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水资源可持续利用是经济社会发展的重大战略问题。近年来,黄河下游水量持续偏枯,用水量不断增加,水污染范围逐步扩大,污染程度日益加重,黄河水资源管理面临水资源短缺和水污染程度加剧两大难题。当前,采取多种措施确保水资源可持续利用势在必行。  相似文献   

系统分析评价研究了2004年四川水土资源开发利用现状特征及其存在的主要问题,针对四川人地矛盾日趋尖锐、水土流失严重、水资源利用率低、水资源污染仍较严重尤其饮用水源地水质堪忧等制约全省经济社会可持续发展的重要因素,提出了实现四川水土资源可持续利用的对策和措施。  相似文献   

水资源可持续利用是经济社会发展的重大战略问题。近年来,黄河下游水量持续偏枯,用水量不断增加,水污染范围逐步扩大,污染程度日益加重,黄河水资源管理面临水资源短缺和水污染程度加剧两大难题。当前,采取多种措施确保水资源可持续利用势在必行。1黄河水资源现状1.1水资源缺乏黄河以占全国河川径流总量2%的水资源,承载着全国12%的人口、15%的耕地和50多座大中城市的供水任务。由于自然因素、人类活动的影响以及黄河水资源无节制地开发利用,导致黄河断流、水污染加剧、水资源供需矛盾日益突出。黄河从1972年开始出现断流,1972-1999年的28年间…  相似文献   

四川省农业资源开发利用现状及可持续利用对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用系统、综合分析法,全面、系统、科学的分析评价了四川农业资源开发利用现状及其发展变化趋势,针对四川耕地面积不断减少、人地矛盾日趋尖锐、水土流失严重、水资源利用率低、水资源污染日趋严重等制约四川经济社会可持续发展的主要因素,提出了切实保护耕地、加强生态环境保护和建设、防治水资源污染、提高水资源利用率和供水能力等一系列实现农业资源可持续利用的对策和措施.  相似文献   

在自然因素和人为破坏下,新埠江流域旱涝灾害频繁史替,生活水源严重污染.生态系统结构不平衡,岩溶塌陷等地质灾害严重.水资源环境日益恶化。文章根据新埠江流域的水资源特点.从水土资源的利用、农业产业结构的调整和人口素质的提高等几个方面提出该地区社会经济持续发展与水资源综合开发利用的措施和建议.  相似文献   

由于煤炭的大量开采引发许多环境地质问题,特别是对水资源的影响较为严重.本文分别从水量减少、水位降低、水质污染、地层蓄水构造变化等方面论述了煤矿开采对水资源的影响,并指出由此引发的相关的问题,最后提出相应的水环境现状治理和水资源保护对策.  相似文献   

山东省水资源不足,且分布不均,对经济和生态环境已产生严重影响。南水北调工程是缓解山东水资源紧缺,维持山东水资源可持续利用的根本性措施。建议调整一期一步工程路线,并合理解决污染、南四湖东平湖调蓄、胶东应急工程及资金问题。  相似文献   

本文对许昌市区地下水源资的赋存、补给条件以及开采现状,地表水和地下水的污染程度都作了较详尽的评述。并指出由于过量开采引起的地面沉降正在逐年加剧,由此而给许昌市区今后的工农业发展及人民的生活安全埋下了一个隐患。针对许昌市水资源短缺和严重污染的现状,提出了许多治污、开源节流的合理建议;这不仅对许昌市,就是对类似水资源条件的其它中小域市也是一个良好的借鉴。  相似文献   

李红 《国土资源》2011,(9):47-47
当今世界水源污染与水资源短缺问题并存,而我国又是一个水资源贫乏的国家,人均水资源仅为世界平均水平的四分之一。据统计,全国600多个城市中存在不同程度缺水的有400余个。水资源是宝贵的,而矿泉水作为水中精品,则更显珍贵。对其实施合理的开发利用,对改善人民生活质量,保护资源与环境,促进经济社会的可持续发展都具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

水资源比其他环境资源具有更强的区域牲特征、当一定区域的自然生态失去平衡和环境遭受污染时、首先会在水质和水量的变化上明显表现出来,文中分析了我国的水资源现状。指出在重视水质变化的同时,须重视水资源保护和水量变化的中长期预测。加强未来气候与水资源变化预测与对策的综合研究。  相似文献   

