merger trees realizations, predicted by the extended Press-Schechter theory, in order to study the growth of angular momentum of dark matter haloes. Our results showed that:
  1. The spin parameter λ′ resulting from the above method, is an increasing function of the present day mass of the halo. The mean value of λ′ varies from 0.0343 to 0.0484 for haloes with present day masses in the range of 109h?1 M to 1014h?1 M .
  2. The distribution of λ′ is close to a log-normal, but, as it is already found in the results of N-body simulations, the match is not satisfactory at the tails of the distribution. A new analytical formula that approximates the results much more satisfactorily is presented.
  3. The distribution of the values of λ′ depends only weakly on the redshift.
  4. The spin parameter of an halo depends on the number of recent major mergers. Specifically the spin parameter is an increasing function of this number.

We present a broad range of complementary observations of the onset and impulsive phase of a fairly large (1B, M1.2) but simple two-ribbon flare. The observations consist of hard X-ray flux measured by the SMM HXRBS, high-sensitivity measurements of microwave flux at 22 GHz from Itapetinga Radio Observatory, sequences of spectroheliograms in UV emission lines from Ov (T ≈ 2 × 105 K) and Fexxi (T ≈ 1 × 107 K) from the SMM UVSP, Hα and Hei D3 cine-filtergrams from Big Bear Solar Observatory, and a magnetogram of the flare region from the MSFC Solar Observatory. From these data we conclude:
  1. The overall magnetic field configuration in which the flare occurred was a fairly simple, closed arch containing nonpotential substructure.
  2. The flare occurred spontaneously within the arch; it was not triggered by emerging magnetic flux.
  3. The impulsive energy release occurred in two major spikes. The second spike took place within the flare arch heated in the first spike, but was concentrated on a different subset of field lines. The ratio of Ov emission to hard X-ray emission decreased by at least a factor of 2 from the first spike to the second, probably because the plasma density in the flare arch had increased by chromospheric evaporation.
  4. The impulsive energy release most likely occurred in the upper part of the arch; it had three immediate products:
  1. An increase in the plasma pressure throughout the flare arch of at least a factor of 10. This is required because the Fexxi emission was confined to the feet of the flare arch for at least the first minute of the impulsive phase.
  2. Nonthermal energetic (~ 25 keV) electrons which impacted the feet of the arch to produce the hard X-ray burst and impulsive brightening in Ov and D3. The evidence for this is the simultaneity, within ± 2 s, of the peak Ov and hard X-ray emissions.
  3. Another population of high-energy (~100keV) electrons (decoupled from the population that produced the hard X-rays) that produced the impulsive microwave emission at 22 GHz. This conclusion is drawn because the microwave peak was 6 ± 3 s later than the hard X-ray peak.

An analysis of the data concerning high-velocity stars from Eggen's catalogue aimed at a determination of the approximate slope of the mass function for the spherical component of our Galaxy, and at estimating the local circular velocity, as well as the local rotation velocity, as by-products, has been performed. Our conclusions are that:
  1. A linear dependence of the mass on the radius is very likely;
  2. the value of the limiting radius is most likely equal to (40±10) kpc;
  3. the two local velocities are approximately equal to each other, being both equal to (230±30) km s?1;
  4. the local escape velocity appears to be most likely equal to (520±30) km s?1;
  5. the total mass of a corona, obtained in this way, is (5±1)×1011 M .

In this paper we review the drift theory of charged particles in electric and magnetic fields. No new physical interpretations are added to this classical topic, but through an alternative, simplified derivation of the guiding centre velocity, several complexities are eliminated and possible misconceptions of the theory are clarified. It is shown that:
  1. The curvature/gradient drift velocity in the magnetic field, averaged over a particle distribution function is to lowest order in the direction of?×B/B 2, while the average particle velocity is in the direction ofB×? P withP the scalar particle pressure.
  2. These drift directions are correct for first-order expansions of the particle distribution function, and only second-order or higher expansions change these directions.
  3. The?×B/B 2 drift, which is the standard gradient plus curvature drift, and which is usually considered as a ‘single particle’ drift, need not be ‘reconciled’ with theB×? P, or ‘macroscopic, collective’ drift, as is often asserted in the literature. They are in fact related per definition and we show how.
  4. When viewed in fixed momentum intervals (p,p+dp), the so-called Compton-Getting factor enters into the electric field (E×B)/B 2 drift term.
  5. The results are independent of the scale length of variation ofE andB, in contrast to existing drift theory. We discuss the implications of this result for three important cases.

This paper outlines the problems of the quasi-steady matter-antimatter boundary layers discussed in Klein-Alfvén's cosmological theory, and a crude model of the corresponding ambiplasma balance is presented:
  1. At interstellar particle densities, no well-defined boundary layer can exist in presence of neutral gas, nor can such a layer be sustained in an unmagnetized fully ionized ambiplasma.
  2. Within the limits of applicability of the present model, sharply defined boundary layers are under certain conditions found to exist in a magnetized ambiplasma. Thus, at beta values less than unity, a steep pressure drop of the low-energy components of matter and antimatter can be balanced by a magnetic field and the electric currents in the ambiplasma.
  3. The boundary layer thickness is of the order of 2x 0?10/BT 0 1/4 metres, whereB is the magnetic field strength in MKS units andT 0 the characteristic temperature of the low-energy components in the layer.

J. J. Aly 《Solar physics》1992,138(1):133-162
Some useful properties of a finite energy, constant-α, force-free magnetic field B α occupying a half-space D are presented. In particular:
  1. Fourier and Green representations of B α are obtained and used to derive conditions for the existence and uniqueness of a B α having a given normal component B z on the boundary ?D.
  2. The asymptotic behaviour of B α at infinity as well as stability results against changes in the boundary condition on ?D and in the value of α are established.
  3. The energy of B α is shown to be smaller than the energy of the open field having the same B z on ?D, thus confirming an earlier conjecture (Aly, 1984).
  4. B α is proved to not be a Taylor-Heyvaerts-Priest state, in spite of the fact that its relative helicity H is finite and that it is the only solution of the Lagrange-Euler equation associated with the problem of minimizing the energy among all the fields having the same value of H and the same B z on ?D.

On three nights in February 1976 we carried out polarimetric measurements, in V, of the short periodic eclipsing binary XY UMa, covering a complete cycle. The results are as follows:
  1. Within all phase intervals the linear polarization does not exceed 0.1%.
  2. In the phase range 0 p .95–1 p .35 the scatter of the Stokes parametersQ andU is about twice that within the phase interval 0 p .35–0 p .95.
  3. A periodogram analysis of these data revealed a period of 21000 s, which is equal to half the orbital periodP o=0d.47899 within 1.5%.
From these we derive the conclusions that no circumstellar envelope can be made responsible for the observed long-term changes of the light curve and system brightness, supporting the earlier spectroscopic finding. The different scatter of the Stokes parameters at different phase intervals and theP o/2 periodicity are in favor of the star spot model for XY UMa proposed by one of the authors (E. G.).  相似文献   