Serious desertification caused by human activity and climate change, in addition to water loss and soil erosion related to arsenic sandstone in the Mu Us Sandy Land, lead to severe scarcity of soil and water resources, which causes worse local agricultural conditions accordingly. Many physical properties of arsenic sandstone is complementary with that of sand, arsenic sandstone is therefore supposed to be blended to enhance water productivity and arability of sandy land. Container experiments are carried out to study the enhancement of water holding capacity of the mixture, the blending ratio of arsenic sandstone and sand, and the proper size of the arsenic sandstone particles, respectively. The results of the experiments show that particle size of 4 cm with a ratio of 1 : 2 between arsenic sandstone and sand are the proper parameters on blending. Both water content and fertility increase after blending. Water use efficiency in the mixture is 2.7 times higher than that in sand by the water release curves from experiments. Therefore, a new sand control and development model, including arsenic sandstone blending with sand, efficient water irrigation management and reasonable farming system, is put forward to control and develop sandy land so that water-saving agriculture could be developed. Demonstration of potato planting about 153.1 ha in area in the Mu Us Sandy Land in China indicates that water consumption is 3018 m3/ha in the whole growth period. It means that about 61% of irrigation water can be saved compared with water use in coarse sand without treatment. Recycle economic mode and positive feedback of sand resource-crop planting-soil resource are constructed, which changes sand into arable soil and make it possible to develop water-saving agriculture on it. The proposed model will be helpful for soil-water resources utilization and management in the Mu Us Sandy Land.  相似文献   

由于采煤塌陷造成大面积耕地损毁,为恢复农业生产和改善生态环境,应实施采煤塌陷地土地复垦工程,而水资源配置是顺利实施复垦工程的重要前提。该文以济宁市采煤塌陷地土地复垦工程项目为例,分析了工程实施前后取水水源、用水量变化、水源配置和供需平衡,提出了"因地制宜、分质供水"的原则,为在其他采煤塌陷土地复垦区做好水资源保障提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

Shifting cultivation is a traditional farming system practiced in the tropical mountainous areas. Although it has been widely perceived as an economically inefficient and environmentally harmful agricultural production system, recent science reviews, however, indicate that the deleterious impacts of shifting cultivation on environment may have been overestimated. Despite the pressures of agricultural intensification in areas where shifting cultivation occurs, farmers across the tropics still maintain this traditional farming system. The objective of this study was to explore existing traditional shifting cultivation practices and their various modifications including the innovative farming techniques developed by farmers in the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHTs), the mountainous region of Bangladesh, and examine their importance with respect to recent socio-economic and environmental changes. The study revealed that shifting cultivation still exists as the most dominant farming method which supports livelihoods and culture of the hill ethnic people. However, demand for more food and household income to meet livelihood needs of an increasing population combined with a rapid deterioration of soil and water quality over decades contributed to development of innovative farming practices through fallow land farming, crop substitution, agroforestry and homestead gardening in the CHTs. Through these farming techniques farmers maintain a strong relationship with traditional knowledge system embedded in the age-old shifting cultivation practices. Today state policies and market forces act in favor of replacement of traditional farming with intensive cash crop agriculture. It seems that disappearance of traditional farming practices from the hills may threaten local biodiversity and food security. It may be recommended that shifting cultivation should be encouraged in areas where they have potential for contributing to preservation of native biodiversity and ecosystem services, and protection of local peoples’ food security and cultural identity.  相似文献   

Study results on changes of rivers, lakes and coastlines have great significance for water resource exploitation, land use planning, industry, and agriculture. Recognition of traces of changed water areas can be done more quickly and correctly by processing multitime and multi-type remote sensing data and image matching and enhancement with computer and optical equipments than by using conventional methods. Features of water area changes in ancient times can be recoverd by comparing Landsat data and airphotos with historical records. Remote sensing technique is very efficient for monitoring short-term quantitative changes of water areas. Systematic analysis of the remote sensing data of this region shows that river changes have become less frequent, that the area of lakes has decreased year by year, and that the coast line at the river mouth has continually moved seaward. Huanghe river activity caused changes of water areas here in ancient times. But human activities have been playing an increasingly important role in modern times.  相似文献   