We investigate the ‘equilibrium’ and stability of spherically-symmetric self-similar isothermal blast waves with a continuous post-shock flow velocity expanding into medium whose density varies asr ahead of the blast wave, and which are powered by a central source (a pulsar) whose power output varies with time ast ω?3. We show that:
  1. for ω<0, no physically acceptable self-similar solution exists;
  2. for ω>3, no solution exists since the mass swept up by the blast wave is infinite;
  3. ? must exceed zero in order that the blast wave expand with time, but ?<2 in order that the central source injects a finite total energy into the blast wave;
  4. for 3>ωmin(?)>ω>ωmax(?)>0, where $$\begin{gathered} \omega _{\min } (\varphi ){\text{ }} = {\text{ }}2[5{\text{ }} - {\text{ }}\varphi {\text{ }} + {\text{ }}(10{\text{ }} + {\text{ 4}}\varphi {\text{ }} - {\text{ 2}}\varphi ^2 )^{1/2} ]^2 [2{\text{ }} + {\text{ (10 }} + {\text{ 4}}\varphi {\text{ }} - {\text{ 2}}\varphi ^2 {\text{)}}^{{\text{1/2}}} ]^{ - 2} , \hfill \\ \omega _{\max } (\varphi ){\text{ }} = {\text{ }}2[5{\text{ }} - {\text{ }}\varphi {\text{ }} - {\text{ }}(10{\text{ }} + {\text{ 4}}\varphi {\text{ }} - {\text{ 2}}\varphi ^2 )^{1/2} ]^2 [2{\text{ }} - {\text{ (10 }} + {\text{ 4}}\varphi {\text{ }} - {\text{ 2}}\varphi ^2 {\text{)}}^{{\text{1/2}}} ]^{ - 2} , \hfill \\ \end{gathered} $$ two critical points exist in the flow velocity versus position plane. The physically acceptable solution must pass through the origin with zero flow speed and through the blast wave. It must also pass throughboth critical points if \(\varphi > \tfrac{5}{3}\) , while if \(\varphi< \tfrac{5}{3}\) it must by-pass both critical points. It is shown that such a solution exists but a proper connection at the lower critical point (for ?>5/3) (through whichall solutions pass with thesame slope) has not been established;
  5. for 3>ω>ωmin(?) it is shown that the two critical points of (iv) disappear. However a new pair of critical points form. The physically acceptable solution passing with zero flow velocity through the origin and also passing through the blast wave mustby-pass both of the new critical points. It is shown that the solution does indeed do so;
  6. for 3>ωmin(?)>ωmax(?)>ω it is shown that the dependence of the self-similar solution on either ω or ? is non-analytic and therefore, inferences drawn from any solutions obtained in ω>ωmax(?) (where the dependence of the solutionis analytic on ω and ?) are not valid when carried over into the domain 3>ωmin(?)>ωmax(?)>ω;
  7. all of the physically acceptable self-similar solutions obtained in 3>ω>0 are unstable to short wavelength, small amplitude but nonself-similar radial velocity perturbations near the origin, with a growth which is a power law in time;
  8. the physical self-similar solutions are globally unstable in a fully nonlinear sense to radial time-dependent flow patterns. In the limit of long times, the nonlinear growth is a power law in time for 5<ω+2?, logarithmic in time for 5>ω+2?, and the square of the logarithm in time for 5=ω+2?.
The results of (vii) and (viii) imply that the memory of the system to initial and boundary values does not decay as time progresses and so the system does not tend to a self-similar form. These results strongly suggest that the evolution of supernova remnants is not according to the self-similar form.  相似文献   

R. Muller 《Solar physics》1973,29(1):55-73
A sequence of 34 photographs of the main spot of the group H 26 (Daily Maps of the Sun, Freiburg 1970, Rome number 5847) has been obtained with the 38 cm refractor of the Pic-du-Midi Observatory, showing throughout a resolution very close or equal to 0′'.3. An interval of 3 hr is covered. The pictures taken at intervals of 6 min approximately permit to study the fine structure of the penumbra and associated phenomena:
  1. The penumbra appears to consist of bright grains, generally lined up in the form of filaments, showing up against a dark background (see Figure 1).
  2. The bright grains form all over the penumbra (see Figure 5).
  3. They move toward the umbra of the spot. Their horizontal velocity is zero at the border penumbra-photosphere and maximum at the umbral border (0.5 km s?1) (see Figures 3,4 and 8). Therefore, the grains never originate in the photosphere nor do they enter it.
  4. They disappear in the penumbra proper or, if they form near enough to the umbra and live long enough, they can enter the umbra and their appearance becomes similar to that of umbral dots.
  5. The life time of the grains is a function of their place of origin within the penumbra: It is maximum and of the order of 3 hr or more for those forming in the middle part of the penumbra, and 50 and 40 min respectively for the points formed in the inner and outer part of the penumbra.

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