China is a great agricultural country with large population,limited soil resources and traditional farming mode,so the central government has been attaching great importance to the development of agriculture and put forward a new agricultural technology revolution-the transformation from traditional agricultrure to modern agriculture and from exten-sive farming to intensive farming,Digital agriculture is the core of agricultural informatization.The enforcement of digital agriculture will greatly promote agricultural technology revolution.two agricultural transformations and its rapid develop-ment,and enhance China‘s competitive power after the entrance of WTO.To carry out digital agriculture,the frame sys-tem of digital agriculture is required to be studied in the first place,In accordance with the theory and technology of digi-tal earth and in combination with the agricultural reality of China,this artile outlines the frame system of digital agricul-ture and its main content and technology support.  相似文献   


Agrarian system is well adapted in Himalayan eco-system. Hence, the people have adopted the traditional subsistence cereal farming and it becomes the main stay of Himalayan people. About 80 percent of the workable force is attached with agriculture and its allied practices, according to the census of 1991. Although, horticultural farming runs parallel with agriculture, its proportion in terms of land is quite less, resulted in a negligible place in the economy of the region. Human resources, mainly men are attached with national security after recruitment in Army. While, women play a vital and integrated role in maintaining the workable potential in the field of agriculture and are known as backbone of economy. An animal resource implies foremost and wider part in agricultural system and economy as well Water resources are unutilized yet, while almost all the major rivers of our country are originated from and flowing through this region. Increasing population causes forest resources depletion. The economy of the region is rested either on ‘traditional cereal farming‘ or ‘money order based‘ development, which could not take place due to its remoteness from the main streams of the country. The impactof modern technology with innovation in agricultural system remains impracticable due to unwillingness of people in one hand and on the other hand, adversege ographical conditions like topography, climate etc. which could not permit the uses of modern innovation in the field of agriculture. As for infra-structurally, this region is lacked behind, due to its inaccessibility. While, this region is bestowed with numerous rivers, many places for tourists and pilgrims, and huge forest resources. They might be used evenly in thedevelopment processes. The practice of tourism will help for the further development, particularly, in the wake of the newly born state, Uttaranchal. The present paper aims to evaluate the present potentiality of resources and their balanced utilization in the Pindar Basin. A precise study has been done on resource utilization, ecology and environment with keeping view in mind that more or less exploitation of resources could not influence the environment and the economy of the region.  相似文献   

为有效管理和保护永城市浅层地下水资源,维系水资源可续利用,必须查明其污染物的分布特征和来源。在对永城市浅层地下水采样分析的基础上,结合分析城市发展带来产业布局改变及土地利用类型分布对其造成的影响,研究其主要污染组分的来源及分布特征。结果表明:城市第二产业(工矿业)发展,GDP的增长与浅层地下水中ρ(SO2-4)、ρ(NO-3)上升存在相关性,城市工业及人口密集区与污染严重区位置趋于一致。浅层地下水污染的最主要来源是SO2-4含量的上升,除了直接导致水质变差外,还会间接改变水文地球化学作用的强度,造成原本难溶的碳酸盐和硅酸盐的溶解量增大,使得ρ(TDS)进一步上升而改变水质。其次,NO-3、COD也是浅层地下水主要的污染来源,其部分来源工业废水,部分来源于农业上农药和化肥的过量使用。  相似文献   

黄河三角洲高效生态经济区的建立,将迎来大规模的基础建设和资源的消耗,从而加剧经济发展—资源消耗—环境污染之间的矛盾。黄河三角洲地区成陆时间较短,地质资源环境比较脆弱,淡水资源相对贫乏,近海地区生态保护及堤防修复压力较大。确定该区地质资源(水资源、土地资源)环境所能承受的人类各种社会经济活动的能力,并预测今后该区大规模人类活动可能对资源环境造成的影响。  相似文献   

通过分析区内特色农业种植区的地形地貌、包气带岩性结构、土壤质地类型等农业地质背景条件及浅层地下水水位、水质、水量等农业水文地质条件,总结工作区土壤盐渍化、土地沙化、水土污染、土壤肥力衰减等农业环境地质问题及其分布规律,查明了工作区土壤的地球化学特征及其与特色农产品之间的关系,并进行特色农业地质环境质量综合评价,研究特色农产品与农业地质环境的关系,提出了农业种植区发展区划与建议。  相似文献   

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